Purpose and Background - DoD Procurement Toolbox

461010015621000Standard Operating ProcedureseWAWF Business SystemsManagement, Monitoring and Oversight Processes:ForContract Closeout (CCO)Jan 2018 Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0Purpose and Background PAGEREF _Toc501288025 \h 32.0Scope PAGEREF _Toc501288026 \h 33.0Overview PAGEREF _Toc501288027 \h 34.0Regulatory Guidance PAGEREF _Toc501288028 \h 45.0User Roles and Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc501288029 \h 56.0Contracting Office Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc501288030 \h 57.0Training and Other Assistance PAGEREF _Toc501288031 \h 68.0Version Control PAGEREF _Toc501288032 \h 69.0SharePoint PAGEREF _Toc501288033 \h 69.1Overview PAGEREF _Toc501288034 \h 69.2 Help Ticket PAGEREF _Toc501288035 \h 69.2.1 Help Ticket Process PAGEREF _Toc501288036 \h 610.0APPENDIX A System Support webpage PAGEREF _Toc501288037 \h 811.0 APPENDIX B Help Ticket webpage PAGEREF _Toc501288038 \h 9Purpose and BackgroundContract Closeout Module (CCO) has its genesis with Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) as a solution for all of the Department of Defense (DoD) to centralize, simplify and standardize this contracting function. As follow on to preexisting Automated Contract Closeout (ACCO) capability and per Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 4.804 and Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS) Procedures, Guidance, and Instructions (PGI) 204.804, organizations under DoD shall use the WideAreaWorkFlow (WAWF) Contract Closeout (CCO) Module in lieu of manual or partially automated processes. ScopeContracting Officers must (or shall?) ensure that all contracts and orders including calls are closed according to the timelines identified in FAR 4.804-1. Using the WAWF module to perform closeout will improve efficiency, enforce compliance with applicable policy, and ensure that contract completion statements are shared in standard formats and distributed to all appropriate downstream systems, including the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS).OverviewIn order for the contract to qualify for ACCO processing the following criteria must be met: Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance, and Property Transfer (iRAPT): all shipments for the contract must be in a processed or extracted status, final invoice has been submitted and has a “Paid” status (updated from my Invoice data).Admin Office: must not be DCMA unless the location code is on an exemption list. Electronic Document Access (EDA): contract and modifications must be in EDA as PDS data, reflects Firm Fixed Price, Contract Value does not exceed $500,000 (parameterized) and there are no clauses associated with the contract requiring administrative actions.If any of the following clauses are present on the document, ACCO will not occur:FAR 52.211-11 Liquidated Damages –Supplies, Services, or Research and DevelopmentFAR 52.216-7 Allowable Cost and PaymentFAR 52.227-9 Refund of RoyaltiesFAR 52.227-11 Patent Rights –Ownership by the ContractorFAR 52.227-13 Patent Rights –Ownership by the ContractorFAR 52.232-16 Progress PaymentsFAR 52.232-29 Terms for Financing of Purchases of Commercial ItemsFAR 52.232-30 Installment Payments for Commercial ItemsFAR 52.232-32 Performance-Based PaymentsFAR 52.245-1 Government PropertyFAR 52.248-1 Value EngineeringThe Contract Closeout capability was expanded to provide for the closure of contracts that do not qualify for ACCO. The new process provided for a “manual” worksheet that will capture the elements required to closeout complex contracts.Based upon much of the previous criteria regarding data in iRAPT and EDA, the worksheet may be either auto-generated by the Contract Closeout utility or created manually by a Contracting Officer. Using either method to generate the worksheet, the clauses and data on the Contract Closeout worksheet will be populated from data within iRAPT and EDA.The worksheet provides a variety of items to be “marked off” in order to process with worksheet. These steps may be auto-generated and then updated as necessary by a Contact Specialist or Contracting Officer. Following review by a Contracting Officer, the worksheet will be routed to the parties responsible for marking action items as completed. Parties will mark action items as “Complete” or “NA” and will have the option to add an attachment. All items must be marked complete or NA. As of this publication, CCO is a combined function within EDA role structure requiring users to hold active EDA accounts enabling CCO registration and role activation. Regulatory GuidanceBesides FAR 4.804-5(a), FAR 42, and DFARS 204.804 which govern CCO actions, there are several DoD regulatory requirements that reference the need for implementing administrative, accessing, monitoring, and oversight processes for effectively managing an information technology system, such as the WAWF:4.1 Access IssuesSee Defense Health Agency (DHA) EDA SOP for details of Access issues.4.1.1 Access at DHASee DHA EDA SOP for details of Access issues.4.2Separation of Duties IssuesSee DHA EDA SOP for details of SOD issues.4.2.1Separation of Duties Issues at DHASee DHA EDA SOP for details of SOD issues.4.3Monitoring and Oversight IssuesMonitoring and oversight will be conducted under EDA SOP.5.0User Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) owns the CCO system and, as such, has been designated as the PMO (J-623 is the DLA designation code). At DHA, management of the CCO has been vested with the Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) (J4), Head of Contracting Activity (HCA), System Support. At DHA, most users for the EDA system are designated as a regular user account, with the noted exception of the Government Administrator (GAM) and administrators within System Support who occasionally assist with EDA/CCO functions. Accordingly, while there are a minimum number of user roles at DHA (that is, GAM, government user, government contract support user), some users have restricted access as noted below. Roles for CCO are related to typical Contracting Office functions and they are: Contract Specialist, Contracting Officer and view only.6.0Contracting Office Responsibilities6.1Conduct Contract closeout In compliance with FAR 4.804-5(a) and DFARS 204.804-3, conduct contract closeout actions as required when CCO workflow indicates. Each user of a contracting office will be associated with the “Admin by” DODAAC of the respective contracting office. Example, a Contract Specialist with CO-FC will have access to contracts with HT0011 as the Admin by. This will hold true if the original contract number was with another agency such as W81WXH or W81K04.6.2Maintain Contracting Office POC CCO uses a variety of workflow notifications through email when a contract meets ACCO definition. Each contracting office must have at a minimum two (2) points of contact (POC) to act as coordinators for the office. These POCs are not required to be registered CCO users to function as POC but it is highly recommended if they are to maintain synchronization with the process flow. When the POCs are registered by the GAM in CCO as POC, the workflow notices will flow to them and copy to the GAM. The notifications will alert the POCs to contracts that are: ready to be closed; a worksheet has been completed; a worksheet is ready to be signed and completed by contracting officer; and contract is closed. 6.3Contracting Office CCO RolesContracting Officer Role – Acts as the final government agent to certify all the actions to close the contract are completed and finalizes with signature of DD1594 and worksheet.Contract Specialist Role – Add/update/delete items and or prepares modifications for the contract with intention to close as appropriate. Completes worksheet with final actions and submits to Contracting Officer for final review and closure.View Only Role – functions as possible oversight with ability to pull action data such as pending or closed awards.7.0Training and Other Assistance Web based training for CCO is available in the training section of the eWAWF home page. A DHA version has been distributed to all Contracting Offices as well as posted on the System Support SharePoint page.8.0Version Control This SOP shall be accessible at all times to the GAM. It shall be maintained as a “soft” copy, as well as a “hard” copy. The written, hard copy, along with any addendums referenced in this SOP, shall be maintained, available to the GAM and system-owner management, and posted on the SharePoint list.9.0SharePoint9.1Overview Previously mention above is the use of SharePoint for the purpose of file retention, user access status and locations of where the System Support Section provides DHA wide intranet web presence. The System Support Section SharePoint site defines use and provides a portal to a second level of detail to access other programs such as the Business Operations Help ticket. The page provides point of contact information from the various System Support personnel as well as a link to the other Procurement Division offices. The site is open to all DHA personnel with computer access. With wide access availability, the site provides documents for iRAPT/EDA, instructions, and sources for most of the systems that are used within DHA under System Support purview. See screen shot of web page Appendix B.9.2 Help TicketBusiness Operations uses a Help Ticket program to facilitate actions such as inquires or application submissions for the various systems programs used by the Procurement Division. As such, the Systems Support Section is major participant using the Help ticket to assist DHA employees navigate the common programs for day to day operations. All System support help tickets are first routed to the Lead System Support Section who reviews the ticket before routing and assigning the appropriate system person for actions to resolve the issue. See screen shot of Help Ticket page Appendix B.9.2.1 Help Ticket ProcessWhen a user submits to the help ticket a request for system access, typically the documents will include required forms. For example, to access EDA, the user will submit an EDA DD2875 (SAAR), Rules of Behavior, and Non-disclosure Agreement if contractor. The GAM will first review the documents for completeness and relevancy and record on the help ticket form acceptance of the application while noting comments of actions taken. When loading the forms, the GAM will save/rename the document to indicate the users Last, First name while saving to local drive folder of Pending user documents. If the GAM recognizes errors or omission of forms, an email will be sent to the user referencing the Help Ticket number and delineate the issue and what actions are required to resolve, i.e. missing signature. The help ticket is updated with last saved comments and status of “assigned” indicating an open ticket.If the DD2875 is acceptable, the GAM will create a pending user status form in SharePoint transferring relevant information and checking required form submissions, i.e. DD2875, ROB, Certs, etc. all equal a check off. The GAM will generate an email to the DHA security office requesting a review of the DD2875, attach the form and retain in a pending email folder. Upon return from security with an approved review, the GAM will digitally sign the completed DD2875 and store in the pending directory. The file name used for the form will indicate the system name, form number, MMDDYYYY, user last first name, i.e. EDA DD2875 02042016 SMITH ALLEN. Periodically the GAM will transfer user documents from the pending directory into the SharePoint User document list for storage.Upon completion of the DD2875 and all the required application supporting documents, the GAM will send the user a registration email with directions and guides to eWAWF and the user’s action to register. Upon system notification the users supervisor approved the role registration, the GAM will access eWAWF and review the role setup, compare to DD2875 and if correctly setup, activate the user’s role. If the role is incorrectly setup with wrong DODAAC or role type, the GAM will initiate an add role for user’s supervisor review and approval. When approved, the GAM will activate. Upon activation, the GAM will return to the Help ticket site and users ticket, amend the comments to indicate account activation, change status to closed and date. The GAM will also return to the SharePoint User Status list and change the user’s status to active and record the date. 10.0APPENDIX ASystem Support webpage11.0APPENDIX BHelp Ticket webpageTHIS PAGE BLANK ................

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