Pet Owners Visit Physicians Less than Non-Pet Owners

Owning a Pet is Good for Your Health!

Did you know that by owning a pet, you actually stay healthier?! New research shows that pet owners go to the doctor less frequently than their non-pet-owning peers. Economic analysis conducted by George Mason University projects more than $11 billion in savings in U.S. healthcare costs as a result of owning a pet. The biggest savings were due to a lower number of visits to the physician!

Other scientific studies have shown a positive impact from pet ownership. Examples include infection control, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cholesterol, allergies, stress, sleep problems, blood pressure and psychological issues. Additionally, people who walk their dogs have a lower incidence of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and arthritis to name a few.

It has been proven that our veterans with PTSD, physical handicaps and brain injuries recover faster, get off of their medications sooner, regain meaningful life skills and have a lower incidence of suicide if they have a pet or a service dog.

In conclusion, one of the best ways to stay healthy is to get a pet! Here at the Arlington Animal Hospital our number one job is to keep your pet healthy and to teach you how to do that. By keeping your pet healthy, we in turn keep you healthy! It is a win-win situation.

Springtime is an excellent time of year to have your pet examined tip-to-toe, weighed for fitness, tested for parasites, vaccinated for viruses and ultimately prescribed Heartworm and Flea Preventative medication. I can't wait to see you! Call us for an appointment today.

Have a Miraculous March!

Dr. Bonnie


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