Software Installatlion Plan (SIP)

Software Installation Plan


for the

Client Server Version

of the

Standard Labor Data Collection


Distribution Application



SLDCADA-ClSrv-SIP-21.0 Version 21.0

Supported by:

Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic

Corporate Systems Support Division

|Record of Revisions and/or Changes |

|Document Revision No. |Revision Date |Detailed Description of Change |

| | |[page no., paragraph no., & subparagraph no., (if necessary) + detailed description] |

|21.0.0 |1 Aug 2000 |Baseline document |

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Record of Revisions and/or Changes i

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures vi

List of Appendices viii

List of Tables ix

1. Scope. 1

1.1 Identification. 1

1.2 System overview. 1

1.3 Document overview. 1

1.4 Relationship to other plans. 2

2. Referenced documents. 2

3. Installation overview. 3

3.1 Description. 3

3.1.1 Responsibilities. 3

3.1.2 Computer system hardware. 4

3.2 Contact point. 5

3.3 Support materials. 5

3.4 Training. 5

3.5 Tasks. 5

3.5.1 Installation site. 5

3.5.2 CSSD. 6

3.6 Personnel. 6

3.6.1 Installation site. 6

3.6.2 CSSD. 6

3.7 Security and privacy. 6

3.7.1 IS accreditation. 6

3.7.2 Computer system accreditation. 7

3.7.3 Data handling and storage. 7

4. Site-specific information for software center operations staff. 7

4.1 Schedule. 8

4.2 Software inventory. 8

4.3 Facilities. 8

4.4 Installation team. 8

4.5 Installation procedures. 9

4.5.1 Preparation actions. 9 Required materials. 9 Pre-installation instructions. 9

4.5.2 Software setup. 13 Software installation sequence. 13 Software installation participation. 14

4.5.3 System setup. 15 Required materials/items. 15 Partition disk. 16 Assign disk permissions and ownership. 16 Manual entry procedures. 17

4.5.4 Oracle servers initialization. 17 Required materials. 17 Verify data. 17

4.5.5 Netscape server installation. 18 Required materials. 18 Disk Space Requirements. 18 Pre-installation procedures. 19 Setup SLDCADA Web application. 33 Installation procedures. 42

4.5.6 Database backup area creation. 43

4.5.7 Application software load. 43

4.5.8 User/set-up directories. 44 Load System default files. 45

4.5.9 Configure lp printers. 47

4.5.10 Verify devices. 48

4.5.11 SLDCADA server configuration. 48

4.5.12 SLDCADA data setup. 50

4.5.13 SLDCADA SQL Loader dataload. 65

4.5.14 SLDCADA File Load/Processing. 66

4.5.15 On-line data installation. 69

4.6 Data update procedures. 70

4.6.1 DCPS Data Load. 70

4.6.2 Setting constraints and keys. 73

4.6.3 Client installation. 75 Installation Procedures. 75 Oracle Open Client configuration. 76

4.6.4 Additional data installation. 77

4.6.5 Automated crontab setup. 78

4.6.6 SLDCADA backup. 79

5. Site-specific information for software users. 79

6. Notes. 79

6.1 Acronyms. 79

Document Improvement Proposal

List of Figures

Title Page

Figure 1, Netscape Welcome Screen 20

Figure 2, Netscape Consent Screen 21

Figure 3, Netscape Installation Type Screen 21

Figure 4, Netscape Extract Screen 22

Figure 5, Netscape Server Family Components Screen 22

Figure 6, Netscape Enterprise Server Components Screen 23

Figure 7, Netscape Domain Name Screen 23

Figure 8, Netscape System User and Group Screen 24

Figure 9, Netscape Enterprise Administration Server Screen 25

Figure 10, Netscape Enterprise Admin Server User Name Screen 26

Figure 11, Netscape Admin Server Port Screen 27

Figure 12, Netscape Server Port Screen 28

Figure 13, Netscape LDAP Directory Server Screen 28

Figure 14, Netscape Enterprise Server Content Root Screen 29

Figure 15, Netscape Java Development Kit (JDK) Screen 30

Figure 16, Netscape JDK Directory Screen 31

Figure 17, Netscape Completion Screen 32

Figure 18, Netscape Cleanup Screen 32

Figure 19, Netscape Administration Login Screen 33

Figure 20, Server Selection Screen 34

Figure 21, Server Manager Screen 35

Figure 22, Server Manager Servlet Tab 35

Figure 23, Configure JRE/JDK Paths Screen 36

Figure 24, Servlet Directory Screen 36

Figure 25, Save Screen 37

Figure 26, Configure Global Servlet Attributes Screen 37

Figure 27, Save Screen 38

Figure 28, Configure JVM Attributes Screen 39

Figure 29, Save Screen 40

Figure 30, com.Oracle.install.Install 41

Figure 31, SLDPB Directory Structure 44

Figure 32, File def.cshrc Contents 46

Figure 33, File def.login Contents 46

Figure 34, File def.profile Contents 47

Figure 35, RUN_SLDCADANF Script 49

Figure 36, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 3.1 76

Figure 37, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 95 or NT 77

List of Appendices

Title Page

Installation Data Worksheets A-1

Data Load Error Messages B-1

List of Tables

Title Page

Table 1, Document Typeface Conventions 2

Table 2, Areas of Installation Responsibility 4

Table 3, Computer System Hardware – Server 4

Table 4, Computer System Hardware – Client 4

Table 5, Points of Contact 5

Table 6, Required Software – Server 8

Table 7, Required Software – Client 8

Table 8, SLDCADA User Disk Partition 11

Table 9, Oracle Server Setup Disk Requirements 12

Table 10, SLDCADA Unformatted Disk Requirement 13

Table 11, SLDCADA Web Disk Requirements 19

Table 12, System Files 45

Table 13, Directory /etc/skel Files With Contents 45

Table 14, Server-related Files 48

Table 15, DCPS Files Used for Startup 70

Table 16, Data Modification 78

Table 17, SLDCADA Backup Transaction Results 79

Table 18, Port Number Assignments A-1

Table 19, Software Initialization Required Data Items A-1

Table 20, Server Raw Device Names A-1

Table 21, Host Information A-1

Table 22, Database Sizing Information A-2

Table 23, Database Raw Device Names A-2

Table 24, Server Information A-3

Table 25, Shops for Cross-Reference A-4

Table 26, Geographic Location Codes A-5

Table 27, Punch Calculation A-5


1.1 Identification.

This Software Installation Plan (SIP) applies to the locations using Sun platforms for processing the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA).

1.2 System overview.

The Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA) is a Naval Sea System Command (NAVSEA) developed Time and Attendance System that has recently been chosen as the Department of Navy standard.

The SLDCADA is a timekeeping system that allows for centralized or distributed input, provides the capability to track civilian, military, as well as contractor labor hours against job order numbers for financial purposes, and hours against type hour codes for pay purposes.

Other notable features include a leave availability check, prior pay adjustments, exception reporting, ability to query Defense Civilian Payroll System (DCPS) files (MER & BiMER), for easy access to employee information by authorized users.

The SLDCADA provides a single Time & Attendance screen for input, correction, certification, prior pays, and review, which ultimately reduces the training effort and makes user input easy. All reports are on-line, resulting in a reduction of hard-copy reports.

Interfaces are in place with the DCPS, the Department of Defense standard financial systems (DIFMS, STARS-FL, STARS-HQ) as well as other various local financial systems.

The SLDCADA is parameter driven so it can be tailored to meet individual site requirements. By being able to customize the SLDCADA application, the site is provided with maximum flexibility thus making it possible to satisfy a site’s particular needs.

All of these attributes are what makes the SLDCADA a robust, flexible and quality system.

The Corporate Systems Support Division (CSSD), Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment Atlantic, Yorktown, Virginia, holds responsibility for the functionality and software maintenance.

1.3 Document overview.

This plan specifies responsibilities, identifies necessary resources, and details the procedures to install and configure the SLDCADA processing and supporting software on Sun Microsystems computer hardware. Paragraphs 3, Installation overview., and 3.1, Description. , state the major milestones of the installation process and designate the respective Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR). Paragraphs 3.5, Tasks. , and Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found., progressively break down each area of responsibility into tasks and the steps to accomplish each task. Every step is presented with operating instructions.

The instructions in this document use specialized typeface conventions to convey specific meanings. The typeface used, its function, and the actions to take are shown in Table 1, Document Typeface Conventions.

|Typeface & Purpose |Directions |

|text |This font/typeface is the text standard for this document. |

|information screen displays |This is the typeface/font displayed on the system screen. |

| |This is also the typeface to distinguish important data information within |

| |paragraphs. |

|variables/variables |Substitute the required information for the variable name/reference in bold |

| |typeface. |

Table 1, Document Typeface Conventions

1.4 Relationship to other plans.

There is no relationship to other plans.

Referenced documents.

Documents available from a government source have the government agency listed as the author to be contacted for copies. Unless otherwise noted, commercial publications listed below are delivered with the Sun Microsystems hardware and software.

35841-01-1102-01 Configuring Oracle SQL Server for Sun Solaris 2.x (SPARC), Oracle, Inc., Emeryville, CA, September 27, 1996

802-1930-10 SunOS Reference Manual Section 1. User Commands (A-M), SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

10. SunOS Reference Manual Section 1. User Commands (N-Z), SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

802-1930-10 SunOS Reference Manual Section 1M. System Administration Commands, SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA, November 1995

10. System Administration Guide Volume 1, Mountain View, CA, November 1995

DCPS-IS-01 Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) Interface Specification, Release 00-2, 21 May 2000, Revision 11, Change 3

SECNAVINST 5239.2 Subj: Department of the Navy Automated Information Systems (AIS) Security Program

SLDCADA-ClSrv-SVD-21.0 Software Version Description (SVD) for the Client Server Version of the Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA)

Installation overview.

The activity purchases the Sun Microsystems hardware, associated support software (Solaris and Oracle), and installation services from the appropriate vendor. Responsibility for the installation and testing of software is divided among the CSSD, data-processing personnel at each site, and the appropriate vendor.

3.1 Description.

The division of responsibilities is summarized in Table 2, Areas of Installation Responsibility. The computer system hardware provided is listed in Table 3, Computer System Hardware – Server, and Table 4, Computer System Hardware – Client. The addresses and names of people to contact for information are provided in Table 5, Points of Contact. The associated support software is listed in Table 1, Document Typeface Conventions.

3.1.1 Responsibilities.

The appropriate vendor is responsible for the installation of all commercial software purchased with the Sun Microsystems hardware. On-site data-processing personnel are responsible for installing all commercial software procured separately from the Sun platform purchase. On-site data-processing personnel must also accomplish system set-up actions required to run the procured and applications software. Additional site responsibilities are contained in paragraph 3.5, Tasks. , CSSD personnel are responsible for system set-up actions unique to the information system, as well as the data preparation, installation, and testing of information systems software.

|Identity |Responsibilities |

|Appropriate Vendor |- hardware items |

| |- all software procured with Sun platform |

|Sites |- computer facility preparation |

| |- system setup |

| |- all commercial software procured separately from Sun platform purchase |

|CSSD |- Oracle system setup |

| |- data initialization |

| |- application software load |

| |- application business software checkout |

Table 2, Areas of Installation Responsibility

3.1.2 Computer system hardware.

|Type |Model |

|CPU |Sun platform |

|CD-ROM |644 Mb |

|Disk |1.9 – 9 GB |

|Magnetic tape units |8mm required |

Table 3, Computer System Hardware – Server

|Type |Model |

|CPU |486/33 |

|Memory |16 Mb |

|Video display |SVGA 800 x 600 resolution |

|Disk storage |30 Mb free space |

|Data link |Ethernet (802.3 compatible) |

Table 4, Computer System Hardware – Client

3.2 Contact point.

|Information About |OPR & Point Of Contact |Location |

|SIP, SLDCADA |Corporate Systems Support Division |Naval Sea Logistics Center Detachment|

| |Ms. Frauke Tuthill |Atlantic, Yorktown, Virginia |

| |DSN 953-4730 | |

| |Commercial (757) 887-4730 | |

|Technical items contained within this |Commercial vendor |Reference Paragraph 2, Referenced |

|document | |documents. |

Table 5, Points of Contact

3.3 Support materials.

The majority of appendices for this SIP contain detailed support information. CSSD personnel either hand carry 8mm magnetic tapes and/or CDs containing the SLDCADA code and supporting UNIX scripts to each installation site, or the files are transferred prior to CSSD personnel arrival. Installation sites are to provide adequate work space around the computer system to include table or desk tops for holding written materials, chairs for all involved personnel, a telephone with DSN access, and basic office supplies such as pencils, pens, and notepads.

3.4 Training.

Each installation site should have a system administrator (SA) who has completed a Sun Microsystems System Administrator course or has the equivalent work experience. Any changes to or additional tasking required for the system-administrative support for the SLDCADA are taught to the site SA as CSSD personnel accomplish the items.

3.5 Tasks.

Installation tasks are delegated according to responsible agency.

3.5.1 Installation site.

Verify receipt of new hardware and contact vendor for installation. Provide system-specific information to vendor. Obtain system-specific information from vendor.

Perform hardware acceptance testing.

Inventory and retain all hardware and software documentation received with the computer system shipment(s).

Provide CSSD with a point of contact for the site deployment coordinator team. Confirm the arrival date; arrange billeting and facility/software access.

Install commercial software not contractually installed.

Accomplish system setup.

Assist in the installation and testing of the SLDCADA.

Coordinate applications’ checkout dates/times with customers.

Coordinate any system down time due to data and processing transfer with using activities.

3.5.2 CSSD.

Coordinate installation dates at earliest possible time.

Provide all software media containing the SLDCADA code.

Provide documentation required for application setup and installation not vendor supplied.

Perform configuration/system administration actions necessary for processing.

Accomplish the SLDCADA installation, data conversion, and transfer.

Conduct acceptance testing and troubleshoot any errors encountered.

3.6 Personnel.

Personnel required to ready the client/server are detailed in paragraphs 3.6.1, Installation site., and 3.6.2, CSSD.

3.6.1 Installation site.

Each installation site provides one SA, an advance point of contact to coordinate installation dates, and an individual to coordinate system transition with the user community.

3.6.2 CSSD.

CSSD provides at least two computer support personnel. Computer support personnel consist of one advanced applications developer and one system or database administrator.

3.7 Security and privacy.

Security issues are divided into the three major areas listed in paragraphs 3.7.1, IS accreditation., through 3.7.3, Data handling and storage. For each area, the Offices of Primary Responsibility are stated.

3.7.1 IS accreditation.

The CSSD takes the required action to have the information system accredited. This accreditation is a Letter of Certification for the IS, which is one of the required supporting documents for the system accreditation. The certification of the IS requires completion of a survey developed by the CSSD, the Comptroller, and the Automated Data Processing (ADP) Director at each site.

3.7.2 Computer system accreditation.

The ADP Directors ensure the Automated Data Processing Security Officer (ADPSO) takes all action required by SECNAVINST 5239.2, Subj: Department of the Navy Automated Information Systems (AIS) Security Program, for the computer system accreditation that allows operation of the Sun platform. The designated point of contact for the information system provides the ADP Directors with a copy of the systems’ AIS accreditation as soon as it is available.

3.7.3 Data handling and storage.

Security and privacy considerations for handling the data used by these systems shall not be changed. Security and privacy considerations for the handling and storage of “sensitive unclassified” information will be observed by all CSSD and site ADP personnel.

Site-specific information for software center operations staff.

System setup is required of site data-processing/computer-operations staff. Software setup and application installation is accomplished by the visiting CSSD.

The necessary actions to prepare the Sun platforms to support the SLDCADA are listed below.

a. Set up systems: install operating system, configure disk, establish system directories, and set operating parameters.

b. Install commercial software.

c. Configure Oracle servers.

d. Create application database and objects.

e. Install the SLDCADA software.

f. Convert data.

g. Transfer data to the Sun platform.

h. Load data into application databases and objects.

i. Test applications.

j. Coordinate customer system checkout. Complete tasks when customer is prepared to work with new system.

k. Establish customer directories/accounts.

4.1 Schedule.

Installation schedule by site is finalized after coordination between each site and CSSD.

4.2 Software inventory.

The software required to install, configure, maintain, and run the SLDCADA is detailed in Table 6, Required Software – Server, and Table 7, Required Software – Client.

|Software |Version |Source |

|SLDCADA |21.0-00 |CSSD |

|Solaris (Sun operating system) |2.6 |Appropriate vendor |

|Oracle Server |8.1.6 |Appropriate vendor |

Table 6, Required Software – Server

|Software |Version |Source |

|FTP Inc OnNet |2.1 |Appropriate vendor |

|MS DOS and MS Windows |6.2.2/3.1 |Appropriate vendor |

|OR | | |

|MS Windows |95/97/NT | |

|SLDCADA |21.0-00 |CSSD |

|Oracle Client |8.1.6 |Appropriate vendor |

Table 7, Required Software – Client

4.3 Facilities.

The computer facility housing the Sun platform must contain adequate room for work requirements. Access to the facility and operation of the computer system needs to cover all shifts every day of scheduled installation work. Data transfer for new system turnover to user production may need to be accomplished after normal business hours. Facility access and system operation must be arranged accordingly.

4.4 Installation team.

The installation team must consist of at least one SA and one computer operator.

The site data-processing personnel coordinate and assist with billeting arrangements. The SLDCADA support personnel make their own arrangements for transportation.

a. The SA must know the:

(1) UNIX root password.

(2) Oracle SA password.

(3) Basic UNIX commands and directory conventions.

b. The computer operator must know the operation of Sun Microsystems peripherals.

The CSSD personnel possess expertise in UNIX commands and system administration as well as application expertise.

4.5 Installation procedures.

Installation procedures are divided by responsible agency and subdivided by task.

4.5.1 Preparation actions. Required materials.

Items to check:

a. All software media and related documentation received for the Sun platforms.

b. All hardware and related documentation received for the Sun platforms.

c. Review all set-up actions in this section to be accomplished before setting a date for system installation.

Manuals for reference:

a. Configuring Oracle SQL Server for Sun Solaris 2.x (SPARC)

b. System Administration Guide Volume 1 Pre-installation instructions.

Facility survey. A facility survey should be completed to ensure adequate space and electrical power.

a. Space. Use the dimensions provided by the appropriate vendor to approximate floor space and work table/desk surface space requirements.

b. Electrical power. Check with the public works personnel to ensure the power requirements detailed in the system specifications are met.

Hardware and software receipt.

a. Inventory. When the computer system shipments are received, compare the shipping documents with the hardware and software items received. Leave all hardware items in their original cartons with their packing materials until performing a formal inventory with the appropriate vendor point of contact. However, consolidate all software media and registration forms to facilitate later preparation actions. Resolve any discrepancies in items received vice shipping document particulars with the appropriate vendor point of contact. Review the inventory with the appropriate vendor point of contact. You may be able to set a date/time for software installation at this time and complete a Letter of Acceptance.

b. System numbers. Note the system number(s) on the shipping label and/or the shipping invoice/bill of lading which are assigned to the Sun platforms by the appropriate vendor. Record these numbers on the disk configuration worksheet provided or in a formally established location. You must have this (these) number(s) to call the appropriate vendor.

c. Contract installation. Contact the appropriate vendor for system setup and installation. Set a date and time which will allow you to complete the items below in advance of the installation.

d. Registration. Complete the software product registration forms/cards and send as directed by the software provider.

Required information. Worksheets have been provided as a convenient method of consolidating information that needs to be readily available during software installation and system setup. These worksheets are in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets, a photocopy of the worksheets prevents having to recreate forms and formats if information needs to be rewritten.

a. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Contact the network administrator for the facility and obtain the IP addresses for the various systems. Record the addresses in the spaces provided on the worksheet Server Information in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets.

b. Port numbers. If your site currently has a UNIX host in operation with the same IP address you use for the SLDCADA, you must review the etc/services file to determine if the port numbers planned for use are available. The port numbers are recorded on the Port Number Assignments worksheet Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets, which also contains space to record any changes. It is the SAs responsibility to deconflict Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port numbers in their respective /etc/services tables.

c. Host names. The Host Information worksheet in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets contains spaces to record the Fiber Distributed Data Interchange (FDDI) and Ethernet host names and IP addresses. These are used in the ORACLE Server Initialization process and for troubleshooting, if required.

Disk layout. Be prepared to bring your disk plan to the system installation. Some items vary from their standard installation instructions and are identified in paragraph, Software installation participation.

a. Disk configuration/space allocation. The physical device identifier (disk ID) must be known and used as set by Sun Microsystems. See Section 27 in the System Administration Guide Volume 1 if there are any questions about how to format a disk partition. If the device identifiers still cannot be identified, have the installer help. However, it is still possible to plan partitioning without the device identifiers. Partitions cannot be set in the system until the device identifiers are known.

b. Configuration guidelines. The following guidelines are recommended for use in determining how the site disk is partitioned.

1) Mass storage arrangement. Distribute application storage partitions across as many disks as possible to accelerate disk read and write operations.

2) User UNIX File System (UFS) disk. Additional file systems were created for the SLDCADA users. See System Administration Guide Volume 1, Section 32, for more information on UFS and other file system types. This disk configuration information is referenced again in paragraph 4.5.3, System setup. While there will be adjustments for the requirements of each site, the general SLDCADA user partition and recommended size are shown in Table 8, SLDCADA User Disk Partition. The SYB_BACKUP storage requirement is located on the ORACLE server hardware platform.

|Partition Name |Application |Size |Directory Structure |

|disk10 |SLDCADA |512mb |/disk10/home/sldpb |

|disk11 |SYB_BACKUP |820mb |/disk11/sldpb/backup |

Table 8, SLDCADA User Disk Partition

Notes: 1All partition names, device names, and sizes are suggested values. They may vary depending on the site requirements.

2The SYB_BACKUP space requirement is scaled to the size of the database.

3) ORACLE server setup files. Place the Oracle master record (master) partition and the Oracle system processes (sysprocsdev or sybsystemprocs) partition on separate disk units in accordance with the Oracle developer’s recommendation found on pages 2-14 – 2-15 of the Configuring Oracle SQL Server for Sun Solaris 2.x (SPARC). An Oracle server is dedicated to the SLDCADA as well as a designated backup server. The Oracle server requirements are reiterated in paragraph 4.5.3, System setup. The partition size requirement is shown in Table 9, Oracle Server Setup Disk Requirements:

|Database Name |Device Name |Size |

|MASTER |MASTER |50 mb |

|sybsystemprocs |sybsystemprocs |30 mb |

Table 9, Oracle Server Setup Disk Requirements

SLDCADA server disk. Table 10, SLDCADA Unformatted Disk Requirement contains the minimum file system disk requirements for the SLDCADA.

Each database must be sized according to:

a. Number of employees, broken down by civilians, military, and non-employee.

b. Number of shops as defined for the DIFMS interface.

c. Number of job order numbers.

d. Number of outstanding job order numbers.

e. Amount of historical data (i.e., 52 weeks or less).

f. Number of supervisors.

g. Number of type hour codes.

h. Maximum number of employees per timekeeper.

i. Number of timekeepers.

j. Number of report users that have access to all employees.

These numbers are used to compute the sizes in Table 10, SLDCADA Unformatted Disk Requirement. Use Table 22, Database Sizing Information in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets, to capture this information.

|SLDCADA Operation Systems Disk |

|Database Name |Device Name |Minimum Size |Total Size |

|tempdb |labor_tempdb |500 mb |500 mb |

|SLDCADANF |labor_data1 |50 mb | |

| |labor_data2 |50 mb | |

| |labor_data3 |50 mb | |

| |labor_index1 |50 mb | |

| |labor_index2 |50 mb | |

| |labor_index3 |50 mb | |

| |labor_log |500 mb |800 mb |

|Total | | |1300 mb |

Table 10, SLDCADA Unformatted Disk Requirement

Total Oracle space requirements are:

|Oracle Server: |80 mb |

|SLDCADANF-specific: |+1,300 mb |

|Total Requirement: |1,380 mb |

4.5.2 Software setup. Software installation sequence.

The system software installation includes these items in the sequence listed:

a. Solaris Systems Software 2.6

b. SunOS 2.6 patches

c. Solaris AnswerBook

d. Oracle Structured Query Language (SQL) Server Software installation participation.

Note: Where the items below are not an action for the SA, they are information that needs to be brought to the attention of the individual performing the installation.

The items in this section are subdivided according to which commercial application package they relate.

a. Solaris Systems Software 2.6.

1) Provide complete Installation Data to the installer.

2) The system type is to be “standalone.”

3) Use your planned disk layout to set the partitions in the Customize Disk window.

4) Check the maintenance supplement for Solaris 2.6, which the installer should bring, to determine if there are log or error files to be reviewed when the installation is complete.

5) In accordance with the installation instructions, do not reboot the system before installing the patches.

b. SunOS 2.6 patches. This consists of two items: an initial patch cluster and supplemental patches. The system can be rebooted after the initial patch cluster is installed and the error log is reviewed. To view the error log, enter:

more /var/sadm/install_data/Patches_log

c. Solaris AnswerBook. No special or supplemental instructions.

d. Oracle SQL server.

1) Installation preparation. Before installing Oracle, a number of preparation actions need to be accomplished. Other items not related directly to Oracle are included.

a) Set Gateway IP Address. Create the /etc/defaultrouter file. Enter the gateway IP address from the Server Information worksheet in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets. This IP address is the only item stored in this file. Save the defaultrouter file with the entry you made. Reference the SunOS Reference Manual Section 1. User Commands for assistance in using the vi or ed editor commands.

b) Assign shell for root account use. Enter:

cp /bin/csh /sbin/csh/

c) For new system installations, create an /etc/system file and enter the following lines. For systems already in operation, the following lines should be appended to the end of each /etc/system file. If any of the lines below are already included in the /etc/system file, remove the line from the file or comment by placing a ‘#’ in position 1 of line.

set scsi_options=0x3f8

set enable_sm_wa = 1

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=131072000

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=400

set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=15

set semsys:seminfo_semmns=620

set semsys:seminfo_semmni=250

set msgsys:msginfo_msgmni=100

set maxusers=250

set pt_cnt=500

* Set the value of enable_sm_wa to 1 to allow for the reliable operation of SPARCstation 10 Model 514/single processor SPARCstation

2) Installation. Oracle server device sizes. Note the sizes for the Oracle master and sysprocsdev are to be the minimum allowable sizes, 17mb and 12mb, respectively. The remaining servers are installed after the installation and are addressed in paragraph 4.5.4, Oracle servers initialization.

4.5.3 System setup.

Error! Reference source not found.Error! Reference source not found. provides a checklist for use by the system administrator to ensure all installation steps are completed. Required materials/items.

Computer system manuals.

a. System Administration Guide Volume 1

b. SunOS Reference Manual Section 1M. System Administration Commands

Computer system data items.

a. Access to each Sun platform as an SA and Oracle

b. Completed Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets.

c. How to read a disk device ID and be sufficiently familiar with the format to enter them. See System Administration Guide Volume 1, Device Naming Conventions, pages 404-405. Partition disk.

For each system, use the format utility to partition and label rdsk (unformatted disk reserved for Oracle use) partitioned and labeled during the system installation. Use the form started during software installation from Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets, to record allocations done at this time and for a complete list of disks to be formatted.

a. Enter the df command. See page 1M-145 in the SunOS Reference Manual Section 1M. System Administration Commands for detailed information about the df command. Only disks that have been formatted are displayed.

b. Enter the format command. All disk units connected to the system are displayed, including the Client Server that have not been formatted and are not listed as a result of the df above. For a detailed explanation of the format options, see page 1M-199/201 in the SunOS Reference Manual Section 1M. System Administration Commands.

c. Exit out of the format utility by entering ‘q’ at the prompt until you have returned to root level. To reenter the format utility and format the disk, use the command option:

format –m –M –ldisk_device_id_format.log

d. Select the label option before exiting after each disk change to save the information you have entered. (Repeat steps c and d until all rdsk has been partitioned and labeled.) Assign disk permissions and ownership.

After partitioning and labeling the raw disks, Oracle must be assigned as the owner of them with permissions to write to them; i.e.:

chown oracle /dev/rdsk/device_id

chown oracle /dev/dsk/device_id

chmod 600 /dev/rdsk/device_id

chmod 600 /dev/dsk/device_id Manual entry procedures.

Log in as root and create the following groups and accounts with the listed command lines on the Sun platform.

a. Groups and users for CSSD software maintenance use. Log in as root.

b. To add a user and a group, for the SLDPB UNIX account, enter the commands:

groupadd –g ssg (For the group #, use the next available group id in the group table.)

useradd –g ““ –d “~sldpb” –m –s “/bin/csh/” –c “SLDPB SSG” sldpb

c. SLDPB home directory setup. Log in as root. Enter:

chown –R sldpb ~sldpb

chgrp –R ~sldpb

d. System functional users. The userid is the new user ID established for each user. The user_name is the long name for the person; e.g., John Doe. The home_directory_name is the SA-supplied home directory for the new userid; e.g., /usr/home/jdoe. Repeat for each user.

groupadd –g

mkdir home_directory_name

useradd –g –d “home_directory_name” –m –s “/bin/csh” –c “user_name” userid

Note: The system administrator needs to unlock the userid prior to its use.

4.5.4 Oracle servers initialization. Required materials.

Complete installation data includes Port Number Assignments. See Table 18, Port Number Assignments.. Verify data.

Check the Port Number Assignments to see if the requested port numbers for the SLDCADA are available. The SLDCADA Oracle server requests port 2185 and SYB_BACKUP requests port 2125. If the worksheet is not available, log in to the server as root and view the /etc/services file. Annotate any required changes in Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets.

4.5.5 Netscape server installation. Required materials.

The following items must be present for this installation.

a. GZIP tools available under GNU Public License.

b. Netscape Communicator/Navigator 4.5 or higher Software – available under DOD contract from .

c. Netscape iPlanet 4.0 Web Server Software (formerly Netscape Enterprise Server) – available under DOD contract from .

d. SLDCADA Web software, available from CSSD.

e. Sun Microsystems’ Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.2 software – available free of charge from Sun’s Website ().

f. Sun Microsystems’ Java Servlet Development Kit (JSDK) 2.1 software – available free of charge from Sun’s Website ().

g. Oracle jConnect 4.1/5.0 JDBC driver software – available free of charge from Oracle ().

h. Additional seat licenses for Oracle SQL Server 11 to cover additional users. Dependent on license arrangement for existing SQL Server.

i. VeriSign Digital Server Certificate for Netscape iPlanet Server (for SSL encryption) – $350.00 purchased from Verisign. Requires Netscape iPlanet Server to generate a file that is sent along with application and payment to Verisign. See Website for information: . Disk Space Requirements.

The SLDCADA Web disk requirements are shown in Table 11.

|Application |Size |

|Netscape Communicator 4.5 or higher |23 MB |

|Netscape iPlanet 4.0 (/usr/netscape/server4) |135 MB |

|Sun Java SDK (/usr/java/1.2) |35 MB |

|Sun Java Servlet SDK (/usr/jsdk2.1) |2 MB |

|Oracle jConnect (/opt/jConnect) |5 MB |

|TOTAL: |200 MB |

Table 11, SLDCADA Web Disk Requirements Pre-installation procedures.

Prior to the actual installation, the following steps must be accomplished.

Step 1 Log on to the server as root.

Step 2 Install GZIP tools - /usr/local/bin.

Follow directions for installing GZIP.

Step 3 Install JDK - /usr/java1.2, link to /usr/java.

Load any Solaris patches required.


Follow directions for installing JDK

Step 4 Install JSDK - /usr/jsdk2.1

# uncompress jsdk2_1-solsparc_tar.Z

# untar jsdk2_1-solsparc_tar

# mv jsdk2.1 /usr/jsdk2.1

Step 5 Install Netscape Communicator/Navigator - /opt/netscape (default).

Follow directions for installing Communicator/Navigator.

Step 6 Create group for web use,

Step 7 Create user for web use, www with /bin/csh for shell.

# groupadd www

# useradd -g “www” –d “/usr/netscape/server4/docs” -s “/bin/csh” -c “WWW User” www

# passwd www ( enter new password for www

Step 8 Install Netscape web server - /usr/netscape/server4.

Load any Solaris patches required.

Follow directions for installing Netscape iPlanet.

Installation overview:

# /usr/local/bin/gzcat | tar xf –

# ./setup

At this point the Netscape Welcome Screen (Figure 1) is displayed.


Figure 1, Netscape Welcome Screen

Step 9 Press Enter to continue with the setup. The Netscape Consent Screen (Figure 2) is displayed.


Figure 2, Netscape Consent Screen

Step 10 Type yes and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Installation Type Screen (Figure 3) is displayed.


Figure 3, Netscape Installation Type Screen

Step 11 Verify that the installation type is 2 and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Extract Screen (Figure 4) is displayed.


Figure 4, Netscape Extract Screen

Step 12 Verify that the installation directory is /usr/netscape/server4 and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Server Family Components Screen (Figure 5) is displayed.


Figure 5, Netscape Server Family Components Screen

Step 13 Press Enter to continue. The Netscape Enterprise Server Components Screen (Figure 6) is displayed.


Figure 6, Netscape Enterprise Server Components Screen

Step 14 Press Enter to accept the default (1-6) and continue. The Netscape Domain Name Screen (Figure 7) is displayed.


Figure 7, Netscape Domain Name Screen

Step 15 Press Enter to accept the default machine name (fully qualified domain name) and continue. The Netscape System User and Group Screen (Figure 8) is displayed.


Figure 8, Netscape System User and Group Screen

Step 16 Type “www” to identify the account that will run the web services and press Enter to continue.

Type “www” to identify the group account that will run the web services and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Enterprise Administration Server Screen (Figure 9) is displayed.


Figure 9, Netscape Enterprise Administration Server Screen

Step 17 Press Enter to accept the default and continue. The Netscape Enterprise Admin Server User Name Screen (Figure 10) is displayed.


Figure 10, Netscape Enterprise Admin Server User Name Screen

Step 18 Press Enter to accept the default Admin Server User (admin) and continue.

Assign a password for the User and press Enter. Re-enter the password and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Admin Server Port Screen (Figure 11) is displayed.


Figure 11, Netscape Admin Server Port Screen

Step 19 Assign a port of “5000” for the Admin Server to use (if available) and press Enter to continue. The Netscape Server Port Screen (Figure 12) is displayed.


Figure 12, Netscape Server Port Screen

Step 20 Press Enter to accept the default web server port (80) and continue. The Netscape LDAP Directory Server Screen (Figure 13) is displayed.


Figure 13, Netscape LDAP Directory Server Screen

Step 21 Press Enter to skip registering with an LDAP server (refer to the documentation to set up LDAP use). The Netscape Enterprise Server Content Root Screen (Figure 14) is displayed.


Figure 14, Netscape Enterprise Server Content Root Screen

Step 22 Assign the content root to the sldweb/docs directory (/usr/netscape/server4/docs) and press Enter. The Netscape Java Development Kit (JDK) Screen (Figure 15) is displayed.


Figure 15, Netscape Java Development Kit (JDK) Screen

Step 23 Answer “yes” to use your own JDK. Press Enter to continue. The Netscape JDK Directory Screen (Figure 16) is displayed.


Figure 16, Netscape JDK Directory Screen

Step 24 Type the location of the JDK (/usr/java1.2) and press Enter. The Netscape Completion Screen (Figure 17) is displayed.


Figure 17, Netscape Completion Screen

Step 25 Press Enter to finish the installation. The Netscape Cleanup Screen (Figure 18) is displayed.


Figure 18, Netscape Cleanup Screen

Step 26 Start Netscape Admin Server.

/usr/netscape/server4/https-admserv/start Setup SLDCADA Web application.

This section provides the steps necessary to set up the SLDCADA web application.

Apply for Verisign Server Certificate. See Verisign Web site for details. Installing the server certificate may be done at any time during or after SLDCADA Web installation. Refer to Netscape Documentation for Certificate installation.

Step 1 Start Netscape Client (web browser) and browse to the admin page (). The Netscape Administration Login Screen (Figure 19) is displayed.


Figure 19, Netscape Administration Login Screen

Step 2 Enter the user name (admin) and password created at install and click OK to continue. The Server Selection Screen (Figure 20) is displayed.


Figure 20, Server Selection Screen

Step 3 Click Manage to select the SLDCADA Web server. The Server Manager Screen (Figure 21) is displayed.


Figure 21, Server Manager Screen

Step 4 Click on the Servlets tab to configure the Java interface. The Server Manager Servlet Tab (Figure 22) is displayed.


Figure 22, Server Manager Servlet Tab

Step 5 Ensure that the Servlet Engine is activated. If not, Click Yes and OK to continue. Click on the Configure JRE/JDK Paths button. The Configure JRE/JDK Paths Screen (Figure 23) is displayed.


Figure 23, Configure JRE/JDK Paths Screen

Step 6 Verify that the JDK is selected and the path is /usr/java1.2. Click on OK if changes were made and then click on the Servlet Directory Button to continue. The Servlet Directory Screen (Figure 24) is displayed.


Figure 24, Servlet Directory Screen

Step 7 Add a new servlet directory. For the prefix enter sldweb/servlet. For the servlet directory enter /usr/netscape/server4/sldweb/servlet. Click OK to continue. The Save Screen (Figure 25) is displayed.


Figure 25, Save Screen

Step 8 Click Save to continue. The Configure Global Servlet Attributes Screen (Figure 26) is displayed.


Figure 26, Configure Global Servlet Attributes Screen

Step 9 Click on the Configure Global Servlet Attributes button. Enter the following for Session Manager args:


Click OK. The Save Screen (Figure 27) is displayed.


Figure 27, Save Screen

Step 10 Click Save to continue. The Configure JVM Attributes Screen (Figure 28) is displayed.


Figure 28, Configure JVM Attributes Screen

Step 11 Click on the Configure JVM Attributes button. Add the following to the Classpath:


Click on OK. The Save Screen (Figure 29) is displayed.


Figure 29, Save Screen

Step 12 Click Save and Apply to save the changes.

Step 13 Start the server.

Step 14 Install jConnect (/usr/local/jConnect).

For packaged version of jConnect follow included directions for installation

For downloaded version of jConnect 4.1/5.0:

For X display:

# DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY ( (ex. DISPLAY=; export DISPLAY)

# JAVA_HOME=/usr/java1.2; export JAVA_HOME

# $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath fullinst.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/

For non-GUI install: (See Figure 30)

# $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath fullinst.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/ com.Oracle.install.Install -nogui

Choose language – en (English)

Choose full installation

Choose install directory - /usr/local/jConnect

Select Install


Figure 30, com.Oracle.install.Install Installation procedures.

This section provides the steps necessary to install the Netscape web server.

Step 1 Log on to the server as root.

Step 2 Create the file .cshrc for www user. Add the following to .cshrc:

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:/opt/netscape

setenv editor vi

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java1.2

setenv JDBC_HOME /usr/local/jConnect

setenv JSDK_HOME /usr/jsdk2.1

setenv CLASSPATH ${JDBC_HOME}/classes/jconn2.jar:${JSDK_HOME}/server.jar:${JSDK_HOME}/servlet.jar:.

Step 3 This is an Optional step. Install Netscape Directory Server 4.1 - /usr/netscape/dirsvr4.1 (for LDAP, centralized user management).

Load any Solaris patches required.

Follow directions for installing Directory Server and configuring the Netscape Web Server.

Step 4 Uncompress and untar SLDCADA Web distribution into docs directory (owner:group – www:www).

Step 5 Copy sldweb distribution (sld21.0.xx.web.tar.Z) to /usr/netscape/server4/docs/sldweb.

# uncompress sld21.0.xx.web.tar.Z

# tar xvf sld21.0.xx.web.tar

Step 6 Configure SLDCADA Web for database connection.

# cp /usr/netscape/server4/docs/sldweb/util/sldweb.dat /usr/netscape/server4/docs/sldweb

Edit the file to reflect the appropriate database IP address and port number.

Step 7 Create users and access rights for the web server.

4.5.6 Database backup area creation.

This section will set up an area for database backups to reside. This backup area must be large enough to hold a maximum of five dumps from the labornf database at its full capacity. This area will normally contain three database backups and two transaction log dumps from the labornf database.

Step 1 Log onto the server using “root” login.

Step 2 Create on a file system, a directory structure /disk11/sldpb/backup with the ownership:

/disk11 is owned by root

/disk11/sldpb is owned by root

/disk11/sldpb/backup is owned by Oracle

Step 3 Execute a share command to share the newly created directory on the server.

share –F nfs –o rw,anon=-1 –d “slddumps” /disk11/sldpb/backup

Step 4 Update the dfstab with the share command.

Step 5 Log on to the client using the “root” login.

Step 6 Change directory to the home directory of sldpb.

Step 7 Link the back-up directory created above. Using the command below, replacing ‘machinename’ with the name of the server machine.

ln –s /net/machinename/disk11/sldpb/backup

4.5.7 Application software load.

The following section covers the retrieval and expansion of the SLDCADA application tar.

Step 1 Log in to the server using the sldpb login.

Step 2 Obtain and create the SLDCADA application using either option a or b below, depending on the source of the application.

a. Source tape. Tar in the SLDCADA source tape using the following command.

tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 (where /dev/rmt/0 is the tape device)

b. FTP. Transfer the tar file from the CSSD software repository. Extract from the SLDCADA source file.

1) From the sldpb home directory on the site machine, FTP to the CSSD software repository. (Using binary transfer mode)

2) Using binary transfer mode, execute the following to retrieve the tar set.

get sld21.0-00.tar.Z

get extract.tar

3) Quit FTP session

4) Execute the following to change permissions and allow execution of the extract process and on the tar file.

chmod 700 sld21.0-00.tar.Z

chmod 700 extract.tar

5) Execute the following to uncompress and extract the tar file.

extract.tar sld21.0-00.tar

6) Review output of extract process (sld21.0-00.out)

7) Make a directory ssg and move the tar output file to this directory. The accumulation of these output files will provide a history of the SLDCADA application at this site.

mkdir ssg

mv sld21.0-00.out ssg/.

Step 3 Either process followed in step 2 above should create the directory structure shown in Figure 31, SLDPB Directory Structure.


Figure 31, SLDPB Directory Structure

4.5.8 User/set-up directories.

Log on as root and execute the following commands on the Sun platform to create the required directories.

mkdir /usr/local

mkdir /usr/local/bin Load System default files.

Assign permissions and ownership to root.

|Filename |Where to place on Sun platform |

|def.cshrc |/usr/home |

|def.login |/usr/home |

|def.profile |/usr/home |

Table 12, System Files

a. Edit the following files, after logging in as root, on each system to select local information. The contents of the files are shown in Figure 32, File def.cshrc Contents through Figure 34, File def.profile Contents. Items that may differ from site to site are highlighted.




b. /etc/skel Files. Log in as root to add or edit the following files in the /etc/skel directory to contain the information shown. As new users are added with _m option, these files are moved into the users home directory automatically.

|/etc/skel File |Contents |

|.cshrc |source /usr/home/def.cshrc |

|.login |source /usr/home/def.login |

|.profile |source /usr/home/def.profile |

Table 13, Directory /etc/skel Files With Contents

setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/etc:.:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/opt/Oracle/bin:/bin:/usr/openwin:/opt/Oracle/install:/opt/accell/bin:/opt/accell/lib:/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/accell/include


setenv ORACLE /opt/Oracle

setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWspro/man:/usr/man:/usr/openwin/man

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /opt/SUNWspro/SunTech_License/demo.license.dat

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/Oracle/lib

setenv SYBPLATFORM sun_svr4

umask 002

if ($?prompt) then

set history=32


setenv TERM vt220

setenv TERMINFO /usr/share/lib/terminfo

Figure 32, File def.cshrc Contents

# The PBENV environment variable will be used by both the PowerBuilder and

# ACCELL versions of SLDCADA.

setenv PBENV /disk10/home/sldpb

# The ACLENV environment variable will be used only by the ACCELL version of

# SLDCADA. Uncomment the following line if the ACCELL version of SLDCADA is

# to be executed on this system.


stty istrip

stty quit

stty erase '^h'

stty werase '^?'


Figure 33, File def.login Contents


export PATH


export TERM




export ORACLE


export CDPATH


# Set up TERM and TERMCAP environment variables

case $term in



dialup | dumb | network | unknown | su)

# Try and guess the terminal type

set noglob

set TEMP=`tset -S -Q -I -m 'dialup:?vt100' -m 'dumb:?vt100' -m 'network:?vt100' -m 'unknown:?vt100' -m 'su:?vt100'`

set TERM=$TEMP[1]

set term = $TEMP[1]



unset TEMP

unset noglob;;


# We have no idea what the terminal type is so don't try to guess

set noglob

set TEMP=`tset -S -Q -I`

set TERM=$TEMP[1]

set term = $TEMP[1]



unset TEMP

unset noglob;;



Figure 34, File def.profile Contents

4.5.9 Configure lp printers.

Use the AdminTool and attach the local printers to all systems.

4.5.10 Verify devices.

Once the systems have been rebooted, verify devices under the /dev/pts directory to see if new tty devices have been allocated for the number of users (set on page Error! Bookmark not defined. with set maxusers = 250) by logging in as root and entering the commands below. Also note the current date/time should be reflected on timestamp of tty files.

cd /dev/pts

ls –al |more

4.5.11 SLDCADA server configuration.

Step 1. Log in to the server as Oracle.

Step 2. Move the following files from the directory ~sldpb/setup to the ORACLE install directory (/opt/Oracle/install). [Use File Transfer Protocol (FTP), mv or any other available copy commands.] Recommend ‘mv’ command so the files are removed from the sldpb area.

|Server Related Files |

|sybsldnf.configure |

|sybsldnf.shutdown |

|sybsldnf.startbackupsvr |

|sybsldnf.startserver |

Table 14, Server-related Files

Step 3 Assign ownership of the files in Table 14 to Oracle.

Note: Verify the permissions for these files after moving are equivalent to a chmod 744.

Step 4 Change directory to install.

cd /opt/Oracle/install

Step 5 Verify the files RUN_SLDCADANF and RUN_SYB_BACKUP exist. The SYBINIT process in paragraph Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found. should have created these. If either of these files does not exist, see the database administrator before continuing.

Step 6 Set the SAPWD and DSQUERY environment variables with the SLDCADA server system administrator ‘sa’ password and server name at this time.

setenv SAPWD XXXXXXX (where XXXXXXX equals the actual password)


Step 7 Check to see if the SLDCADANF database server and the backup server are currently running. The backup server might have been running if it existed previously. The SLDCADANF database server is running if sybinit started it.


Notes: 1You must be in the ORACLE installation directory (/opt/Oracle/install) to execute this command.

2This command will display all ORACLE servers currently running on the system.

Step 8 If your SLDCADANF database server is running, bring down your server at this time with this command:


Step 9 Edit the file RUN_SLDCADANF script and add this line if it does not already exist:

ulimit –n 1024

The RUN_SLDCADANF script should be very similar to the one below.



# SQL Server Information:


# master device: /dev/vx/rdsk/cs-sld-master

# master device size: 25600

# errorlog: /opt/Oracle/install/sldnf_errorlog

# interfaces: /opt/Oracle


ulimit –n 1024

/opt/Oracle/bin/dataserver –d/dev/vx/rdsk/cs-sld-master -sSLDCADANF \

-e/opt/Oracle/install/sldnf_errorlog –i/opt/Oracle

Figure 35, RUN_SLDCADANF Script

Step 10 After verifying the RUN_SLDCADANF script, restart the database server.


Note: Press after display stops scrolling.

Step 11 If the backup server (SYB_BACKUP) was not running in step 11 above, start the backup server now.


Note: Press after display stops scrolling.

Step 12 Run the script to configure the SLDCADANF database server.


Step 13 Read the screen output. Resolve any errors with the database administrator before continuing.

Step 14 Shut down your database server and restart to implement the configuration changes.



Step 15 Read the file sldnf_errorlog and resolve any errors with the database administrator before continuing.

Note: All ORACLE errors and warnings pertaining to the SLDCADA database are written to this log file. This file should be backed up periodically and removed. Failure to keep this file at a reasonable size can result in the server halting during program execution.

4.5.12 SLDCADA data setup.

The following sections contain the steps necessary to format data gathered for the SLDCADA database for a new SLDCADA Instance. The data is retrieved from various sources including CSSD deliverables, New Site Handbook, site interviews, DCPS locally created files, and the MER evaluation.

Step 1 Obtain the MER Evaluation and completed New Site Handbook for the site you are going to install. These documents will provide data to be used in some of the data loads below.

Step 2 Log in to the UNIX server.

Step 3 Set environment variables to reference the Oracle Instance you are working with. These variables will determine the database instance that is accessed and the input/output paths from the UNIX environment. Valid settings are listed in Table 1, Environment Variables.


setenv SLD_ENV

Step 4 All of the environment variables list in Table 1, Environment Variable Settings, should be set. The majority of these variables are set with the defaultrc file for the system. Verify these variables and settings.

|Variable |Setting & Use |

|ORACLE_SID |Oracle Database Instance name |

|ORACLE_BASE |/u01/app/oracle |

|ORACLE_HOME |/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6 |

|SLD_VERSION |Version of SLDCADA the site is running (i.e.,. 21.0 for this release) |

|SLD_BASE |/u01/app/sld |

| |Home directory for the SLD user id |

|SLD_HOME |/u01/app/sld/SLD_VERSION |

| |Home directory for SLDCADA deliverable. Default data files will be copied from this area |

| |and scripts will be executed from here. |

|SLD_ENV |/u01/app/sld/ORACLE_SID |

| |Home directory for the Oracle Instance you are working with. This directory is ‘site |

| |specific’ and will contain the directories for storing data related to this instance |

| |throughout the life of the instance. |

Table 1, Environment Variable Settings

Step 5 Verify that directories were created. You should have the following directory structure from the $SLD_ENV point.


Step 6 Copy deliverable data files to the site data directory.

cd $SLD_HOME/setup


Step 7 Change directory to the site ‘data’ directory and create/verify the data files listed in the steps and tables below. Each file listed in the tables below will be loaded using the Oracle SQL Loader utility. The vertical pipe symbol ‘|’ is used to separate fields in each record. Record layout and format, where specified, must be followed. Each record is separated by a carriage return. Fields not requiring values (NULL) need not be entered but the vertical pipe symbol must be entered as a placeholder.

cd $SLD_ENV/dataload/data

Step 8 Review/modify data files listed in Table 2, Deliverable files in ~SLD_ENV/dataload/data to review/modify. Items to review or modify are listed in the table. (table names for this group are listed in load_deliv.dat)

|File |Details |

|gr_calendar.dat |Purpose: Provides valid processing weeks for reference and status of the DCPS interface. |

| |Action: Review the data file to ensure that week ending dates from initial load through |

| |production processing are present. Additional data need not be deleted or removed. Dates |

| |prior to these will be dropped by the batch process cbclean. |

| |Format: |

| |Week Ending Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Week of Year |

| |Week of Pay Period (1 or 2) |

| |Pay Period |

| |TNA Sent to DCPS Indicator (NULL) |

|gr_holiday.dat |Purpose: Provide dates to generate holiday labor for Civilian employees. |

| |Action: Review the file to ensure data is current. This file drives holiday processing. |

| |Should contain holiday dates for current year. |

| |Format: |

| |Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Holiday Description |

|gr_sys_defaults.dat |Purpose: Set system wide defaults. |

| |Action: Review file updating item 5 and 8, and 10. This file should only contain 1 |

| |record. |

| |Format: |

| |System Available Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – System Not Available for Users |

| |1 – System Available for Users |

| |Last Financial Run Date (NULL) |

| |Pre Batch Database Dump Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not perform Pre Batch Database Dump |

| |1 – Perform Pre Batch Database Dump |

| |Post Batch Database Dump Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not perform Post Batch Database Dump |

| |1 – Perform Post Batch Database Dump |

| |Biweekly TNA Transmission Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – Weekly TNA Transmission |

| |1 – BiWeekly TNA Transmission |

| |Current Software Version |

| |Home Directory Path – Directory path to site $HOME. |

| |About Info Message (NULL) |

| |Allow entry of hundredths of hours Switch (T/F) |

| |F – Entry of hundredths of hours not allowed |

| |T – Entry of hundredths of hours allowed |

|gr_work_sched.dat |Purpose: Define work schedule codes for SLDCADA. |

| |Action: This file contains default work schedules covering standard schedules for |

| |commonly used alternate work schedules (AWS). File should be updated to include additional|

| |schedules determined from MER evaluation and remove schedules for AWSs not in use. |

| |Format: |

| |Schedule Code |

| |Active Indicator (0,1) |

| |0 – Inactive |

| |1 – Active |

| |Alternate Work Schedule (AWS) |

|gr_work_sched_hours.dat |Purpose: Define work schedule hours for each day of the pay period for each work schedule|

| |code created. |

| |Action: This file contains entries for each of the default work schedules created in |

| |gr_work_sched. File should be updated to include additional schedules determined from MER |

| |evaluation and remove schedules for AWS’s not in use. Each record from gr_work_sched |

| |should have 14 records here. Week of Pay Period 1 & 2, Day of Week 1 – 7. |

| |Format: |

| |Schedule Code |

| |Week of Pay Period |

| |Day of Week |

| |Scheduled Hours |

Table 2, Deliverable files in ~SLD_ENV/dataload/data to review/modify

Step 9 Using data gathered from MER Evaluation, site interviews, and the New Site Handbook, create data files for the tables listed in Table 3, Site built files in $SLD_ENV/data to create. Each field must be accounted for in the input file. Each field is separated by a pipe ‘|’ symbol. Default values are indicated within parenthesis () and should be entered as such. Examples have been provided as to the format. Default values are highlighted in examples. (table names for this group are listed in load_mer_eval.dat)

|File |Details |

|gr_current_week.dat |Source: Site Built |

| |Purpose: Provide a reference to indicate the week for which the SLDCADA is currently |

| |processing. |

| |Action: Create a file in the format below to set the dates for the initial load of data |

| |for the SLDCADA. |

| |Format: |

| |Week Ending Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Week Beginning Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Days of Labor Processed (0) |

| |Example: 07/01/2000|06/25/2000|0 |

|gr_leave_type_hour.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Purpose: Provide default leave charge numbers for leave entered in labor. |

| |Action: Generate a file of data to be copied to the database. The shops and leave charge |

| |numbers are site-provided data. The site may only provide one charge number for each leave|

| |type hour code, and this must be expanded to create a record for each shop. |

| |Format: |

| |Shop |

| |Type Hour Code |

| |Direct Charge Number |

| |Indirect Charge Number |


|gr_shop_xref.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Purpose: Initially, this file needs to cross-reference each shop loaded to itself. It is |

| |also used to cross-reference one shop to another. |

| |Action: Build a file containing all the shops being loaded in the gr_org_shop table. |

| |Format: |

| |Shop |

| |Cross Referenced Shop |

|gr_station_codes.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Purpose: Define the UICs that will be contained in the SLDCADA database. |

| |Action: Create a file with the UICs to be loaded into the database. This is normally the |

| |UIC from the MER Header record for all MERs that are to be loaded into the database. |

| |Format: |

| |Unit Identification Code (UIC) |

| |UIC Description |

| |Example: 000123|UIC DESCRIPTION |

|gr_supv_asgn.dat |Source: Site built – Can be built from data gathered in the MER Evaluation and any |

| |additional supervisor assignments defined. |

| |Purpose: Provide supervisors for each Supervisor Assignment in the SLDCADA. This file is |

| |used for validation and as a lookup. This file is also used to validate access to employee|

| |data in the SLDCADA. |

| |Action: Create a file with site provided information of the supervisor assignments to be |

| |loaded to the SLDCADA. |

| |Format: |

| |Supervisor Assignment |

| |SSN |

| |Civilian/Military Code |

| |Shift Assignment |

| |Route (NULL) |

| |Building (NULL) |

| |Supervisors Shop |

| |Example: ABCDEFG|555121212|N|01|||000123 |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.dat |Source: Site built – Activities can be gathered from MER evaluation and other sources. |

| |Settings will be site specific based on data mapping results. |

| |Purpose: Provide system settings for each of the employing activities maintained in the |

| |SLDCADA. This file is used to determine edits and processing of employees in the SLDCADA. |

| |Action: Create a file with site/MER provided information for each employing activity to |

| |be created. |

| |Format: |

| |Unit Identification Code (UIC) |

| |Employing Activity |

| |Employing Activity Description |

| |Edit Sub Shop for Shop Indication (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not edit entered sub shops |

| |1 – Edit entered sub shops. |

| |Generate Annual Leave Indicator (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not generate annual leave |

| |1 – Generate annual leave when hours fall short of scheduled hours. |

| |Overtime Authorization Required Indicator (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not require overtime authorization |

| |1 – Require overtime authorization |

| |Weeks of Data to Retain Historically (0-52) |

| |Weeks Forward of Data to Maintain (0-1) |

| |DIFMS Financial Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – Not DIFMS Financial |

| |1 – DIFMS Financial |

| |Allow Bypass of Minor Labor Errors (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not bypass minor labor editing errors. |

| |1 – Bypass minor labor editing errors. |

| |Generate Labor Early on Split Week for Weekly Reporters (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not generate weekly labor early in a split week. |

| |1 – Generate weekly labor early in a split week. |

| |Allow duplicate key information on Labor Records (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not allow duplicate key in labor records. |

| |1 – Allow duplicate key in labor records. |

| |Edit Job Order Number Entry (Y,N) |

| |N – Do not edit entered JONs |

| |Y – Edit JONs |

| |Length of Job Order Number(1 – 13) |

| |Length of Shop (1 – 7) |

| |Length of Customer Order Number (CON) (1- 10) |

| |Generate Predetermined without Job Order Numbers (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not generate predetermined labor without JON |

| |1 – Generate predetermined labor without JON |

| |Send Uncertified Labor to DCPS Switch (0,1) |

| |0 – Send uncertified labor to DCPS |

| |1 – Do not send uncertified labor to DCPS |

| |Clock Certification Requirements |

| |0 = Clocks cannot be entered or viewed |

| |1 = Clocks can be entered/viewed. Not required to certify. |

| |2 = View of clocks required for certification. |

| |Default Supervisor Assignment |

| |All new employees to Default Supervisor Assignment (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not send all new employees to Default Assignment |

| |1 - Send all new employees to Default Assignment |

| |Default Shop |

| |Assume regular type hour code if none entered. (0, 1) |

| |0 – Do not assume regular type hour code |

| |1 – Assume regular type hour code. |

| |Leave Availability Check (0, 1) |

| |0 = No check |

| |1 = Check leave display warning if not available. |

| |Default Time and Labor Category (1-5) |

| |Default Union/Unit Code (U/T/Null) |

| |Default Schedule Code |

| |Shop Overlay Starting Position (1-7) |

| |Shop Overlay Ending Position (1-7) |

| |Zero fill Shop to Shop Length (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not zero fill shop to length |

| |1 – Zero fill shop to length |

| |Sub Shop Overlay Starting Position (1 - 7) |

| |Sub Shop Overlay Ending Position (1 – 7) |

| |Zero fill Sub Shop to length of 3 |

| |0 – Do not zero fill sub shop to length |

| |1 – Zero fill sub shop to length |

| |Supervisor Assignment Overlay Starting Position (1 - 7) |

| |Supervisor Assignment Overlay Ending Position (1 - 7) |

| |Zero fill Supervisor Assignment to Length (0,1) |

| |0 – Do not zero fill supervisor assignment to length |

| |1 – Zero fill supervisor assignment to length |

| |Length of Supervisor Assignment (1 – 10) |

| |Conditional Overlay of Supervisor Assignment (Only when shop changes. (0,1) |

| |0 – Overlay Supervisor Assignment always |

| |1 – Only Overlay Supervisor Assignment when Shop changes. |

| |Financial Indicator |

Table 3, Site built files in $SLD_ENV/dataload/data to create

Step 10 Table 4, Optional files to create in $SLD_ENV/data, lists optional tables and tables that may be loaded with batch processes. Format of files that can be loaded using a batch process are listed in the SLDCADA SIOM. (table names for this group are listed in load_batch.dat)

|File |Details |

|gr_dcps_overlay.dat |Source: Site built. |

| |Option: Load via file or set from online once all data is loaded |

| |Purpose: Set indicators for MER processing to determine if optional fields will be |

| |overlaid from the MER. |

| |Format |

| |Employing Activity |

| |Field ID (1 = Shop, 2 = Sub Shop, 3 = Supervisor Assignment. |

| |Example: 000123|1 |

| |** Create records for those fields to be overlaid only. |

|gr_employ_acty_jon.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Option: Load via SQL Loader process if data is required. |

| |Purpose: Stores the accounting classification information for each job order number. |

| |Format: |

| |Employing Activity |

| |Organization |

| |Job Order Number |

| |Shop |

|gr_employee.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Option: This data can be loaded via the Civilian (cdmerl/cbmerl)/Military (cbmil)/Non |

| |Employee (cbnon) MER processes. |

| |Purpose: Provide initial users with access to SLDCADA. |

| |Format: |

| |SSN |

| |Civilian/Military Code |

| |Logical ID |

| |Note: Login must be created on the Oracle server in order to be valid. |

| |Example: 555121212|N|sldsa1 |

|gr_employee_shift.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Option: This data can be loaded via the Civilian (cdmerl/cbmerl)/Military (cbmil)/Non |

| |Employee (cbnon) MER processes. |

| |Purpose: Provide initial users with access to SLDCADA. |

| |Format: |

| |SSN |

| |Civilian/Military Code |

| |Shift Assigned |

| |Date - MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Example: 555121212|N|01|07/01/2000 |

|gr_employee_type.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Option: This data can be loaded via the Civilian (cdmerl/cbmerl)/Military (cbmil)/Non |

| |Employee (cbnon) MER processes. |

| |Purpose: Provide initial users with access to SLDCADA. |

| |Format: |

| |SSN |

| |Civilian/Military Code |

| |Supervisor Assignment |

| |Menu Code |

| |Assigned Shop |

| |Access Rights Assignment |

| |User Shop Change Indicator |

| |Note: Login must be created on the Oracle server in order to be valid. |

| |Example: 555121212|N|ABCDEFG|SA|000ABC|AL|0 |

|gr_military_rates.dat |Source: Site built. Required for those sites loading Military personnel. |

| |Option: Load via this process for those sites loading Military personnel. Not required if |

| |Military personnel are not being loaded. |

| |Purpose: Provide list of military ranks per Employing Activity and the costs associated |

| |with each. |

| |Format: |

| |Employing Activity |

| |Rank |

| |Costing Rate |

| |Example: 000123|E01|23.34 |

|gr_non_employee.dat |Source: Site built |

| |Option: This data can be loaded via the Non Employee (Contractor) MER process cbnon. |

| |Purpose: Provide employee data for non-civilian/military employees within the SLDCADA. |

| |Action: Generate a file of data to be copied to the database. The SLDCADA administrator |

| |must be set up in this file to contain an actual shop and supervisor assignment. |

| |Format: |

| |SSN |

| |Civilian/Military Code (N) |

| |Week Ending Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Shop |

| |Sub-Shop |

| |On Board Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |System Drop Date – MM/DD/YYYY |

| |Host Company |

| |Point of Contact |

| |Employing Activity |

| |Work Schedule (NULL) |

| |UNIX login of person adding (NULL) |

| |Temporary Supervisor Assignment (NULL) |

| |Time and Labor Category |

| |Note: Initial login SSN: 555121212 should be added here. |

| |Example: 555121212|N|07/01/2000|000ABC||06/26/2000|07/01/2001|SLDCADA SSG|FRAUKE K |

| |TUTHILL|000XYZ||||3 |

|gr_operation_codes.dat |Source: Site Built |

| |Option: Load only if operation codes are required. |

| |Purpose: Provide operation codes for validation. |

| |Format: |

| |Operation Code |

| |Operation Code Description |

|gr_org_shop.dat |Source: Site built – Can be built from data gathered in the MER Evaluation. |

| |Option: This data can be loaded via batch processes cnshops/cbccen. This data must be |

| |loaded through either the batch SQL Loader process. |

| |Purpose: Provide validation and lookup for employee shops within the SLDCADA. |

| |Action: Create a file with site provided information of the shops that are loaded to the |


| |Format: |

| |Shop |

| |Active Indicator (1) |

| |0 – Inactive Shop |

| |1 – Active Shop |

| |Description |

| |G&A Military Statistical Overhead Rate |

| |G&A Overhead Rate |

| |G&A Underutilized Overhead Rate |

| |Production Military Statistical Overhead Rate |

| |Production Overhead Rate |

| |Production Underutilized Overhead Rate |

| |Past Year Stabilized Rate Indicator |

| |Stabilized Rate Level |

| |Past Year Stabilized Hourly Rate |

| |RMS Indicator (Null, R) |

| |R – Locally maintained Shop |

| |NULL – Shop maintained in Financial system (received via batch) |

| |Operation Code Required (0,1) |

| |0 – Operation Code Not Required |

| |1 – Operation Code Required |

| |Operation Code Match Required (0,1) |

| |0 – Operation Code Match Not Required |

| |1 – Operation Code Match Required |

| |Shop Reports to DCPS (0,1) |

| |0 – Does not Report to DCPS |

| |1 – Reports to DCPS |

| |Centralized Shop Indicator(0,1) |

| |0 – Decentralized |

| |1 – Centralized |

Table 4, Optional files to create in $SLD_ENV/dataload/data

Step 11 Table 5, Static files in $SLD_ENV/data, lists deliverable files which do not require modification. This table is provided as info only. (table names for this group are listed in load_static.dat)

|Table |Purpose |

|gr_access_rights.dat |Provide a set of valid access rights which can be assigned to users and allow access |

| |to employee data. The SLDCADA developers maintain Access Rights. |

|gr_batch_jobs.dat |Provide the set of batch jobs that can be run in the SLDCADA. Batch jobs are |

| |maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_civ_mil_code.dat |Provide the valid civilian/military/non-employee codes for reference in data entry and|

| |as a control in data validation. The SLDCADA developers maintain Civilian/Military |

| |codes. |

|gr_dcps_field.dat |Provide the valid optional fields that can be overlaid to Civilian Employee data by |

| |the Weekly MER overlay process. The DCPS fields for optional overlay are maintained by|

| |the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_difms_error.dat |Stores the error messages that correspond to DIFMS Unallocated Corrections Error |

| |Codes. |

|gr_emp_status.dat |Stores the valid values of employee status codes for Civilian employees. Employee |

| |status codes are set by the DCPS and maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_empl_type_cd.dat |Stores the valid values of employee type codes for Civilian employees. Employee type |

| |codes are set by the DCPS and maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_envl_haz_cd.dat |Provide list of environmental hazard codes for lookup and validation purposes. |

| |Environmental/hazard/other codes are set by the DCPS, but maintained by site personnel|

| |after initial installation. |

|gr_financial_systems.dat |Provides list of financial systems which SLDCADA is prepared to interface with in |

| |DIFMS processing. |

|gr_menu_choices.dat |Provide a master file of all menu choices available in the SLDCADA to be used for |

| |creating customized menus. Menu Choices are maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_menu_code_master.dat |Provide a lookup for data entry and validation of all customized menus available in |

| |the SLDCADA. |

|gr_menu_codes.dat |Provide the menu options available for customized menus. |

|gr_pay_plan.dat |Stores the valid/usable civilian pay plans for reference in data entry and as a |

| |control in data validation. Pay plans are set by the DCPS and maintained by the |

| |SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_pb_search.dat |Stores the information for the on-line screens search requirements. |

|gr_restr_cd.dat |Valid job order number restriction codes. Restriction codes are set by the DIFMS and |

| |maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_shift.dat |Provide a list of possible shift assignments. These assignments are associated with |

| |employees via the gr_employee_record. This table contains the default shifts to be |

| |loaded to cover Graded employees and ungraded first, second, and third shifts. |

|gr_shift_hours.dat |Provide the hours for each day of the pay period associated with a shift assignment. |

| |This table contains the default shifts. |

|gr_sub_menu_choices.dat |Provide a master file of all sub-menu choices available in the SLDCADA to be used for |

| |creating customized menus. Sub-menu choices are maintained by the SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_sub_menu_codes.dat |Provide the sub menu options available for customized menus. |

|gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat |Stores the valid values of time and labor categories for employees. This file is used |

| |for lookup and validation purposes. Time and Labor categories are maintained by the |

| |SLDCADA developers. |

|gr_type_hour_cd.dat |Provide list of type hour codes for lookup and validation purposes. Type hour codes |

| |are set by the DCPS, but maintained by site personnel after initial installation. |

|messages.dat |Stores the predefined messages used within the application. |

Table 5, Static files in $SLD_ENV/dataload/data

4.5.13 SLDCADA SQL Loader dataload.

The following section contains steps necessary to perform bulk loads of data to the SLDCADA database server. The data loaded will be those files referenced in the previous section.

Step 1 Change directory to the data load area ‘setup’.

cd $SLD_HOME/setup

Step 2 Execute the following script to load data gathered in the section above. This script runs an ORACLE SQL Loader process that will attempt to load input files for the tables listed below. The script will only attempt to load files that exist. A count of input file records and database records will be displayed as processed. Any aborts will be displayed in log files captured for each table. The names of all the tables listed below are in the file load_initial.dat. These files are under the directory $SLD_ENV/log and labeled as .log.

load_tables 1 load_initial.dat

|gr_access_rights |gr_military_rates |

|gr_auth_shop |gr_non_employee |

|gr_batch_jobs |gr_operation_codes |

|gr_calendar |gr_org_shop |

|gr_civ_mil_code |gr_pay_plan |

|gr_current_week |gr_pb_search |

|gr_dcps_field |gr_restr_cd |

|gr_dcps_overlay |gr_shift |

|gr_difms_error |gr_shift_hours |

|gr_emp_status |gr_shop_xref |

|gr_empl_type_cd |gr_station_codes |

|gr_employ_acty_jon |gr_sub_menu_choices |

|gr_employee |gr_sub_menu_codes |

|gr_employee_shift |gr_supv_asgn |

|gr_employee_type |gr_sys_defaults |

|gr_envl_haz_cd |gr_tm_lbr_cat |

|gr_financial_systems |gr_type_hour_cd |

|gr_holiday |gr_uic_employ_acty |

|gr_leave_type_hour |gr_work_sched |

|gr_menu_choices |gr_work_sched_hours |

|gr_menu_code_master |messages |

|gr_menu_codes | |

Step 3 Review output from the load process above. For any table which did not load, make the necessary corrections and retry the load using option 2 from the load_tables script. Repeat this step until all file data has been loaded.

load_tables 2

Note: When partial data has been loaded you will need to truncate the table on the reload attempt. The load_tables script will give you the option to truncate loaded data prior to the load.

4.5.14 SLDCADA File Load/Processing.

This section contains the steps necessary to load data files into the SLDCADA database using established batch processes. The processes used in initial database setup are listed below in Table 6, Files Used for Startup. The formats for the files used in this section are defined in the SLDCADA SIOM or the DCPS Interface Specification Manual. The programs to schedule are listed with each file and purpose. All processes, except for daily_mer can be run separately or as a batch. The process ‘daily_mer’ is not run from the established batch schedule/processing menu and must be run separately.

|Program |SLDCADA File ID |Parameters |File ID/Title |Purpose |

|cnshops5 |cnshops.dat | |Load Valid Shops |Load valid shops from Financial System to |

| | | | |SLDCADA. |

|cbccen4,5 | | |N/.A |Update Shops for use in SLDCADA. |

|cnauth |cnauth.dat | |Load Authorized Shops |Load shops authorized to use particular JONs. |

|cnjon |cnjon.dat | |Load Job Order Numbers |Load Financial job order numbers to SLDCADA. |

|cbjonl |cbjonl.dat | |Load Job Order Numbers from |Load locally formatted job order numbers to |

| | | |File |table gr_jon_local. |

|cdmerl1 |mer.a |ABCDE |P6631 – Master Employee |Load DCPS MER to SLDCADA database. Used by |

| |mer.b | |Record (MER) Extract Format 2|process cbmerl. |

| |mer.c | | | |

| |mer.d | | | |

| |mer.e | | | |

|cbmerl2 | | |N/A |Create Initial Civilian Employee Data. |

|cdbmrl1 |bimer.a |ABCDE |P6722D01 - Biweekly Master |Load DCPS BiWeekly MER to SLDCADA database. Used|

| |bimer.b | |Employee Record/Leave Extract|by process cbbmrl. |

| |bimer.c | | | |

| |bimer.d | | | |

| |bimer.e | | | |

|cbbmrl3 | | |N/A |Update Civilian Employee Data wirh Leave |

| | | | |Balances |

|cbmil |cbmil.dat | |Create/Update Military |Create initial Military employee data. |

| | | |w/Master | |

|cbnon |cbnon.dat | |Create/Update Contractors |Create initial Contractor employee data. |

| | | |w/Master | |

|daily_mer6 |daily_mer.dat ** In | |P6724D01 - Daily Master |Load Predetermined Job Order Numbers for |

| |event of multiple | |Employee Record (MER) Extract|Civilian Employees. |

| |files, each file | | | |

| |must be processed | | | |

| |separately. | | | |

|ZZZ2Only use parameters for the MER files you will actually use. The process will abort if parameters are supplied for files that do not |

|exist. |

|2Process cdmerl must be run prior to running this process |

|3Process cdbmrl must be run prior to running this process |

|4Process cnshops must be run prior to running this process |

|5Must be run before any Employee Data Load Process. |

|6Must be run after processing MER files, cbmerl. |

Table 6, Files Used for Startup

Step 1 Obtain the files listed above in Table 6, Files Used for Startup, for the processes you will need to execute. Place the input files into the directory $SLD_ENV/input with the SLDCADA File ID as identified above.

Step 2 Execute the following menu script to schedule and process each program you have identified above. The daily_mer process is not executed from the ‘start batch’ option. This process is run separately since it is not a normally scheduled job. You can schedule and run the programs listed above separately or as a group. If scheduled as a group the programs will be executed in the correct processing order. The menu will prompt you for parameters where required.


Note: Do not perform any scheduling/unscheduling tasks while a batch is in progress. Wait until all processes have completed processing before modifying the schedule.

Step 3 Review the output job_log file $SLD_ENV/log/job_log during and after each batch run. The completed log file will be copied to $SLD_END/job_log.YYYYMMDDHHMI if you need to review any old logs. The processes which have error/status tables are listed in Table 7, Status/Error Tables, below. All jobs will write processing errors to the job_log. Those without an error/status table will also put data error messages to the job_log.

|Program |Error/Status Table |

|cbccen |gr_cbccen |

|cbmerl |gr_cbmerl_err |

|cbmil |gr_cbmil_err |

|cbnon |gr_cbnon_err |

Table 7, Status/Error Tables

Step 4 Civilian work schedule mismatch messages in the $SLD_ENV/log/job_log from the cbmerl run need to be cleared up by creating Work Schedule records on gr_work_sched and gr_work_sched_hours records for the work schedules that did not exist. You can create additional BCP data and use the SQL Loader processes listed above. After creating the additional schedules, run the schedule match process below to place Civilian employees on the correct schedules. This process can be repeated until all schedule matches are found.


Note: This process will append messages to the current job_log $SLD_ENV/log/job_log.

Step 5 Execute the following to find any loaded data which will not meet database constraints once they are enabled. Output from this process is automatically displayed.


Step 6 Review output from the above process. This output will be automatically displayed to the screen after processing is complete. Only errors will appear in the output file. These errors need to be cleared up before you continue. These errors can be cleared up by modifying data via sqlplus or loading additional data with the SQLLoader process. The process needed to clear up errors will depend on the errors generated. Appendix B -- Data Load Error Messages, lists each error checked in the tab_warnings process along with a description and potential corrective action. Use this appendix as a guide for data correction. Repeat Step 2 until all errors have been corrected.

4.5.15 On-line data installation.

Table 15, Online Data Entry, contains information for loading data within the SLDCADA on-line application once the steps in the above section have been completed. These tables need to be updated/verified prior to completing installation and allowing user access to the system. The column “Action to Take” lists the source of the data for these tables if known.

|Table Maintained |Menu Access |Action To Take |

|gr_batch_sched |Batch |Following sample schedule and data New Site Handbook, |

| |Schedule |create schedule of batch jobs for normal processing. |

|gr_broadcast_1 |SysAdmin |Insert a system news message, if desired. |

| |Broadcast/News | |

|gr_dcps_overlay |SysAdmin |Set up the DCPS MER overlay information for each employing|

| |Activity Profile |activity if these were not loaded with the SQL Loader |

| | |process. |

|gr_forced_annual_leave |SysAdmin |Insert forced annual/administrative leave indicators if |

| |Activity Profile |any are available at this time. |

|gr_geograph_loc |SysAdmin |Set the Grade GS-10 Step 1 Hourly Rate and Maximum Annual |

| |Geographic Location |Salary for each Geographic Location Code if known. |

|gr_org_shop |Validation |Update Reported to DCPS (Yes) if other than default value |

| |Shop |in SQL Loader or batch process above. Update centralized/ |

| | |decentralized shop indicator. |

|gr_shop_xref |Validation |Cross Reference Shops to one another for user access if |

| |Shop |required. |

|gr_sub_shop |Validation |Create Sub Shop information by shop to provide lookup of |

| |Shop |Sub Shop and validation, if required. |

Table 15, Online Data Entry

4.6 Data update procedures.

4.6.1 DCPS Data Load.

This section contains the steps necessary to load data into the SLDCADA database from DCPS data files. The files processed in this section are identified in Table 16, DCPS Files Used for Startup. These files will load the Civilian employees and leave balances to the SLDCADA database.

|File ID |Title |Use |SLDCADA File ID |

|P6631 |Master Employee Record (MER) Extract |Create Initial Civilian Employee Date |mer.a, mer.b, mer.c,… |

| |Format 2 | | |

|P6722D01 |Biweekly Master Employee Record/Leave |Load Initial Leave Balances to Civilian |bimer.a, bimer.b, bimer.c,… |

| |Extract |Employee Data | |

|P6724D01 |Daily Master Employee Record (MER) |Load Initial Job Order Numbers for |daily_mer.dat ** In event of multiple|

| |Extract |Civilian Employees. |files, each file must be processed |

| | | |separately. |

Table 16, DCPS Files Used for Startup

Step 1 Log in as sldpb.

Step 2 Obtain the most current DCPS MER files and move to the SLDCADA batch input directory (~sldpb/batch/input). Name each file ‘mer’ with an extension of a, b, c, d, or e. Up to five files can be input in one run.

Step 3 Execute the following with the parameters of the letters that indicate your MER files to be loaded to the SLDCADA. This step populates the tables gr_mer and gr_mer_header_rec_1.

load_mer ABCDE

Notes: 1ABCDE indicates the extensions of the MER files to be loaded. This script does not process unless all the specified MER files exist.

2This processes may run from 1 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of MER files and the number of employees in each. A MER file of 2000 employees can take from 5 to 15 minutes to process.

Step 4 Note any missing employing activities in the output from these runs. These employing activities must be loaded to the database before continuing beyond the load of BiMER data.

Step 5 Obtain the most current DCPS Biweekly MER files and move to the SLDCADA batch input directory (~sldpb/batch/input). Name each file ‘bimer’ with an extension of a, b, c, d, or e. Up to five files can be input in one run.

Step 6 Execute the following with the parameters to indicate the files to be loaded based on extension supplied above. This step populates the tables gr_bimer and gr_bimer_header_rec_1.

load_bimer ABCDE

Notes: 1ABCDE indicates the extensions of the BiMER files to be loaded. This script does not process unless all the specified BiMER files exist.

2This processes may run from 1 to 20 minutes, depending on the number of BiMER files and the number of employees in each. A BiMER file of 2000 employees can take from 5 to 15 minutes to process.

Step 7 Note any missing employing activities in the output from these runs. These have to be loaded to the database before continuing to the next step.

Step 8 The next step will process the loaded MER files creating civilian employee data. This data will be generated based on the UIC/Employee Activity settings loaded previously.


Note: This processes all of the MER files that were loaded in step 3 above. This process could run from 30-45 minutes for 2000 employees.

Step 9 Review the results of this process compared to the results of the load_mer process in step 3 above. If the count of employees loaded to the civilian file is not close to the count of employees loaded from all MERs, then UIC/Employing Activity and/or default data loaded previously may not be valid to allow employees to load. Errors from this process are stored in the table gr_cbmerl_err on the SLDCADA database. Rectify any errors prior to continuing.

Step 10 Review the output cbmerl.log in the directory ~sldpb/batch/log. This file shows any work schedules from the MER that could not be matched up with the SLDCADA work schedules. Create missing work schedules that are valid through isql and run this process within isql to set employees to the correct work schedule:




Note: You will be prompted for the sldnf password.

Step 11 If any schedules are still missing at this point, create them and repeat the isql in step 10 until the schedules are created. Keep a log of employees whose work schedules could not be resolved to review with site payroll personnel. These employees were loaded with the Employing Activities default work schedule.

Step 12 The next step is to process the loaded BiMER files. This process loads leave balances to the Civilian Employee data for employees on the BiMER file. To process the loaded BiMER files type this command:


Note: This processes all of the BiMER files that were loaded in step 6 above. This process could run from 15-20 minutes for 2000 employees.

Step 13 The following step will load standing job order numbers for individuals from either the Daily MER (P6724D01P) or MER Extract Format 1 (P6720X01) file. If you have multiple MER files to process here, they will have to be processed individually. Move each file in turn to the SLDCADA batch input directory (~sldpb/batch/input) and label as daily_mer.dat and process.


Step 14 Repeat step 13 until all daily_mer files have been loaded to the database.

Step 15 Depending on Activity Profile settings and requirements for the new site, you may need to update the time and labor category for the civilians who were assigned standing job order numbers with the above process. Normally the time and labor category is changed to either a 4 or a 5. This can be done via isql although no isql is provided.

Step 16 The following command will perform minor modifications to data in order to set blank fields to null and identify Employing Activities not defined in the system.

cd ~sldpb/conv


Step 17 Review the output from the above process pre_check.out. This file lists the employing activities which have been captured in the employee data loaded to the SLDCADA database which do not have a UIC/Employing Activity record on file. These employing activities must have a record added to the table gr_uic_employ_acty. Data required for entry into table gr_uic_employ_acty is outlined in the UIC/Employing Activity Record Description worksheet Appendix A -- Installation Data Worksheets. These errors must be resolved prior to continuing.

Step 18 Execute the following commands to perform further modifications to the uploaded data and verify that data falls within the Client/Server database design constraints.

cd ~sldpb/conv


Step 19 Review the output file from the above process (post_load.out). Errors identified in this file need to be corrected at this time. Repeat steps 18 and 19 as necessary until all data errors are resolved.

4.6.2 Setting constraints and keys.

This section provides the steps necessary to rebuild database indexes, constraints, and run database consistency checks. This section should be completed prior to continuing with database backups and optional data loads.

Step 1 Log in as sldpb.

Step 2 The following command will remove the primary keys and indexes from all database tables. These are re-built in this section due to the mass load of data with the bulk copy commands. Output of this process (sldnf.dropindex.out) will automatically be displayed after the process is complete.

cd ~sldpb/setup


Note: SLDCADA data is loaded with the primary keys intact to prevent the bulk copy of duplicate data.

Step 3 The following command will rebuild the database primary keys and indexes. The output of this process (sldnf.addindex.out) will be automatically displayed after the process is complete. There should not be any errors in this process.


Step 4 The following will add the foreign key constraints to the database. The output of this process (sldnf.addconstraint.out) will be automatically displayed after this process is complete. There should not be any errors in this process.


Step 5 Execute the command below to reset the log options on the database now that the data has been loaded. You cannot dump the database without performing this step.


Step 6 Run this command to perform database consistency checks for errors on the database.


Step 7 Review the output file sldnf.checkall.out. Report any errors to the DBA for correction prior to continuing.

Step 8 Execute these commands to update the system statistics and set all database objects to recompile on execution:

cd ~sldpb/conv


cd ~sldpb/setup


Step 9 Execute these commands to remove obsolete files:

cd ~sldpb/exe


Step 10 Execute these commands to set permissions for the setup directory:

cd ~sldpb/exe


Step 11 At this point all bulk data has been loaded and the database is set up. The script sldnf.batch_setup needs to be modified to execute for application operators. Change directories to the setup directory and edit the script setting SYBLOGIN to sld_oper and SYBPWD to the password for this account.

cd ~pbenv/setup

vi sldnf.batch_setup

Step 12 The script sldnf.batch_setup needs to be modified to set the sa password. Edit the script setting SAPWD to the password for this account.

vi sldnf.batch_setup

4.6.3 Client installation. Installation Procedures.

To load the PowerBuilder application on a personal computer (PC), the PC requirements are listed in Table 4, Computer System Hardware – Client.

The software will be stored in the directories ~sldpb/pbexe and ~sldpb/pbexe/runtime/win3, or ~sldpb/pbexe/runtime/win95_nt on the server.

Before downloading the software to any PCs, the file sld.ini must be changed for the site choices.

Follow the procedures determined by your local site to load the software on the PC. Selection of runtime programs will be based on the operating system in use on the PC. When the download is complete, your SLDCADA installation is complete. Oracle Open Client configuration.

The Oracle Open Client software required to run the SLDCADA must be configured for the PCs operating system. Using SQLEDIT, configure the server accordingly. Figure 36 displays the settings for Windows 3.1 and Figure 37 displays the settings for Windows 95 or NT.

Note: In the data window titled “Connection Information/Network Address:” you will enter the IP address of your server. Replace the entry “XXX.XX.X.XXX.XXXX” with your IP address and port number.


Figure 36, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 3.1


Figure 37, Oracle Open Client Configuration for Windows 95 or NT

4.6.4 Additional data installation.

Table 8, , contains information for updating other SLDCADA tables prior to completion of installation and allowing user access. The column “Action to Take” lists the worksheet available for gathering information and a brief description for updating this information.

|Table Maintained |Menu Access |Action To Take |

|gr_batch_sched |Batch |Create schedule of batch jobs for normal processing. |

| |Schedule | |

|gr_broadcast_1 |SysAdmin |Insert a system news message, if desired. |

| |Broadcast/News | |

|gr_dcps_overlay |SysAdmin |Set up the DCPS MER overlay information for each employing|

| |Activity Profile |activity. The DCPS MER Overlay worksheet in Appendix A -- |

| | |Installation Data Worksheets can be used to gather this |

| | |information. |

|gr_forced_annual_leave |SysAdmin |Insert forced annual/administrative leave indicators. |

| |Activity Profile | |

|gr_geograph_loc |SysAdmin |Set the Grade GS-10 Step 1 Hourly Rate and Maximum Annual |

| |Geographic Location |Salary for each Geographic Location Code. The Geographic |

| | |Location Codes worksheet in Appendix A -- Installation |

| | |Data Worksheets can be used to gather this information. |

|gr_org_shop |Validation |Update Reported to DCPS (Yes) if other than default value |

| |Shop |in parentheses above. Update centralized/ decentralized |

| | |shop indicator. |

|gr_shop_xref |Validation |Cross-reference shops to form cross-referenced access. The|

| |Shop |Shop Cross-Reference worksheet in Appendix A -- |

| | |Installation Data Worksheets can be used to gather this |

| | |information. |

|gr_sub_shop |Validation |Insert subshop cross-reference information by shop to |

| |Shop |provide lookup of subshop and validation, if required. |

Table 17, Data Modification

4.6.5 Automated crontab setup.

Step 1 Log in as sldpb.

Step 2 Edit the crontab file for sldpb.

setenv EDITOR vi

crontab –e

Step 3 From within the crontab file, read in the file ~sldpb/backup/ctab. This file contains entries for database and transaction log dumps.

Step 4 Save the crontab file. This adds jobs to the UNIX cron to perform transaction log and database dumps.

|Job Executed |Output File |Status File |Description |

|Location: |Location: |Location: | |

|~sldpb/backup |/disk11/sldpb/backup |~sldpb/backup | |

|trandump1200 |td1200.out |trandump.status |12:00 Transaction log dump |

|trandump1600 |td1600.out |trandump.status |16:00 Transaction log dump |

|dbdump |dbdump.out |dbdump.status |02:00 Database dump |

Table 18, SLDCADA Backup Transaction Results

4.6.6 SLDCADA backup.

This section outlines a backup of the Client / Server database and transaction log.

a. Database dump:Dump the database by typing the command:


b. Verify the dump executed correctly by viewing the file ~sldpb/backup/dbdump.status. Do not continue until you get a valid database dump.

c. Transaction Log dump: Dump the database transaction log by typing the command:


d. Verify the dump executed correctly by viewing the file ~sldpb/backup/trandump1200.status. Do not continue until you get a valid transaction log dump.

Site-specific information for software users.



6.1 Acronyms.

|ADP |Automatic/Automated Data Processing |

|ADPSO |Automatic Data Processing Security Officer |

|AIS |Automated Information System |

|AWS |Alternate Work Schedule |

|bcp |Bulk Copy |

|BiMER |Biweekly Master Employee Record |

|CON |Customer Order Number |

|CS |Client Server |

|CSSD |Corporate Systems Support Division |

|CTS |Corporate Travel System |

|DBA |Database Administrator |

|DCPS |Defense Civilian Payroll System |

|DIFMS |Defense Industrial Financial Management System |

|FDDI |Fiber Distributed Data Interchange |

|FLSA |Fair Labor Standards Act |

|FTP |File Transfer Protocol |

|G&A |General and Administrative |

|IP |Internet Protocol |

|IS |Information System |

|JON |Job Order Number |

|MER |Master Employee Record |

|NAVSEA |Naval Sea Systems Command |

|NOMIS |Naval Ordnance Management Information System |

|OPR |Office of Primary Responsibility |

|OSE |Open Systems Environment |

|PB |PowerBuilder |

|PC |Personal Computer |

|POC |Point of Contact |

|RMS |Resource Management System |

|SA |System Administrator |

|SCOM |Software Center Operator Manual |

|SDA |Source Data Automation |

|SIOM |Software Input/Output Manual |

|SIP |Software Installation Plan |

|SLDCADA |Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application |

|SPARC |Scaleable Processor Architecture |

|SQL |Structured Query Language |

|SSN |Social Security Number |

|STARS-FL |Standard Reporting and Accounting System-Fleet |

|STARS-HQ |Standard Reporting and Accounting System-Headquarters |

|SUM |Software User Manual |

|SunOS |Sun Operating System |

|SVD |Software Version Description |

|TCP |Transmission Control Protocol |

|TNA |Time and Attendance |

|T&A |Time and Attendance |

|UFS |UNIX File System |

|UIC |Unit Identification Code |

i Installation Data Worksheets

|Port Number Assignments |

|Port Usage |Port Number Requested |Port Number Available? (Y/N) |Port Number Assigned |

|ORACLE SQL server - TCP service |2185 | | |

|ORACLE SQL back-up server |2125 | | |

Table 19, Port Number Assignments

|Software Initialization Required Data | | |

|Items | | |

|Software |Data Item |Action |

|ORACLE Products for Sun Solaris |Customer Authorization String |Locate 34-character string on tape or CD-ROM label |

| |(CAS) | |

|Space to record: | | |

Table 20, Software Initialization Required Data Items

|Server Raw Device Names |

|Name |Raw Device Name |Recommended Size |Actual Size |

| |(full path) | | |

|MASTER | |50 | |

|sybsystemprocs | |30 | |

Table 21, Server Raw Device Names

|Host Information |

|Item |Name |IP Address |

|FDDI Interface Host | | |

|Ethernet Host | | |

Table 22, Host Information

|Database Sizing Information |

|Requirement |Number |

|Number of employees, broken down by civilians, military, and | |

|non-employee | |

|Number of shops as defined for the DIFMS interface | |

|Number of job order numbers | |

|Number of outstanding job order numbers | |

|Amount of historical data (i.e., 52 weeks or less) | |

|Number of supervisors | |

|Number of type hour codes | |

|Maximum number of employees per timekeeper | |

|Number of timekeepers | |

|Number of report users that have access to all employees | |

Table 23, Database Sizing Information

|Database Raw Device Names |

|Name |Raw Device Name |Recommended Size |Actual Size |Blocks |

| |(full path) | | | |

|labor tempdb | |500 mb | | |

|labor_data1 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_data2 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_data3 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_indexes1 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_indexes2 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_indexes3 | |50 mb | | |

|labor_logs | |500 mb | | |

Table 24, Database Raw Device Names

|Server Information |

|Network Gateway IP Address | |

|Server Name | |

|Backup Server Name | |

Table 25, Server Information

|Shops For Cross-Reference |

|Shop (char 7) |Can Access Shop |Shop (char 7) |Can Access Shop |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Table 26, Shops for Cross-Reference

|Geographic Location Codes |

|Geographic Location Code |GS 10 Step 1 Hourly Rate |Maximum Annual Salary |

|char(9) |decimal(4,2) |decimal(7,0) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Table 27, Geographic Location Codes

|Punch Calculation |

| |Round To |Punch Allowance | | |

|Employing Activity |Begin |End |Beginning |Ending |Cutoff Shift |Direction of Lapse |

|(char 6) |(numeric 5,0) |(numeric 5,0) |(numeric 5,0) |(numeric 5,0) |(numeric 5,0) |(char 1) |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Table 28, Punch Calculation

ii Data Load Error Messages

|Message |Description |Corrective Action |

|gr_adv_labor.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_adv_labor (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_adv_labor.gf_nite_diff_cd NOT IN 'ND', NULL |A Night Differential Code, gf_nite_diff_cd, other than ND or null |Update gr_adv_labor setting invalid value to either ND or null. |

| |has been used on gr_adv_labor. | |

|gr_adv_labor.gf_per_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Performing Shop, gf_per_shop that is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table gr_adv_labor |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |(Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_per_shop and update |

| | |gr_adv_labor records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_per_shop on gr_adv_labor. |

|gr_adv_labor.gf_type_hour_cd NOT IN |A Type Hour Code, gf_type_hour_cd, that is not defined on the Type|Verify that the table gr_type_hour_cd was loaded. All records |

|gr_type_hour_cd.gf_type_hour_cd |Hour Code Reference, gr_type_hour_cd (Parent), is used on |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_type_hour_cd.dat should be on|

| |gr_adv_labor (Child). |the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_type_hour_cd and update |

| | |gr_adv_labor records in error. |

|gr_civilian.gf_dir_indir_cd NOT IN (D, I) |A Direct/Indirect Code, gf_dir_indir_cd, other than D or I has |Modify gr_civilian records in error to contain a valid code of |

| |been used on gr_civilian records. |either D – Direct or I – Indirect. |

|gr_civilian.gf_emp_status_cd NOT IN gr_emp_status.gf_emp_status_cd|An Employee Status Code, gf_emp_status_cd, which is not defined on|Verify that the table gr_emp_status was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_emp_status (Parent),, is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_emp_status.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_emp_status_cd and update |

| | |gr_civilian records in error. |

|gr_civilian.gf_empl_type_cd NOT IN gr_empl_type_cd.gf_empl_type_cd|An Employee Type Code, gf_empl_type_cd, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_empl_type_cd was loaded. All records |

| |gr_empl_type_cd (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_empl_type_cd.dat should be |

| | |on the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_empl_type_cd and update |

| | |gr_civilian records in error. |

|gr_civilian.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child).|is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_civilian with the correct gf_employ_acty or add records |

| | |to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_civilian.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from|

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_civilian.gf_flsa_ind NOT IN (E, N) |A FLSA Indicator, gf_flsa_ind other than E or N has been used on |Modify gr_civilian records in error to contain the correct FLSA |

| |gr_civilian records. |Indicator. E – Exempt or N – Non Exempt. |

|gr_civilian.gf_geograph_loc_cd NOT IN |A Geographic Location Code, gf_geograph_loc_cd, which is not |Verify that the table gr_geograph_loc was loaded. This table is |

|gr_geograph_loc.gf_geograph_loc_cd |defined on gr_geograph_loc (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian |loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_geograph_loc_cd and either|

| | |update gr_civilian with the correct gf_geograph_loc_cd or add |

| | |records to gr_geograph_loc. |

|gr_civilian.gf_grd_ungrd_cd NOT IN (G, U) |A Grade/Ungrade Code, gf_grd_ungrd_cd other than G or U has been |Modify gr_civilian records in error to contain the correct |

| |used on gr_civilian records. |Grade/Ungrade Code G – Graded (Salary) U – Ungraded (Wage Grade). |

|gr_civilian.gf_pay_basis_cd NOT IN (PA, PH, PD) |A Pay Basis Code, gf_pay_basis_cd other than PA, PH, PD has been |Modify gr_civilian records in error to contain the correct Pay |

| |used on gr_civilian records. |Basis Code. PA – Per Annum (Graded Employes), PH Per Hour |

| | |(Ungraded), Per Diem (Ungraded). |

|gr_civilian.gf_pay_plan NOT IN gr_pay_plan.gf_pay_plan |A Pay Plan, gf_pay_plan that is not defined on gr_pay_plan |Verify that the table gr_pay_plan was loaded. All records from |

| |(Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_pay_plan.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gr_pay_plan and update |

| | |gr_civilian records in error. |

|gr_civilian.gf_pt_ft_cd NOT IN (P, F, I) |A Full Time/Part Time Code other than F – Full Time, P – Part |Determine the correct values for the gr_civilian records in error |

| |Time, or I – Intermittent has been used on gr_civilian records. |and update to the correct value. |

|gr_civilian.gf_saved_pay_ind NOT IN (1, 2, NULL) |A Saved Pay Indicator, gf_saved_pay_ind other than 1 or 2 or null |Determine the correct values for the gr_civilian records in error |

| |has been used on gr_civilian records. |and update to the correct value. |

|gr_civilian.gf_sched_cd NOT IN gr_work_sched.gf_sched_cd |A Work Schedule Code gf_sched_cd that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_work_sched was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_work_sched (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_sched_cd and either update|

| | |gr_civilian with the correct gf_sched_cd or add records to |

| | |gr_work_sched. |

|gr_civilian.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_civilian (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_civilian records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_civilian. |

|gr_civilian.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

| |gf_type of ‘C’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_civilian or create a gr_employee_type record for the |

| | |SSN. |

|gr_civilian.gf_temp_supv_asgn NOT IN gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn |A Temporary Supervisor Assignment, gf_temp_supv_asgn that is not |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

| |defined on gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_civilian (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_civilian or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_civilian.gf_tm_lbr_cat NOT IN gr_tm_lbr_cat.gf_tm_lbr_cat |A Time and Labor Category, gf_tm_lbr_cat, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_tm_lbr_cat was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_tm_lbr_cat (Parent), is referenced on gr_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_tm_lbr_cat and update |

| | |gr_civilian records in error. |

|gr_civilian.gf_union_unit_cd NOT IN (U, T, NULL) |A Union/Unit Code, gf_union_unit_cd other than U, T, or null has |Determine the correct values for the gr_civilian records in error |

| |been referenced on gr_civilian. |and update to the correct value.. |

|gr_dcps_overlay.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_dcps_overlay |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_dcps_overlay with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_employ_acty_jon.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_employ_acty_jon |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_employ_acty_jon with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_employ_acty_jon.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_employ_acty_jon (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_employ_acty_jon|

| | |record and either modify the gr_employ_acty_jon records or create |

| | |gr_org_shop records. |

|gr_employee_type.gf_access_rights NOT IN |An Access Rights, gf_access_rights, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_access_rights was loaded. All records |

|gr_access_rights.gf_access_rights |gr_access_rights (Parent), is referenced on gr_employee_type |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_access_rights.dat should be |

| |(Child). |on the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_access_rights and update |

| | |gr_employee_type records in error or set to null. |

|gr_employee_type.gf_asgn_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |An Assigned Shop, gf_asgn_shop that is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |gr_employee_type (Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_employee_type |

| | |record and either modify the gr_employee_type records or create |

| | |gr_org_shop records. |

|gr_employee_type.gf_menu_cd NOT IN gr_menu_codes.gf_menu_cd |A Menu Code, gf_menu_cd, that is not defined on gr_menu_codes |Verify that the table gr_menu_cd was loaded. All records from the |

| |(Parent), is referenced on gr_employee_type (Child). |input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_menu_cd.dat should be on the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_menu_cd and update |

| | |gr_employee_type records in error or set to null. |

|gr_employee_type.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee.gf_ssn |A SSN, gf_ssn, that is not defined on gr_employee (Parent), is |Verify that the table gr_employee was loaded. |

| |referenced on gr_employee_type (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table. |

| | |If data is loaded, create gr_employee records for SSNs in error. |

|gr_employee_type.gf_supv_asgn NOT IN gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn |A Supervisor Assignment, gf_supv_asgn which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_employee_type (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_employee_type or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_forced_annual_leave.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |gr_forced_annual_leave (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_forced_annual_leave with the correct gf_employ_acty or |

| | |add records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_geograph_loc_cd WHERE gf_graded_gf10_1_hrly_rate = zeros |A gf_graded_gf10_1_hrly_rate is zeros. |None. This value is not currently used. Ignore warning. |

|gr_hours.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from|

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_hours (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_hours.gf_nite_diff_cd NOT IN 'ND', NULL |A Night Differential Code, gf_nite_diff_cd, other than ND or null |Update gr_hours setting invalid value to either ND or null. |

| |has been used on gr_hours. | |

|gr_hours_pp.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from|

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_hours_pp (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_hours_pp.gf_nite_diff_cd NOT IN 'ND', NULL |A Night Differential Code, gf_nite_diff_cd, other than ND or null |Update gr_hours_pp setting invalid value to either ND or null. |

| |has been used on gr_hours_pp. | |

|gr_leave_type_hour.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_leave_type_hour (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_leave_type_hour|

| | |record and either modify the gr_leave_type_hour records or create |

| | |gr_org_shop records. |

|gr_leave_type_hour.gf_type_hour_cd NOT IN |A Type Hour Code, gf_type_hour_cd, which is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_type_hour_cd was loaded. All records |

|gr_type_hour_cd.gf_type_hour_cd |Type Hour Code Reference, gr_type_hour_cd (Parent), is used on |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_type_hour_cd.dat should be on|

| |gr_leave_type_hour (Child). |the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_type_hour_cd and update |

| | |gr_leave_type_hour records in error. |

|gr_military.gf_dir_indir_cd NOT IN (D, I) |A Direct/Indirect Code, gf_dir_indir_cd, other than D or I has |Modify gr_civilian records in error to contain a valid code of |

| |been used on gr_civilian records. |either D – Direct or I – Indirect. |

|gr_military.gf_empl_type_cd != R |Military employees must have an Employee Type Code, |Modify gr_military records setting gf_empl_type_cd to R. |

| |gf_empl_type_cd of R. | |

|gr_military.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table is|

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_military (Child).|loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_military with the correct gf_employ_acty or add records |

| | |to gr_uic_employ_acty |

|gr_military.gf_fnd_unf NOT IN (F, U) |Funded/Unfunded Indicator must be either F – Funded or U – |Determine the correct values for the gr_military records in error |

| |Unfunded. |and update to the correct value. |

|gr_military.gf_mil_rank NOT IN gr_military_rates.gf_mil_rank |A Rank, gf_rank that is not defined in gr_military_rates for the |Verify that the table gr_mil_rank was loaded. |

| |given Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty is referenced on |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| |gr_military (Child). |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gr_employ_acty/gf_mil_rank |

| | |combination for the employee and upser the gr_military record. |

|gr_military.gf_pay_plan NOT = ML |A Pay Plan, gf_pay_plan, other than ML was used on a |Determine the correct setting and modify records in error to |

| |gr_temp_employee record. |contain Pay Plan ML. |

|gr_military.gf_pt_ft_cd NOT IN (P, F, I) |A Full Time/Part Time Code other than F – Full Time, P – Part |Determine the correct values for the gr_military records in error |

| |Time, or I – Intermittent has been used on gr_military records. |and update to the correct value. |

|gr_military.gf_sched_cd NOT IN gr_work_sched.gf_sched_cd |A Work Schedule Code gf_sched_cd that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_work_sched was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_work_sched (Parent), is referenced on gr_military (Child). |loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_sched_cd and either update|

| | |gr_military with the correct gf_sched_cd or add records to |

| | |gr_work_sched. |

|gr_military.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_military (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_military record|

| | |and either modify the gr_military records or create gr_org_shop |

| | |records. |

|gr_military.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

| |gf_type of ‘M’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_military (Child). |loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_military or create a gr_employee_type record for the |

| | |SSN. |

|gr_military.gf_temp_supv_asgn NOT IN gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn |A Temporary Supervisor Assignment, gf_temp_supv_asgn that is not |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

| |defined on gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_civilian. |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_civilian or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_military.gf_tm_lbr_cat NOT IN gr_tm_lbr_cat.gf_tm_lbr_cat |A Time and Labor Category, gf_tm_lbr_cat, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_tm_lbr_cat was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_tm_lbr_cat (Parent), is referenced on gr_military (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_tm_lbr_cat and update |

| | |gr_military records in error. |

|gr_military.gf_union_unit_cd NOT IN (U, T) |A Union/Unit Code, gf_union_unit_cd other than U, T, or null has |Determine the correct values for the gr_ military records in error|

| |been referenced on gr_ military. |and update to the correct value. |

|gr_military_rates.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_miliary_rates |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_military_rates with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_military_rates.gf_rate = 0.0 |The Rate of Pay, gf_rate is set to zeros on the records |The Rate of Pay is used for financial calculations on Military |

| |identified. |labor output. Load correct values for Rate of Pay. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_non_employee |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_non_employee with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_sched_cd NOT IN gr_work_sched.gf_sched_cd |A Work Schedule Code gf_sched_cd that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_work_sched was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_work_sched (Parent), is referenced on gr_non_employee (Child). |loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_sched_cd and either update|

| | |gr_non_employee with the correct gf_sched_cd or add records to |

| | |gr_work_sched. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_non_employee (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_non_employee |

| | |record and either modify the gr_non_employee records or create |

| | |gr_org_shop records. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

| |gf_type of ‘N’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_non_employee (Child).|loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_non_employee or create a gr_employee_type record for |

| | |the SSN. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_temp_supv_asgn NOT IN gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn|A Temporary Supervisor Assignment, gf_temp_supv_asgn that is not |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

| |defined on gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_non_employee (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_non_employee or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_non_employee.gf_tm_lbr_cat NOT IN gr_tm_lbr_cat.gf_tm_lbr_cat |A Time and Labor Category, gf_tm_lbr_cat, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_tm_lbr_cat was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_tm_lbr_cat (Parent), is referenced on gr_non_employee (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

|gr_org_shop.gf_shop WHERE gf_past_yr_stab_ind NOT IN (1, 2, 3, 4) |A Past Year Stabilized Rate Indicator, gf_past_yr_stab_ind on |Determine the correct value and update records on gr_org_shop in |

| |gr_org_shop is invalid. |error. This indicator is not currently used for any SLDCADA |

| | |processing. Any valid value will do. |

|gr_org_shop.gf_shop WHERE gf_rms_ind NOT IN (R, NULL) |A RMS Indicator, gf_rms_ind on gr_org_shop is invalid. Valid |Determine the correct value and update records on gr_org_shop in |

| |values are R – Locally maintained or NULL – Maintained by Finance.|error. |

|gr_org_shop.gf_shop WHERE length(gf_shop) != length(rtrim(gf_shop)|A Shop, gf_shop has been loaded with trailing spaces. |Modify table gr_org_shop and trim on trailing spaces. |

|gr_ot_auth.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from|

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_ot_auth (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_ot_auth.gf_nite_diff_cd NOT IN (ND, NULL) |A Night Differential Code, gf_nite_diff_cd, other than ND or null |Update gr_ot_auth setting invalid value to either ND or null. |

| |has been used on gr_ot_auth. | |

|gr_ot_auth.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_ot_auth (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct values for gr_ot_auth record |

| | |and either modify the gr_ot_auth records or create gr_org_shop |

| | |records. |

|gr_ot_auth.gf_type_hour_cd NOT IN gr_type_hour_cd.gf_type_hour_cd |A Type Hour Code, gf_type_hour_cd, that is not defined on the Type|Verify that the table gr_type_hour_cd was loaded. All records |

| |Hour Code Reference, gr_type_hour_cd (Parent), is used on |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_type_hour_cd.dat should be on|

| |gr_ot_auth (Child). |the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_type_hour_cd and update |

| | |gr_ot_auth records in error. |

|gr_predet_temp.gf_ben_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Benefitting Shop, gf_ben_shop which is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table gr_predet_temp |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |(Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_predet_temp records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_predet_temp. |

|gr_predetermine.gf_ben_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Benefitting Shop, gf_ben_shop that is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table gr_predetermine|loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |(Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_predetermine records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_predetermine. |

|gr_predetermine.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn WHERE |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

|Civilian |gf_type of ‘C’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_predetermine (Child).|loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_predetermine or create a gr_employee_type record for |

| | |the SSN. |

|gr_predetermine.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn WHERE |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

|Military |gf_type of ‘M’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_predeterine (Child). |loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_predetermine or create a gr_employee_type record for |

| | |the SSN. |

|gr_predetermine.gf_ssn NOT IN gr_employee_type.gf_ssn WHERE Non |A SSN, gf_ssn that is not defined on gr_employee_t type with a |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

|Employee |gf_type of ‘N’ (Parent), is referenced on gr_predetermine (Child).|loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_predetermine or create a gr_employee_type record for |

| | |the SSN. |

|gr_punch_info.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_punch_info |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_punch_info with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_shop_xref.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_shop_xref.gf_shop (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_shop_xref records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_shop_xref. |

|gr_shop_xref.gf_shop_xref NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Cross Referenced Shop, gf_shop_xref that is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |gr_shop_xref.gf_shop_xref (Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_shop_xref records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_shop_xref. |

|gr_sub_shop.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_sub_shop (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_sub_shop records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_sub_shop. |

|gr_supv_asgn.gf_shift_asgn NOT IN gr_shift.gf_shift_asgn |A Shift Code gf_shift_asgn that is not defined on gr_shift |Verify that the table gr_shift was loaded. This table is loaded |

| |(Parent), is referenced on gr_supv_asgn (Child). |with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shift_asgn and either |

| | |update gr_supv_asgn with the correct gf_shift_asgn or add records |

| | |to gr_shift. |

|gr_supv_asgn.gf_ssn/gf_type WHERE NOT IN gr_employee_type |A SSN and Civilian/Military Code, gf_ssn/gf_type that is not |Verify that the table gr_employee_type was loaded. This table is |

| |defined on gr_employee_type (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader, cbmerl, cbmil, and cbnon. |

| |gr_supv_asgn (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_supv_asgn or create a gr_employee_type record for the |

| | |SSN. |

|gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn WHERE length(gf_supv_asgn) != |A Supervisor Assignment, gf_supv_asgn has been loaded with |Modify table gr_supv_asgn and trim on trailing spaces. |

|length(RTRIM(gf_supv_asgn) |trailing spaces. | |

|gr_tc_status.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_tc_status (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_tc_status records in error or create gr_org_shop records to |

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_tc_status. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_dir_indir_cd NOT IN (D, I, NULL) |A Direct/Indirect Code, gf_dir_indir_cd, other than D, I, or null |Modify gr_temp_civilian records in error to contain a valid code |

| |has been used on gr_temp_civilian records. |of either D – Direct or I – Indirect. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_emp_status_cd NOT IN |An Employee Status Code, gf_emp_status_cd, which is not defined on|Verify that the table gr_emp_status was loaded. All records from |

|gr_emp_status.gf_emp_status_cd |gr_emp_status (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian (Child).|the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_emp_status.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_emp_status_cd and update |

| | |gr_temp_civilian records in error or set to null. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_empl_type_cd NOT IN |An Employee Type Code, gf_empl_type_cd, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_empl_type_cd was loaded. All records |

|gr_empl_type_cd.gf_empl_type_cd |gr_empl_type_cd (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian |from the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_empl_type_cd.dat should be |

| |(Child). |on the table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_empl_type_cd and update |

| | |gr_temp_civilian records in error. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_temp_civilian with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_envl_haz_cd NOT IN |A gf_envl_haz_cd that is not defined on the gr_envl_haz_cd |Verify that the table gr_envl_haz_cd was loaded. All records from|

|gr_envl_haz_cd.gf_envl_haz_cd |(Parent), is used on the table gr_temp_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/gr_envl_haz_cd.dat should be loaded. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table from the |

| | |setup directory using the SQL Loader script load_tables. |

| | |If data is loaded, set invalid envl_haz_cd values to null. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_flsa_ind NOT IN (E, N) |FLSA Indicator, gf_flsa_ind must be either E – Exempt or N – Non |Determine the correct FLSA Indicator and update records in error |

| |Exempt, or NULL. |to correct value. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_geograph_loc_cd NOT IN |A Geographic Location Code, gf_geograph_loc_cd, which is not |Verify that the table gr_geograph_loc was loaded. This table is |

|gr_geograph_loc.gf_geograph_loc_cd |defined on gr_geograph_loc (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |gr_temp_civilian (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_geograph_loc_cd and either|

| | |update gr_temp_civilian with the correct gf_geograph_loc_cd or add|

| | |records to gr_geograph_loc. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_grd_ungrd_cd NOT IN (G, U) |A Grade/Ungrade Code, gf_grd_ungrd_cd other than G or U has been |Modify gr_temp_civilian records in error to contain the correct |

| |used on gr_temp_civilian records. |Grade/Ungrade Code G – Graded (Salary) U – Ungraded (Wage Grade). |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_pay_basis_cd NOT IN (PA, PH, PD, NULL) |A Pay Basis Code, gf_pay_basis_cd other than PA, PH, PD or null |Modify gr_temp_civilian records in error to contain the correct |

| |has been used on gr_temp_civilian records. |Pay Basis Code. PA – Per Annum (Graded Employes), PH Per Hour |

| | |(Ungraded), Per Diem (Ungraded). |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_pay_plan NOT IN gr_pay_plan.gf_pay_plan |A Pay Plan, gf_pay_plan that is not defined on gr_pay_plan |Verify that the table gr_pay_plan was loaded. All records from |

| |(Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian (Child). |the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_pay_plan.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gr_pay_plan and update |

| | |gr_temp_civilian records in error. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_pt_ft_cd NOT IN (P, F, I) |A Full Time/Part Time Code other than F – Full Time, P – Part |Determine the correct values for the gr_temp_civilian records in |

| |Time, or I – Intermittent has been used on gr_temp_civilian |error and update to the correct value. |

| |records. | |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_saved_pay_ind NOT IN (1, 2) |A Saved Pay Indicator, gf_saved_pay_ind other than 1 or 2 or null |Determine the correct values for the gr_tmp_civilian records in |

| |has been used on gr_temp_civilian records. |error and update to the correct value. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_sched_cd NOT IN gr_work_sched.gf_sched_cd |A Work Schedule Code gf_sched_cd that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_work_sched was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_work_sched (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian (Child).|loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_sched_cd and either update|

| | |gr_temp_civilian with the correct gf_sched_cd or add records to |

| | |gr_work_sched. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_temp_civilian (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_temp_civilian records in error or create gr_org_shop records to|

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_temp_civilian. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_temp_supv_asgn NOT IN |A Temporary Supervisor Assignment, gf_temp_supv_asgn that is not |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

|gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn |defined on gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_temp_civilian (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_temp_civilian or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_tm_lbr_cat NOT IN gr_tm_lbr_cat.gf_tm_lbr_cat |A Time and Labor Category, gf_tm_lbr_cat, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_tm_lbr_cat was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_tm_lbr_cat (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_civilian (Child).|the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_tm_lbr_cat and update |

| | |gr_temp_civilian records in error. |

|gr_temp_civilian.gf_union_unit_cd NOT IN (U, T, NULL) |A Union/Unit Code, gf_union_unit_cd other than U, T, or null has |Determine the correct values for the gr_ temp_civilian records in |

| |been referenced on gr_ temp_civilian. |error and update to the correct value. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_dir_indir_cd NOT IN (D, I, NULL) |A Direct/Indirect Code, gf_dir_indir_cd, other than D, I, or null |Modify gr_temp_employee records in error to contain a valid code |

| |has been used on gr_temp_employee records. |of either D – Direct or I – Indirect. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_empl_type_cd != R |Military employes must have an Employee Type Code, gf_empl_type_cd|Modify records in error to contain a valid code. R – Regular or |

| |of R or null on this record. |NULL. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_employ_acty NOT IN |An Employing Activity, gf_employ_acty, which is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_uic_employ_acty was loaded. This table |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_employ_acty |gr_uic_employ_acty (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_employee |is loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| |(Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_employ_acty and either |

| | |update gr_temp_employee with the correct gf_employ_acty or add |

| | |records to gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_fnd_unf NOT IN (F, U) |Funded/Unfunded Indicator must be either F – Funded or U – |Determine the correct values for the gr_temp_employee records in |

| |Unfunded. Null is allowed for this record. |error and update to the correct value. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_pay_plan NOT = ML |A Pay Plan, gf_pay_plan, other than ML or null was used on a |Determine the correct setting and modify records in error to |

| |gr_temp_employee record. |contain a valid pay plan. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_pt_ft_cd NOT IN (P, F, I) |A Full Time/Part Time Code other than F – Full Time, P – Part |Determine the correct values for the gr_temp_employee records in |

| |Time, or I – Intermittent has been used on gr_temp_employee |error and update to the correct value. |

| |records. | |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_sched_cd NOT IN gr_work_sched.gf_sched_cd |A Work Schedule Code gf_sched_cd that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_work_sched was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_work_sched (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_employee (Child).|loaded with the SQL Loader process. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_sched_cd and either update|

| | |gr_temp_employee with the correct gf_sched_cd or add records to |

| | |gr_work_sched. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Shop, gf_shop that is not defined on the gr_org_shop.gf_shop |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |(Parent), is used on the table gr_temp_employee (Child). |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| | |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_shop and update |

| | |gr_temp_employee records in error or create gr_org_shop records to|

| | |match the gf_shop on gr_temp_employee. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_temp_supv_asgn NOT IN |A Temporary Supervisor Assignment, gf_temp_supv_asgn that is not |Verify that the table gr_supv_asgn was loaded. This table is |

|gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn |defined on gr_supv_asgn.gf_supv_asgn (Parent), is referenced on |loaded with SQL Loader. |

| |gr_temp_employee (Child). |If no data or only partial data exists, reload data to the table. |

| | |If data is loaded determine which record is in error and either |

| | |correct gr_temp_employee or create a gr_supv_asgn record for the |

| | |identified Supervisor Assignment. |

|gr_temp_employee.gf_tm_lbr_cat NOT IN gr_tm_lbr_cat.gf_tm_lbr_cat |A Time and Labor Category, gf_tm_lbr_cat, that is not defined on |Verify that the table gr_tm_lbr_cat was loaded. All records from |

| |gr_tm_lbr_cat (Parent), is referenced on gr_temp_employee (Child).|the input file $SLD_ENV/data/ gr_tm_lbr_cat.dat should be on the |

| | |table. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the table using the|

| | |SQL Loader process. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_tm_lbr_cat and update |

| | |gr_temp_employee records in error. |

|gr_uic_employ_acty.gf_default_shop NOT IN gr_org_shop.gf_shop |A Default Shop, gf_default_shop that is not defined on the |Verify that the table gr_org_shop was loaded. This table is |

| |gr_org_shop.gf_shop (Parent), is used on the table |loaded with either the SQL Loader process or through batch |

| |gr_uic_employ_acty (Child). |processes cnshops and cbccen. |

| | |If no data or only partial data exists, reload the data to the |

| | |table. |

| | |If data is loaded, determine correct gf_per_shop and update |

| | |gr_uic_employ_acty records in error or create gr_org_shop records |

| | |to match the gf_default_shop on gr_uic_employ_acty. |

|gr_work_sched.gf_alter_work_sched NOT IN (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,D,E) |Alternate Work Schedule Codes gf_alter_work_sched) must be one of |Determine valid value for records in error and correct. |

| |the values listed above. | |





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