Girls Only Practice Quiz (NIV)

Girls Only Memory Verse & Central Truth Practice Quiz (NIV)


Memory Verse

"Do you not ____________ that your body is a ____________ of the Holy Spirit, _______ is in you, whom you have ____________ from God? You are not your own; you were ____________ with a price. Therefore honor ___________ with your body" (1 Corinthians ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

________ lives in me. I ________ to take care of my ________ (His temple).


Memory Verse

"_______ were taught, with ____________ to your former way of life, to ________ off your old self, which is ____________ corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be _________ new in the attitude of your ____________; and to put on the _________ self, created to be like God in ____________ righteousness and ____________" (____________ 4:22?24, NIV).

Central Truth

My __________ should be ___________ new as I ________ to be ________ and righteous.

College & Career

Memory Verse

"Trust in the _________ with all your ___________ and lean __________ on your own understanding; in ________ your ways ___________________ him, and he will __________ your paths straight" (______________ 3:5,6, NIV).

Central Truth

If I __________ in ________, He will ________ me ________ to do ________ my ________.

Competitive Activities

Memory Verse

"Do ________ not know that in a ________ all the runners run, but ________ one gets the prize? _________ in such a __________ as to get the prize. Everyone

Girls Only NIV


who ____________ in the games ___________ into strict training. They do it to get a ____________ that will not last; but _______ do it to get a crown that will last ____________" (1 Corinthians ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

The _____________ I __________ in competition can be __________ to ________ spiritual ________.

Creation Vs. Evolution

Memory Verse

"For ____________ the creation of the ____________ God's invisible qualities-- his ____________ power and divine ____________--have been clearly seen, ____________ understood from what has been ________, so that men are ____________ excuse" (____________________ ________, NIV).

Central Truth

I can ________ that ________ exists ___________ by ___________ at ___________.


Memory Verse

"Now this is ________ boast: Our ____________ testifies that we have conducted ____________ in the world, and ____________ in our relations with you, in the ____________ and sincerity that are from God. We have not ________ so according to worldly ____________ but according to God's ____________" (__________________ 1:12, NIV).

Central Truth

When I _______________ God's _______________ in my _______________, my _______________ will not be _______________.

Family Relationships

Memory Verse

"Children, ________ your parents in the _______, for this is right. `Honor your ____________ and mother'--which is the ____________ commandment with a promise--`that it may go ________ with you and that you may ____________ long life on the earth'" (Ephesians ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

_________ promises to ____________ me if I _________ my _______________.

Girls Only NIV



Memory Verse

"Store up for ____________ treasures in heaven, where _________ and ________ do not destroy, and where ____________ do not break in and ____________. For where your treasure is, there your ________ will be __________" (____________ 6:20,21, NIV).

Central Truth

I ________ honor ________ with my _______________.

Friendship Factor

Memory Verse

"Two are ____________ than one, because they have a ________ return for their work: If one ____________ down, his ____________ can help him up" (___________________ ________, NIV).

Central Truth

It's better to ________ _______________ than to be _______________, for _______________ help __________ other in _______________ of __________.

Home Management

Memory Verse

"She ____________ over the affairs of her ____________ and does not ________ the bread of idleness" (Proverbs ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

________ wants me to take ___________ of my __________, and to _______________ Him in my __________.

Know Your Talents

Memory Verse

"His ____________ replied, `Well done, _________ and faithful servant! You have been ____________ with a few things; I will ________ you in charge of many things. ____________ and share your master's happiness!' " (____________ 25:21, NIV).

Central Truth

I _____________ use my _______________ for ___________ service.

Girls Only NIV


Managing Stress

Memory Verse

"Even youths grow ____________ and ____________, and young men stumble and fall; but those who ________ in the Lord will ____________ their strength. They will ________ on wings like eagles; they will run and not ________ weary, they will walk and not ____________" (Isaiah ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

If I ___________ in the ___________, He will _________ me _______________ to _______________ all my ____________.

Part-Time Job

Memory Verse

"Slaves, obey your ____________ masters with ____________ and fear, and with sincerity of ____________, just as you would obey ____________. Obey them not only to ________ favor when their eye is on you, but like ____________ of Christ, doing the ________ of God from your heart" (___________________ ________, NIV).

Central Truth

I should _______________ my _______________ and _______________ and work for them as though I am _______________ for the ___________.

Pro-Life Vs. Pro-Choice

Memory Verse

"You created my ____________ being; you knit me ____________ in my mother's womb. I praise you ____________ I am fearfully and ____________ made" (____________ 139:13,14, NIV).

Central Truth

I am _________ in God's _______________. My __________ is sacred.

Sexual Purity

Memory Verse

"It is God's will that ________ should be ____________: that you should avoid ____________ immorality; that each of you ____________ learn to control his own ________ in a way that is holy and ____________" (1Thessalonians ____________, NIV).

Girls Only NIV


Central Truth

________ is a __________ thing that _______ made for _____ to enjoy _________ with my _______________.

Standing Firm

Memory Verse

"____________ resolved not to defile ____________ with the royal food and wine, and he ____________ the chief official for ____________ not to defile himself this way. Now God had ____________ the official to show favor and ____________ to Daniel" (____________ 1:8,9, NIV).

Central Truth

If I _______________ in my ___________ to ___________ firm for ________, He will ____________ me.

Time Management

Memory Verse

"Very ____________ in the morning, while it was ____________ dark, Jesus got up, ________the house and went off to a ____________ place, where he ____________" (Mark ________, NIV).

Central Truth

I ________ ___________ _____ time _______________--following _______________ _______________.


Memory Verse

"All your ____________ are true; all ________ righteous laws are ____________" (____________ ____________, NIV).

Central Truth

I _________ live by ___________ truth, as _______________ in the Bible.

Will of God

Memory Verse

"Since the ________ we heard about you, we have ________ stopped ____________ for you and asking God to ________ you with the ____________ of his will ____________ all spiritual wisdom and _________________. And we pray this in ____________ that you may live a life ____________ of the Lord and may

Girls Only NIV



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