Jurassic Park - BIOLOGY FOR LIFE

Supplemental Reading Name: ____________________

Jurassic Park

1. What does Tina Bowman find on the beach that she thinks is cute?

2. As she leaves the hospital, what does Tina explain to Dr. Cruz? What makes Dr. Cruz change his mind of what creature attacked Tina?

3. What does Dr. Marty Guitierrez do to retrieve the specimen of the creature that had bitten Tina?

4. What happens at the clinic in Bahía Anasco? What made the midwife to scream?

5. When Tina brings back a drawing of the creature, what is Alice Levin’s reaction? What is Stone’s reaction?

6. What was the reason for Bob Morris meeting with Alan Grant in Montana?

7. Why is Alan Grant stunned when he looks at the x-rays of the lizard’s remains? Why does he think it’s a fake?

8. With growing problems in a Costa Rican island, the InGen’s general counsel agree to do what? Who do they hire to do this?

9. What creature is Alan Grant fascinated by and what are some of the facts he says about them?

10. How many different animals are on the island and how is the park automated?

11. What do Grant and Ellie think of Gennaro? Why?

12. What do the Biosyn Coroporation want from InGen and who is left in charge to get it?

13. What is the deal between Dodgson and his contact and is the deadline?

14. What does Malcolm tell Gennero on the flight from Dallas? What is his reasoning behind it?

15. Who welcomes them to the Island when they land?

16. What is the first dinosaurs they see and to what do they remind Grant of?

17. When Grant realizes dinosaurs can be cloned, what is the big questioned that puzzles him?

18. Does Malcolm agree that the park designers created an isolated environment?

19. How do chief geneticist explain how they managed to obtain Dinosaur DNA?

20. What happens as they walk down the dirt path on the tour?

21. What does Wu want to do with all the current stock dinosaurs?

22. What does John Arnold boast about in the control room?

23. What are the first two dinosaurs that the tour group sees in the electric cars?

24. Why is John Arnold unhappy about as he complains to Hammond?

25. Why does the tour stop as some of the scientist try to go help with the situation?

26. Why are they amazed that the Dinosaurs are able to breed with each other?

27. Who is the man who is working for Biosyn and why those he have an opportunity to steal the embryos?

28. How was Grant able to avoid being eaten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex after it flipped the Land Cruisers?

29. What happens the Nedry when he heads off to deliver the embryo’s to Dodgson’s boat?

30. Who finds out that someone had been broken into to the fertilization room and what did he find out about the dinosaurs that may explain why they are able to breed?

31. Who does Gennaro find on the side of the road with an injured knee and what information does he give about the missing kids?

32. Why do Grant, Tim and Lex have to suddenly start to run away while they were walking in the hadrosaur’s pen?

33. Describe what Arnold and Wu find out about the power on the island, apparently as a direct result of the system being started up again.

34. Describe Malcolm's view of "scientific power" and the problems associated with it-

35. What do Maldoon and Gennaro try to do went they find the tyrannusurus? What happens?

36. What do Arnold, Muldoon and Gennaro realize when the waterfall stops

37. What does Tim do to take care of the raptors in the kitchen?

38. How does Grant save himself and the children in the DNA extraction laboratory from the pack of velicoraptors?

39. Why does Malcolm feel that the planet Earth is not in any state of jeopardy? What actually is in jeopardy?

40. Describe the special quality some amphibians and other organisms have when it comes to reproduction?

41. Describe the conclusion of the novel as to the fate of the island, dinosaurs, and the surviving characters.

42. Did you like this book? Why or why not?

43. What did you learn about the scientific process by reading this book?


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