Bible Trivia Baseball Questions

[Pages:14]Bible Trivia Baseball Questions

Rules for Bible Trivia Baseball: 1. "S" stands for a single, "D" stands for a double, "T" stands for a triple, and "H" stands for a home run.

There are 40 single, 30 double, 20 triple, and 10 home run questions. 2. The moderator will ask the person in line, which is the batter, to pick a number between one and one hundred.

Optionally, the moderator can let the batter pick the type of hit and the question number within that type, such as D10 or S16. 3. The moderator will then announce or confirm whether that numbered question represents a single (S), double (D), triple (T), or home run (H). 4. If the batter correcly answers the question, then he or she will get the single (S), double (D), triple (T), or home run (H), as appropriate.

Optionally, the moderator can position four chairs for first base, second base, third base, and home plate. The batter would then sit in the appropriate chair if the question is answered correctly. He or she will move around the bases as each batter gets a hit until he or she scores. 5. If the batter does not answer the question correctly and the teammates cannot help, then the failed answer will count as an out. 6. After three outs, the other team bats. 7. If everyone on the batting team has had a chance to bat before three outs are reached, then the other team should bat. 8. In most cases, three innings should constitute a game.

1 D10 Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem? TO BE TAXED (LUKE 2:1-4)

2 S16 Who wrote Psalm 23? DAVID

3 S29 Where did Jonah spend three days and nights? IN A GREAT FISH

4 T1 How was Stephen killed? HE WAS STONED TO DEATH 5 D20 Who wrote the first five books of the Bible? MOSES 6 H1 What leader saw the handwriting on the wall? BELSHAZZAR 7 S15 Name the king that brought Daniel to Babylon. NEBUCHADNEZZAR 8 D11 Who spoke over three thousand proverbs? SOLOMON (I KINGS 4:32) 9 S30 John the Baptist wrote the Gospel of John. FALSE

To whom did the Queen of Sheba make a special trip to visit? SOLOMON I 10 D21 KINGS 10:1) 11 S28 Who was the king that tried to kill the baby Jesus? HEROD

12 S40 In what city was the baby Jesus born? BETHLEHEM 13 T2 What was Mark's first name? JOHN (ACTS 12:12) 14 D9 Who was the preacher at Pentecost? PETER (ACTS 2:14)

Name two of the boys in the fiery furnace. SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND 15 S17 ABEDNEGO 16 T13 What book of the Bible does not mention God? ESTHER 17 S2 With whom did David have an affair? BATHSHEBA 18 D8 What proper name did God give for Himself to Moses? I AM THAT I AM 19 S14 The Queen of Sheba was not impressed by Solomon's wisdom. FALSE

Who was the man released when Jesus was condemned to be crucified? 20 D12 BARABBAS (MATTHEW 27:21)

What did God do on the seventh day of Creation? HE RESTED (GENESIS 21 S1 2:2)

22 H3 How many chapters in the Gospel of Matthew? 28 Who wrote the Book of Revelation? The APOSTLE JOHN (REVELATION

23 T12 1:4)

24 D7 Who wrote the Book of Romans? THE APOSTLE PAUL (ROMANS 1:1)

25 S39 What new name did God give to Saul of Tarsus? PAUL (ACTS 13:9)

26 T3 How many books of the Bible did the Apostle John write? 5

27 S18 Who turned water into wine? JESUS (JOHN 2:7-9)

28 S38 Jesus is the Son of God. TRUE

29 H2 What chapter in the Bible talks about the first human sin? GENESIS 3

30 D22 What animal form is used in Genesis 3:1 to describe Satan? A SERPENT

31 S37 Jesus is and always has been eternal. TRUE

32 S31 Who wrote about Creation? MOSES What was Luke's profession? HE WAS A MEDICAL DOCTOR

33 D24 (COLOSSIANS 4:14) Who was given a coat of many colors and sold into slavery by his jealous

34 S13 brothers? JOSEPH (GENESIS 37:3)

35 T14 How many books of the Bible did the Apostle Peter write? 2

36 S27 How many books are in the Christian Bible? 66 37 T5 What verse in the Bible says that the wages of sin is death? Romans 6:23

Who did the Lord send to Egypt to lead His people out of slavery? MOSES 38 S3 (EXODUS 3:10) 39 D23 Who was the first human murderer in the Bible? CAIN 40 D13 Who did Cain kill? ABEL 41 H5 Who was the son that boasted about seeing his father naked? HAM 42 S36 Jesus was secretly married to Mary Magdalene. FALSE 43 D19 Who came to see Jesus at night? NICODEMUS

Name one of the two chapters in the Bible that lists the genealogy of Jesus. 44 T4 MATTHEW CHAPTER ONE OR LUKE CHAPTER THREE

Jesus lived a long life on earth and had no enemies. Everyone loved Him. 45 S32 FALSE

46 H4 Who led the rebellion at Babel? NIMROD Who built the ark and protected his family and animal life from the Great

47 S19 Flood? NOAH

48 D30 Who was the first king of Israel? SAUL (I SAMUEL 11:15)

49 S4 Who did Jesus bring back to life and then weep? LAZARUS

50 T15 Which of David's sons raped his sister? AMNON (II SAMUEL 13:14)

51 D29 Who was Solomon's father? DAVID (II SAMUEL 12:24)

52 S26 Name one of Lazarus' sisters. MARY OR MARTHA

53 D18 Which sister sat at Jesus' feet while the other was preparing the meal? MARY Who wrote "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son

54 S12 ...?" JOHN

55 D25 How many books in the Bible did Luke write? 2 Which sister prepared the meal while the other was sitting at Jesus' feet?

56 T18 MARTHA Where can "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son

57 S20 ..." be found in the Bible? JOHN 3:16 Who wrote that the tongue is a little member, that is set on fire, and that no

58 D6 man can tame? JAMES 3:6-8

59 S11 Who did the devil severely test by taking his family and his health? JOB


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