
Learn to play Dungeons and Dragons at home. Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a game like no other, where you and your friends will be entered into a world of magical spells, dangerous dungeons, glistening treasure, fearsome foes, legendary heroes and have adventures that will last a lifetime. In this fantasy world, the possibilities are limitless.This is a shared storytelling game where one player is the dungeon master, guiding the players and setting the scene. Whilst the other players, and the heroes they play, interact with the world, where their own decisions and actions, can radically alter the course of the tale. At the table, in your shared imagination, worlds are built and changed, in this game like no other. Never the same game twice, and incredibly. Incredibly fun! And the best thing is everything you need to play is available for free, online, and at home. In order to play Dungeons and Dragons you will need :The rulesDice Some Players and some charactersA Dungeon MasterAn Adventure Somewhere to meet and play virtuallySome timeTHE RULESDungeons and Dragons is made by a company called Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast are keen for as many people to play Dungeons and Dragons as possible and, as such, have made the basic rules of the game available for free on their website. Here is the link to the page with the basic rules on the Wizards of the Coast website: you can just download the 5E rules direct here: and Dragons has been around for a while, the latest edition is called “fifth edition” “Dungeons and Dragons Fifth edition” or most commonly “5e” or “5E”The rules can look a little intimidating to begin with! Stick with it, and remember you don’t need to know all the rules. Many players have been playing for years and still don’t know everything! This is for fun, read through what you can. Once you start playing lots of things will make more sense.Really there is only ONE rule in D&D. And that rule is “roll a twenty sided dice and add or minus something.” If the number you end up with is higher than a number your Dungeon Master has in mind, you pass, if not you fail. That’s it! If you can do this as a basic rule you can build on everything else as you go along. In Dungeons and Dragons you will only ever really do two things. 1) You will fight something/something will fight you and 2) everything else in the world. So if you can try and understand the rules for “Combat” and “Ability Checks” (doing everything else in the world) you will have a good start. If you are unclear of a rule you can google “whatever the rule is (e.g. combat)” and “5E” and you will find pages of results and help. YouTube also has lots of videos on all the rules (particularly combat and ability checks) as well, some useful channels to check out will follow later. DICEAt various points in your adventure you will want to do something, your dungeon master will ask you to roll a dice. Dungeons and Dragons uses some dice you may not have seen before. These are called polyhedral dice and consist of a D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20. Where “D” stands for Dice and the number is the number of sides on the dice. So a D20 is a 20 sided dice.Polyhedral dice are easy to purchase online if you wish. But a completely free option is to type “Dice Roller” into google. This will bring up a set of electronic dice that you click on to roll. Likewise you can also download a number of dice rolling apps onto your phone if you prefer.PLAYERS/CHARACTERSHopefully you will be able to persuade a few friends or family members to join you on adventure. If not there are several online forums and groups where you can find other players (just google “find 5e players online”)Once you have your group. Each player will need to make a character. This is who you will play in the world. Each character is different, but is defined by two main things. Firstly your race, (dwarves, elves, humans etc.) and secondly your class, or job (wizards, rogues (thieves), rangers etc.). Each one has different benefits and disadvantages. For your first time playing don’t worry too much, just pick something you like the look and sound of and go with that! It’ll be good enough to start and you can always change your character later.The easiest way to create a character is using the site: (the character creator is at the bottom of the front page). The free version doesn’t have all the races and characters but will have sufficient so you can create something interesting. There are lots of online tutorials if you need any help, although the website will guide you through the process.If you want to skip this step and use some character sheets that have already been made, Wizards of the Coast has lots of pregenerated characters on their website which can be found here: if you would like to make your own character completely from scratch, here is a link to a blank character sheet, which you can fill in electronically or print off. Dungeon MasterUnless you are joining an existing group, if you are the person who is trying to get your friends to play D&D you are likely to be the Dungeon Master (DM) for your first session. Don’t worry though, it’s equally as fun as playing, very easy, and some would say more enjoyableHere is an excellent video by YouTuber Matt Colville which will talk you through some of the things you need to know, and give you and adventure to run: Colville is a great mentor. As a new DM YouTube is full of videos offering useful advice and it is well worth looking at some of the channels in the useful links section at the end of this document. There are also lots of sites on the internet offering advice for new DMS. It can seem like a daunting task to run a game. Just remember you don’t need to know all the rules. If you don’t know a rule, let your players know, make something up that works, and look it up later. All you need to remember is “roll a D20 add or minus something", but here you will make up the number that says whether the players pass or fail.The most important rule is have fun, and make sure your players are having fun. As a dungeon master remember you are working with the players, not against them. Help them out, offer advice, try not to kill them all on the first turn. Work together to have the best adventure you can.An AdventureIf you are lucky enough to be a player your Dungeon Master will bring the adventure for you. If you are a player please remember to be respectful. Your Dungeon Master will have worked hard to find something for you all to enjoy, work with them (not against them) and help to tell a brilliant story.If you are a Dungeon Master you will be responsible for bringing an adventure. You will need to prepare this beforehand. There are three options for this: 1) You can write your own adventure (there is lots of advice online on how to do this) 2) You can run a prewritten adventure or 3) A combination of the two. For your first time running a game you may want to use a pre written adventure. It can be easier than having to come up with everything from scratch, and will give you a guideline to work from.Wizards of the Coast is currently offering lots of material for free via their website. You can find it here: It’s updated daily so keep checking in. The Dungeon Masters Guild also has lots of free adventures and resources available, as well as other adventures you can buy: you don’t like any parts of the premade adventure, don’t think your players will like it, or don’t know how to run part of an adventure, you can always throw them out and write your own replacements. Whatever is easiest for you, and whatever you think your players will enjoy most is fine.Somewhere to meet and play virtuallyDungeons and Dragons is incredibly popular, but often people cannot physically get together to play. This means there are an ever expanding number of ways to play online, with lots of websites available to help you set up a virtual game. One of the most popular sites for playing virtual Dungeons and Dragons is Roll 20. This is their website: . Roll 20 has lots of tutorials on the site to show you how to get the most from it, there are also plenty of YouTube videos to watch if you want to learn more. Wizards of the Coast provide this information about other ways to play online: long does Dungeons and Dragons last? Well that depends on your players! Usually a session will last around three to four hours. If people are keen to play again, or your adventure didn’t quite finish you might end up running over two, three, or more sessions. A series of sessions is known as a campaign. Campaigns can last weeks, months, years, or even decades. It’s all down to you and your friends as to how long you want to go on adventuring. Often arranging a regular time slot to play can be useful, of all the things mentioned here that you need time, and a time when all your players are free, can often be the most difficult to find. But with a bit of organisation, you should be able to manage it. And that’s it! Or at least that’s a start…. Hopefully this will give you enough information to begin your first steps into the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons. Millions of people play the game all over the world. Which is millions of people joining together to play a game and tell stories. Every single game is different, and each individual player shapes the story. Hopefully you will become one of those players and will find your story in this world of adventure!Useful links YouTube Channels:Matt Colville: : Skorkowsky : to be a great GM: Role: of the Coast Website: Beyond: : ................

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