CSR Report 2014

2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Hear from Our Leaders and Learn About Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Cisco

We are entering a new era where everyone and everything is connected. Creating intelligent and highly secure connections is at the heart of what we do. Our technology brings people together to tackle global challenges faster and more effectively.

Governance and Ethics

Find out about our approach to CSR, our commitment to good governance and ethical conduct, and how we respect human rights.

Supply Chain

Read how we embed sustainability into supplier assessments, engage with suppliers to build capability, and work with others to help address industrywide challenges.

Our People

Find out how we offer engaging development opportunities, recognize achievements, and foster an inclusive and healthy workplace to help employees achieve their full potential.


Read how we use our expertise and technology and work with partners to help communities thrive, focusing on education, healthcare, economic development, disaster response, and critical human needs.


Learn how we are working to improve our own environmental performance and using our technology to help our customers reduce their impacts.



A2Overview A3Message from

Chairman and CEO A4Message from Senior Vice

President, Corporate Affairs A5 CSR and Our Business A5 About This Report A5 Assurance A5 GRI Index A6 Key Performance Indicators

Governance and Ethics

B2 Overview B4 Governance B4 CSR Management B8 Ethics B10 Privacy and Data Security B12 Human Rights

Supply Chain

C2 Overview C4 Our Supply Chain C6Embedding Sustainability in

Core Business Practices C9 Promoting Transparency C10Working with Suppliers

to Build Capability

Our People

D2 Overview D4 Working Together D6A Safe and Healthy

Work Environment D7An Inclusive and

Diverse Culture D11Training and Development

Opportunities D12 Rewarding Our People


E2 Overview E5 Employee Engagement E6 Education E9 Economic Empowerment E12 Healthcare E13Critical Human Needs

and Disaster Relief E15 Supplier Diversity


F2 Overview F5Environmental Sustainability F13 Materials F16 Energy and GHG Emissions F35 Water Use F36 Biodiversity and Land Use F37 Non-GHG Emissions F37 Effluents (Liquid) F38 Waste F44 Appendix

GRI Index

G2 Strategy and Analysis G4 Economic G5 Environmental G7Social: Labor Practices

and Decent Work G8Social: Human Rights G10 Social: Society G11Social: Product Responsibility

Executive Summary

Our separate Executive Summary combines the section overviews of this report to give you a high-level summary of our achievements in fiscal year 2014 (FY14).

How to Use This Report

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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