73 E. Wilson Bridge Rd.

Worthington, OH 43085

December 17, 2010

10:00 am

o Vacant (Northwest)

o Katie Keating (At-Large)

X Dr. Jan Manes (Treasurer/Northeast)

X Susan Jones (President/At-Large)

X Betty Belczak (Central)

o Sue Kloc (East Central)

X Kim Hauck (Southwest)

o Tammy Fyffe (South Central)

o Ginger O’Connor (Past-Pres/Southeast)

X Carrie Beier (North Central)

o Leslie McClain, Ph.D. (V-President/At-Large)

o Julie Litt (Secretary/At-Large)

X Leslie Zimmers (West Central)

X Mike Overman (OSCB)

X Lana Beddoes (OASC Administrator)

o Kim Linkinhoker (OACB)

o Tina Evans (DODD)

o Peggy Martin (DODD)

X Katrina Bush (DODD)

I. Call to Order

Susan Jones called the meeting to order. Sue Packer, accountant was a guest.

II. Approval of November Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve minutes as written was made by Betty Belczak and seconded by Carrie Beier. Jan asked if she needed to abstain because she called in. Minutes were approved by voice vote.

III. Finance Report

Sue Packer, Accountant, came as a guest to review financial reports. Jan shared that Sue asked if OASC has a budget and Jan shared no. Sue shared that currently there is only a budget for the grant. Sue and Jan will be developing budget for OASC. Jan shared that there has been discussion regarding the OACB contract of $21,000 with OASC. Of that 21k, 6 k goes toward fiscal management. Sue will look into itemizing the services to determine how the amount is determined. Susan J shared that in the past there had been a deliverable list and she would locate one for the next meeting.

Jan then presented today’s Financial Report. Sue Packer reviewed the financial report pages with board members. The grant budget needs to be updated for 2011. Kim Linkinhoker and Sue Packer will be developing this budget.

The transaction by account shows beginning/ending balance and the details for the month. In accounts receivable dues are listed out separately. This shows $7,000 has already been collected for 2011 dues.

Susan commented that the titles don’t easily identify OASC vs. the grant. Discussion ensued around whether or not the information could be streamlined. Jan shared that we would like a clearer format and this might be done when a budget is drafted. Sue Packer shared that she could develop something with basic information and the detail could be given when needed. She will run the report differently for next month and members can give feedback. Sue Packer thanked us for the opportunity to meet everyone.

Kim Hauck moved to accept the October 2010 and November 2010 financial reports and this was seconded by Betty. Susan called for further discussion. Hearing none motion carried by voice vote.

IV. Current Business/Hot Topics

A. Part C rule writing process

Susan shared that the first meeting was held and one teleconference meeting. From her experience it is coming to form. Members are beginning to understand the process and taking their role seriously in reviewing policy. The committees approach has been taking the policy to determine if the content of the policy needs to be in the rule. They are looking at Fed Regs and Part C recommendations. More in her group have been focusing on home visiting. Susan felt there isn't much clarity around home visiting. Katrina shared that the chair should channel the concerns that the full group might need to discuss to the leadership committee. Katrina shared that Part C and Home Visiting are now separated. The next round is Dec. 22nd.

Carrie Beier shared that the Home Visiting committee has tackled one policy. There hasn't been much overlap. Not everyone had the Part C recommendations. There is discussion regarding eligibility for home visiting especially regarding Alternative Response with DJFS. There is discussion that there will be revenue to maintain the programs.

Susan shared that those representing OASC will determine how to introduce the work by OASC-EI committee to their individual work groups.

Katrina shared that she is on the Part C committee. There has been one meeting and one conference call. There has been conversation regarding whether items in policy be included in rule. Susan shared that the Family Children First Councils are the local Governance and asked if groups should have this discussion. Katrina shared that the state must have designated local governance for monitoring and rule would need to include how ODH will govern and how language can be broad enough to address governance.

Discussion ensued regarding how collaboration with FCFC is working throughout the state as well as comments on historical perspective and alternative solutions. ODH states there must be an Admin Agent. and they contract directly with the Admin Agent then FCF is responsible. Mike commented that there is no governmental structure for FCF with only $15,000 from the state and no mandate for agencies to kick in more funds. He feels there hasn't been training for agencies as to their role with FCF such as from ODE and DODD as more items have been added to FCF such as HMG monitoring. Susan offered that CB system is the biggest provider of Part C and possibly DODD should monitor Part C. Betty asked if there was a sense of how superintendents feel if they had the local oversight of Part C. Katrina offered that there would be two questions to be answered,

- Can county boards be the local monitor and could ODH contract with them?

- What happens at the state and what happens locally don't have to be hand in hand.

Katrina shared we would need to remember if DODD was the monitor there would be more to monitor than what they currently do.

B. DD Council Transdisciplinary Training Grant

Katrina shared that the Grant Advisory Group canceled in December and the next meeting will be in January this date will be announced. The leadership group will be meeting January 10th which is the first 10 counties. Susan shared the grant is going well. We are to learn from each other and grow from 33 to 88 counties and make it a positive process.

Katrina shared the ARRA RFPs are being developed for Coach Coordinator and a Master Trainer process involving Shelden and Rush. Susan asked Katrina how this training will work with the DD Grant. Katrina has been discussing this with Shelden and Rush. Katrina shared that they (including Shelden and Rush) have been developing a Frequently Asked Question/Answers. Katrina shared that they will be using resources to set up lines in order to have the opportunity to use the conference calls as a learning tool. Kim Hauck shared that within their region they have four teams and have been working with Shelden and Rush. Carrie asked to keep members apprised of equipment/technology that has been used to assist in working with families/Grant. The flip cameras have been used to record RBI and sessions for learning by staff. Carrie shared that it seemed to assist her staff in having a tool so that they can come back and learn. This also helps discussion with other team members not at the home.

C. ODE workgroup updates should be Early Childhood Advisory Workgroups.

Kim Hauck and Carrie Beier are on Special Needs,

Family Support- Julie Litt, Diane Fox

Early Care and Education – Kathy Kramer

D. IRS Status Report

Still proceeding to move to a Trade Association

IV. New Business

- Contract

o The contract will need to be signed in January. Susan shared that there has been discussion from Superintendents regarding why OASC needs dues or should OASC be set up like the SSA workgroup. This has been brought up previously and OASC is modeled after Adult Services. Discussion ensued regarding taking a look at other organizations and how OASC may be different. Susan shared that we are too late in the process to change it for 2011 but this should be addressed by the Executive Committee of OASC. Kim L. suggested that we meet with the SSA workgroup leadership to determine pros and cons.

- Election of Officers

Lana shared that she will be sending the ballot out for Trustees once she confirms with Leslie.

Slate has been presented and election is held in January 28, 2011.

V. Liaison Reports

a. OSCB – Mike Overman

Mike had nothing to report

b. DODD –Katrina Bush –

Katrina met with a group of physical therapists. Katrina shared that further discussion with Boards and Association is needed to discuss barriers and understanding. In the state presentation July 2009 on slide 46 the National PT Association does not have a position statement supporting EI evidence based practices. There was some discussion regarding the past webinar training by DODD and ODH and the model of service delivery.

Susan asked for next steps and Katrina shared:

- She would talk to Wendy to determine what can be done regarding the information on the web site training.

- There would be another meeting to be scheduled.

- A fact sheet would be developed

c. Family Advisory Council- Peggy Martin

Not present and no information provided

d. OACB – Kim Linkinhoker

Not present …but information is incorporated within minutes regarding OASC status.

VI. OASC Representative Reports

a. Joint Leadership Team (JLT) – Susan Jones has not been requested.

b. Transition Committee – Kim Hauck

c. HMG Evaluation Sub-Committee – Carrie Beier

d. HMG Service Delivery Sub-Committee – Julie Litt

Did not meet in December

e. HMG Advisory Board- Julie Litt

Did not attend and have not received minutes

f. OCALI-Ginger O'Connor

Was not present no update

g. OASC/DODD/ODH committee- Ginger or Susan

h. Early Childhood Advisory Council- Tammy Fyffe

VII. OASC Committee Reports

a. EI Committee - Julie Litt, Chair

b. Preschool /School-Age/Work Transition Committee – Leslie McClain

It is in process. Lana is waiting for Leslie so set up registration. January 21, 201 Partnership with Parents. They will be meeting next Wed.

c. Communication Committee – Kim Hauck and Carrie Beier

Did not meet next month

d. Conference Planning – Betty Belczak, Rob Spence, Peggy Cockerell

It went well. Betty said she was happy that everyone came.

Betty shared that there was discussion regarding a tickler around technology for the Spring Conference and the regional trainings on the RBI.

The Association has asked for OASC to develop something for their training website for Board Members. This should be on the list. There should be discussion with the committee and Kim regarding how to work together.

VIII. Regional Reports

Vacant (Northwest)

Dr. Jan Manes (Northeast) – No report

Betty Belczak (Central) MEETING MINUTES 10/27/10

For our October meeting, the Central Region hosted a half day training on “Implications for Improved Positioning for Play” presented by Tia Gamelin, OTR/L. The presentation focused on the research and developmental trends in infant development since the Back to Sleep Campaign began in 1996.

There were 57 people in attendance, representing 19 different counties. Our host for the training was Delaware County Board of DD.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2010.

Sue Kloc (East Central) - no report

Kim Hauck (Southwest) OASC Regional Meeting11/5/10

Present: Hamilton, Clermont, Butler, Greene, Fayette, DODD

• Discussion around new practices in early intervention

o How to incorporate families getting together in the community

o What do you do with buildings once classes are closed

o Coaching

o Can the SC be the PSP? Discussed both options as being correct. Butler will ask at their next phone conference.

o Childcare centers- how to connect to the teacher without disrupting

▪ Making pre-visits to discuss when would be a good time to visit to coach the teacher

▪ Could be during nap time

▪ Could email staff first too

o Caseloads – Clermont EIS/SC has around 35

▪ Hamilton DS has around 30 each

▪ Greene 20-30 getting out of SC by Dec 31st

▪ Butler avg 32 for DS

o Evaluations

▪ Some counties still using evaluation teams – others teams have picked this up

▪ Evaluation teams are going in and determining eligibility only – the RBI and planning is being done by teams

o How do we “get” enough therapists when looking at CORE teams we need to be more creative about how to meet this need? Also looking to additional funding – possible Medicaid funding. - this is the lead agency’s responsibility

• Discussion around new Governor!

• Rule writing teams

o Have met but not heard if choices have been made

o 1st meeting is this month

o Must be comment period prior to implementation

o Groups got together to look at if policies are referred to in Fed reg, Ohio policy, part C review, etc.

o Jan 1, 2012

• Early Childhood Advisory Council Committee

o Close Nov 19th

o On Build Ohio Website

o Looking for 40 people on each workgroup

• ARRA funds

o Interagency agreement - OHD is giving $ to DODD for training and researching funding options

Tammy Fyffe (South Central)

I met with South Central Region staff on December 10th at 10:00. We set dates and locations for 2011, and updated directory. I mentioned that the dates for the Spring conference would be May 19th and 20th. Discussed and reviewed September, October, minutes and November updates. I reviewed the IDS memo from Katrina with members and all counties present understood and would make adjustments. We discussed ODH updates, visiting issues, target numbers, Trans-disciplinary Team updates. We reviewed ODE grant and program changes (i.e., grants, Center, etc). Cathy Kramer could not attend but group could email with any concerns or questions that they have.

Ginger O’Connor (Past-Pres/Southeast) - no report

Carrie Beier (North Central) – no report

IX. Open Discussion- none

X. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

January 28, 2011

XI. Adjourn

**Conference line for those who wish to call into the meeting: 1-866-722-3231

Respectfully submitted by Julie Litt, Secretary[pic]


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