UNDE – The Union of National Defence Employees





Brothers and Sisters,

This report represents my activities as UNDE Executive Vice President from to April to November 2015.

Apr 8 COMTRA teleconference

Apr 10 Local Presidents Conference Planning Committee teleconference

Apr 13 Ottawa Gatineau Union Locals meeting

Apr 21 - 24 UNDE National Executive meeting

Apr 25 - May1 PSAC Triennial Convention

Apr 28 Day of Mourning

May 12 UNDE National Executive teleconference

May 19 Day of Action Rally

May 26 Political Action/Collective Bargaining Committee meeting

May 28 Compensation Workforce Adjustment meeting

Jun 1 PSAC Component Presidents meeting

Jun 1 – 5 PSAC National Board of Directors meeting


Jun 5 - 6 UNDE Local Presidents Conference

Jun 7 Travel to Gagetown, NB

Jun 8 – 9 Gagetown UMCC Workshop pilot

Jun 10 Travel to Goosebay

Jun 11 – 12 Goosebay UMCC Workshop pilot

Jun 12 Goosebay Local 90125 meeting

Jun 13 Travel to Ottawa

Jun 18 Atlantic Telephone Town hall

Jun 22 - 24 Nova Scotia Leadership Tour

Jun 25 UNDE Pension Advisory Committee meeting

Jun 29 Negotiations Preparation Meeting

Jul 9 EAP meeting

Jul 13 Tour CFB Esquimalt

Jul 14 - 17 UNDE 2017 Convention Site visit / BC Leadership Tour

Jul 30 – 31 New Brunswick Leadership Tour

Aug 4 – 10 Annual Leave

Aug 23 Ottawa Pride Parade

Aug 31 – Sept 2 Walter Callow Golf Tournament

Sept 3 Morneau Shepell meeting

Sept 4 UEW meeting

Sept 7 Labour Day

Sept 15 - 16 UNDE Bargaining Committee meeting

Sept 21 Mediaforce meeting

Sept 23 Alberta & the North Telephone Town hall

Sept 28 NCR/CSE Telephone Town hall

Oct 5 Manitoba/Saskatchewan Telephone Town hall

Oct 8 Ontario Telephone Town hall

Oct 12 Thanksgiving

Oct 15 Coldwell & Swol (Pay & Compensation) meeting

Oct 19 Federal Election

Oct 19 ADM HR CIV meeting

Oct 19 2016 Local Presidents Conference Committee teleconference

Oct 20 Post Elections Pension and Benefits Outlook meeting

Oct 22 National Executive Meeting teleconference

Oct 27 - 29 National Board of Directors meeting


COMTRA – We have a number of initiatives underway including:

• The Local Presidents Conference was very well received in Jun, 2015. COMTRA gathered feedback from the 2015 LPC and is using it to guide the 2016 LPC planning committee who is currently designing the agenda collectively. The 2016 LPC is scheduled for May 6 & 7 in Ottawa. I would like to thank Sister Colleen Girard who volunteered to Chair the 2016 LPC planning committee and to the rest of the committee members for all of their efforts and thank the staff for accommodating them in an effort to make this a very successful conference.

• Regional Training is ongoing, if you would like to have training in your region please do not hesitate to request assistance. Sandra is available to secure contract with hotels, equipment, etc. Kim will put to kits together and have them sent to the location of your choosing and Amanda will ensure the advances are available and the claims are paid (with appropriate advance notice). The database has been corrected to accurately reflect all the training and participants that has previously occurred. Steps have been taken to ensure future training and participants are correctly recorded however please provide my office with any missing information you are aware of.

• Grievance Handling Module 8 update is nearing completion by Brendalee based on the feedback of course participants and facilitators with consideration to upcoming legislation.

• Facilitator Training was held Jun 23-26 with Sisters Mona Simcoe and Sandra Griffith Bonaparte co-facilitating in Toronto. Thank you to the facilitating sisters and all the members who attended the very successful training event. A French Facilitators Training event will be organized upon request from the Quebec region.

• Resolution 81 requires UNDE to institute training for Locals of Separate Employers. COMTRA requested VP of each Region who represented Separate Employer members to canvas the members to determine specifically what training they would like have made available to them, only one VP responded with training that is already offered. As a result, COMTRA will no longer actively pursue this initiative until such time that Separate Employer Locals make their needs known.

• PSAC Investigations Training is scheduled to take place in Ottawa Jan 19-21 2016. English and French courses are to be held concurrently at the same location but in different meeting rooms to allow a consistent approach to the education in both languages. The training is being offered in an effort to meet the growing demand for trained investigators of complaints. Thank you to Sisters Mona Simcoe and Josée Bergeron for agreeing to facilitate and to Brothers Tony Tilley and Yvan Thauvette for agreeing to provide their subject matter expertise.

• Module 1 – The Local will be modified to include Intervener training

• New Employee Orientation kits are being developed for Locals to personalize and utilize for those times they are meeting with new members.

• UNDE Website has a survey which allows visitors to comment on what they like and dislike about the website to give us some perspective to what needs to be changed when we purchase the new software for a more dynamic, robust user-friendly website. Please encourage the members in your regions to fill out the short survey so we can be confident the changes we make create the website the membership wants.

• Membership Lists / Contact Information for AGMs due to the delay in the information the Locals receive, this year we provided a list for Locals to use at their AGM to ensure they only have members in good standing in attendance and give the members an opportunity to correct their contact information. We also provided a new Executive contact form to be completed and sent to Sister Kim Brackhahn. Upon receipt of this contact list Sister Sandra Montpetit will update the Local’s webpage to reflect the new or returning officers.

• Thank you to Sisters Mona Simcoe and Tamara Lindsay for their work and enthusiasm during this period. I would like to extend further gratitude to all the staff for their hard work and dedication, going the extra mile in an effort to make all the events as beneficial as possible; the events would not be nearly as successful without the extra effort extended by each of the staff members.


• LMCC – A LMCC was held May 4 2015 with no input received from members employed within CFHA. Please see attached minutes.


• Please encourage your members to address their concerns through their Union chain of command and have them voiced at the appropriate UMCC. I don’t often receive feedback when I callout for agenda items and yet I hear rumors of ongoing workplace issues. We have no chance of resolving these issues if they are not brought up at the appropriate venue.


• See attached minutes of the DRDC National UMCC meeting held Jun 3, 2015. [pic] [pic][pic][pic][pic]

• Next meeting scheduled for Dec 14, 2015

• Please encourage your members to address their concerns through their Union chain of command and have them voiced at the appropriate UMCC. I don’t often receive feedback when I callout for agenda items and yet I hear rumors of ongoing workplace issues. We have no chance of resolving these issues if they are not brought up at the appropriate venue.

• Please continue to encourage your DRDC Local Execs to forward their UMCC meeting minutes to myself.


• No activity to report

TB Exclusions

• Six exclusions were proposed during this reporting period, neither Local opposed the proposals.

TB Essential Services

• Although we are not near a legal strike position the employer provided Essential Service notices to many of the members without instruction on the appropriate process if a member approaches a picket line creating confusion and distress to the members.

AEU Negotiations

• The two contracts have expired however AEU has proposed this spring to begin the process of negotiating the next contract. We are currently exploring Interest Based Bargaining options.


• Please forward all joint committee meeting minutes to my office

• Please forward a synopsis and org chart of each portfolio you hold to my office

• Please advise my office of any resistance by the employer to allow union meetings, include all relevant material, dates and written documentation

National Officer Portfolios


|Newfoundland, Labrador & New |Dan Frost |Dennis Sheppard |B. Blaney |

|Brunswick | | | |

|Nova Scotia |Terry Kiley |Gerald McEachern |B. Blaney |

|Quebec |Philippe Turcq |Michel Allard |D. Verreault |

|Ontario |Serge Desbiens |Rose Smith-Gimblet |B. Gallagher |

|National Capital Region |Paulette Barker |Enza Ricci |B. Gallagher |

|Manitoba & Saskatchewan |Mona Simcoe |Glen Johnston |P. Dignan |

|Alberta & The North |Brenda Ebear |Robyn Westgarth/ Richard |P. Dignan |

| | |Parenteau | |

|British Columbia |Mark Miller |Lance Jesson |P. Dignan |

|Non-Public Funds |Tamara Lindsay |Charley Paul |D. Verreault |

|Communications Security |Monty Montgomery |Eugene Stone |P. Dignan |

|Establishment | | | |

|Classifications & |All TB Locals | |P. Dagenais |

|Work Descriptions | | | |

|PSST Complaints |All TB Locals | |L. Bisson |

|Separate Employer |All Separate Employer Locals | |L. Bisson |

|Human Rights |Gloria Kelly |Paul Jones |P. Dignan |

Joint Employer Committees


| |

|Air Staff |Mark Miller |Alternate – Serge Desbiens |As required / requested |

|Apprenticeship Program |Mark Miller | |B. Gallagher |

|ADM/IE |Mark Miller |Terry Kiley |As required / requested |

| | |Philippe Turcq | |

|CANOSCOM / Ammo Committee |Philippe Turcq |Gerry McEachern | |As required / requested |

|CF Housing Agency |June Winger | |As required / requested |

|CF Health Services |Paulette Barker | |As required / requested |

|DG ADR |June Winger | |B. Blaney |

|Land Staff |Philippe Turcq Dan |Regional | |

| |Frost |Dan Frost – 5th Div | |

| | |Terry Kiley – 5th Div | |

| | |Philippe Turcq - LFQA |As required / requested |

| | |Serge Desbiens - LFCA | |

| | |Mona Simcoe – 3rd Div | |

| | |Brenda Ebear – 3rd Div | |

|TB Exclusions |John MacLennan | |P. Dagenais |

| |June Winger | | |

|TB Essential Services |June Winger | |P. Dagenais |

|TB Collective Bargaining |John MacLennan | |D. Verrault |

| |June Winger | | |

|DRDC |June Winger | |As required/requested |

|EAP |Brenda Ebear | |D. Verrault |

|FR Steering |Serge Desbiens |Neil Perry |NL/NB |B. Blaney |

|Committee | | |NS | |

| | |Don Martin |PQ | |

| | |Steve Fortier |MB/SK | |

| | |Orlando Hamm |AB & The North | |

| | |Bill McKeown |BC | |

| | |Len Iansom |NCR | |

| | |Blair Winger | | |

|FR Fitness Evaluation | |Orlando Hamm | |B. Blaney |

|Ad Hoc Committee | |Neil Perry | | |

| | |Jason Elder | | |

|FR Wellness |Serge Desbiens |Jason Elder |AB |B. Blaney | |As required / requested |

|Committee | | |TBD | | | |

|GLMC (ADM Mat) |Philippe Turcq | |As required / requested |

|Health and Safety & |Terry Kiley | |As required / requested |

|Return to Work | | | |

|MARLANT |Terry Kiley | |As required / requested |

|MARPAC |Mark Miller | |As required / requested |

|NPF UMCC |Tamara Lindsay | |D. Verrault |

|UMCC |John MacLennan |June Winger |As required / requested |

|UMCC HR Sub-Committee |John MacLennan |June Winger |As required / requested |

UNDE Standing Committees



|Bylaws |Mark Miller |Paulette Barker |Bev Gallagher |

| | |Monty Montgomery | |

|Communications & Training |June Winger |Mona Simcoe |Kim Brackhahn |

|(COMTRA) | |Tamara Lindsay | |

| | | | |

|Finance |Philippe Turcq |Dan Frost |Brian Loshuk |

| | |Serge Desbiens | |

|Honours and Awards |Terry Kiley |Tamara Lindsay |Sandra Montpetit |

| | |Brenda Ebear | |

|Human Rights |Gloria Kelly | | |Paula Dignan |

| |(Alternate: Paul Jones) | | | |

| | | | | |

|PSAC NBOD |John MacLennan |June Winger (technical advisor or member in |Not Applicable |

| | |absence) | |

|Staff Negotiations |June Winger |Philippe Turcq |Not Applicable |

| | |Mark Miller | |

|Young Workers |Mona Simcoe | | |As required / requested |

Labour Relations Officer Reports

For period: April to November 2015

Labour Relations Officer – NPF and Quebec

Dan Verreault

Following is my report of activities for the above period.

The report is divided in three sections.

1. Meeting / Training and Conferences

2. Range of Services to membership

3. Representations

1.Meetings /Training and Conferences

• Nil for this period

2. Range of Services to Membership

• Maintained a contact information format for Quebec & NPF locals Reps;

• Continued discussions with all unions representatives;

• Provided language for Bargaining demands for NPF tables as well as grievances;

• Regular conversation with the Quebec Vice-President & Non Public Funds Vice-President;

• Gathered representation info for Health & Safety issues across NPF;

• Acted as LRO replacement when requested;

• Participated at a number of Grievances hearings; NPF and Treasury Board members;

• Assisted in mediations for Treasury Board & NPF members:

These only reflect some of my activities but are not limited to, as the position requires many adjustments has a normal day progresses

3. Representation

I have continued conversations with the employer’s representatives in reference to a number of grievances/complaints at 3rd level.

Represented / dealt with/ongoing:


|NPF 581 St-Jean |2015-10-31 |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation grievances |

|NPF 583 Bagotville |2015-11-30 | | | |

|NPF 682 Ottawa |2014-02-28 |Ongoing |1 | |

|NPF 580 Valcartier |2015-06-30 | | | |

|NPF 683 Trenton |2015-11-30 | | | |

|NPF 680 Petawawa |2016-04-30 | | | |

|NPF 681 Kingston |2015-06-30 | | | |

|NPF 380 Gagetown |2014-02-28 | | | |

|NPF 912 Suffield |2016-03-31 | | | |

|NPF 181 Goose-Bay |2016-06-30 | | | |

| |Treasury Board Grievances | | | |

|T.B. Québec | |Ongoing |38 + |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 629 |Ontario |Ongoing |2 |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 625 |Ontario |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation/investigations |

|T.B. Local 303 |New-Brunswick |Ongoing |1 |Labour relation/investigations |


Labour Relations Officer – NCR and Ontario

Bev Gallagher


• Answered telephone and e-mail queries

• Problem solved with my DND counterparts in DGWM as well as at the local levels

• Met with UNDE members from the NCR to discuss workplace issues

• Brainstormed with my colleagues

• Prepared arguments for grievance hearings

• Represented members at grievance hearings

• Mediated memorandums of agreement

• Exchanged with PSAC reps who are preparing cases for adjudication

• Read relevant documentation to keep abreast of new information.

• Assisted with the post-convention work.

Breakdown of the current outstanding grievances to be heard for Ontario:

• Termination = 1

• Suspension = 1

• Sick leave = 1

• Overtime = 2

• Discrimination = 2

• Duty to accommodate = 2

• Acting pay = 1

• Meal break = 1

• CPRR = 2

• Work description = 1

• Interference with Union business = 1

• Mistreatment = 1

• Staffing = 1

Breakdown of the current outstanding grievances to be heard for the NCR:

• Suspension = 1

• Harassment = 2

• Severance = 1

• Travel = 1

• WFA education allowance = 1

• Acting assignment = 1

• Leave with income averaging = 1

• Performance = 1

• Interest on back pay = 1

There are currently 16 grievances in abeyance in the Ontario region. These grievances all deal with the calculation of acting pay. The PSAC is still waiting the Board’s decision.

I have yet to receive replies to 9 grievances that have been heard at third level.


Labour Relations Officer – NL/NB and Nova Scotia

Brendalee Blaney

The following reflects a list of my activities for the period 1 April 2015 – 30 November 2015

- Reviewed/represented files under the following subjects:

Discrimination Performance Expectations

Harassment Discipline

Fitness to Work Duty to Accommodate

Medicals Paid Parking

Vacation Leave Overtime

Scents in the Workplace

I continued to represent the Atlantic Region this year. I had the opportunity to travel to Halifax and deliver the Mod 8 – Grievance Course. I also had the opportunity to travel to Petawawa and deliver the Module. I have spent quite a bit of time, although intermittently, in the past few months reviewing the module and hope to have a final draft for presentation to the chair of the COMTRA committee early in the new year.

I also represented a grievance before the NJC Relocation Directive Committee this summer. That file has now been referred to adjudication.

I continued to attend several PSAC Component Representative’s meetings this year. Discussions included PSAC Policy 23, Policy Grievances, the importance of timelines in the grievance process, etc. At the meeting in January, I have requested that Best Practices for MOAs and the implication of a Revocation of Enhanced Reliability/Security Clearances be put on the agenda.

I have also spent time on the FR Wellness Committee Meetings as well as the UNDE FR Steering Committee.

I have had several conversations with folks in the representation section of the PSAC in relation to a number of outstanding files at adjudication at were finally scheduled for hearings this year.

DGWM has done a shuffle at the corporate level and a new individual has been assigned to the Atlantic Region, Aude Manzaogol.


Labour Relations Officer - Prairies and the North, BC and CSE

Paula Dignan

My portfolio includes files for BC, the Prairies/North and CSE and the Component representative for Human Rights.


My main duties focused on providing guidance regarding workplace issues and communicating with both Local Union representatives and members by phone and email.

Of note was Training provided on Grievance handling for NPF representatives and preparations for the grievance handling module for the MB/Sask region.

Apart from my regular 3rd level grievance presentations to the employer representatives, I presented a grievance at the final level in front of the NJC relocation committee. This grievance was for a member having been relocated after accepting a reasonable job offer having been WFA’ed. The NJC Executive committee will be finalizing a response in February 2016 to this grievance.

When possible I attend professional development session mainly through Lancaster House presentations to keep up with current trends in Labor relations and conflict management.


There are several Duty to Accommodate issues at CSE that are ongoing and in consultation with the employer efforts are being made to use the mediation services of the PSLREB to assist in finding appropriate settlements for these cases.

Some members of CSE had a group grievance related to displaying Union propaganda. Although UNDE supported this grievance unfortunately the grievance was denied and then not referred to adjudication.

The market allowance grievances that were not sent to adjudication were re submitted and are now at the third level to be heard again by the Chief of CSE. The goal of these re submitted grievances is to ensure that CSE upholds the guidelines set in the first MA decision.

BC Region

There are workplace issues in POESB and several harassment complaints and grievances have been initiated due to this situation. I have consulted with the VP of the Region and have been advised that there is quite a number of management changes happening which should aid in dealing with the workplace issues.

I am in communication with Local representatives and Presidents and assist regularly in strategizing on how to handle workplace issues whether through consultation or filing grievances.

Although I refer the classification and job description issues to my colleague Brother Dagenais, there are always issues on the downgrading of trade classifications and managements changing the essential requirements when it comes to the number of “Skills tickets” for applying on certain trade jobs.

Members in BC were concerned that management had breached their confidentiality when management posted the names and position numbers of individuals in regards to a workplace restructuring. The Local was able to highlight this to management and the issue was appropriately resolved. I offered guidance on what recourse mechanism was available to members who were part of this breach of confidential information.


Unfortunately a UNDE member from this region had their security clearance revoked and I provided representation on several grievances submitted in regards to this situation. UNDE is still waiting on the employer’s response to these grievances.

I have provided advice on what recourse is available regard a member’s performance management review process.

I have also been advising a couple of Locals on accommodation issues.

AB / North

RTW and accommodation are tricky issues for CF bases and our members. Even more difficult are the issues in the Health Services and Dental clinics as management seems to be taking their direction from Ottawa who are focused on contracting out services and are close minded at bundling duties. I had Sister Barker bring the issue up at a National LMRC. I have been working with Locals to ensure that members with accommodation needs are not having their rights breached.


Labour Relations Officer – Classifications

Paul Dagenais

Classification Grievances:

Within the period of April 1, 2015 to November 1, 2015, I represented 56 grievances in 41 hearings.

BC:14, ABN:01 NFNB:02, NS:17, ON:,3 QC:13,NCR:05 total 59

In these 41 hearings, 14 were reclassified: 2 in QC, 3 in ONT, 1 in AB/N, and 9 in BC.

0 were withdrawn, 19 remained the same, and the rest have not been responded as of this date.

In addition, I represented staff relations on work descriptions. I also provided advice and guidance on classifications and subjects including interpretation of collective agreements, harassment and discrimination.

Furthermore, I responded to numerous E-mails as required.


Labour Relations Officer – Separate Employers & Staffing

Louis Bisson

1) Public Service Staffing Tribunal

Decision issued since my last report

No UNDE related decision issued by the PSLREB or the PSST since my last report.

One application for Judicial Review for a PSST complaint from the Alberta / North region was dismissed by the Federal Court in May 2015.

Waiting for a decision:

1 from the Ontario region

Waiting to be scheduled for an hearing

5 complaints are waiting to be scheduled for a hearing.

Alberta / North: 4

New Brunswick: 1

New Staffing complaints since my last report

29 new PSST complaints

British Columbia: 2

Alberta / North: 3

Nova Scotia: 4

Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick: 5

Québec: 3

NCR: 11

Ontario: 1

For a total of 34 active staffing complaints

2) Grievances Separate Employers

New grievances at final level or arbitration during this reporting period are listed on this report.

A) Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick

IMP Gander:

4 grievances (1 termination, 2 for discipline and 1 on harassment) were scheduled for an arbitration hearing in June 2015 but the hearing was postponed to 2016.

6 new grievances (5 on staffing procedures, 1 on overtime following for a schedule change)


5 new grievances (4 classification, 1 discipline)

B) Ontario

GDI (Local 639 - Petawawa):

1 termination grievance was resolved prior to the arbitration hearing that was scheduled for an hearing in August 2015

1 new grievance on Health and Safety minutes

Koprash - KFS (Local 636 - Borden):

1 group grievance scheduled for an arbitration hearing in April 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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