Automated Movement and Information Systems

DoD Supplier?Some Tips for Getting IUID Done Right!Here is a summary of how to prevent defects in IUID-related marking and registration actions:ITEM MARKS:Refer to DFARS 252.211-7003, the DoD Guide to Uniquely Identifying Items and MIL-STD-130 (latest version). The Guide and the MIL-STD are both downloadable using links found on this page: *Verify the mark using a verifier apparatus. This checks the physical characteristics of the mark against applicable standards. Verification does not check the data encoded in the mark but a verifier apparatus can also perform validation, which checks semantics and syntax of the encoded data. (MIL-STD 130 permits the supplier to choose to verify dot peen, electro-chemical etch and laser direct part marks using SAE Aerospace Standard AS9132, which does not require use of a verifier apparatus but which is significantly more cumbersome and, when done without using a verifier does not output an automated record of results (we know of no one who has used AS9132)).*Validate item marks using a validation software program. That will report whether proper semantics and syntax were used in the mark and whether all data elements that are required to be encoded in the mark are in the mark. It will not report whether the data encoded in the mark is the correct data. For commercial enterprises, free validation software, running in the cloud or as an app on a personal Android-based smartphone or tablet, is available. Go to . The software will also report whether the UII is registered in the DoD IUID Registry. (NOTES: (1) We normally would not point at a specific commercial product, but we are unaware of any free competitor. (2) The A2b product is not cleared to run on government phones. Compare the data that was to be encoded with what was, in fact, encoded by eyeballing the data (on the item’s data plate in human readable format) and comparing it with the validation report that displays the data that is encoded in the mark.*If using construct #2, which constructs the UII using the “original part number”, be aware of the definition of “original part number”: “Original part number means a combination of numbers or letters assigned by the enterprise at item creation to a class of items with the same form, fit, function, and interface.” In most cases that mean the OEM’s part number.Be aware that IF Data Identifier "25S" is used to encode the UII, an Issuing Agency Code (IAC) must precede the enterprise identifier (EI), original part number and serial number (SN) string that is concatenated following "25S". If the EI is a CAGE, the IAC will always be "D". Example: "[)>[RS]06[GS]25SD00PP6FE3BLCKA4DXJRH139F2182[RS][EOT]"If outsourcing mark or label production, recommend that you contractually require validation and verification reports for a representative sample of the marks. Also consider asking the marking contractor to report results in the format prescribed by DI-MGMT-81804A (you can Google it) if you are contractually required to provide that document to the Government.PACKAGING MARKS:Refer to DFARS 252.211-7003 and MIL-STD-129 (latest version). DFARS 252.211-7003 requires all items designated for IUID to have packaging marked IAW “MIL-STD-129 (latest version)”. The MIL-STD is available for download using the link found here: *Validate packaging marks using either an automated MIL-STD-129 validation program or the manual process described in the information sheet available for download at the mark with a bar code imager to ensure pare the data that was to be encoded with what actually was encoded by eyeballing the data to be encoded and the results of a mark read/scan that displays the data actually encoded in the mark. Use the information sheet linked in para 9, above as a guide.Ensure that packaging mark data is encoded in a pdf417 bar code, NOT the data matrix format used to encode IUID data on the item.CURRENT EXPERIENCE IS THAT A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF PACKAGING MARKS ARE NOT COMPLIANT WITH MIL-STD-129. CONSIDER THIS A MAJOR POTENTIAL POINT OF FAILURE!Wide Area Workflow (WAWF):*Ensure that the UID tab in the Receiving Report Module of WAWF has been populated prior to submitting the IUID-marked item for acceptance.Use the item’s mark validation report to determine data used to derive the UII that was encoded in the data matrix mark on the item. Compare the concatenated version of that data with the UII entered in the UID tab of the receiving report. They should be identical.Ensure that the construct used to mark the item is the same as the construct used to register it (the one entered in the receiving report). For example, we have had items marked with “UID2” = Construct #2 (which = Enterprise ID + PN + SN), but registered as having been marked with “UID1” = Construct #1 (which = Enterprise ID + SN). The result of that is that the UII registered is different than the UII marked on the item.If an item bearing IUID is sold as a micro-purchase, with payment by Government Purchase Card, and DFARS 252.211-7003 and DFARS 252.232-7003 are included in the contract from which the item is being acquired, the specified process used to register the item in the DoD IUID Registry is by vendor submission of the WAWF Micro-purchase Receiving Report and its UID tab. When your IUID-identified item receives government acceptance in WAWF, IUID registration data flows automatically to the IUID Registry. Checking for registration prior to acceptance is fruitless.IF YOU NEED HELP, ASK:Downloadable reference documents can be found in the AMIS IUID Resource Center at faced with an Army contract question related to IUID and to which you don’t know the answer, ask your Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer’s Representative. Backup support can be obtained by e-mailing your questions to: usarmy.belvoir.peo-eis.list.amis-iuid@mail.milDon’t guess. Ask for clarification. The cost of a marking mistake can be high (worst case example: 16,000 items, spread worldwide, that required remarking).*Specifically contractually required by DFARS 252.211-7003PL AMIS/pkrumhaus/(Rev) 6 January 2021(703) 806-0547 ................

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