Romeo and Juliet Quiz 3 Name:_____________________________

Romeo and Juliet Quiz 3 KEY

Choose the BEST answer for each of the following questions.

Excerpt #1

Oh, she is lame! Love's heralds should be thoughts,

5 Which ten times faster glide than the sun's beams,

Driving back shadows over louring hills.

Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw love

And therefore hath the wind-swift Cupid wings.

Now is the sun upon the highmost hill

10 Of this day's journey, and from nine till twelve

Is three long hours, yet she is not come.

Had she affections and warm youthful blood,

She would be as swift in motion as a ball.

My words would bandy her to my sweet love,

15 And his to me.

But old folks, many feign as they were dead,

Unwieldy, slow, heavy, and pale as lead.

1. Which character speaks the lines above?

a. Romeo

b. Juliet

c. Friar Laurence

d. Nurse

2. Why should Love’s heralds be thoughts?

a. Because the speaker likes thoughts.

b. Because thoughts are like the sun.

c. Because they are faster than light.

d. Because Cupid “thinks” of love.

3. What is a “herald”?

a. A messenger c. A lover

b. An announcer d. An angel

4. The line: “She would be as swift in motion as a ball,” is an example of

a. Imagery c. soliloquy

b. Metaphor d. simile

5. Which of the following does the speaker NOT say about “old folks”?

a. They are reliable.

b. They fake being unable to do things.

c. They lack passion.

d. They are sick looking.


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