DoD 7000.14 - R




DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021



All changes are denoted by blue font.

Substantive revisions are denoted by an asterisk (*) symbol preceding the section, paragraph, table, or figure that includes the revision.

Unless otherwise noted, chapters referenced are contained in this volume.

Hyperlinks are denoted by bold, italic, blue, and underlined font.

The previous version dated July 2020 is archived.


010204.A, 010205


Revised this chapter to align with policy in DoD Instruction 4000.19 "Support Agreements" that was updated December 16, 2020.

PURPOSE Revision


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation Table of Contents

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021

VOLUME 11A, CHAPTER 1: "GENERAL REIMBURSEMENT POLICY" ............................ 1

0101 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................... 3

010101. 010102. 010103.

Overview .............................................................................................................. 3 Purpose ................................................................................................................. 3 Authoritative Guidance ........................................................................................ 3

0102 REIMBURSEMENT GUIDANCE................................................................................ 5

010201. 010202. 010203. 010204. *010205.

General Guidance ................................................................................................. 5 Disposition of Collections .................................................................................... 6 Billing Standard.................................................................................................... 6 Determining Amounts to be Reimbursed............................................................. 7 Documentation Standards .................................................................................. 14

Table 1-1 STRAIGHT-LINE METHOD OF DEPRECIATION .............................................. 17

Table 1-2 INTEREST ON INVESTMENT CALCULATION ................................................. 17


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation CHAPTER 1

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021





DoD reimbursable authority is authorized by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (OUSD(C)), through budget formulation and statutory authorization of the budget in accordance with Title 10, United States Code, section 2205 (10 U.S.C. ? 2205).



This chapter provides guidance on the amounts that must be recouped when DoD Components perform work or sell property within the Department, to other federal agencies and to private parties that do not involve the Defense Working Capital Fund (DWCF) or other DoD Revolving Funds. It does not provide authority to sell to private parties, since specific legal authority must be identified to make such sales. It supplements the standards for financial accounting for intragovernmental accounts receivable in Volume 4, Chapter 3, for intragovernmental accounts payable in Volume 4, Chapter 9, and budgetary accounting for reimbursements, in Volume 3, Chapters 8 and 15.


Authoritative Guidance

A. U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) authorized accounts are to be credited for reimbursements made to DoD appropriations in accordance with 31 U.S.C. ?? 1535 and 1536. Refer to 10 U.S.C. ? 2205 for further guidance.

B. Statutory authority on project order agreements for work or material or for the manufacture of material pertaining to approved projects placed with a separately managed DoD-owned establishment is given in 41 U.S.C. ? 6307. 31 U.S.C. ? 1535 governs Economy Act orders placed with an agency or major organizational unit within an agency. Chapters 2 and 3 provide detailed guidance on these statutory requirements.

C. According to DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4000.19 "Support Agreements," DoD Components are responsible for programming, budgeting, and funding for the reimbursable support agreements into which they enter. These include agreements into which a DoD Component enters into with another DoD Component; a federal agency; a state, local, or tribal government; or a non-governmental entity that is a congressionally chartered nonprofit organization pursuant to 36 U.S.C. ?? 20101 to 240101 (e.g., American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S., and United Service Organizations, Inc.). DoDI 4000.19 uses the term Intra-agency support agreements to refer to agreements between DoD Components. Also, DoDI 4000.19 uses the term Inter-agency support agreements to refer to agreements between DoD Components and federal agencies.


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021

D. The Department will no longer provide non-reimbursable support of any kind to other federal, state, territorial, tribal, or local government entities; private groups and organizations; foreign governments; and international organizations. Refer to the Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Reimbursable Activities in Support of Other Entities," June 19, 2020 (DoD Common Access Card required). Non-reimbursable support may be provided if required by statute. When discretionary non-reimbursable support is permitted but not required by statute, it must be authorized by the DoD Joint Ethics Regulation or DoD Public Affairs guidance; or is provided after approval of an exception. Refer to the OUSD(C) memorandum, "Reporting Guidance for Reimbursable Activities in Support of Other Entities," July 22, 2020 (DoD Common Access Card required) for details on how to receive an exception.

E. The requirements in Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Appendix 8, "Section 1--Buy/Sell Transactions," provides guidance on Buy/Sell activity that involve reimbursable activity between Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) and, between FPAs and third-party providers. These buyers and sellers are also known as trading partners. The TFM provides the business rules and processes to properly record, report, reconcile and measure intra-governmental transactions (IGTs). The TFM differentiates between two types of IGTs, intra-departmental and intra-governmental. Intradepartmental transactions result from activity between trading partners within the same department. Intra-governmental transactions result from activity between federal agencies not within the same department. The Volume 5, "Definitions" Chapter defines an FPA as a department, instrumentality, office, commission, board, service, or other establishment of the U.S. Government.

F. The guidance in this chapter is applicable unless a specific DoD issuance authorizes alternative reimbursement policies. The most significant of these alternative reimbursement policies include:

1. 10 U.S.C. ? 2571 allows for the exchange or transfer of supplies and services between military departments without compensation. Such transfers of supplies between military departments must have the permission of the Service Secretaries involved. In addition, a DoD Component may perform work, services or issue supplies without reimbursement, to another DoD Component with the permission of the respective Component heads. Furthermore, costs of DoD military or civilian pay and allowances (along with dependent and household goods transportation) for detail or other assignments, may be charged to an appropriation with the approval of the receiving DoD Component head.

2. Volume 11B establishes the DoD guidance for the recovery of cost for products and services provided by the DWCF or other applicable DoD Revolving Fund activities. Reimbursable orders placed with the DWCF or other DoD Revolving Fund activities may fall under any number of authorities (e.g. Project Orders for depot maintenance). The basic transactional authority for the DWCF is derived from 10 U.S.C. ? 2208(a). This authority for buyer-seller transactions is not dependent on the Economy Act or Project Order Act statutes. See Volume 11B, for additional information regarding DWCF authorities.


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021

3. Volume 13 establishes the DoD accounting guidance for DoD Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) functions performed by Nonappropriated Fund instrumentalities (NAFIs). DoD Components must not commingle Nonappropriated Funds (NAFs) with Appropriated Funds (APFs), even when used to support a common program. DoDI 1015.15, "Establishment, Management, and Control of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Financial Management of Supporting Resources," provides further guidance.

4. Volume 15 establishes the DoD guidance for the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of defense articles, defense services and for providing military training to allied and friendly foreign governments and international organizations. Refer to Volume 15, Chapter 6, Appendix G (Columns 12 and 13), for additional information on how to account for actual hours worked.

5. DoD Directive (DoDD) 3025.13 "Employment of DoD Capabilities in Support of the U.S. Secret Service (USSS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)," provides the DoD policy for the use of DoD resources for reimbursable support of the USSS, a DHS entity.

6. DoDD 3025.18 "Defense Support of Civil Authorities," provides the DoD policy for providing reimbursable military support when requested by civil authorities in order to save lives, prevent human suffering or, mitigate property damages within the U.S. Refer to Chapter 19 for further guidance.

7. DoDI 3025.21 "Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies," provides the DoD policy for reimbursement when equipment or services are provided to agencies outside DoD in support of civilian law enforcement officials.



General Guidance

A. A seller's reimbursements are amounts earned and collected for materials sold or services furnished as a result of a reimbursable agreement. A seller's reimbursable obligations are financed by offsetting collections. Components are to credit these offsetting collections to an expenditure account in payment for goods and services provided by that account. Refer to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11, section 20 for further details. Credit the specific appropriation or fund account for the collection only when it authorized by law.

B. The TFM in Volume I, Part 2, Chapter 4700, Appendices 5 and 8 provide the requirements for accounting, reporting, and reconciliation of IGTs between FPAs and their trading partners. The five IGT categories are Fiduciary, Buy/Sell, Transfers, Custodial, and General Fund transactions. Buy/Sell IGTs involve transactions where goods or services are purchased by one federal agency from another federal agency. Buy/Sell IGTs are exchange transactions impacting assets and liabilities; revenue and expenses; and advances/prepayments and deferred credits. Two federal agencies will usually execute a reimbursable agreement to formally document this arrangement. Trading partners must have appropriate statutory authority, such as the Economy Act, prior to engaging in an agreement for Buy/Sell transactions. For Buy/Sell IGTs,


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021

the receiving agency is the buyer and the servicing agency is the seller. Trading partners must reconcile completed performance transactions at a minimum, on a quarterly basis to ensure both parties are in agreement. The TFM provides the requirements for using the standard Interagency Agreement (IAA) containing the Bureau of the Fiscal Service (FS) Form 7600A "United States Government General Terms and Conditions (GT&C)" and FS Form 7600B "United States Government Order Form." Treasury requires the use of these two IAA forms to ensure the proper recording and reporting on IGT Buy/Sell transactions unless, other guidance (such as OMB policy) requires a completed agreement for certain IGT types, such as assisted acquisitions. Refer to paragraph 010205 for specific guidance.

C. Non-Economy Act orders for intra-governmental work and services should be executed in accordance with the detailed guidance provided in Chapter 18.


Disposition of Collections

A. Collections must be credited to the appropriation that procured the services or materiel being sold when specifically authorized by law as required by subparagraph 010201.A.

B. Collections for unfunded costs such as labor of military personnel, depreciation of capital assets and interest, must be deposited into the General Fund of the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts unless otherwise provided for in this chapter or by other DoD issuances.

C. Collections received after an appropriation cancels must be deposited in Treasury Account 3200, "Collections of Receivables from Canceled Accounts." Refer to Volume 4, Chapter 3.

D. Disposition of collections for FMS must be in accordance with Volume 15.


Billing Standard

A. The price to be charged for goods and/or services furnished by the Department depends on whether that good and/or service is provided to, or for the benefit of a DoD Component, a non-DoD federal agency, a private party, or a FMS customer. Therefore, the ordering DoD Component activity that requisitions or orders a good or service must inform the performing DoD activity of the identity of the intended recipient for the requisitioned goods or services. Volume 4, Chapter 3 requires that the ordering activity must review all charges from the performing activity to ensure that amounts due are in agreement with the reimbursable order and are supported with a copy of the order or contract and evidence of performance.

B. DoD Components performing work or services on a customer order must bill the ordering DoD Component, other federal agency, or the public for earned reimbursements (performance of work or services, or delivery from inventory) within 30 calendar days after the month in which performance occurred. The payment due date must not be more than 30 calendar days from the date of the invoice. Bills rendered are not subject to audit by the customer prior to payment as required under 31 U.S.C. ? 1535.


DoD 7000.14-R


Financial Management Regulation

Volume 11A, Chapter 1 * May 2021

C. The accurate reporting of reciprocal balances, and proper elimination of reciprocal activity between trading partners, requires accurate documentation of accounting events. Imbalances occur when federal entities or trading partners are unable to account for and reconcile differences when buying and selling goods and services. Volume 6B, Chapter 13 provides guidance for trading partner exchange of data, eliminating intra-governmental transactions from the DoD quarterly and annual financial statements, and providing Treasury elimination information for use in preparing the Government-wide financial statements.


Determining Amounts to be Reimbursed

DoD Components must adhere to the guidance in the following 14 categories (subparagraphs 010204.A ? N) when determining amounts to be collected as reimbursements. Components may use alternative reimbursement rules described in this volume and in other DoD issuances as applicable.


A. DoD Components providing prepaid or reimbursable support will require

that cost information is quantifiable and provided to all parties. In addition, support must only be

reimbursable when the specified support increases the seller's incremental direct costs and the

seller's actual indirect costs of providing support. A seller can waive reimbursement from buyers

that use or benefit from available support when charges would be less than the anticipated expense

of billing and disbursing funds. DoD Components designated as a Combatant Command support

agent will provide administrative and logistics support to Combatant Command headquarters and

the subordinate unified command headquarters, as documented in agreements on a non-

reimbursable basis, in accordance with DoDD 5100.03 "Support of the Headquarters of Combatant

and Subordinate Unified Commands." Refer to DoDI 4000.19 for additional guidance.

B. An order placed or agreement made under the Economy Act obligates an appropriation of the ordering entity. The amount obligated is deobligated to the amount of costs incurred and billed by the performing entity before the end of the period of availability of the appropriation. According to OMB Circular A-11 "Section 20 - Terms and Concepts," the Economy Act allows federal agencies or DoD Components to do work for each other. As the costs for this work are incurred, the Economy Act authorizes the collections to be credited directly to the expenditure account that provided the goods and services for reimbursement. Refer to Chapter 3 for further details.

C. A project order placed with, and accepted by a separately managed DoDowned entity for services, material, or the manufacture of material, provide support for a valid and recordable obligation of the ordering entity. Project order appropriations remain available to pay an obligation in the same manner as appropriations remain available to pay an obligation to a commercial manufacturer or private contractor. Refer to Chapter 2 for further details.

D. As provided in Volume 13, Chapter 5 the two mechanisms for providing APF support to NAFIs are via two MWR functions. The first is the Utilization Support and Accountability (USA), and the second is the Uniform Funding and Management (UFM). MWR USA enables NAFIs to use NAFs to execute such expenses, subject to subsequent APF reimbursement. Record in the cash account with a contra entry to an Unearned Income (liability)



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