OACB Office

73 E. Wilson Bridge Rd.

Worthington, OH 43085

July 23, 2010

10:00 am

X Peggy Cockerell (Northwest)

X Katie Keating (At-Large)

X Dr. Jan Manes (Treasurer/Northeast)

X Susan Jones (President/At-Large)

o (Central)

o Sue Kloc (East Central)

X Kim Hauck (Southwest)

X Tammy Fyffe (South Central)

X Ginger O’Connor (Past-Pres/Southeast)

X Carrie Beier (North Central)

X Leslie McClain, Ph.D. (V-President/At-Large)

X Julie Litt (Secretary/At-Large)

X Leslie Zimmers (West Central) by phone

X Mike Overman (OSCB)

o Lana Beddoes (OASC Administrator)

o Kim Linkinhoker (OACB)

o Tina Evans (DODD)

o Peggy Martin (DODD)

X Katrina Bush (DODD)

I. Call to Order

Susan Jones called the meeting to order. Leslie Zimmers attended by phone

II. Approval of May Meeting Minutes Susan called for a motion to accept the May 2010 minutes. Leslie McClain moved and Carrier Beier second. Susan Jones called for discussion/changes hearing none Susan called for a voted. Motion carried by voice vote.

III. Finance Report

Jan Manes presented the finance report. Jan shared that assets are $37,166.29. She shared that cash checking is low because grant expenses have been paid but funds are currently in accts receivable. Kim Linkinhoker is aware and will be fixing the error. The reminder letter for counties who had not paid their dues was withheld due to timing. It was decided by the executive committee to do a membership blitz highlighting the membership benefits at the time of the invoice going out in October. Susan Jones called for a motion to accept the financial reports. Motion was moved by Ginger O’Connor and seconded by Kim Hauck. Susan called for any further questions/discussion. Hearing none Susan called for a vote. Motion carried by voice vote.

IV. Liaison Reports

a. OSCB – Mike Overman

Mike gave highlights from June and July meeting.

June discussion highlights from the superintendent association- DODD no longer has a nursing director and they are working with them on that issue. DODD Support Center will have a 1-800 number which will be staffed by person vs. a machine. Katrina Bush shared that it will mostly be around the Medicaid Waivers. COEDI/OEDI training will be coming. Katie shared there is a new format regarding how to look at questions/ answers. OLR filed suit regarding how funding occurs for children in school. The next FY11 state budget is dire and no one will be exempt from cuts. The Flexible Support Waiver concept has gone to CMS and CMS is positive about the waiver because it is more controlled by individual and family. CMS is interested in “remote monitoring” for supervision support of individuals in home. TCM rate audits are completed and so now it is to meet with DJFS for a rate increase. This would be a positive revenue flow for county boards. The OACB is contracting with Champaign County to have someone on board for Early Intervention Advocacy and Policy development, keeping a legislative eye on what is happening. One of Dee Dee’s priorities will be the funding of the Early Intervention. Katrina shared also focusing on the Part C recommendation and the county board representation is voiced. Katrina has met with Dee Dee regarding the next 18 months including the Early Intervention Specialist certification.

b. DODD – Tina Evans/Katrina Bush

Just finished the EI Forums. Speaker Larla Palay discussed mental health issues and families dynamics. This was well received. 87 county boards have responded to the EI survey there so should be really good data. Directors Martin and Jackson will have this data presented to them by Dee Dee in August. DODD is still working with ODH on the ARRA 600,000 dollars to transfer funds. Money needs to be allocated by Sept. 20, 2011.

Mike Shared that West Con (9 county council of governments) received a “seed grant” to hire a Play Project person to work in the homes. Each county was able to purchase one slot(to work with one family) at a reasonable rate. Looking at how it can become sustainable. She now has 9 children and follows the Play Project Model. Director Martin is looking at this model to see if this could be a positive for services to become available within regions to support families. Families have seen real successes. Their in-home consultant works with Jodi Fisher, DODD and OCALI. Katrina shared that Bev Smith will be asking the play project consultant, Colleen Zunk, to the Sept. training on Transdisciplinary Approach so that she will learn how to be part of a families team.

The move for departments to The Center for Early Childhood Development is on hold until after Election.

c. Family Advisory Council- Peggy Martin Peggy could not attend and did not have anything to share.

d. OACB – Kim Linkinhoker was not able to attend.

Kim will still be our liaison to OASC but Dee Dee Kabbes will be attending. Kim had discovered as he became our liaison that establishing us as a 501c 3 was never completed. When we filed our taxes it went with an extension. We have only been a formal organization since 2005. At this time Kim is working with an accounting consultant and a tax attorney who said this is not unusual because of the steps in the process of establishing a non profit. She felt that with our solid financial records and our attempts to file the cost to clean this up and get us on track would be around 3k. We do have this money in our budget. The attorney is hoping to have this resolved within the next two months and then we will be official.

V. OASC Representative Reports

a. Joint Leadership Team (JLT) – Susan Jones -has not been invited.

b. Transition Sub-Committee – Carrie Beier, at this time, has not been placed on this committee. Kim Hauck will be submitting an application.

c. HMG Evaluation Sub-Committee – Carrie Beier

d. HMG Service Delivery Sub-Committee – Julie Litt did meet in June and cancelled in August.

e. HMG Advisory Board- Julie Litt did not meet in July will send out June minutes when received. Committee chairs will be meeting one hour before to discuss what is happening in their committees. Committee reports are moving to the morning.

f. OCALI-Ginger O'Connor meeting Sept. 2nd. Interagency work group has a new website-autism. it tells you what is happening. Effort to link resources to people. Katrina shared it was Jodi and OCALI who pulled this together.

g. OASC/DODD/ODH committee- Ginger or Susan have not been meeting but was recommended that it should continue.

h. Part C Review Committee – Julie Litt & Kim Hauck. Ohio Family First Cabinet has accepted the recommendations. It is to be on the Help Me Grow website. Superintendents and county boards should have discussion on how this moves forward. Susan shared it will be important to be knowledgeable about the document. Katrina will forward it back to Susan to write letter and let members know the status.

i. Other

VI. OASC Committee Reports

a. EI Committee - Julie Litt, Chair did not meet in June will meet next Wednesday. Katrina shared that the committee should think about looking forward toward “rule” what should that look like versus policy. Issue with Ohio Professional Network will also be discussed.

b. Preschool /School-Age/Work Transition Committee – Leslie McClain/Heidi Mendez

Heidi is no longer involved. Meeting is the 3rd Monday of every month starts at 10 and goes until finished. Leslie will be sending out memo to members because August 16th is difficult for others to attend.

c. Communication Committee – Susan shared we really need a chair who can pull a committee that can manage the website including county trainings, having relevant articles, that contacts are up to date, coordinating with Lana. The expectation would be that chair would have people send and also look for information from members. Katrina shared that possibly Sam could assist with facets of this. Carrie and Kim stated that they were willing to co-chair this effort. They will meet next month after the board meeting to discuss outcomes for the communication committee and meet with Todd.

d. Conference Planning – Rob Spence, Kim Hauck & Peggy Cockerell

Susan shared there is another opportunity for contribution with Molly retiring. Someone needs to lead the committee. Susan shared that perhaps contracting with Bev to provide one day training on RBI and writing outcomes. Our next track would be at the OACB in December. Kim shared that Debbie would be available to train on RBI and Susan shared that there may be funds through the DD grant. Susan will follow up with Bev Smith. Other training topics were shared including regional training with Peggy Martin and Ronni Bower and Brain Trauma with Kelly Pack.

e. New Futures Waiver – Tammy Fyffe

This short term committee may be done, she is waiting to hear.

VII. Strategic Plan

Involve SSA in our training to support families.

ODE rules and DODD behavior support conflicts for children with IEPs. Kim will send to Susan the ODE guidelines. Possible topic in Dec.

Summer time supports for families especially those dealing with their children with challenging behaviors was discussed. Leslie shared Montgomery county provides supports via a “camp.” It is truly respite with 1:1 and planned activities but it is not ESY. Kim shared Hamilton Co. charges schools for ESY. Jan shared Median has a collaborative effort with the Rotary Club and they subsidize the program. Susan’s shared that Logan has a collaborative summer program which costs 2,000 per child for children up to age 14. Money is raised throughout the year through various projects. There is no charge to families.

VIII. Old Business-

a. DD Council Transdisciplinary Training Grant

- Next meeting August 18th. Peggy asked if you must be a member based upon what is just passed to attend the Transdisciplinary but this training is open to all counties. There is some concern regarding how to have a full team for the training. Katrina suggested possibly looking at the concern through their COG. First round of 10 counties are wrapping up. The counties who have the first training completed will be meeting with Sheldon Rush in Sept., the evening of the first full day.

b. Membership Benefits second reading. Motion to approve 1.8 Membership Services into code of regulations. Jan Mans moved to accept and Ginger O’Connor seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

IX. New Business

a. 501- c 3 status. See above minutes

X. Regional Reports – reports provided by email

Peggy Cockerell (Northwest) – Did not meet in June/July. Next meeting August 13th

Dr. Jan Manes (Treasurer/Northeast) – did not meet in July. Next meeting Sept. 17th.


Sue Kloc (East Central)

Kim Hauck (Southwest) – did not meet in June next meeting July 26th.

Tammy Fyffe (South Central) – Next meeting Sept. 10th

OASC South Central Region- June/July 2010 Regional Report

• Quarterly meeting was held June 11, 2010 at Pike County Early Childhood Center. There were 5 counties represented as well as Cathy Kramer. We set future dates and locations and updated our contact information. We reviewed upcoming training opportunities, shared and discussed March and April minutes, and May OASC meeting updates. I reminded staff to look for and respond to the EI survey, reviewed HMG updates, exciting EI updates and future with possible Medicaid, and discussed impacts on early childhood staff in general, discussed what phase Center was in, ODE updates, site visits, and therapy services. Cathy Kramer provided technical update, support and answered round robin questions.

Ginger O’Connor (Past-Pres/Southeast) - meet quarterly next meeting Sept. 17th.

Carrie Beier (North Central) North Central Region

We met on 6/11/2010 in Sandusky Ohio.  The group discussed current issues surrounding Preschool Services.  Topics from the last OASC trustee meeting were review and discussed.  New upcoming policies and program changes were discussed. The next regional meeting will be August 13th, 11:30 to 1:30 at Chett and Matt’s Pizza in Sandusky, Ohio.

Leslie Zimmers (West Central)- Meeting was held July 14th in Sidney. Topics included Play Project, grant update, HMG policy changes and EI forum discussions. Next Meeting August 11th at WestCon to have a mini inservice on how Play Project will be implemented as a regional service.

XI. Open Discussion

a. Jan shared that they are updating their school policies. Jan has been asking other counties who provide school age services for their policies. Most that she has received are also needing updated. Jan would like a template or guidance of what needs to be in policy for CBs.

Senate Bill 210 - There is no consistent support to know what part of ODE rules are the responsibility of CB to have in their policies. OASC asked if DODD through Tina could assist. Katrina shared that DODD could share what they require but suggested working with ODE by inviting them and Tina/Katrina to a meeting with the Preschool/School Age to discuss what is required and get questions answered. Leslie McClain will coordinate.

b. Susan asked Katrina if it would be possible to have an on-line Preschool/School Age Discussion Group, similar to the EI. Katrina shared that she would need to see why it could not be developed through the OASC contract with the OACB. Katrina felt they might be able to help but only if there was no other mechanism with clear parameters.

c. Jan shared a program called Sensory Theatre “My Way Matinee” , a sensory friendly experience. It is scheduled every 2nd Saturday. The sound and lights are adjusted. They can bring their own snacks. In Medina the families then have access to the party room when there is too much stimuli going on and Medina staff may bring items that are available. They limit the “intro” time. They had 60 families attend.

XII. Agenda Items for Next Meeting

a. Next Meeting August 27th. Have Lana add the call in number to the agenda.

XIII. Adjourn

Respectfully, submitted by Julie Litt[pic]


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