Nevada Ready State Pre-Kindergarten Education Program

Nevada Ready! State Pre-Kindergarten (NR!PK) Education ProgramREQUEST FOR APPLICATION May 2019Application Due: 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, 2019Funding Period: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020No Applications will be accepted via ePage. Please submit electronically to Stacey Joyner.Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewedIssued By: Nevada Department of Education, Office of Early Learning and DevelopmentSubmit all questions in writing to Stacey JoynerSubmit Applications through ePage. IF you do not have access to ePage, email electronic copies to Stacey JoynerRestrictions/Conditions: This competitive grant application process is open to school districts, charter schools and non-profit organizations that meet the required criteria.Disclaimer: Funding, application elements/format and criteria for successful applicants are tentative pending any decisions made that affect this program during the 2019 legislative session.Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u BACKGROUND PAGEREF _Toc4676943 \h 4APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES PAGEREF _Toc4676944 \h 5Eligible Applicants PAGEREF _Toc4676945 \h 5Funding/Grant Awards PAGEREF _Toc4676946 \h 5Proposed Timeline PAGEREF _Toc4676947 \h 6Application Submission PAGEREF _Toc4676948 \h 6Formatting Requirements PAGEREF _Toc4676949 \h 7Application Review Process PAGEREF _Toc4676950 \h 7Required Program Components, Evaluation, and Assessments PAGEREF _Toc4676951 \h 7Required Program Components PAGEREF _Toc4676952 \h 7Program Evaluation: Required Indicators PAGEREF _Toc4676953 \h 9Required Screener and Assessments PAGEREF _Toc4676954 \h 9Pre-Kindergarten Education Sites PAGEREF _Toc4676955 \h 9Application Review Form & Scoring Rubric – FY 2020 PAGEREF _Toc4676956 \h 11Application PAGEREF _Toc4676957 \h 13APPLICATION REVIEW FORM & SCORING RUBRIC – FY 2020 PAGEREF _Toc4676958 \h 13GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWING EACH APPLICATION PAGEREF _Toc4676959 \h 14Section I: Applicant Information/Certification PAGEREF _Toc4676960 \h 15SECTION I – APPLICANT PAGEREF _Toc4676961 \h 16Section II: Narrative PAGEREF _Toc4676962 \h 17Three Year Data Trend PAGEREF _Toc4676963 \h 17Describe program’s enrollment and other data trends (enrollment vs. projections, inclusion rates, qualified teacher rates, QRIS results (if applicable). PAGEREF _Toc4676964 \h 17Enrollment and Attendance PAGEREF _Toc4676965 \h 18Community Partnerships and Family Engagement PAGEREF _Toc4676966 \h 18Structural Quality PAGEREF _Toc4676967 \h 19Classroom Organization and Photo PAGEREF _Toc4676968 \h 19Integrated Systems PAGEREF _Toc4676969 \h 19Interactions and Instruction PAGEREF _Toc4676970 \h 20Culture of Improvement PAGEREF _Toc4676971 \h 20Matrix A: PAGEREF _Toc4676972 \h 21Matrix B: NR!PK Program Implementation and Outcomes PAGEREF _Toc4676973 \h 23Budget PAGEREF _Toc4676974 \h 24Section III: Budget and Narrative Form PAGEREF _Toc4676975 \h 26BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS PAGEREF _Toc4676976 \h 26PRE-K BUDGET/EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc4676977 \h 27STATE OR FEDERAL FINAL REPORT OF EXPENDITURES PAGEREF _Toc4676978 \h 29Section IV: Assurances PAGEREF _Toc4676979 \h 30PROGRAM SPECIFIC ASSURANCES PAGEREF _Toc4676980 \h 30BACKGROUNDThe 2001 Nevada Legislative session allocated $3.5 million per year for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2002 and 2003. This initial allocation was for the establishment of a comprehensive early childhood education program across Nevada. Within this legislation, the Nevada State Legislature (Legislature) authorized the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) to offer competitive grants to school districts, charter schools and non-profit organizations to initiate or expand pre-Kindergarten education programs. The Legislature continued its support of the early childhood education programs through 2019 by allocating approximately $3.3M per year. In 2015, an increased state investment was awarded as a part of the required state match for the federal Preschool Development Grant (PDG). All State funded pre-Kindergarten seats going forward will follow the quality standards set by PDG and will be known as Nevada Ready! State Pre-K (NR!PK), and will consist of full-day services for 4-year-old children at 200% or below of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).The current funding levels for the early childhood education program are unknown. At this point, school districts, charter schools and non-profit organizations that apply should base respective budgets on similar levels of funding from past PDG budget years. It is strongly encouraged that all applicants pay careful attention to the program’s sustainability, collaboration, and program alignment with other funding streams wherever appropriate to be as competitive as possible, as new funding levels will be determined by a competitive application scoring system. Criteria for successful applicants are tentative, pending any decisions made that affect this program during the 2019 legislative session.APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINESEligible ApplicantsExisting programs as well as new programs can apply for these competitive grant funds. Programs that were funded in the FY19 (2018-2019 school-years) included the following: Carson City School DistrictChurchill County School District Community Services Agency*Clark County School DistrictElko County School DistrictGreat Basin CollegeHumboldt County School DistrictLyon County School DistrictMineral County School DistrictNye County School DistrictPershing County School District State Charter School AuthorityUnited Way of Southern Nevada*University of Nevada, RenoWashoe County School DistrictWhite Pine County School DistrictSchool districts, charter schools and non-profit organizations that meet the required criteria may apply. We also encourage child care centers to apply. However, individual centers should not submit an individual application. Instead, they should contact local school districts or an approved non-profit organization who will submit a consolidated application. Contact Jessamy Sevilla for a list of eligible non-profit organizations.Funding/Grant AwardsIt is anticipated that the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Education programs will be funded at a minimum of previous funding levels; however, this is a preliminary estimate. Since final allocations will not be available until the end of the 2019 Legislative session, programs are urged to plan carefully when developing their pre-Kindergarten education programs and braid funding streams wherever possible to support appropriate program alignment. The total amount available could be dramatically different, depending upon how the legislative session and state budget appropriations are finalized. The initial funding period for this program is from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. As in the past, funding for the second year (FY 2021) of the biennium is conditioned upon the successful completion of FY 2020, which includes meeting the identified goals and objectives for FY 2020, and the submission and approval of the required continuing application for FY 2021.Proposed TimelineMarch 2019 Applications available to all eligible applicantsMarch 27, 2019Technical Assistance Webinar* (voluntary) at 2:00 pm.TBDePage Application OpenMay 1, 2019Applications due at the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) by 5:00 p.m.May 9, 2019Applications ReviewedJune 7, 2019Legislative Session EndsNegotiate services & budget with programs recommended for fundingJune 14, 2019Funding decisions announcedJuly 1, 2019Subgrant documents and funds based on projected enrollment distributedDecember 1, 2019December 1 seat count date – funding allocations adjusted based on actual enrollmentJune 15, 2020Desk audits/monitoring and submission and approval of End of Year progress report and the FY21 budget and continuing applicationJune 30, 2020End of Project YearAugust 15, 2020Annual Final Financial Budget Report due*The Technical Assistance Webinar will be held via Lifesize video conferencing software. You may join the meeting via video or phone by following the directions below at the date/time of the meeting. You’re invited to call Nevada Ready! Pre-K on Lifesize.Connect over video - Lifesize Conference Connecting from a Lifesize conference room system? Just dial 7190238 with the keypad.Call in by phoneUS: +1-844-572-5683 extension 7190238Application SubmissionAll applicants are required to complete Sections I through IV of this Application. Each eligible applicant must complete the basic information in order for the review team to evaluate the submitted application. The basic information includes the following:Section I.Applicant Information/CertificationInstructions: Fill out completely. Obtain all proper signatures.Section II.NarrativeInstructions: Respond to each of the items indicated (each lettered question). Please answer in the order in which they are presented. Label each answer with its corresponding letter.Section III.State-Federal Budget Expenditure Summary FormState-Federal Supplemental Schedule/DetailInstructions: The initial budget will cover the 12-month period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.Section IV:Assurances Instructions: Have designee sign and date; provide other signatures as appropriate.All questions must be addressed completely; labeled appropriately and addressed in the order they are presented. Additional appendices or attachments are only allowed where indicated. Unsolicited attachments will not be reviewed. The Nevada Department of Education reserves the right to require Local Education Agencies (LEAs), charter schools and non-profit organizations to amend any or all application sections before formal sub-grant awards are made. Due to legislative requirements resulting from the 2017 Legislative session, the NDE may request addendums after submission of this application.Formatting RequirementsAll applications must be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines:Typed, double-spaced, on 8?” x 11” paper.Font size is no less than 10 points.Include all required items in the specified order.Number each page of the application consecutively, starting with the certification page as Page 1.Applicants must be submitted electronically or through ePAGE with an original copy with required signatures in blue ink.Applications must be received in the Office of Early Learning and Development NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, 2019. Applications will not be accepted after this date. Submitted applications may not be changed or appended after this date. Submit applications in ePAGE or submit electronically to: Stacey Joyner, PhD Application Review ProcessThe Nevada Department of Education will establish a panel to review the Pre-Kindergarten Education applications. The review panel will include at least three members: one early childhood professional, one education professional, and one individual with expertise in literacy and/or parenting programs. Other individuals may be included on the panel as appropriate.Each section/item will be reviewed for completeness. The review team will utilize the attached scoring rubric to determine if the program has all of the required information and to rate whether the information is acceptable under the terms of the legislation and this application. Required Program Components, Evaluation, and AssessmentsRequired Program ComponentsThroughout the development of the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) Education program, it has been determined, either through legislation or best practice and research, that certain components are necessary and required of all programs. The following lists the required components of the Nevada Ready! State Pre-K program:Required Program ElementsTeacher QualificationsEach Early Childhood Education (ECE)/Pre-K teacher responsible for providing direct instruction to early childhood students must fulfill the licensure requirements for teaching the Pre-K population, including an Early Childhood teacher’s license (requiring a Bachelor’s in education) and must be paid a salary comparable to K-12 instructional staff.EligibilityChildren enrolled in the program must be 4 years old by September 30 and families determined to be income eligible at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level IntensityAll programs must provide a minimum of 5 hours per day or 25 hours per week of pre-K class time and follow the attendance policy of the local school board.CurriculumPrograms must utilize the Nevada Pre-K Content Standards, revised and adopted by the Nevada State Board of Education. Programs must implement developmentally appropriate, research-based curriculum and participate in the birth to third grade continuum alignment. Class Size/RatioClass sizes and child/staff ratios must not exceed the following:Classrooms will have no more than 20 children with 2 adults.The referenced 2 adults will be An appropriately qualified, certified and licensed teacher, and An appropriately certified teaching assistant.EvaluationPrograms must participate in the annual and longitudinal statewide program evaluation system. This includes using legislatively required program outcome indicator tools and the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten Standards and reporting required data to the pre-K education evaluator and the Nevada Department of Education. Program quality will also be assessed by a valid and reliable assessor using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Third Edition (ECERS-3) and the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). Programs must comply with health and safety standards.Family Engagement Family Engagement is a required component and must be evaluated in conjunction with the pre-K program. Longitudinal data to determine effectiveness of family engagement activities will be used for program improvement. Comprehensive ServicesPrograms must demonstrate coordination with existing community services for children and families through collaborative and cooperative efforts. Inclusion The percentage of eligible children with disabilities served is not less than either the previous year percentage of four-year-old children served statewide through part B, section 619 of IDEA, or the current national average, whichever is greater, and is no more than 49% of classroom enrollment. Individualized accommodations and supports ensure access and participation for all children.Equal AccessEach child applicant will have equal access to the same extent as other children, (e.g. homeless, foster, military, tribal) even for those lacking initial enrollment documents.Program Evaluation: Required IndicatorsA key component of the evaluation is the assessment of quality indicators of program delivery and program outcomes to describe the projects and evaluate their effectiveness. Legislation directs the NDE to develop statewide performance and outcome indicators to measure the effectiveness of ECE programs. Per legislation, the indicators must include:Measures of the developmental progress of children before and after their completion of the program;Measures of family engagement in the program before and after completion of the program; andThe following program outcome indicators have been identified by NDE to track program outcomes and progress. These have been built in as part of the evaluation system; the NDE requires each pre-K education program to use the following indicators on participant outcomes:IndicatorsOutcomeEarly Childhood Education (ECE) Indicator 180% of ECE children with a minimum of four months of participation will demonstrate developmental progress and growth in school readiness by meeting the Kindergarten entry benchmark as measured by the post Brigance Screener III Ages 3 – 5. Early Childhood Education Indicator 2ECE children with a minimum of four months of participation will demonstrate growth in age equivalent score across domains as measured by the Brigance Screen III Ages 3 - 5.Family Engagement Indicator 1Programs will make progress in 3 out of 7 domains of the Harvard family/school relationship indicators from beginning to end of the program as measured by the NDE family engagement surveys.Family Engagement Indicator 270% percent of families will participate in pre and post family engagement surveys to be used to inform programs family engagement plans each year.In addition, each program will be monitored annually to determine adherence to required program components.Required Screener and AssessmentsEarly Childhood Screener InstrumentsBrigance Screen III Ages 3-5Early Childhood Comprehensive Assessment Assessment tool must be research based and measure all domains of learning such (e.g., Teaching Strategies GOLD, Brigance IED, etc.). Tool to be determined by the district/program.Family EngagementAll programs must develop and implement a family engagement plan, informed by the required NDE Family Engagement Survey, and collect data on the project’s family engagement activities.Pre-Kindergarten Education SitesAll Nevada Ready! State Pre-K program sites will be defined as sites that utilize NR!PK funding to implement high-quality pre-K services as defined on page 4. Programs are encouraged to braid funding from federal, state and local sources to configure inclusive and diverse classrooms. NR!PK provides foundational funding in the amount of $8000 per eligible child for non-braided and $4000 per child who is eligible for NR!PK and another program (Early Childhood Special Education, Title I, Victory, Zoom, Head Start, etc.). Supplemental funds are available for specific types of programs (see p. 21). Programs should calculate the foundational amount, add supplemental funds where appropriate and braid funding to provide high quality classrooms of no more than 20 children. Budgets should detail projected numbers of children, supplemental funds and funds from other state and local sources and describe how the program components will be addressed. In addition to the required program components outlined on page 4, programs should also plan for adequate administrative supports. These include:Internal Coach – this person works closely with the QRIS coach to support teachers in developing and maintaining appropriate pre-K environments and effective instructional strategiesFamily Engagement – this person facilitates implementation of the family engagement survey and development of the family engagement plan. In addition, this person will coordinate activities to appropriately and effectively engage and support familiesOutreach and Enrollment – this person is charged with informing families and the community about the program, building and maintaining enrollment and maintaining proper eligibility documentationData and Assessment – this person is responsible for gathering and submitting required data, reports and documentation. This person also facilitates any state and locally required assessment processes.Note: one person may have the ability to fulfill all the roles above, depending on the size of the program and number of children/families served.Application Review Form & Scoring Rubric – FY 2020Applicant (Legal Name of Agency):?Total Funding Amount Requested:??Section TitlePoints AvailablePoints AwardedSection I. Application Information & Certification Page00Section II. Narrative ???Subsection I: Data Trends?8?Three-Year Data Trend???Subsection II: Enrollment & Attendance?8?Evidence and Identification of NeedEligibility Determination and Documentation??Equal AccessAttendance Rates and Monitoring??Recruitment??Subsection III: Community Partnership & Family Engagement8?Comprehensive Services???Community Partnerships???Family Engagement???Subsection IV: Structural Quality?8?Teacher Qualifications???Program Needs and Monitoring???Data sharing???Subsection V: Classroom Organization and Photo8?Child-Centered Environment???Developmentally Appropriate Schedule???Effective Use of Time and Transitions???Subsection VI: Integrated Systems?8?Standards Alignment???Curriculum???Child Assessment and Observation???Identification, Referral and Services for Special Populations ??Subsection VII: Interactions and Instruction?8?Teacher/Student interactions???Intentional and Developmentally Appropriate Instruction??Subsection VIII: Culture of Improvement?8?Using Data???Developing Goals and Monitoring Progress???Matrix A ?10?Matrix A (Program Information)???Matrix B ?10?Matrix B (Program Implementation and Outcomes)??Section III. Budget ???Subsection I: Summary and Narrative Form8?Allocates sufficient resources to support the program.??Reasonably reflects and documents the cost of the proposed activities.??Appropriate avoidance of supplanting funds??Allocates sufficient funds for professional development and required meetings??Reflects braiding of funds and commitment to sustaining program??Subsection II: Budget Justification?8?Demonstrates a clear connection between project activities and desired results.??Explains the specific use of funds in detail.??Use of appropriate indirect cost, if applicable.??Section IV. Assurances?00TOTAL POINTS?100?ApplicationAPPLICATION REVIEW FORM & SCORING RUBRIC – FY 2020Applicant (Legal Name of Agency):Total Amount Requested:????Section TitlePoints AvailablePoints AwardedSection I. Application Information & Certification Page00Section II. Budget Summary and Supplemental Schedule - Forms80?Section III. Narrative20?Section IV. Assurances00TOTAL POINTS100?FUNDING RECOMMENDATION:Do Not FundFund in FullFund in PartRecommended Funding Amount:$Comments – Funding Recommendation: Comments – Strengths of Proposal:Comments – Weaknesses of Proposal:Reviewer’s Signature:Date:GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR REVIEWING EACH APPLICATIONThe following briefly outlines the process to be used to evaluate each of the applications. In addition to these instructions, your Review Team Leader will provide details and examples of the review process. The cover sheet scoring information will be completed last.Carefully read the application in order to be familiar with the information included in the application.Read the entire application before allocating any points for an individual section.If information related to one section is found in another section of the application, award points as though the information was included in the identified section.The only authorized attachments are the enrollment application (Appendix A) attendance policy (Appendix B), expulsion/suspension policy (Appendix C) and classroom photographs with explanations (Appendix D). Appendices are not included in the total page count. Other attachments and supplemental information are prohibited. If an applicant includes such information, it is not to be reviewed when evaluating the application.Applications are not to be compared. Only compare the application with the requested items.There is space for comments following each section of the review form.After all sections have been reviewed and scored, transfer points awarded to the cover page.Make funding recommendations based on the amount requested, the quality of the application, the proposed services, the number of students and the identified need. If funding recommendation is less than amount requested, make specific suggestions of items to be deleted (i.e., do not fund computers).Use the space on the cover page to make specific suggestions/ recommendations to the applicant (e.g., computers not funded because ABC Foundation in Nevada is currently offering free computers to youth, and they can be contacted at…).If requested by the applicant, information included on the cover page will be shared with the applicant.The space for comments on the cover page should be used to share the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal with the applicant. Avoid slang, abbreviations, etc., when recording comments on the cover page.Applicants can request the names of the Review Team, but no applicant will be given the name of an individual reviewer making a specific comment.Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest issues will be discussed prior to your review of any proposal but be sure to excuse yourself if there is even a possibility of conflict.Section I: Applicant Information/CertificationNEVADA READY! STATE PRE-KINDERGARTEN (NR!PK) EDUCATION PROGRAMReturn to:NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONOffice of Early Learning and Development9890 S Maryland Parkway, Suite 210Las Vegas, Nevada 89183*We’re moving. Please check NDE website for current addressCERTIFICATIONI HEREBY CERTIFY that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this application is correct.The applicant designated below hereby applies for a sub-grant of State funds to provide instructional activities and services to meet the educational needs of the pre-kindergarten age group as set forth in this application. The local Board of Trustees or governing board of the applicant’s organization has authorized me to file this application, and such action is recorded in the minutes of the agency's meeting held on _________________________________ (Date).This Plan may remain in effect for the duration of the authorization of the project, except as Amendments are determined necessary, and for Parts that require annual revision or a district may annually reapply. Signature:________________________________________________ Superintendent of Schools or Designated RepresentativeDate: _____________SECTION I – APPLICANTApplicant/Fiscal Agent (Legal Name of Agency)?????Proposed number of NR!PK eligible children to be served:?Mailing Address (Street, P.O. Box, City/Zip)Eligible for NR!PK only _____ ($8000)?Eligible for NR!PK and other:?? ECSE_____ ($4000/ch)? Victory_____ ($4000/ch)? Zoom_____ ($4000/ch)? Title I _____ ($4000/ch)? Head Start _____ ($4000/ch)????Supplements (if applicable)?? New Classroom______($25,000)? Small District/Private Provider______ ($75,000)? Year Round ______ ($2700/ch)Name, title and phone number of authorized contact person Program Starting Date ? ????????E-mail AddressProgram Ending Date??????STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION USEDate Received:Obligation this Application$ ????Reviewer's Signature:? Date:Section II: NarrativeNarrativeThe narrative section below (p. 17 – 20), should be completed within the NV PreK Education Program, Program Details section in ePAGE. Matrix A and B should be uploaded to the Related Documents page of your application. If you do not have access to ePAGE, submit this section and Matrix A and B electronically via email to Stacey Joyner. If you are not an ePAGE user, once funded you will be required to 1) submit a request form to be added to ePAGE; 2) enter your approved budget once your application has been funded; and 3) upload the application as a related document once access to ePAGE is provided.Answer each of the lettered questions below in the order they are presented. Please label each answer with its corresponding letter.General Information:___Total number of pre-K classrooms that will contain NR!PK eligible children in the 2019-2020 school year___Total number of pre-K classrooms located in school district operated facilities___Total number of pre-K classrooms located in private program operated facilities (enter 0 if not applicable)Complete the following chart by entering the number of preschool classrooms and 4-year old children served in your district/program for the listed school years. The chart below will not be scored as part of your application. Other data trends will be scored.Three Year Data TrendDescribe program’s enrollment and other data trends (enrollment vs. projections, inclusion rates, qualified teacher rates, QRIS results (if applicable).Pre-K Enrollment data from previous 3 years (if applicable):District EnrollmentTotal Pre-K Enrollment% of children in NR!PK (under PDG grant, Dec. 1 count)% with IEP% with IEP in NR!PK funded classroomNumber of students enrolled in Kindergarten2016-17 School Year2017-18 School Year2018-19 School YearEnrollment and AttendanceEvidence and Identification of Need: Provide information regarding your district/program’s need for high-quality pre-K programs considering the following: Demographic and/or geographic shifts (i.e. economically or linguistically diverse children, achievement gaps, etc.). The evidence should include information about the economic conditions in the community and other risk factors you deem appropriate to demonstrate need (e.g. academic factors, waiting lists, poverty trends; Information regarding the unmet need for quality child care programs (public or private); whether your sites are situated in locations that serve the most eligible children; and any other factors that may impact enrollment).Provide evidence of a priority list that ensures equal access to programming for children who are homeless or residing in foster care, families in the military and families residing on tribal lands. Include other risk factors that are considered in your community. Describe acceptable evidence for priority categories and how documentation is gathered and stored. Describe how children are prioritized and selected for enrollment in the case of a waitlist. Describe attendance trends and methods for monitoring attendance. Attach a copy of your student application (Appendix A)Recruitment: Describe your district/program’s Pre-K recruitment and enrollment process including responses to the following: How is/will programmatic and registration information publicized to the community? How does/will your district/program recruit and enroll eligible children? How does/will your program verify eligibility and document and maintain eligibility information?How does/will your district/program ensure students’ unique identifiers are obtained in Infinite Campus and recorded in the Online Management System? How does/will your choice of site locations help you recruit eligible children? How do/will you know your current processes are effective?Eligibility Determination: Describe your district/program’s process for determining which children will attend NR!PK including responses to the following: How was your district/program prioritization list developed? How and when are families notified of their eligibility and enrollment status? What is your district/program’s process for maintaining a waiting list, selecting/enrolling children from the waitlist and tracking enrollment by site?Attendance: Please describe how your district/program monitors pre-K attendance, including:Chronic absenteeism rates and trends for pre-K students Expulsion/suspension rates(if available)What evidence indicates that your current practices and strategies for recruiting and retaining children are effective?Attach a copy of your Attendance Policy and Expulsion/Suspension Policy (Appendix B & C)Community Partnerships and Family EngagementComprehensive services: Describe your use of the services offered through The Children’s Cabinet (CHERISH Program) or describe alternate methods to provide wraparound services (case management, health or mental health referrals, parent engagement activities, etc.).Describe how you provide/plan to provide hearing, vision, and dental screenings for enrolled munity Partnerships: Describe your collaborative efforts with community programs that support children and their families. How are partners and activities planned, implemented and monitored?Family Engagement: Describe your approach to engage and develop partnerships with pre-K families to promote student success including the following:How is your family engagement plan developed? Who participates in development of the plan? What data is used to develop and monitor the plan?How are children and families supported through transitions from pre-K to Kindergarten?How do you support families in serving as advocates for their children? How do you support families in promoting learning at home/outside of school?Structural QualityTeacher Qualifications: Please describe your strategies for ensuring NV!PK classrooms are staffed with highly effective and appropriately licensed teachers and assistants. Program Monitoring: Please describe how your district/program monitors and drives program improvement. Include the ways in which feedback is shared and reviewed and the procedure for following up when a plan is created and when corrective action is needed. Address the following program components:Family Engagement SurveyEarly Childhood Environmental Rating Scales (ECERS3)Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)Brigance Screen III Ages 3-5Data from formal (district/program selected) assessment tool.Health and Safety StandardsClassroom Organization and PhotoChild-centered Environment: Explain what is considered in the development of a classroom environment and how students interact with environment to facilitate learning. Please respond to the following: How do resources in the environment facilitate learning? How are resources selected and changed throughout the year? How do students access those resources within the classroom? Attach 1-2 photos of your classroom environment(s) and add descriptions that you would like the evaluation team to consider.Developmentally Appropriate Schedule: Please describe your daily schedule and attach a sample, including how much time is spent on each activity. Include any efforts you have made to decrease transitions and increase instructional time in small groups or extended center time. Include days and hours of operation and scheduled quiet/rest time. Effective Use of Time: Based on your daily schedule, please explain the purpose of each activity in the schedule and how instruction is delivered during those times.Integrated SystemsStandards Alignment: Please discuss how you ensure classroom instruction and assessment is aligned to all the developmental domains included in Nevada Pre-K Standards and how the standards are visible in the classroom.Curriculum: What curriculum/curricula are used in the classrooms?Is the curricula aligned to the Nevada Pre-K Standards? How do you know?Are all instructional domains are covered by the curricula?How are other domains addressed?Please describe how your district/program ensures that teachers and assistants have the support necessary for effective curriculum implementation. Child Assessment and Observation: What assessments are used?Describe your assessment schedule, how assessment data is collected, reviewed, used to inform practice and shared with families.Special Populations: Describe your process for identifying, referring and serving children with special needs. Describe your process for identifying dual language learners (DLLs) and strategies you use to support language development.Describe how you establish and maintain relationships with families of children with special needs and DLLs.Interactions and InstructionResponsive-Nurturing Student Teacher Interactions: Describe your district/program’s policies and practices to provide support for children with challenging behaviors and encourage healthy social and emotional competencies for your pre-K students. Include CLASS and ECERS assessment results as appropriate.How do you train teachers and assistants in creating responsive and nurturing learning environments?What data is used to measure teacher/student interactions and how?Provide examples of best practices your programs have used to promote positive school culture and climate and strengthen positive connections among students and adults.Describe how you address challenging student behaviors.Academically Rigorous and Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Describe how classroom instruction is meeting the expectation of academically rigorous, developmentally appropriate practice.Culture of ImprovementDescribe how data is used for continuous improvement. Include:QRIS:Describe how the program utilizes QRIS (CLASS/ECERS) to drive improvements.Teacher and Assistant Performance Evaluation: Describe how the district/program uses the evaluation system (e.g. NEPF) for professional growth. Who observes teachers and assistants and how is feedback provided?How often are teachers observed?Describe the role of the internal coach and how the internal coach helps to improve instruction.Parental Feedback:Describe ways in which parents provide feedback and how feedback is used to improve the program.Matrix A: Please Note: The number of students accounted for on this form should equal the number of NR!PK sites and children served provided on the Certification page or Spending Plan Detail in ePAGE. Expand the size of the form as needed.Sub-grantee Information???Sub-grantee Name:Sub-grantee Contact Name:Sub-grantee Contact Phone Number:????Sub-grantee Mailing Address: ?(Street, City, State, Zip)Sub-grantee Contact Email Address:????????Administrative Support Information???Grant Management Name: if different from Sub-grantee contact nameGrant Management Email:FTE (funded by the grant)????????Fiscal Support Name:?Fiscal Support Email:FTE????????Family Engagement Support Name:?Family Engagement Support Email:FTE????????Outreach and Enrollment Support Name:?Outreach and Enrollment Support Email:FTE????????Assessments and Data Support Name:?Assessment and Data Support Email:FTE????Site Information - Complete this section for each NR!PK SiteSite Name:Site Address:(Street, City, State, Zip) Principal/Director Name:Principal/Director Email Address:????Internal Coach Name:Internal Coach Email Address:Site Type: (public, private, charter, Head Start, College/University, other)School Year Start and End Dates:????Classroom information This information should indicate your projected numbers. If awarded, funds will be allocated according to these estimates in July and reconciled based on Dec. 1 counts.?Teacher Name (Enter TBD if not known)Highly Qualified*? (Yes /No)Number of Students Funded by NR!PK Funds OnlyNumber of Students funded NR!PK and Other Funds (Zoom, Victory, Head Start, Title I)Number of Students Funded with Other Funds OnlyNumber of Instructional Hours per Week: (Start and End Times)1??????2??????3??????4??????5??????6??????7??????8??????*Highly Qualified TeachersDistrict: Provider/Center:- Bachelors’ degree in ECE/ECSE OR-5.2 on Nevada Registry Career ladder or higher- Bachelor’s degree in another field and working toward permanent license in a state approved ARL Early Childhood or Early Childhood Developmentally Delayed program OR -Bachelor’s degree in another field with 35 or more ECE college credits OR -Bachelor’s degree in another field and enrolled in TEACH Early ChildhoodMatrix B: NR!PK Program Implementation and OutcomesProgram Outcome IndicatorsOutputs/Activities: Data Collected (How measured?)Timeline & Entity ResponsibleProgram Outcomes (To be completed at end of year)(Including Required Indicators)Describe planned engagement, improvement and learning activities???ECE Indicator 1: ????80% of ECE children with a minimum of four months of participation will demonstrate developmental progress and growth in school readiness by meeting the Kindergarten entry benchmark as measured by the Brigance Screener III Ages 3 – 5. ?????????ECE Indicator 2: ????ECE children with a minimum of four months of participation will show growth across domains as measured by the Brigance Screen III.???????????????????Family Engagement 1: ????Programs will make progress in 3 out of 7 domains of the Harvard family/school relationship indicators from beginning to end of the program as measured by the pre- and post- NDE family engagement surveys.??????????????Family Engagement 2: ????70% percent of families will participate in pre- and post- family engagement surveys to be used to inform programs family engagement plans each year.??????????????Report Completed By:????Name and Date????BudgetIdentify specific collaborations and resources (matching funds or in-kind contributions) that demonstrate school district/organization commitment to the program and its sustainability in addition to what is requested in the budget, (i.e., blended funding sources, shared administrative support, vertical/horizontal alignment strategies with other early childhood funding streams such as Title I, Zoom, ECSE, etc.). Amounts listed here will be considered, along with budget amount requested to determine commitment and capacity to implement a high quality pre-K program.Based on the projected number of children you intend to serve and the supplements identified below, please describe how supplements will be used to implement high-quality classrooms. Note: budget will be further delineated in Section III. Descriptions in this section should match Section III.New Classroom Supplement (up to $25,000 per new classroom). These are one year funds, and a new application must be made during the first year of classroom operation. This is intended to fund start up materials, equipment, furnishings, and one year of operation of a Nevada Ready! Pre-K classroom. Small District and Private Provider Supplement (up to $75,000/sub-grantee) These funds may be awarded to small districts (with a total population of <5000 students in grades K-12 or other significant circumstances (such as low family literacy rates or other justified reason), and private providers, based on need for those that may be unable to entirely fill a classroom with students at 200% poverty or below. Justification must be included in the request for the Small District and Private Provider Supplement, including a description of outreach efforts and explanation for inability to fill classroom/s.Year-Round Supplement (up to $2700 per child) This supplement may be added to the per pupil cost for children who attend programs that run the full year as opposed to the school year. Verification of full-year operation must be included include in request for this supplement.The following table may be helpful in determining funding amounts and program costs:Budget Amounts requested:?TotalsFOUNDATIONAL AMOUNTS:??NON BRAIDED:??Projected number of NR!PK eligible children to be served:??Eligible for NR!PK ONLY _______(x $8000/child) $BRAIDED:??Projected number of NR!PK eligible children to be served who are also eligible for and participating in other ECE programs:???ECSE______ (x $4000/child) ??Victory Pre-K______ (x $4000/child)?? Zoom Pre-K______ (x $4000/child)?? Title I Pre-K______ (x$4000/child)?? Head Start______ (x $4000/child)????Note: a child may NOT be counted in both BRAIDED and NON BRAIDED sections.?$SUPPLEMENTAL AMOUNTS:??New Classroom______ (x $25,000/classroom)?Small District/Private Provider______ (x $75,000/district or private program)?Year Round______ (x $2700/child)????Note: Year Round supplement is available to any child counted in NON BRAIDED or BRAIDED section who attends a Year Round program.?$NR!PK amount requested:$_________________ $???Additional funds from other sources (describe sources)?? Local funds:$_________________? In- kind amounts:$_________________? Other:$_________________?Total Program Cost$_________________$Section III: Budget and Narrative FormBUDGET INSTRUCTIONSBudget/Expenditure Summary: Complete this form, as appropriate. Please make sure that all figures and sums are accurate. Indirect costs are not allowable for state-funded programs. The Budget/Expenditure Summary must have an original signature of a person who is authorize by the applicant to do so.Budget Detail/Narrative: Complete this form, as appropriate. Please be certain that figures on the Budget Summary page match those figures provided on the Budget Detail/Narrative page. For the narrative portion, provide information that supports and justifies that expenditures are appropriate. Make sure that major costs of the project are aligned with the program goals and objectives. As a reminder, listed below are the following budget items to be considered:Budget emphasis should be placed on staff salaries and benefits, necessary classroom/curriculum/assessment supplies, and required travel. Do NOT include required evaluation costs in proposed budget. This will be paid directly by Nevada Department of Education.Allocate for staff teams (a minimum of one staff member) to travel to at least two mandatory Pre-K Director’s Meetings. Plan as if the meetings are to be held in Reno/Carson City.Allocate funding for the purchase of the required assessments, if you do not have one already.PRE-K BUDGET/EXPENDITURE SUMMARYFor those not applying through ePAGE, all budget forms can be obtained by contacting the Nevada Department of Education grants management office. Please note that column B, Supplemental Schedule, should explain each item in specific terms. All items must be named, directly related, and necessary to the operation of the program. State or Federal Budget Expenditure SummaryAgency:??Project Number: ?Project Name: ?Fiscal Year: ?Check One:BUDGETBUDGET AMENDMENTFINAL REPORT?OBJECTDESCRIPTIONINSTRUCTION COSTSUPPORT SERVICESTOTAL100Salaries 200Benefits 300Purchased Professional/Technical Services ?400Purchased Property Services 500510 Student Transportation Services?? 580 Staff Travel???Other (520, 530, 540, 550, 560, 570, 590)???Total 500?? 600610 General Supplies (exclude 612) ??* 612 Non-Technology Items of Higher Value ??620 Energy ??630 Food???640 Books and Periodicals (exclude 641) ??641 Textbooks???650 Supplies - Information Technology Related (exclude 651, 652, 653)? ?651 Software ?* 652 Technology Items of Higher Value???653 Web-based and Similar Programs???Total 600?? 800810 Dues and Fees ??890 Other Miscellaneous ??Other (820, 830) ??Total 800?? Subtotal 100 – ?600 & 800?? ** ApprovedIndirect Cost Rate: _____%?? 700730 Equipment ? Other (710, 720, 740, 790) ??Total 700?TOTAL? *All items of value must be itemized in the budget detail**Indirect cost rates must be approved by the Department of Education before the sub-grantee may budget for and charge those costs to the grant.Signature of Authorized Agency Representative??DateDepartment of Education Use Only??InitialDate ApprovedSTATE OR FEDERAL FINAL REPORT OF EXPENDITURESSTATE OR FEDERAL Final REPORT OF EXPENDITURESSUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE/DETAIL *Project Number:Page Number:ABCDEFGOBJECTCODETITLE OF POSITION/PURPOSE OFTIME/NARRATIVE **PROJECTTIME(FTE)QUANTITYSALARY, RENTALOR UNIT COSTBUDGETEDAMOUNTEXPENDEDAMOUNT*If additional space is needed, duplicate this page and number the pages.**Explain each item in specific terms. All items must be named, directly related, and necessary to the operation of the programSection IV: AssurancesPROGRAM SPECIFIC ASSURANCESIf awarded this proposal, _________________________________ (Name of Applicant) makes the following assurances:All services offered through this program shall be voluntary and optional for children and their parents. Parents must request the services for their child or children. No action will be taken upon referral without the request for services.To receive services funded by this program, children must meet criteria set forth in the application package and must be 4 years of age and income eligible at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.Each Pre-Kindergarten education program shall contain the following components (either paid for out of requested funds or through in-kind contribution/collaboration with partners):Dedicated staff for: Project Manager/Supervisor, Internal Coach, Family Engagement, outreach and enrollment, and data and assessment;Licensed, qualified early childhood educator(s) trained in a research-based, proven effective curriculum;Participation in the Statewide Evaluation System, including participating in required screenings and assessments, tracking graduating pre-K students and providing student data for inclusion in a longitudinal study; andPre-Kindergarten Education program with an accompanying family engagement program.Note: one person may be able to fulfill multiple roles described above, depending on the size of the program and the number of children/families served. Funds received under this program will be used solely for the purpose of supporting the activities as outlined in the attached proposal and RFA document in accordance with all applicable stated regulations and policy and procedures. Any grantee receiving funds for equipment of $500 value or more may be required to return the equipment to the Department of Education if, for any reason, the program is discontinued, unless a request for exemption is approved in writing with specified conditions.Each Pre-K Education Program must participate in the statewide program evaluation system (annual and longitudinal); this includes using the outcome indicators and providing required data (e.g., pre/post test data, test data on longitudinal participants who are now in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, program data, etc.) to the Pre-K education program evaluator and the Department of Education. The applicant is required to participate in QRIS to assess program quality and improvement and participate in other evaluation initiatives required by the Department of Education. At the request of NDE each project must gather and report data on progress towards meeting project goals and outcomes and Pre-Kindergarten Education Program quality indicators. A web-based information reporting system will be used by individual projects to report program and participant data to the state. This data will be aggregated and may be reported to the Nevada State Legislature and other entities in order to demonstrate the success of this program for future funding.A homeless child will be enrolled in his/her “school of origin” or the school in which the child was last enrolled. A homeless child shall immediately enroll in school, even if the child lacks records normally required for enrollment, such as previous academic records, medical records, proof of residency, or other documentation. The enrolling school must refer the parent/guardian of a homeless child to the school district homeless liaison, who shall help obtain necessary immunizations or immunization or medical records. Any record ordinarily kept by the school of each homeless child must be maintained so that the records are available.Project personnel will attend appropriate meetings and training sessions as required by the Nevada Department of Education (NDE).Funds received under this program will not be used for lobbying or to influence any federal or state agency or legislative staff involved in the award of such funding.The applicant organization will provide or continue to provide a drug-free workplace.Funds received under this application will not be used to supplant existing financial support for current programs administered by applicant or collaborating entities. If blended funding streams are used to support the program, the amount of these funds and what they are supporting must be clearly described.A complete file will be established to include the approved application form, award document, approved revision (if any), verification of expenditures, logs of receipts and expenditures, correspondence, and final reports. This file shall be available for review by NDE project personnel or their authorized representatives upon request.A bookkeeping system will be developed to monitor receipts and expenditures by line item. Expenditures cannot exceed the approved budget in any line item without prior written approval from the Nevada Department of Education (NDE).Records shall be maintained in accordance with general accounting standards. Receipts, invoices, and/or computer printouts will be maintained to verify expenditures. Copies of this verification will be submitted to the NDE upon request.Travel claims will be maintained for any travel reimbursement made with project funds. (Per Diem, mileage, and lodging payment are allowable only at State-approved rates.)All activities must take place within the funding period.An inventory of materials and supplies purchased through Pre-Kindergarten education dollars shall be maintained and made available upon request.Print or Type Name and Title:Print or Type Name and Title:????????????SignatureDateSignatureDate ................

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