Gregory Lincoln Education Center

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|Teacher’s Name: Bina Singh Week of:10/20/2014-10/24/2014 |

|Grade Level: 9th Subject: Pre AP Biology |


| |This is the activity that |OBJECTIVES |Accessing Prior Knowledge, New |How will students show you that|(What different teaching strategies | |

| |students will be expected |What will students know and be able |Information, Apply Knowledge, |they know and can do using a |are used to teach all students | |

| |to do before class begins.|to do? How will you let them know |Generalization |variety of formative |including GT, 504,LEP, and Special | |

| | |the goals? Write in student | |assessments? |Ed?) | |

| | |friendly language. | | | | |

| |Think of a disease which | |Looking at the Genes ,figure out |Activity-Identify the Mutation | |Manipulatives |

| |could be caused by any |BIOLOGY TEKS 6C |where is the mutation happening and | |Use of Models, |Chromosome model, |

|Mon |type of Mutation. Which |Explain the purpose of DNA&RNA in |mention its type. | |Case studies of different Patients, |Karyotypes |

| |type of mutation is more |the process of Transcription, |Looking at the Karyotype ,identify |Quiz on Pearson’s website. |Examples, |Computer, Websites for case |

| |dangerous, Point or |Translation |the chromosomal mutations happened |Case study of different |Visuals |studies |

| |Frame-shift? |And any changes/mistakes might have | |patients. | | |

| |Claim, prove & Explain |happened. | |Brochure on Cystic Fibrosis. | | |

|Tues |“ |“ |“ |“ |“ |“ |

| |Why are only some genes | |Compare the gene expression in |Activity=Reading on Usefulness |Bozeman’s Science Video |Models, |

| |expressed out of so many | |Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. |of STEM cells. |Khan Academy, |Computer, |

|Wed |genes present on a |BIOLOGY TEKS 6D | |Essay on STEM cells. |Quizlet, |Website |

| |chromosome.? |Recognize that gene expression is a | |Quiz on Pearson’s website |Video on Pearson-realize. | |

| |Does this gene regulation |regulated process | | |Models,Peer pairing | |

| |help? | | | | | |

| |Why are only some genes |Review on 6A,6B,6C&6D | | | | |

| |expressed out of so many | | | | | |

|Thurs |genes present on a |SNAPSHOT-2 |SNAPSHOT-2 |--------------- |-------------- |-------------------------- |

| |chromosome.? | |-------- | | | |

| |Does this gene regulation | | | | | |

| |help? | | | | | |

| |Review on 6A,6B,6C&6D | | | | | |

| | |SNAPSHOT-2 |---------------- |---------------- |------------------- |--------------- |

|Fri | | | | | | |


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