AP World History

HISTORICAL PERIOD 6: 1900-TODAY!WWI, WWII and THE COLD WAR AP LINGO: WWI, WWII AND THE COLD WAR:The 20th century, at least up until 1990, was really based on 3 things:WWIWWIIThe Cold War between Russia and America (The Cold War then gave us Vietnam and the Korean War)AP calls WWI and WWII TOTAL WARS. Why?They involved the WHOLE WORLDAlso, the WHOLE country got involved; all of OUR resources were usedFor example: Coca Cola actually started making bullets and General Motors started making tanks. WOMEN took jobs the soldiers couldn’t do at home. We even started a women’s baseball league cuz the Yankees went to war. This is the movie “League of Their Own”Both wars had THE DRAFT!!!Armies used NUCLEAR and CHEMICAL weapons.Japan, the Nazis etc. attacked other countries for power, $$$, or natural resources.Also, all of their African and Asian colonies got involvedActually, WWI and WWII are really simple and we will NOT spend too much time on them. After all, u learned about them in Middle School and Elementary School. If u get any question on the 20th century, all of it applies. WORLD WAR ONE (1914-1918)The Good Guys: France, England, Russia and The good ol’ US of AThe Bad Guys: Germany, Italy, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire WORLD WAR 2: 1939-1945Hitler kills himself: April 30th, 1945July, 1945: we drop 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and NagasakiTHE GOOD GUYS: THE ALLIED POWERSAmerica, England and RussiaTHE BAD GUYS: THE AXIS POWERSGermany (AGAIN), Italy and JapanWWI Casualties: 30 MILLION DEAD/30 MILLION WOUNDEDWWII Casualties: 60 MILLION DEAD/60 MILLION WOUNDEDDefinitions: Governments ideologies (NOT EVERYONE IS A CAPITALIST LIBERAL DEMOCRACY)Nationalism: When you love your country MORE than all other countries. And ya know what countries use to rile up their populations? PROPAGANDA; art, posters, cartoons, movies, songs etc. Here’s great one from America. They were positive and helpful, but u get the idea. Fascism: The Nazis were fascists, meaning that they were dictators AND racist. Very bad dudes. *Remember, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis thought they were the uber-race, better then everyone else. The Nazis didn’t just kill Jews, they killed gypsies, gays, African-Americans, the mentally ill, the physically disabled munism vs. Capitalism: We’ll learn about this in the pages belowLiberalism: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of ReligionSocialism: The government owns everything! Kind of like Communism but not exactly]One of the worst consequences of WWI AND causes of WWII was the GREAT DEPRESSIONAMERICA-1930’SThe GREAT DEPRESSION was one of the main reasons WWII started. After WWI, England and France were broke, the US had the great Stock Market crash of 1929, and the Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for all of WWI. As a result, they were broke too. This leads directly to WWII and Adolf Hitler.The Great Depression was in the 1930’s.In America, unemployment was at 25%!!!!!!When Obama took office in 2008 it was at 10%, now it’s at 5% but for teenagers it’s at 30%DON’T 4GET WWII really started when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7th, 1941) and FDR declared WAR on the Axis Powers. B4 that, of course, Hitler attacked Poland, Austria and France, and was really close to defeating England and Winston Churchill. Hitler made the stupid mistake of attacking Russia in 1942 as well. And DON’T 4GET that WWI kind of all started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (This is not AP Us History after all) WWI was the first industrialized war where we used tanks, airplanes, machine guns and the flamethrower for the first time ever. This time Germany was basically blamed as well and we made them pay HUGE amounts of $$$ in the Treaty of Versailles. Unfortunately, we made Germany so poor, and the Great Depression was so bad, that we got Hitler and the Nazis instead (We’ll watch 2 short documentaries on WWI and WWII so you could take notes then)Of course, WWII ended with us dropping 2 nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The consequences of either wars are more complicated:The League of Nations----The United NationsWomen getting the right to vote (1920)Russia becoming communist.PART 2: THE COLD WARWhen WWII ended the world entered a period known as the COLD WAR. It was America (the good guys) vs. the Soviet Union (the bad guys). A battle of the 2 SUPERPOWERS!! Of course the situation was a bit more complex but this is enough for our purposes. Also, if u are interested in either SL or HL History Senior year, this is where the class begins. It will be the COLD WAR that gives us Vietnam and the Korean War.You see, America was CAPITALIST while the Soviet Union (Russia) was COMMUNIST.CAPITALISM: Based on having a lot of money and the idea of private property (American and French Revolutions)COMMUNISM: No one is rich and no one is poor but the state owns everything. Also, there is no Freedom of Speech and no Freedom of the Press.Capitalism is based on the writings of Adam Smith and John Stuart MillMoney is good Competition is good Greed is goodFreedom of Speech Freedom of ReligionThe FREE MARKET: The idea that government should leave businesses alone (economic liberalization) and let them do whatever they want. PROBLEM: we will have too many poor people, no minimum wage, and children working in MUNIST COUNTRIESRUSSIA TRUNS INTO THE SOVIET UNIONCHINAVIETNAMCUBANORTH KOREASome in AfricaSome in Latin AmericaMy classroom where I am the dictatorCAPITALISM VS. COMMUNISMShould education be free?Should Health care be free?Should there be a Minimum Wage?Should men and women be treated equally?How much should we pay in taxes? We learned in Chapter 16: The Industrial Revolution that unfettered capitalism gave us Child Labor, poverty, disease etc. That’s why America got the 40 hr. work week, the Minimum Wage and then some other munism was a response to the economic inequality of Capitalism. The problem was that all throughout history you had a few really rich people…AND A LOT OF VERY POOR PEOPLE. So there were a lot of countries that felt that capitalism as we knew it wouldn’t solve the RICH/POOR problem: 1% were rich/99% were poor. This was basically kind of why the French Revolution started also. I mean, the King and Queen had everything while the regular people had nothing.UNFORTUNATE FACT #1: The richest 85 people in the world have more money than the bottom 3.5 billion/UNFORTUNATE FACT #2: The Middle Class in America fell below 50% for the fisrt time since Vietnam in early 2016. (It was only on the news for one hr. before being replaced by the Golden Globes information)UNFORTUNATE FACT #3: In America, 15% of us live below the POVERTY LINE. That’s 45,000,000 people……..Communism was based on the writings of Karl Marx who said:Communism would solve everything by making MONEY and PRIVATE PROPERTY illegal. Theoretically everything would be owned by the state. That way there would be NO RICH AND BE NO POOR. The world would be a PERFECT UTOPIA (perfect world), like my classroomThere is a PROBLEM with this, however: Not everyone WANTS $$$$$ to be illegal, so in countries like Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba, the leaders became dictators who took away people’s freedom of speech and freedom of the press and freedom to travel. ***The ONLY reason my family was allowed to leave the Soviet Union in 1979 when I was 2 years old is because my mom is Jewish and communists hate religion.So the Cold War lasted from 1945 (end of WWII) to 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. I will give you a little history on Russia at the end of the packet.The Cold War gave us 2 other wars: 1) the Vietnam War and the Korean WarWe learned in the last chapter that some colonies achieved their independence through non-violence (Mahatma Gandhi in India). Now we will learn about one that achieved it through ARMED STRUGGLE; Vietnam.Remember how European countries took over smaller countries in Africa? Well, they did the same in Asia. And the French had 3 countries in SE Asia (French Indo-China; Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia). After WWII we saved the French and they wanted their colonies back. They wanted to STAY an imperialist power and the United States actually supported the French even though we had just defeated Adolf Hitler, another guy who was basically an imperialist. It was the ultimate act of hypocrisy. And guess what, the people of Vietnam wanted to be FREE just like the French wanted to be FREE when the Germans attacked!!!We wanted the French to take over Vietnam because we were worried they would become communist. And when they DID become communist the US fought a war to stop them even though they WANTED to become communist.The Vietnamese were led by a guy named HO CHI MINH, and he couldn’t BELIEVE that the US would support a colonial power (French) and then not let them decide whether or not they wanted to become capitalist or communist. Whatever happened to the Freedom of Speech and stuff. THE VIETNAM WARThe Vietnam War was the most controversial war in American History. It lasted from 1954-1975 and cost 50,000 American boys their lives. It also cost millions of Vietnamese their loves.It was also the first time we had THE DRAFT since WWII. In 1968 we sent 568,000 American teenagers all the way……….across the world. And I’m talking the jungle here (cobras, tigers, jaguars etc.)CASUALTIES: American troops:50,000 dead150,000 wounded5000 MIA!!!!!Vietnam: 533,000 Cambodia: 200,000-300,000Laos: 20,000-200,000 (who knows really)You see, the Vietnamese people WANTED to become Communist, but the United States wouldn’t let them. That’s why we cancelled Vietnamese elections in 1958. We thought that Russia was so evil, that communism was so bad, and that the Cold War was so important that we needed to “WIN AT ALL COSTS”The Vietnam War was a “PROXY WAR”. That means it was an “INBETWEEN OR SUBSTITUTE WAR” between the US and Russia. This is because BOTH America and Russia had NUCLEAR WEAPOSN and nobody wanted to start WWIIIOTHER CASUALTIES OF THE VIETNAM WARAgent Orange: 400,000 deaths….500,000 DEFORMITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Agent ‘Orange’ is a chemical spray filled with a deadly toxin called dioxin which acts as an organic pollutant. That is, it kills plants and trees. We would spray it from our airplanes with the hope of ……killing all the trees in Vietnam so we could shoot the bad guys! Great military strategy, huh!?You see, the United States couldn’t find the Vietcong in the trees and the jungle so………….their strategy was literally to kill all the plants. Brilliant!And then we were surprised when we found that that same spray actually killed humans and animals as well?! And who it didn’t kill it deformed forever. They say that we killed 400,000 civilians using Agent Orange and caused over 500,000 birth defects. It also fell on our own people. ** I dare you to go online and see what JFK and Agent Orange did to the people of Vietnam. Warning: These images ARE graphic but they are TRUE! Have fun!*After WWII, American troops left a lot of women pregnant in the Philippines. Nobody really knows who the dads are and the kids will never see US shores.** We have just started cleaning up many of the landmines in Cambodia and Laos. Kids and farmers get killed all the time. (Vice: Season 4 Episode 12)So after 1945 we get Gandhi in India, Nelson Mandela in South Africa, and now the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The 20th century moves on….PART 3:HISTOR OF HOW RUSSIA GOT SO BADHISTORY OF HOW CHINA GOT SO BADRUSSIA**DON’T 4GET that Russia is 3X BIGGER than the United States1. If you remember correctly, Russia was taken over by the Mongols in the 1200’s.The Mongols were BRUTAL, destroying livestock, enslaving men, and raping women. This is also the time that Moscow became the capital.2. Then the Byzantine Empire kind of moved in and helped create the Russian language. 3. They also made Russian Eastern Orthodox Christian and that’s why my Grandmother has their cross on her grave RUSSIAN: Первокурсников (Sophomores) только для одной вещи , что делает шуткиENGLISH TRANSLATION: I’ll never tell!Then in the 1600’s-1800’s Russia started to industrialize. The only country to do it not through Capitalism but through the State.Peter the Great- 1600’sStarted the first Russian navyCreated the beautiful city of St. Petersburg near Finland (I was there in the summer during ‘White Nights’ when the sun never sets so it was like dawn at 3:00 a.m.)Made all the nobles learn French (That’s why my dad made me take French in college even though I already spoke Russian)Catherine the Great: The 1700’sReally ugly Queen of Russia (Kings are called czars and Queens are called czarinas). This comes from the Latin word ‘Ceasar’.Other czars: Alexander II, Nicholas I, Shtrakhman the Superlord!Unfortunately, Russia remained a backwards nation where 99% of the population have nothing and 1%, the King and Queens have, have everything. The people were poor, illiterate and hungry. This is where COMMUNISM comes in and Russia becomes known as…THE SOVIET UNION!! Again, we have the 1%/99% phenomenon.Fast forward to THE YEAR 1917:Russia is in the middle of WWI and losing MILLIONS of people to war, poverty and famine.A man named Vladimir Lenin starts a Communist Revolution THE SOVIET UNION (1917-1991 when the Soviet Union finally collapses and we win the Cold War). And then in comes Josef Stalin. Stalin is SO BAD that America and Russia will be in the Cold War Stalin is a maniac who kills 7,000,000 in a famineExecutes 1000 per day with a bullet to the headSends 10,000,000 to the freezing priosns of SiberiaDrinks hot chocolate every single day!Lenin and Stalin also take over the following countries of Eastern Europe:Romania4. Hungary7.UkrianeYugoslavia 5. Czechoslovakia8. KazakstanPoland 6. East Germany9. Estonia, Latvia and LithuaniaThe only potentially positive aspects of communism areThey treat women and men THE SAMEThey view ALL religions the SAME—although they HATE all of themThe Cold War will bring us VERY CLOSE to WWIII because both America and the Soviet Union will have about 10,000 NUCLEAR WEAPONS EACH!!!There are only 9 countries in the world with nukes. See if you can name them:1. 8.4.Pakistan 9. (Unofficially)AP LANG: The Cold War also produced new military alliances, including NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and promoted proxy wars in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.Proxy wars: The Korean War, the Vietnam WarNATO Stands for the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization”It includes all the countries on the north Atlantic: USA, Canada, England, Scandinavia, France etc. (It was our geographic buffer against Russia)THE WARSAW PACT: Russia’s response to NATO. It included all of the countries of Eastern Europe Russia took over. It was kind of like a FORCED NATONON-ALIGNED NATIONS Some countries never took sides in the Cold war and remained non-aligned.Luckily the Cold War ends in 1990 when the Soviet Union collapses. Today it is once again known as Russia. I’m afraid communism just really can’t work in the real word. Cuba is suffering and China is basically capitalist but a dictatorship. Let’s take a look at China today.HISTORY OF HOW CHINA GOT SO BADOK, if u remember correctly, China was the strongest country in the world for like 2000 years. They gave us silk, the Silk Road, gunpowder, Confucianism, Taoism, the Great Wall, wooden printing blocks, great art, calligraphy, the first University, a very sophisticated vocabulary etc. China was THE MAN!!!Then, in the 1800’s Europe and America started to take advantage of her. Especially England with the Opium Wars and America with Catholicism and Christianity.ALSO DON’T 4GET that China was essentially yet another country plagued by 1000’s of years of inequality, poverty, emperors, patriarchy and pain. For 4000 years they had DYNASTY AFTER DYNASTY and EMPEROR AFTER EMPEROR. They were the PERFECT EXAMPLE of the 1%/99% phenomenon. Finally, in 1949 all that comes to an end and they became Communist.No more EmperorsNo more dynastiesNo more patriarchy (communism treats women the same)No more religion (communism HATES religion)And lets’ not even get into foot binding: The MOST important person in Chinese history AFTER 1949 is Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) MAO IS IMPORTANT FOR TWO MAIN REASONS (BESIDES HAVING A HUGE WART ON HIS FACE)*It’s true, communism treated women WAY BETTER than China, Japan, Europe or any other historically patriarchal society.**They also hated religion and felt that ALL OF THEM fooled people: CHRISTIANITY,BUDDHISM, CONFUCIANISM, TAOISM, ISLAM, JUDAISM ETC.But MAO did 2 realllyyyyyyyyyy BAD THINGSThe Great Leap Forward : A disastrous farm policy that that led to a FAMINE that killed 40 million people!!!!The Cultural Revolution : A social cleansing that killed 5 million lawyers, teachers, writers, artists, students, and whoever else was labelled a Capitalist pig. Led by Communist teenagers….like U!)If u remember correctly, communism hates the idea of PRIVATE PROPERTY, so Mao made all the farmers give all their land and all their animals to the Communist party. As a result, China had a famine in the 1950’s that killed 40,000,000 people!!! (The Great Leap Forward)You see, In China peasants never really owned the land: it all belonged either to the Emperor or the local warlords. So one of the things COMMUNISTS want to do is re-distribute the land. This happened in ALL communist nations: Cuba, Vietnam, Latin America, Asia, Africa etc. Either we all owned it, or no one owned it.In some countries the communist leader would take ALL the land and give each peasant a LITTLE. This was also known as land re-distribution. This was true for communism or socialism which are essentially the same thing: group or state ownership of everything.The problem is this doesn’t always work because the individual farmers want to keep their own stuff and their own animals. So sometimes we get a massive famine: there was also a famine in Russia in the 1930’s that killed 7,000,000And we kind of have this here in the United States too. See if u can find any examples.The communists also felt that anyone with an education (not 1st, 2nd or 5th hour) was a threat to communism cuz they could read. They killed 5,000,000 writers, businessmen, artists, teachers, doctors, lawyers etc. Business people were especially hated because communism is the opposite of capitalism. This was the CULTURAL REVOLUTIONEventually Mao dies of Parkinson’s Disease in 1976. This is when China becomes the capitalist powerhouse it is today. Of course, there is still no freedom fo speech, freedom of the press, or actual elections. The following terms are outlawed on Chinese internet:DemocracyHuman RightsThe Dalai LamaJustine BieberHOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS:How were WWI and WII ‘Total Wars’?What was the Great Depression and when did it happen?What is the CONNECTION between WWI and WWIIWhat was the Cold War fundamentally about:What is this 1%/99% phenomenon and how does it apply to BOTH China and Russia?What’s the DIFFERENCE between CAPITALISM/COMMUNISM?GREAT QUESTION: What was so theoretically appealing about communism?HOW WAS THE VIETNAM WAR ACTUALLY A REVERSAL OF THE THINGS AMERICA STANDS FOR?LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #1: DO YOU THINK EVERYONE IN AMERICA SHOULD HAVE HEALTH CARE EVEN IF THEY CAN’T AFFORD IT ?________________________________________________________LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #2: WAS IT RIGHT TO DROP THE ATOMIC BOMB ON JAPAN EVEN THOUGH WE KILLED 100,000 CIVILIANS?ASSIGNMENT #2: COMPLETE THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE (DON’T CHEAT!!!! UR ONLY CHEATING YOURSELVES )ASSIGNMENT #3- MAP ASSIGNMENTGrab a blank map of Europe and fill in/ color in the following countries and their capitals. Use the purple textbooks as before. (CROSSWORD PUZZLE/OR VOCABULARY QUIZ WILL FOLLOW!!)EUROPE:ENGLAND: LONDONFRANCE: PARISITALY: ROMEGREECE: ATHENSBELGIUM: BRUSSELSHOLLAND: AMSTERDAMNORWAY: OSLOSWEDEN: STOCKHOLMFINLAND: HELSINKIDENMARK: COPENHAGENSPAIN: MADRIDPORTUGAL: LISBONGERMANY: BERLINAUSTRIA: VIENNASWITZERLAND: BERNPOLAND-WARSAWROMANIA-BUCHAREST (PRONOUNCED BUHA-REST)HUNGARY BUDAPEST (PRONOUNCED BUDA-PESHT)PLEASE PICK UP THE LAST CHAPTER: THE 21 CENTURY!!!YEAY!!!! ................

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