Powerball - Numbers, Statistics & Information


1. The name of the pool manager is: _______________________________________________.

a. The pool manager is responsible for:

i. enforcing this agreement and maintaining the list of members;

ii. collecting the money from group members for the purchase of lottery tickets;

iii. purchasing lottery tickets;

iv. safekeeping of the purchased tickets;

v. distributing copies of the purchased tickets to group members;

vi. notifying group members of any prizes won;

vii. claiming prizes or initiating the claim process;

viii. transferring or facilitating the transfer of winnings to group members; and

ix. acting as the group’s official representative.

2. The name of the deputy manager is: _____________________________________________

a. The deputy manager is responsible for fulfilling the duties of the pool manager, as noted above, on any occasion when the manager is unable to do so.

3. Players must print and sign their name on the list of members at the end of this document to be considered a participant of the pool. Any names not listed are not eligible to receive a share of any prize money won.

4. It is the responsibility of each group member to ensure they meet all the legal requirements to purchase lottery tickets and claim prizes in STATE. If any members are deemed legally ineligible to claim a prize, they are not entitled to receive a share of any prize money and will not have their initial stake returned to them.

5. This agreement will remain in effect until all members unanimously agree to cease participation in the pool/the number of participants in the pool drops below __/until mm/dd/yyyy (delete as appropriate).

a. In the event that the pool ceases to operate, any outstanding prize money will be shared evenly between members and any stakes submitted to the pool manager for future draws will be returned to each member in full.

6. Each group member will contribute $__.__ to the purchase of Powerball lottery tickets for all drawings scheduled to take place every Wednesday/Saturday/Wednesday and Saturday (delete as appropriate), for the period that the agreement is in effect.

a. Power Play will/will not (delete as appropriate) be added to the purchased tickets, and therefore the additional $1.00 entry fee for this is/is not (delete as appropriate) included in the stake amount noted above.

7. In line with point 3., and taking into account the number of group members listed below, a total of __ lines of Powerball numbers will be purchased for each drawing.

8. Lottery numbers will be chosen by each group member/the pool manager/selected randomly using a Quick Pick or equivalent facility (delete as appropriate).

9. The pool manager must receive all entry money by hh:mm on the day of each draw (amend as appropriate). Any member who does not submit their stake by this deadline will not participate in the pool and forfeits their right to claim a share of any prize money won in that draw.

10. If the total cumulative prize money from a given drawing does not exceed $__.__ the money will be used to purchase additional tickets for the following Powerball draw. If the total prize money exceeds this value it will be distributed to the pool’s members in its entirety.

11. Prize money of sufficient value, as noted above, will be shared equally among all members of the group that meet the conditions of playing described in this document. The pool manager acknowledges that they have a legal obligation to transfer or facilitate the transfer of funds to all group members accordingly.

a. Prize money that is paid to the pool manager as a single sum will be distributed to other group members via the following method: _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

12. The group manager will distribute copies of the purchased tickets and/or all purchased lottery numbers to all group members before the drawing has taken place, via the following method: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

13. One group member other than the pool manager will independently check the purchased lottery tickets and the numbers therein before the drawing has taken place.

14. In the event of a jackpot win, the group elects to receive the prize money in the form of annuity payments/a one-time lump sum payment (delete as appropriate).

15. Where the situation arises, group members elect to disclose their identities to the public and fulfil any media obligations/maintain anonymity if legally allowed (delete as appropriate).

Disclaimer: This lottery pool contract is provided for informational purposes only. does not accept liability for any losses or damages resulting from its use, whether in whole or in part.


The undersigned agree that we have associated together to purchase Powerball lottery tickets according to the conditions set out in this document.

Name Signature

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