Just Us Girls QuizJust Us Girls is designed to meet you right where you’re at!Take this fun personality quiz to find out what chapters will be the most helpful for you!1. What Disney Princess are you?a. Mulan (Mulan) b. Rapunzel (Tangled)c. Ariel (The Little Mermaid) d. Cinderella (Cinderella)2. What would you do with $100?a. Buy Clothes! Duh!b. Ask my friends what I should do with it.c. Save it.d. Spend it on new sports gear!3. What do you do in your free time?a. Call my friends, watch make up tutorials, and highlight each other’s hair.b. Work out. Train hard. Raid the pantry!c. Read my favorite novel…again, and learn a foreign language!d. Wander around feeling bored.4. Your favorite music is…a. Deep and Upliftingb. Upbeat and Popularc. Loudd. I don’t really care.5. What famous person would you like to meet?a. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re famous.b. Miss Americac. Do dead people like William Shakespeare count?d. Olympic Athlete6. Your dream career is…a. In the spotlightb. I hate this question because I don’t know.c. A Pro Athleted. Anything that helps people.7. You sense of fashion is…a. Fashion is stupid.b. I don’t care about what’s popular. It’s whatever I like.c. Whatever is “in.”d. Not really sure, but it never seems to be what’s popular.8. What’s your biggest social struggle?a. Being made fun of as a “Goody-Two-Shoes, Know-It-All.”b. Drama!!!c. Feeling rejected for not be into makeup and girly things.d. Fitting in.9. When you’re upset you want…a. Some alone time.b. Friends that don’t make a big deal about it.c. Friends to cry with.d. To journal your thoughts and feelings.10. The compliment you love to hear is…a. You’re gorgeous!b. You’re kind!c. You’re so smart!d. You’re so tough!AnswersOkay! Time to tally up the score.Each answer has a number next to it.Don’t worry! This isn’t a graded test to see if your answers were right or wrong.The numbers aren’t a point value, just a way to keep track.See if you get mostly ones, twos, threes, or fours!1. What Disney Princess are you?a. Mulan (3) b. Rapunzel (2)c. Ariel (1) d. Cinderella (4)2. What would you do with $100?a. Buy Clothes! Duh! (1)b. Ask my friends what I should do with it. (4)c. Save it. (2)d. Spend it on new sports gear! (3)3. What do you do in your free time?a. Call my friends, watch make up tutorials and highlight each other’s hair. (1)b. Work out. Train hard. Raid the pantry! (3)c. Read my favorite novel…again, and learn a foreign language! (2)d. Wander around feeling bored. (4)4. Your favorite music is…a. Deep and Uplifting (2)b. Upbeat and Popular (1)c. Loud (3)d. I don’t really care. (4)5. What famous person would you like to meet?a. It doesn’t matter as long as they’re famous. (4)b. Miss America (1)c. Do dead people like William Shakespeare count? (2)d. Olympic Athlete (3)6. Your dream career is…a. In the spotlight. (1)b. I hate this question because I don’t know. (4)c. A Pro Athlete (3)d. Anything that helps people. (2)7. You sense of fashion is…a. Fashion is stupid. (3)b. I don’t care about what’s popular. It’s whatever I like. (2)c. Whatever is “in.” (1)d. Not really sure, but it never seems to be what’s popular.(4)8. What’s your biggest social struggle?a. Being made fun of as a “Goody-Two-Shoes, Know-It-All.” (2)b. Drama!!! (1)c. Feeling rejected for not be into makeup and girly things. (3)d. Fitting in. (4)9. When you’re upset you want…a. Some alone time. (4)b. Friends that don’t make a big deal about it. (3)c. Friends to cry with. (1)d. To journal your thoughts and feelings. (2)10. The compliment you love to hear is…a. You’re gorgeous! (1)b. You’re kind! (4)c. You’re so smart! (2)d. You’re so tough! (3) ................

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