What I need to know about Erectile Dysfunction

What I need to know about

Erectile Dysfunction

National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse

What I need to know about Erectile Dysfunction


What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?........................ 1 How does an erection occur?.................................. 2 What causes erectile dysfunction?.......................... 4 Who gets erectile dysfunction?............................... 6 What other problems can erectile dysfunction cause?................................................... 6 See Your Doctor if You Have Erectile Dysfunction, as Erectile Dysfunction Could Mean You Have a More Serious Condition....................................... 7 How does my doctor find the cause of my erectile dysfunction?...................................... 8 How is erectile dysfunction treated?.................... 12 How can I prevent erectile dysfunction?.............. 18 Eating, Diet, and Nutrition................................... 18 Points to Remember.............................................. 19 Hope through Research........................................ 21 Pronunciation Guide.............................................. 23 For More Information........................................... 24 Acknowledgments.................................................. 25

What is erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile dysfunction* is when you cannot get or keep an erection firm enough to have sex. You may have ED if you can get an erection sometimes, though not every

time can get an erection, yet it does not last long

enough for sex are unable to get an erection at all ED is sometimes called impotence; however, doctors use this term less often now.

*See the Pronunciation Guide for tips on how to say the words in bold type.


How does an erection occur?

An erection occurs when blood flow into the penis increases, making the penis larger and firmer. Hormones, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles all work together to cause an erection. When your brain senses a sexual urge, it starts an erection


Spinal Cord

Nerve signals



When your brain senses a sexual urge, it starts an erection by sending nerve signals to the penis.


by sending nerve signals to the penis. Touch may cause this urge. Other triggers may be things you see or hear, or sexual images or thoughts. The nerve signals cause the muscles in the penis to relax and let blood flow into the spongy tissue in the penis. Blood collects in this tissue like water filling a sponge. The penis becomes larger and firmer, like a blown-up balloon. The veins then shut off to keep blood from flowing out. An erection requires healthy blood vessels. After orgasm or when the man is no longer aroused, the veins open up and blood flows back into the body.


What causes erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction often has more than one cause. Many diseases can damage nerves, arteries, and muscles. Some can lead to ED, such as high blood pressure diabetes, when your blood glucose, also called

blood sugar, is too high clogged arteries heart and blood vessel disease chronic kidney disease multiple sclerosis, a disease that attacks the

nerves treatments for prostate cancer, including

radiation, surgery to remove the prostate, and hormone treatments injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, bladder, or pelvis surgery for bladder cancer Peyronie's disease, in which scar tissue, called a plaque, forms in the penis



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