The Illustrated Man

The Illustrated Man

(Short Stories)




Study Guide

NAME: ____________________________

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

“The Prologue”


Directions: Define each word.

|Vocabulary word |Definition |

|Prologue |The introductory part of a novel. |

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|immense |Adj. |

| |Huge; very great |

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|elongation |Noun |

| |The act of extending or increasing in length |

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|intricate |Adj. |

| |Complex; having many parts |

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|connoisseur |Noun |

| |An expert judge |

| |“an art patron” |

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Guided Reading Questions for “The Prologue”

Directions: Read each question/statement below. Write your answer on the lines provided.

1. What genre is The Illustrated Man? Science fiction

2. What is the setting? Wisconsin in early September.

3. How was the illustrated man dressed? Be specific.

In a wool shirt buttoned up to his collar. His sleeves were rolled and buttoned down over his thick wrists. He was sweating!

4. What type of work was the illustrated man used to doing?

He did manual labor at carnivals.

5. List five adjectives to describe the illustrated man when he first meets the narrator.

Tall; long arms; thick hands; big; once well muscled;

6. Does the narrator know the man is illustrated when he first meets him?

No because his shirt is buttoned up.

7. How old is the illustrated man?

70 years old

8. What does he say his illustrations can do?

They change and move at night and can predict the future.

9. Why did the man decided to get tattooed?

He broke his leg while working at the carnival and had to do something to get an act and earn money.

10. Summarize/paraphrase what the man says about his tattoos.

Each illustration tells a story. There’s a special spot on his back that clouds over and fills in to tell the story of a person he’s been around long enough. It predicts the future and shows how they die.

11. Describe the lady who tattooed the man. Why is he looking for her?

She is an evil witch from the future. He is looking for her to get revenge.

12. How does the man say he tried to get rid of the illustrations?

He tried to burn them off, he tried sandpaper, acid, and a knife.

13. What happens to the illustrations as night?

The illustrations change and move at night.

14. What is the purpose of the empty spot on the man’s right shoulder?

To show the story (life and death) of someone he is around long enough.

15. How many illustrations are on the man’s body?

18 illustrations – 18 tales

Guided Reading Questions for “The Last Night of the World”

Directions: Read each question/statement and answer on the provided lines below.

1. Characters:



2 daughters

Stan Willis (husband’s coworker)

2. What is the husband’s dream?

That the world is ending.

3. What is so unusual about it? Why isn’t the dream about the end of the world in the newspaper or on T.V.

Everyone had the exact same dream that the world will end.

4. How long will it take for the world to end? What is the date?

It will take 24 hours for the whole world to end. It will end at night on October 19, 1969.

5. Explain the reactions of people in the story.

Everyone was acting calm as they accepted that it was the last night of the world.

6. What does the husband say he will miss most?

He says he will miss his two daughters and his wife. He won’t miss a thing except perhaps the change in weather, a glass of ice water when it’s hot, and he might miss sleeping.

7. How do the husband and wife spend their last night?

They spent their last night like they always do – they had dinner, washed the dishes, put the children to bed, sat and read their papers, talked and listened to radio music by the fireplace. Then they turned the lights out and went to bed.

8. What is the last thing the wife does? Why is this so unusual?

She turns off the sink because she left the water running. They were laughing when they realized how unusual that was because the world was going to end anyway.

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

“The Man”


Directions: Define each word. Locate it in the story and indicate the page number. Write the portion of the passage, quote, or sentence where the word appears

|Vocabulary word |Definition |

| provincial |Noun |

| |One living in or coming from a province of a country or empire |

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| |Adj. |

|blase |unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before. |

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|incredulous |Adj. |

| |(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something. |

| |"an incredulous gasp" |

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|inopportune |Adj. |

| |Occurring at an inconvenient or inappropriate time. |

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|insubordination | |

| |Noun |

| |Defiance of authority; refusal to obey orders. |

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|overwrought | |

| |Adj. |

| |In a state of nervous excitement or anxiety. |

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|correlated |Verb |

| |connected, in which one thing affects or depends on another. |

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|consolidate | |

| |Verb |

| |Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. |

Guided Reading Questions for “The Man”

Directions: Read each question/statement below and answer on the lines provided.

1. Setting: ___ a planet far from earth ________________________________ ______

2. Characters:

Captain Hart – _____ captain of a rocket exploring outer space

Lieutenant Martin – ___second in command of Hart’s rocket _____________

The Man – ______leader or savior___________________________________

Mayor – ______son had a withered arm healed by the man_______________

Burton – ____captain of a rival rocket, killed by a cosmic storm___________

Ashley – _____ captain of a rival rocket, killed by a cosmic storm __________

Survivor – ___crewman of Burton’s rocket who brings news to Hart about what happened to Burton and Ashley____________________

3. Explain why Captain Hart is so upset. __ His rocket’s landing on a new planet hasn’t received any attention from the planet’s people. ________________________________________


4. What information does martin give to Captain Hart about the lack of reception committee? ___ The people aren’t interested because the Man they have been waiting for to lead, heal, and save them arrived yesterday.___________________________ _____________________________________________

5. Describe the person who appeared in the city.

____ Many people witnessed his arrival and he healed many people, including the mayor’s son’s withered arm. He is compassionate, gentle, kind, and intelligent.___________________________________________________________________

6. What is Martin’s reaction to the people and their story? __________________________

Martin believes them and wants to stay on the planet._____________________

7. Does Captain Hart believe the story? ___ _____________________________________

___ No, he refuses to believe them and claims it was a fake set up by Burton. ______________________________________________________________________

8. Which rockets arrive? What condition are the occupants in? ___ __________________

___Burton’s and Ashley’s rockets arrive. There are only 3 occupants left, all are injured. _One man tells the story of the crash.

9. What happened to Burton? What does Captain Hart now realize? ___The man who survived told how Burton and Ashley’s rockets both ran into a cosmic storm and they died. Captain Hart realized that Burton couldn’t have pretended to be the Man and that the Man must be real.

10. What does Hart do? _ __He thinks the mayor is hiding the Man from him and shoots him. The mayor says Hart never believes and now is hurting people. Hart says he will hunt the Man down on another planet.__________________________________________________

11. What is Hart going to ask for when he finds the man? ____For a little peace and quiet.

12. Where is the man? __ __Still on the planet.

13. What is the climax of the story? ___Captain Hart leaves the planet to seek out the Man (God) _________________________________________

14. What is the outcome of the story? ___The Man is still on the planet and Martin is taken to meet him because he has faith and believes in him.

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

“The Highway”


Directions: Define each word.

|Vocabulary word |Definition |

| | |

|Cortege |A procession, especially a ceremonial one |

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| |Not aware of one’s surroundings and what is happening |

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|Oblivious | |

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| |Constant and unending |

|Ceaseless | |

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|Furrow |Narrow grove made in the ground by a plow |

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Guided Reading Questions for “The Highway”

Directions: Read each question/statement below and answer on the lines provided.

1. Setting: ___a highway next to a farm in Mexico _______________

2. List and describe the characters:

_Hernando – a poor Mexican farmer who lives next to a highway near the US border Hernando’s wife – unnamed _________________________________

Travelers – a young man and 5 young women __________________

3. Which direction are all of the cars driving towards?

___They are driving north towards the United States ________________________

4. Why do the travelers stop at Hernando’s farm?

__They stop to ask him for water due to their overheating radiator. They are trying to leave quickly.

5. What do the travelers tell Hernando is the reason for everyone leaving?

___They are upset – they tell him that an atomic war has started, meaning the end of the world. _________________________________________________________________

6. What is Hernando’s reaction?

___He continued on with his work plowing the field as if nothing significant happened.

7. Why does Hernando react like this?

___He has a simple life on his farm and has not been affected by war or politics, so the world is still very much as he knows it. _______________________

8. What is the climax of the story?

____The travelers reveal that atomic war has started and it is the end of the world.

9. What is the resolution or outcome of the story?

__Hernando looks around and doesn’t understand what world is meant to be ending.

10. What is the theme of the story?

_____How perspective can change/affect a person’s understanding of the world.

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

“The Exiles”


Directions: Define each word.

|Vocabulary word |Definition |

| |(noun) |

|Exile |A person banished from his/her native land |

| |(example – the abominable snowman) |

| |(noun) |

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| |The blocking of any parts of books, films, news, media, etc. that are considered harmful, inappropriate, or a threat |

|Censorship | |

| |(FCC) |

| |(adverb) |

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|Malevolently |Wishing evil or harm to another |

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| |(noun) |

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|Morphine |A drug used in medicine as a pain reliever and sedative |

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Guided Reading Questions for “The Exiles”

Directions: Read each question/statement below and answer on the lines provided.

1. Setting: a rocket ship and Mars

2. List and describe the characters:

___3 witches; Captain (leader of the rocket crew); Smith, Doctor, Perse, Reynolds, Grenville (crewman of the rocket)

3. Where is the rocket ship headed to?

The rocket is coming from Earth and headed to Mars.

4. What are the witches planning and why?

They see the arrival of the Earth rocket and cast spells on the men to hurt and kill them so they won’t make it to Mars.

5. Who are the inhabitants of mars? Why did they leave Earth to go to Mars?

Authors and their characters who have become exiles because their books and work was banned, so they went to Mars to find peace.

6. Why are the inhabitants of Mars dying and fading from existence?





7. What does the captain do when they land their rocket on Mars?



8. What is the climax of the story?




9. What is the resolution or outcome of the story?




10. What is the theme of the story?








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