Questions About a New Word - Guilford County Schools

Questions About a New Word

Vocabulary Term:

|Question | Response |

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|Can you think of any places you associate with this word? | |

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|Can you think of any sounds you associate with this word? | |

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|Can you think of any smells you associate with this word? | |

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|Can you think of any emotions you associate with this word? | |

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|Can you think of any events or occasions you associate with this word? | |

A Graphic Organizer

All About …………………………………….!

A Concept Definition

What is it?

What is it like?

What are some examples?

The Frayer Model

Visual Representations Using Clip Art

• Write the new words in the bank

• Find pictures in Clip Art and paste them below the rectangle

• Write a sentence about each word

Creating Analogies (A is to B as C is to D)

1. Identify how the two elements in the first pair of words are related:

Part to whole battery: flashlight; hard drive: computer

Cause and effect fatigue: yawing; itching: scratching

Person to situation mother: home; teacher: school

Synonym overweight: fat; slender: thin

Antonym poverty: wealth; sickness: health

Geography Chicago: Illinois; Denver: Colorado

Measurement Pound: Kilogram; quart: liter

Time March: spring; December: winter

Causes cut: bleeding; pepper: sneezing

A kind of tag: game; chair: furniture

Another name for join: unite; marry: wed

Cuts barber: hair; butcher: meat

2. State the relationship in a general way.

3. Identify another pair of elements that share a similar relationship.

What is the relationship?

What is the relationship?

What is the relationship?

Creating a Metaphor

Identify how two seemingly different vocabulary terms and phrases are in fact similar. E.g. nutrients are the building blocks of our bodies; a political map is a puzzle

1. Identify the characteristics of the first word

2. Identify the characteristics of the second word

3. Try to find attributes that are somewhat related


General Pattern

Semantic Feature Analysis

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Pyramid Cluster

Form for Recording Words for the Word List

|Grade Level |Subject |Words from Benchmarks |Textbook Vocabulary |Classroom Vocabulary |

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Categorize Words for Direct Instruction or Planned Incidental Learning

|Vocabulary List |Direct Instruction |Planned Incidental |

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Vocabulary Pre-Assessment

Color the box RED if you have never heard this word

BLUE if you have heard the word but are not sure of its meaning

YELLOW is you know what the word means

|Word |Color |Show That You Know It* |

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(*) You may draw a symbol or picture, write a definition in your own words, or write a synonym.

Vocabulary Rubric

|4 |The student has a complete and detailed understanding of the term. The student generates explanations and descriptions of the term |

| |and uses the term in context or sentences. |

|3 |The student has a complete understanding of the term and generates explanations and descriptions of the term. |

|2 |The student has an incomplete understanding of the topic or some misconceptions about the meaning of the term. However, the student|

| |has basic understanding of the term. |

|1 |The student has so many misconceptions about the term that the student cannot possibly understand the term. |

|0 |Not enough information to make a judgment. The student does not try to describe the term. |

The Six Steps in the Vocabulary Learning Process

1. Teacher identifies the new words and elicits background knowledge.

2. Teacher explains the meaning of the new word.

3. Students generate their own explanations and teacher helps clear up confusions or misconceptions.

4. Students create a visual representation of the new word.

5. Students engage in experiences that deepen their understanding of the new word.

6. Students engage in vocabulary games to help them remember the word and its meaning.

Keeping Track of Words I Am Learning

|Word |Characteristics |Examples |Nonexamples |Definition |Symbol |

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Vocabulary Notebook (GCS Workshop: Oral Language and Vocabulary Development)

Rating Scale: 1 2 3 4

1-I do not understand the word.

2-I am not sure if I understand the word.

3-I think that I understand the word.

4-I definitely understand the word.



Nonlinguistic Representation:

Deeper Meaning:










200 Points

100 Points

100 Points

50 Points

50 Points

50 Points

My Explanation: _________________________________________________________________







Assessment Questions for Older Students

1. Do you think it is important to learn new words?

2. How do you decide what new words you want to learn?

3. What kinds of words do you find most interesting? Why?

4. How is learning new words making a difference in how well you do in school? Why do you think this?

5. What strategies do you use most often? Why?

6. How do you know when you have mastered a word?

7. How proficient do you feel you are at engaging in the steps of the vocabulary learning process? What steps are most difficult for you? What steps are easiest?

Assessment Questions for Younger Students

1. What do you like most about learning new words?

2. What is most difficult for you about learning new words?

3. What do you do to learn new words?

4. How does this help you learn new words?

5. What could you change to help you be better at learning new words?

Semantic Clusters


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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