Minutes Template

Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC MeetingURL OF CALENDAR EVENT: : September 3, 2015TIME: 9:00 am PSTScribe: Chris Lauwers (Ubicity Corp.)Meeting was quorate: YES Observers: NoneRoster [The co-chairs maintain the roster based on the TC Process rules. Since rights are gained/lost at the end of a meeting and the co-chairs update between meetings, the roster should be accurate at the start of each meeting. You can view it at: ]Approval of MinutesThe chair motioned for the below draft minutes to be approved Seconded by Luca Gioppo. August 27 2015: Agenda:Based on review and discussion of the proposed agenda, the chair motioned for the below agenda to be approved. Seconded by Richard Probst. Other Motions and Results (broken out from below):Motion made by Paul Lipton: The TC approves the leave of absence request from Luc Boutier (period is 10 September to 28 September). Second by Matt. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent.Motion made by Paul Lipton: The TC approves the leave of absence request from Karsten Beins (period is Sept. 7th thru Sept. 25th). Second by Luc. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent.Motion made by Paul Liption: the TC acknowledges and thanks Matt for his leadership of the Interop SC. Karsten seconds the motion. Motion passes by unanimous consent.Motion made by Paul Liption: The TC approves the formation of the Instance Model Ad Hoc group to be co-lead by Alessandro Rossini and Sivan Barzily, with the suggested deliverables to include use cases, recommendations, and/or specific enhancements/changes to the specification. Furthermore, the TC instructs the co-leaders to report on progress and provide technical updates to the TC regularly. Matt seconds. Motion passes by unanimous consent.Motion to Adjourn:MOTION to adjourn by Paul. Second by Luc. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM ETRaw Chat Log: ossini (SINTEF)Please change your name from 'anonymous' using the Settings buttonanonymous morphed into Chris Lauwers (scribe)Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) private: Hello and welcome to today's meeting of the TOSCA TC! Please note that we use a new phone bridge, web conferencing, and chatroom. This information was privately communicated to all members. If you do not have this information, please send an email to the co-chairs using the email address that you are registered with at OASIS requesting the information.ATTENDANCE RECORDING: Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the Kavi calendar event at . When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the co-chair to record your attendance on your behalf. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (for the minutes as per OASIS process (and to be helpful for planning)): - none - THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OUR SCRIBES (LAST SIX VOLUNTEERS BELOW)!* Karsten Beins - 27 Aug* Jacques Durand - 20 Aug* Peter Gibbels - 13 Aug* Luca Gioppo - 30 July (a double-hitter! Thanks, Luca!)* Luca Gioppo - 16 July* Ifat Afek - 9 JulySCRIBE QUEUE (please volunteer for a future meeting in the chat room or speak up now!) * Chris Lauwers - 3 Sept* CANCELED - 10 Sept* Hemal Surti? - 17 Sept* ??? - 24 Sept* Luc Boutier - 1 Oct!!! Today's meeting: Please Use Paul's phone and bridge!!! D O N O T P O S T BRIDGE/PHONE INFORMATION TO CHAT OR MAILING LIST. !!! Co-chairs will respond to reminder requests from your OASIS-REGISTERED email only. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CALENDARS AND VOLUNTEER FOR SCRIBING! ====anonymous morphed into Luc BoutierLuca Gioppo: I can scribe on september 24 at the momentanonymous morphed into Richard Probst (SAP)Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: @Richard, do you need me to record your attendance?anonymous morphed into Wan Anfeng(huawei)Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) private: Welcome / RollCo-chair appoints a scribeReview/approve draft proposed agendaReview/approve draft minutes* Aug 27: ** Thanks to Karsten Beins for scribing* Informal co-chair remarks and notables ** Motions for LOA (Karsten Beins and Luc Boutier) ** Also, please welcome new TC members: Mr. Sandeep Lugani from WIPRO Limited *** New members: expect a delay, but you will be added to this list within a couple weeks of joining of the TCInteroperability Subcommittee Report (co-leaders: Matt Rutkowski and Richard Probst) * Aug 31: NO MEETING * Will reboot, possibly with different focus and different day/timeFormation of a new Instance Model Ad Hoc GroupRough consensus that such a group is desired was noted on 27 August. * Self-nominations received: Alessandro Rossini and Sivan Barzily) * NOTE: Additional self-nominations will be received until a motion to form the ad hoc is made Ad Hoc on Container Support, e.g., Docker (lead: Hemal Surti) * TOSCA-174 - This issue related to group activities, questions and suggestions from TC members, etc.Ad Hoc on NFV - Network Function Virtualization (lead: Shitao Li)* TOSCA-221 - Questions or suggestions for the group, general discussion, etc.* NOTE: Latest TC-approved milestone (CSD01) published on 19 June 2015! See message with links here. Technical Marketing & Education Ad Hoc (lead: Karsten Beins)* TOSCA-131 - This issue related to all such activities, questions and suggestions from TC members, etc.** All current TC approved videos at the OASIS TOSCA YouTube PlaylistAd Hoc on Monitoring (co-leaders: Roger Dev and Ifat Afek)* TOSCA-216 - This issue related to general group activities, questions and suggestions from TC members, etc. TABLED: Ad Hoc on Network Features (lead: ???)* TOSCA-173 - This issue related to general group activities, questions and suggestions from TC members, etc.TOSCA Ad Hoc on TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML v1.0 & v1.1This group aggragrates and acts upon the technical outputs and recommendations from the other ad hoc groups, as wellSee explanation of OASIS document types and typical cadence* TOSCA-7 (General suggestions/Questions -- Alternate encodings Service Templates, e.g., YAML/JSON and Simple Profile)* v1.0 OASIS Standard documents * NOTE: Latest TC-approved milestone (CSD04) approved by the TC on 27 Aug 2015! This has been submitted to OASIS for 30 Day Public Review. Newly-Introduced Issues -- Brief Introduction by Issue Reporter, Q&A, and Identifying any Interested Parties To Help, etc.* TOSCA-200 (Query based on capability) - Yaron (can somebody from Gigaspaces speak to this?) * TOSCA-262 (Specify if the artifact has to be "elaborated" on orchestrator or on node) - Luca (17 Jun)* TOSCA-263 (Define an C.8.5.5 tosca.artifact.implementation.exec) - Luca (17 Jun)* TOSCA-264 (XSD validation) - Luca (17 Jun)* TOSCA-265 (Different flavours of the same Service) - Luca (18 Jun)* TOSCA-266 (Creating an abstract or phantom node) - Luca (19 Jun)NOTE: TOSCA-267 through TOSCA-270 to be added shortly* TOSCA-271 (Change "description" from a defintion to a TOSCA type to be consistent) - Matt (7 Jul) Cross-cutting Concerns, Issues, Suggestions, Questions for ALL v1.1 Documents and Deliverables NOTE: All the below issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. As always, technical issues must be posted in JIRA issues at least 48 hours to be considered by the TC. Naturally, any TC member can create or comment on a JIRA issue. Upload related documents to the OASIS website (please add links to the uploaded document in the JIRA issue). Please contact the co-chairs if you have any questions or problems. * TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readabilityREMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issueChris Lauwers (scribe): We have a quorumChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul calls meeting to order. Paul makes a motion to accept the agenda as posted.anonymous morphed into Derek Palma (Vnomic)Chris Lauwers (scribe): Richard seconds the motion to accept the agendaKarsten Beins (Fujitsu - scribe) morphed into Karsten Beins (Fujitsu)Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passed.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul makes a motion to accept the posted draft minutes of the August 27 meeting as noted in the agenda.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luca seconds the motion.Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passed.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul reminds everyone that by going through the formal process of accepting these motions, we make it easier for draft specs through the OASIS process.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul reminds the group that there will not be a meeting on Sept. 10.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Motion: The TC approves the leave of absence request from Luc Boutier (period is 10 September to 28 September).Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt seconds the motion.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Motion: The TC approves the leave of absence request from Karsten Beins (period is Sept. 7th thru Sept. 25th).Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passed.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luc seconds the motion to approve Karsten's leave of absence.Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passed.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul offers new members the opportunity to introduce themselves (Mr. Sandeep Lugani from WIPRO Limited). No intro from Sandeep.anonymous morphed into Lowell Higley (CA)Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt reports on Interop SC. Matt will no longer be able to chair the Interop SC because of time demands related to OpenStack projects (specifically OpenStack projects that will use Tosca).Chris Lauwers (scribe): Richard has had similar demands on his time.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt believes we've hit our peak with use cases (specifically the ELK use case). Questions whether it makes sense to continue to focus on interoperability related to use cases. Perhaps we should refocus on other issues such as conformance or instance model.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul believes it's time for a reboot of the Interop SC.Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Heat-Translator in OpenStack now 2 Pypi libraries!!!Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Rutkowski (IBM): Lauwers (scribe): Paul invites members to volunteer as chairperson of the Interop SC.Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Rutkowski (IBM): Lauwers (scribe): Richard seconds Matt's statements related to use cases. It is now time to focus on conformance testing, and that conformance test planning could start before the v1.1 spec is finalized.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Ultimately goal could be a plug-fest.Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Lauwers (scribe): Richard would like to see people who have experience with plug-fests (or want to develop such experience) to volunteer as chair for the Interop SCMatt Rutkowski (IBM): ignore the first PyPi linkMatt Rutkowski (IBM): use the 2nd for HEat-translator projectChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul would like Richard to continue as co-chair until we have someone else step up.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Richard would be happy to stay on as vice-chair.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Richard reminds the group that he does not have experience in conformance testing, but it is in SAP's interest to make sure interoperable TOSCA implementations get created.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt points out that Jacques has experience with conformance testing and is a likely candidateChris Lauwers (scribe): Also points out that Chris has had a focus on making sure examples conform to the spec.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt brings attention to the links in the chat room that point to a PyPi library for a Tosca parser. This is an OpenStack project that was split off from the Heat translator.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Work that is about to merged into Heat translator is to do about 2 things: 1. support plug ins that allow translation to anything you want. 2. Map to new support in Heat for software componentsChris Lauwers (scribe): This provides lifecycle hooks in HeatChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul asks whether tosca parser is independent of OpenStack.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt clarifies that the parser is an OpenStack project, but does not have dependencies on OpenStack. It can get used independently of OpenStack.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Also, heat translator will become a mis-nomer. With upcoming changes, translator can be used to translate to things other than HOTChris Lauwers (scribe): Matt: the current tosca parser does not conform exactly to the spec that was finalized last week. We need test suites to validate.Chris Lauwers (scribe): The parser can handle all the use cases in Appendix A, but there are many things in the spec for which we don't have use cases (and test cases as a result)Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve Hodge asks what the output is of the parserChris Lauwers (scribe): Matt: ideally it should be a graph, but instead it outputs a series of lists. Matt will open an blueprint to create a true graph. The lists are a topological sort of the true graphChris Lauwers (scribe): Luca: it appears that Tosca is very focused on OpenStack. We need to also focus on other environments (e.g. VMware)Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt: by splitting out the PyPi library, it shows that we want to make this work outside of OpenStackChris Lauwers (scribe): Luca is very interested in Cloudify, since it sits on top of different cloud environments.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt: ideally different clouds can be supported through different plug-insChris Lauwers (scribe): Matt: credit to GigaSpaces since they've been pushing Tosca to the limitChris Lauwers (scribe): Luc: they have done an implementation on Java and put a UI on top to allow creation of relationships using drag and drop. Have done integration on top of Cloudify.Luc Boutier: Lauwers (scribe): Their java Tosca parser is on githubLuc Boutier: Lauwers (scribe): Winery guys are looking at YAML-to-XML translatorMatt Rutkowski (IBM): Could we get a walkthrough at a future TC call?Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Two TOSCA-related projects at Eclipse Foundation: Rutkowski (IBM): of the alien4cloud?Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve: encourages everyone to look at alien4clouds. It's a very nice UI framework.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Same for the GigaSpaces product.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve: regarding generation of XML: he believes there are gaps in the YAML spec especially in the area of relationship templates. He would like to see work to fill the gaps.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve has another question about the heat translator: are relationships captured in the output?Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt doesn't readily know he answer.Luc Boutier: Alien4Cloud provides a catalog of Tosca Types that you can use to design topologies in a multi-role based UI. Applications created from the topologies can then be deployed using pluggable orchestrators (right now we have a cloudify implementation - we are also working with Apache Brooklyn guys - made an internal sample of Docker Swarm/Compose/Machine integration).Luc Boutier: Right now we are not fully compliant with latest TOSCA but will be working on it.Luc Boutier: We also have in our next version the ability to design workflows (required for more complex use-cases we encountered) and a YAML spec for workflows.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve elaborates on alien4cloud. It allows you to graphically create Tosca templates that can then be sent to Cloudify.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Sivan: explains that alien4clouds is what they call a "composer". It's part of the premium edition of Cloudify, not the free versionMatt Rutkowski (IBM): Very exciting, alien4cloud, it is also Apache 2 license!Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luc explains that aliens4cloud is open source that also has small integrations with Docker.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luc: will add plug ins for other clouds. Also will add location matching.Matt Rutkowski (IBM): This is very exciting, we clearly need a walkthrough and demo, I plan to re-allocate my time to look at directyMatt Rutkowski (IBM): Rutkowski (IBM): nice video thereLuc Boutier: BTW video is old UILuc Boutier: much better now but I didn't had the chance to update it :Chris Lauwers (scribe): Steve: this interaction illustrates the need for a standard output of a Tosca parser (similar to Java bytecode).Chris Lauwers (scribe): Heat translator and Gigaspaces both use graphs. Would be nice to have a standardized graph format.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt is in full agreement.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt believes tosca-parser will be able to output a real graph shortlyChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul believes Jacques could be very helpful in driving the Interop process. He has experience with other OASIS standards.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul: Chris is also on the hitlist. Would make a good team with Jacques.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Chris will talk to JaquesMatt Rutkowski (IBM): FYI, the tosca-parser already has test suites that can be referenced for seed material for conformance tests, but be aware there are functional assertions on the grammar for "TOSCA tools", but then there is a level of conformance for deployment/management for TOSCA OrchstratorsChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul: there is an open invitation to other to volunteer as well.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Motion: the TC acknowledges and thanks Matt for his leadership of the Interop SC.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Karsten seconds the motion.Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passes.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Paul thanks Richard (in an ad-hoc fashion) for his contributions as co-chair as well.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next agenda item: formation of an "instance model" group.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: * Self-nominations received: Alessandro Rossini and Sivan BarzilyChris Lauwers (scribe): Paul invites other self-nominations for co-leaders of the instance model ad-hoc groupPaul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Suggestion Motion: The TC approves the formation of the Instance Model Ad Hoc group to be co-lead by Alessandro Rossini and Sivan Barzily, with the suggested deliverables to include use cases, recommendations, and/or specific enhancements/changes to the specification. Furthermore, the TC instructs the co-leaders to report on progress and provide technical updates to the TC regularly.Chris Lauwers (scribe): No other self-nominations.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Motion: The TC approves the formation of the Instance Model Ad Hoc group to be co-lead by Alessandro Rossini and Sivan Barzily, with the suggested deliverables to include use cases, recommendations, and/or specific enhancements/changes to the specification. Furthermore, the TC instructs the co-leaders to report on progress and provide technical updates to the TC regularly.Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) public: Motion by PaulChris Lauwers (scribe): Matt seconds.Chris Lauwers (scribe): No discussion. No objections to unanimous consent. Motion passes unanimously.Alessandro Rossini (SINTEF): Thanks a lot everyone!Chris Lauwers (scribe): Allessandro encourages everyone to join the group.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next agenda item: update from Container Ad-Hoc Group.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Hemal is not on the call. Matt gives an update: last meeting focused on level-setting around the use case. Focus going forward is on modeling Kubernetes.Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Julio Ruano is new member of Container ad-hocMatt Rutkowski (IBM): and working on OpenStack Senlin projectChris Lauwers (scribe): Matt reminds the group to use the JIRA issue for each ad-hoc group for collaboration within the group.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next agenda item: NFV ad-hoc.Chris Lauwers (scribe): This week's meeting was canceled because of a Chinese holiday. Next briefing is scheduled for Sept. 24Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next item: Technical MarketingChris Lauwers (scribe): Karsten: this week's call was canceled and because of Karsten's leave of absence the TM&E calls won't resume on September 22nd.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Work will focus on completing the slide deck, specifically the speaker notes. Plan to have a draft in early october for approval. Then will make a youtube video from the deck.Chris Lauwers (scribe): After that, focus will be on developer community, which will require things like tutorials etc.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Sivan will join the TM&E group at the end of October.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next item: ad-hoc on Monitoring.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Ifat is no longer on the call. Paul giving an update instead.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Focus of the monitoring ad-hoc is currently on future use cases. Roger Dev left his company so Ifat will temporarily coordinate activities of the group.Chris Lauwers (scribe): The monitoring group has already presented the initial use case (about a month ago).Chris Lauwers (scribe): Since they, they've proposed additional use cases to be pursued for Version 1.1 of Tosca.Chris Lauwers (scribe): The ad-hoc group will meet on a monthly basis. The group is looking for new leadership. Paul is looking for volunteers.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next item: ad-hoc on Simple Profile.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Matt believes the group will focus next on requirements from Container group, on policies, and on configuration formats to capture different "environments"Chris Lauwers (scribe): Next item: focus on JIRA issues.Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luca would like to focus on TOSCA-266Chris Lauwers (scribe): Summary: need a mechanism to describe services that are required but do not need to be deployed because they're already available (e.g. monitoring service)Chris Lauwers (scribe): Luca has created a proposal for how to address this (his proposal also addresses TOSCA-267)Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) private: re TOSCA-266 and TOSCA-277: This is linked to the External node proposal document I placed in the repo Lauwers (scribe): Paul makes a motion to adjourn the meetingChris Lauwers (scribe): Luc secondsChris Lauwers (scribe): Motion passes by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned. ................

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