The Healing Codes

The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q&A


Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer Teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call.

Tonight in this hemisphere it is December 20, 2007. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available as a free download from our website:

This Q&A call is one of several ways we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so that you can achieve the results that you want. If you buy The Healing Codes package, I would say the most effective support that we provide you is the personal coaching that’s included with packages of The Healing Codes. You’re certainly going to want to avail yourself of that.

We have a Clients Only area on our website. It’s just like the name says, for clients only. We ask that if you’re not a client you respect that boundary. This is a place you can ask questions, read other people’s questions and responses. We have a moderator who monitors this support area. It does require a user name and password to get in.

User Name: healingcodes Password: 12days I think you’ll find that area helpful with other information as well.

We ask those of you who are new to the call, new to The Healing Codes or have any question about any part of The Healing Codes to ask your questions. They serve you. They can serve somebody else on the call. They could serve somebody else who listens to this recording after tonight. So when you think of your question and whether or not you should ask, the answer is yes, you should. It may be exactly what somebody else needs to hear.

We like people to talk about their experiences with The Healing Codes. It can be their challenges. We like to validate people who are having success as they accomplish what they’re looking to do. It’s that encouragement that we like to render. We like to assure you that by practicing, by learning how to do this – it’s not that complicated, but pretty easy to add elements in that don’t belong. One of those is working really hard at it. We think that when you get vibrationally equal to your success whatever that happens to mean to you, you will have it.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deals with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. For those of you who are new to the call, recognize that the opinions that I express are my own. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t, feel free to let the just going flying by.

Because there are a couple of new people, what I’m going to do is ask Megan to explain how to get into the queue or how to remove yourself from the queue. We’ll deal with any questions you have. If there are no questions then I will go into some of the fundamentals that I believe are very important to the successful use of The Healing Codes. We’ll deal with that as we go on.

Megan: (Gives technical directions)

Tom Costello: Let me just say that I consider the first fundamental to doing The Healing Codes is: Don’t try so hard to do them perfectly. This is about relaxing, reduction of stress that will enable your body to do what it is capable of doing. Relaxing, eliminating stress, is the key. By thinking there is only one itsy bitsy, teeny weeny way to do it correctly – doing The Healing Codes is like walking a tight rope – that’s incorrect. Doing The Healing Codes is like walking on a boulevard. There’s room. Your intention, relaxation and being physically comfortable are the keys to doing this.

Participant: (Char, Ohio) We received The Q Codes today. It was kind of confusing because we only had two DVDs. First we listened to the Testimonial one. On the other DVD it just said Q2. I thought, Oh-oh, we’re missing a DVD. I called in and someone was going to check for me. Then we went ahead and listened to the second DVD and both The Q Codes and Q2 were on there. It was kind of confusing, but we figured it out finally.

I’ve got a couple of questions. The first time we did it – it only came a couple of hours ago – we chose something and we did it together. The first time it went up. Our number went up. We did it a second time and it went down. Then we weren’t sure if you’re supposed to punch the Codes in to infuse the positive or not.

Tom Costello: If you’re going to do it at the same time, let’s say you’re going to go through one iteration to blast the problem away, immediately thereafter you’re going to infuse the positive, you don’t need to punch it in again.

Participant: Okay. One other question. I have a little concern because I have problems with my eyes. I’m concerned with all that breathing. Has anybody with any eye problems noticed any worsening of eye conditions?

Tom Costello: Not in our experience. We’ve been doing this for about a year. Why would breathing interfere with your eyes?

Participant: Well, I know I had done Body Quest. It’s kind of a deep breathing and then you do exercises. I was doing really well and started to notice some eye problems. I stopped that. I figured I didn’t want to solve one problem and cause another one. I wasn’t sure if anybody had noticed any problems with eyes that the extra breathing might be causing?

Tom Costello: We have not heard that. I would say that’s not there. You’ll notice in that package there’s the ability to do the Codes with regular breathing. Some of our clients have respiratory issues; emphysema and so on. If you’re concerned about that, start off with that process.

And you may want to look at the concern about the eyes, if there are concerns about that particular thing that are not rooted in present time, but in fact are long-ago energy patterns or beliefs. Maybe you can deal with those. If they’re rooted in present time, then just go slowly.

Participant: Thanks, Tom. I appreciate your help.

Tom Costello: Let me just talk about that. It’s interesting. The case that we have holds three CD’s or DVD’s. The manufacturer only had 3’s or 6’s. But, from this point on we will have “This slot left intentionally empty.” We realize we’ve confused some people by sending out 3-sleeved with only 2 DVD’s.

Participant: That will help. Thank you.

Participant: (Laura, California) I have a couple of questions about The Q Codes. The first one is when it says to punch in a Code, do you punch in Code one and Code two of the category you’re working on and then do the Q2 or The Q Codes?

Tom Costello: Typically just Code one. If you do it later in the day you would do Code two. There would be no harm for you to do both, but we kind of envisioned you would just punch in the first Code or the second Code.

Participant: When you say that people are doing the 12 Codes a day, does that mean they’re doing it twice a day? One time through the 12 with Code one and one time Code two or just sticking with Code one?

Tom Costello: I would think most people are doing Code one all the way through. If they do it the next day perhaps they’re doing Code two. Just from a time standpoint, even though it takes less time, it’s more realistic to say that they are doing Code one on each of the 12 Days.

Let me just say what we consider “normal” both with The Healing Codes and when you use The Q Codes along with it, you can do a minimum amount of minutes. Depending on a person’s issue somebody does the intensive way, they can do the Codes a great deal of time during the day. Ben Johnson, for example, when he was doing The Healing Codes he was doing anywhere from 30 minutes a day to some hours a day. He said he never missed a day. But he was pretty motivated with his diagnosis as you can imagine. You can do whatever feels good.

I would suggest that the attitude that you want to, “I want to do this for me” is a more beneficial approach than “Uh-oh, if I don’t do this I’m doing it wrong. I need to do it.” You can almost hear the stress in the way I exaggerated it a little bit. If you want to, then I would say do it. Soon as you feel like it’s a have-to, time out. Then, “I want to get a new attitude about this.”

Participant: That’s a good segway to my second question. Q2 is obviously much more gentle and much easier. You can envision doing those for 20-30 minutes straight. Whereas I can’t envision doing The Q Codes that long.

Tom Costello: That’s for sure.

Participant: Even with Q2 I get a little dizzy so I just stop. It’s only the second day I’ve had them. I wanted to get a sense from you about how much better or more beneficial is it to add the Q in there when it’s tougher. The breathing in some ways is physically good in and of itself. Just your thoughts on that. Is it a big deal to just do Q2 or try to do The Q Codes?

Tom Costello: The Q Codes is a new product, new in that it’s being offered to the public after use for about a year in our Heart Transformation Programs. It is a more vigorous delivery of energy. Now, it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. I would say – and personally I prefer The Healing Codes as a steady diet simply because I like the idea of dissolving beliefs or blocks or so on. Years ago I was a meditator. I like that gentle sort of approach.

However, when something jumps up and interferes with my peace, really bothers me, and I want to demolish it, I want to explode it, I want to send so much energy into it that it’s no longer an issue, that, to me, is the ideal time for a Q Code. It’s much more vigorous. To do that many, many times during the day would be like running track. It’s going to be physically tiring. It’s not something you’d want to do before bed because it is enlivening. It’s like going to a pep rally. That’s what it feels like. So, depending on what you’re trying to do –

Let me back up a little. The whole thrust of The Healing Codes is that our beliefs that we’ve acquired over the course of our lives that indicate to us we are at risk, that we are threatened, that we are less than, that life is dangerous or scarcity is real or we can’t have what we want – those beliefs, in my opinion, are not true. But, because we’ve invested time in them and they’ve been served up to us, they’ve been marketed to us, they’ve been told and taught to us and forced upon us and we’ve mis-concluded, we’re looking to shift those beliefs.

Now if the belief is solid rock then you want to explode it to remove it from your path. If it’s a shadow, shining a light of your awareness in the calm of The Healing Codes, for me, seems to do the job. Now as those beliefs, you put your observation on it, you put your attention on it, you observe them, and you will notice that previously under stress we have two choices: fight-or-flight; criticizing, condemning, complaining, literally physically fighting is how that shows up as well as avoidance in a variety of way.

What we’re looking to do as we put our attention on it either with The Q Codes or with The Healing Codes is to have that image (I have my hands shaped like I’m holding an invisible ball) that energy pattern change. I’m imparting more energy to myself and I have wisdom in 2007 as do you that we didn’t have when we were little girls and boys. “Ah, I never saw it from that angle.” So depending on your situation you are trying to remove stress by changing threats into non-threats. They will do that automatically, either The Healing Codes or The Healing Codes plus The Q Codes. It depends on the solidity. If it’s very solid I’d say The Q Codes. If it’s not that solid I’d say The Healing Codes. That’s the approach I use. Does that make sense?

Participant: It does. One thing is in the previous materials they were saying 150 times even though it’s not in this material. If you do the math and do The Q Codes for 20 minutes, that’s like 50 hours. So then you think, even if you have a full hour to spend, math-wise if 20 minutes is like 50 hours, would I do The Q Codes for another 40 minutes when the order of magnitude is so different? I was curious if that’s the right way to think about it? Is it not really 150 times in quite the same way?

Tom Costello: I think it is the right way to think about it. You could, now, if you’re purposeful, disciplined and you can see what you’re looking to accomplish, you put your attention on what you consider to be an “issue” or you put your attention on a thing that you want. Those are contrary concepts. The “issue” is an impediment on the path between where you stand today and where you’re going. If you put your attention on where you’re going and you can resonate with that as you do The Q Codes and that would be talking about infusing the positive, these negatives, these fears, doubts, self-protective thoughts “if you’re so rich and you’re so famous and you’re so healthy and you’re so beautiful there’ll be a lot of demands on you and your time.” Those thought process are part of the programming that thinks it’s going to help us by keeping us out of the fame and so on. When that comes out of the woodwork we shift focus a little bit and blow them away if you will. They change. We’re not trying to kill them. I don’t want to give that impression. They are based upon the perception, in my opinion, of insufficient energy. When you drive this energy back into yourself, back into these images, suddenly they change. If you can do that on a regular basis, boom, boom, boom, boom, and knock down – you can go through all kinds of things.

This is what we do in the Heart Transformation Weekend and Program is we deal with generational issues. You can deal with all the places and situations you’ve found yourself in. All the people in their various roles that you’ve encountered since you were a little girl: teachers, clergy, storekeepers, siblings, parents, aunts and uncles… You want your relationship with each and every one of those people, places, times, spaces to be threat free. Then you can be out of fight-or-flight. Your immune system will be turned on to its optimum and your functioning, intellectual and physical, will be optimum. Yes. If you can do The Q Codes in a systematic – let me deal with everything I can think of; childhood friends, events, experiences, etc, you’d be doing a fantastic amount of good for yourself in a very short period of time.

Participant: You can also with The Q Codes just do a category and not try to find all the memories and do all that.

Tom Costello: Yep.

Participant: Great. The Q Codes are so fast actually that it seems to me it would take a lot more time to find a memory and do all that. I don’t like doing that even when I do The Healing Codes. I find that stressful. I’m glad you guys say we can skip it. I hate that part. Basically if you just go through the 12 Categories all those unconscious memories could be healed, is that correct?

Tom Costello: That is correct. Let me bring this up, Laura, too. Dr. Ben Johnson was not inclined to go searching for memories. He didn’t want to do introspection. He didn’t want to dig around in memories. He just wanted to do the Codes. He can vouch for that approach being workable.

Others, myself included, want to dig around. I want to be Sherlock Holmes. I want to find this connected to that connected to the other thing, but it is not a necessary part of it. That’s more like a game, if you will, than a necessary ingredient.

Participant: Thank you so much, Tom. I appreciate it.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Laura.

Participant: (Nancy, Texas) I just a week and a half ago had an urgent need with some teeth dilemmas and as far as my business goes I’d kind of hit the ceiling and realized I needed a break through. I was desperate. I bought The Healing Codes, The Success Codes and The Q Codes.

I got The Healing Codes and The Success Codes last Thursday. I took Saturday to read over everything I could. I watched DVD of The Healing Codes and started doing The Healing Codes. But, I’ve only been able to do it maybe 15 minutes a day. Then I just got The Q Codes yesterday. So I have all this information now. Do some people do The Healing Codes and The Success Codes simultaneously?

Tom Costello: During the same day, yeah, they do.

Participant: I haven’t really looked at The Q Codes. I’ve read through the manual, but I need to look at the DVD. I could use The Q Codes to do The Healing Codes and The Success Codes then?

Tom Costello: That is correct.

Participant: Okay. The teeth, I kind of have an urgent matter with my teeth because it’s going to be requiring some oral surgery or dental implants or some sort of that kind of thing. I’ve scheduled for that in January. It started as a result of an injury – running into my door frame in my master bedroom eight years ago. It was in the middle of the night. I thought I was walking through the open door, but I wasn’t. Now some different things have reoccurred. It’s very, very costly to do all this besides everything you go through. My front, smile teeth -- I’d really like to give The Healing Codes and my body and all this new information I’m learning a chance to heal my teeth rather than have to go through surgery. What I was wondering is do you recommend, then, that I go ahead and call a personal coach even though I’m just getting started and haven’t gone through my 12 Days yet?

Tom Costello: Yeah. I would do that. Have you gotten a welcome letter from your coach?

Participant: No, I haven’t.

Tom Costello: What’s your zip Code? I’ll look in the data base and identify who was assigned to you. I’ll make that connection. That will make it happen sooner.

Participant: So I don’t have to do anything? I’ll wait for them to contact me?

Tom Costello: That’s right. You don’t have to do anything.

Participant: That’s wonderful. I really appreciate it. I listened to Dr. Loyd today. He had a call regarding The Q Codes. It’s just … I just know that everything that I’ve learning… I’ve been interested in quantum physics and how it relates to faith and the Bible. This is like a year I’ve been watching this. I feel like this is something I’ve been lead to. I’m very, very excited about it.

Tom Costello: That’s great. A great number of us got involved because of our own prayers. That’s a powerful way to get attracted if that’s in fact what you just said. Being open to these kinds of possibilities is astonishing when you start to get involved in it and recognize what is possible.

Participant: It is.

Tom Costello: I don’t want to deflate you. I told you early in this that I speak my opinion. I find my role sometimes is to share information outside the scope of The Healing Codes. One of our coaches forwarded me some information that had to do with the proposition that dental infections, mouth infections, gum infections are very significantly indicated in other health problems. In fact they need to be tended to. So, I don’t know the details of your situation, but this is an area, the mouth, is hugely important. Your focus on it, you are getting into a position of being very relaxed.

Let me back up a little bit and say my opinion is we don’t cause health. We allow it. We either allow it or we interfere with it. Your body knows how to heal a scratch. Your body knows how to digest a sandwich. Your body knows how to grow hair. All three of those processes are so unbelievably complicated that if we had to decide to do that we’d still be trying to figure out how to digest the first sandwich. Really what we want to do is not interfere with the body as it goes through those processes. Healing is the same thing. Our body’s ability to do things is beyond astonishing. The design of this by the Creator is so beyond our grasp that if we can get out of the way and let it do what it’s capable of doing…. How does it? What is the switch? If we say “I’m stressed” then the physiology changes. Resources are diverted to the big muscles in the arms and legs. Blood flow to various parts of the body is changed including away from the pre-frontal cortex which is where higher cognitive thought goes. It is sent toward the back of the brain where reaction occurs. We’re much better at reacting, but not good at thinking.

Well, for a lot of situations that we’re faced with, that’s not what we want. When there’s an emergency – a saber toothed tigers in front of you or a car swerves, you don’t want to think about that. You want to react. That’s what keeps us alive. But under normal circumstances, business circumstances, a bill coming due, we don’t want to go into fight-or-flight for that. We want to be able to process it and see what our options are. Our options we want to include things other than fight or run away. We want more choices on our menu. Being relaxed allows that. So, when we’re under stress and we’re feeling that anxiety the immune system is one of the things that is de-prioritized.

It’s as if the body says, “Whoa! We have an emergency. Everything that is not of urgent need put on hold. Let’s deal with this.” That’s great if the emergency lasts 30 seconds or 60 seconds or 90 seconds. The saber toothed tiger walks to the next cave. But, today the saber toothed tiger is a bill collector, it’s the holidays, it’s Christmas expenditures… traffic, terrorism. All kinds of stuff is marketed as saber toothed tigers to us. We want to get out of that state and get into the place where we allow our bodies to do what they are capable of doing, handling any kind of issue with the body.

Now some people think that “I want my body to kill all the microbes in the body.” That’s not going to happen. There are so many of them! What we want is to keep them in balance. Some of those things are so healthy to our normal intestinal tract and on and on. We want things in balance. Allowing our bodies to reestablish that balance so inflammation and infection is a non-issue is really what’s we’re wanting to do. How do you allow that? By relaxing, by diffusing these saber toothed tiger images or memories from in-utero right up until present time. Although the roots of these things seem most often to be from the first half dozen or dozen years of our lives.

That was a lot of words.

Participant: I was really grasping what you were saying. I was encouraged. Dr. Loyd said there have been hundreds of testimonies about dental healings. That was very encouraging. The things going on in my teeth were from running into the door and some other things. I had a tooth that never grew in. It was up in my gums. That was just removed. It was more physical things. I don’t think it’s related to any thing else going on except for stress and all those things that you talked about.

Normally dentists will say, “this is the only way. When this happens this is the only thing you can do.” That’s what doctors say, too. “You have this and we need to do that.” I think time is my ally here and I want to give my body a chance to do what it can do.

Tom Costello: Exactly. I think if you find a craftsman or mechanic with a single tool in his tool bag, a hammer or saw or pair of pliers, you walk through the door and say, “I’ve got a problem”, the guy that only owns a hammer says, “No problem. Let me see it. I’ll whack it.” In this scenario there are other things. That is the greatest tool of all is to use your body to do what it is capable of doing.

When we talk about The Healing Codes, I’m going to go on a slight tangent because I think it could be valuable to you, Nancy, as well as other people…. If you and I were two little kids and we were riding tricycles around and I tip over and fall. You point at me and burst out laughing. The fact of the matter is we were two little kids riding tricycles. One of us tipped over and fell and the other pointed and burst out laughing. Period. Everything else from that moment is made up. If the meaning I gave that experience as I laid on the floor and looked at you laughing, if I thought “How funny I am. I can make my friend, Nancy, burst out laughing. That’s why she’s so fun to play with. Aren’t I clever?” I get back on the tricycle and go about my business.

At the same time you would have given a set of meanings to that. “Oh, that Tom is so fun. He’ll do anything to provoke a laugh. He’s so great.” Or, “Whoa! He’s clumsy.” Or, I could have interpreted it, “She’s ridiculing me. She’s making fun of me. I could have been killed. Who knows how dangerous falling off a tricycle is.” They are just meanings we gave to that situation.

Now if I gave it an empowering meaning, that I was clever and funny, and that served me, good! If I used it in a different way and thought it indicated a deficiency on my part and it became a belief that I was clumsy, now one of my friends says, “Let’s go play Little League”. I go, “Well, I think I’ve got to stay home and do the dishes.” I’m not going to take a chance on going out on a Little League field to fall down and be clumsy and have people ridicule me, point at me and laugh. Years later, “Let’s go to the high school dance. There’ll be plenty of girls there.” “I’ve got to do homework. I’m sorry.” I’m not realizing what’s gotten triggered is the fear. The stress of that original experience is powerful. The picture underlying that would have been more like I walk on the dance floor and I trip or somebody steps on somebody’s toes. I fall down. Everybody would be laughing. It would be the death of me as a high school student. “No way. I’ve got to stay home and do homework”.

It’s those kinds of things that impact our maneuvering through life. We go back to the tricycle experience. We all have experiences in our childhood, some of them not any where near as innocuous as what I just described, real trauma. But that tricycle experience is determined by what it says about me, what it says about others involved in the event (in this case you as the little girl), what it says about other things in the environment (tricycle, carpeting, house, my parents who let me play with something dangerous when I’m not prepared to do it and let me play with mean little girls), those things become programming statements. Boom!

Now let’s come forward. If your teeth have said, this situation with your teeth, or (anybody else on this call) any situation you have ….. (break in the recording)

….is a made up statement. It’s not necessarily true. With that thought in mind if it makes me feel good about myself I say keep that. Keep that statement that you’ve made up. If it doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, heal it. I like that.

Participant: That was helpful. You are right we’ve all had those tricycle experiences. That is very helpful. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Walking into that doorframe or that doorway is one such thing. When you had that, you thought something about yourself as a result of that, and probably other people that involved. You wanted to scream and shout bloody murder and yell at somebody or yell at yourself. You can heal that. That energy pattern still exists. “Let me move that on. I don’t need to be protected from doorframes.”

Participant: I dealt with that in the first Code. That was something I focused on was that.

Tom Costello: Good for you.

Participant: Even with you talking about it now and everything, I just had peace about it. You’re right I kind of went, “Why did I do that? Look at everything that’s happened because of it and the money and all.” In the past that’s the direction I could go, but I am feeling peaceful about it. It’s funny. I really feel like the Codes are working already. I can tell even though I’ve been able to only put a short amount of time into them. I’m only on Code 4 or 5 or something. It is quite amazing.

Tom Costello: Yep. I would suggest you try not to go down this road of judging how much time you put into it. If you put 15 minutes, you go, “Atta girl. I did 15 minutes.” That is millions of times better than zero minutes. “Atta girl”. Take in the full energy of that vibration as compared to, “Well, I should have done 16 minutes. It wasn’t … Oh, boy!” You don’t need to go there. You really want to support yourself in relaxing and being okay and having done it right are huge steps in that direction.

Participant: That’s really good.

Tom Costello: Thanks for your questions, Nancy.

Let me just deal with a couple of fundamentals. I talked already about not trying so hard to do it perfectly. “If I get something wrong it’s not going to….” Nah, nah. You get 100 if you do The Healing Codes. You get 100. Period. End of story. Now relax about the idea of perfection. This is not like school where there’s only one right answer to so many questions. Not true. I’ll deal with that concept a little bit later, too.

Relaxation is the key. To move you in that direction you’re going to want to do The Healing Codes in the most comfortable position you can get into: recliner, couch, on the floor, in bed, in a comfortable chair. I suggest pillows on your lap. Now I’m sitting at a desk. I have my elbows on the desk and I’m pointing at one healing center. I move my head a little bit and move my wrists a little bit and I’m pointing at another healing center. I could do this literally for hours without fatigue. I’m not using any muscles in my shoulders or my arms. I’m not holding my elbows up. I don’t have problems with my shoulders getting tired. If I were sitting in the recliner I’d use the pillows. Or I use the desk to rest my elbows on it. You’re going to want to do that.

I suggest that what you’re looking to do is declare peace so that your body goes back to construction, rebuilding, renovation that, in a war-time setting (that is fight-or-flight, stress) it’s trying to protect and hold on to whatever it’s got. You’re going to want to declare peace so that your body goes, “Okay.” It turns the immune system back on and gets back into business.

I mention a half a dozen elements, I would say, in a normal lifestyle. Drink plenty of good water. As you do The Healing Codes the cells of the body, once peace has been declared, open up. They open up. Up to this point when a person is under stress those cells have been trying to prevent the loss of water and nutrition to protect the contents of the cells. So the trouble with that is metabolic waste is contained inside. Really we want metabolic waste released into the lymphatic and blood system so that it can be excreted from the body. So when peace is declared, the cells open up and that metabolic waste is there ready to be moved. Drinking plenty of good water is one of the ways you facilitate the removal of that waste out of your system. It’s hugely important. I would say water is implicated as one of if not the best cure for constipation.

If you’re talking about bacterial problems where imbalance can occur not only the mouth which is described as that place by some people because that’s where food is and so on, but the intestines. Flushing them out is a good thing.

Breathing deeply – if you’re breathing normally and doing diaphragmatic or belly breathing that’s a great thing. Clearly if you do The Q Codes, that’s involved in it.

Eating nutritious food is adding some building blocks from a nutritional standpoint. Ultimately that food is going to be “translated” (in my language) or “digested” (in your language) into a usable energy pattern for the cells. That food provides those building blocks.

Get plenty of rest. It’s amazing how much of the maintenance is done when we are resting. The Healing Codes process is one of resting. Then you add in a decent night’s sleep and you’re way further ahead. I quote sometimes on these calls a study I read about a little over a year ago I suppose. Two groups of women, they wanted to see the impact on weight loss of extra activity versus a controlled group of women in which they could sleep more. They had these two groups of women essentially identical in ages and weights and backgrounds and so on. The women who slept more lost more weight. Why? In my thinking it is because we have given the body an opportunity to balance itself. It has amazing wisdom but if we don’t give it time to do what it knows how to do the body cannot accomplish it. You’ve got to park that vehicle every once in a while and let it maintain itself. Rest is a key step.

Movement – because the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump. Oxygen is pumped by the lungs. Blood is pumped by the heart. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump. Movement of the body, expansion and contraction of the lungs serve – expansion and contraction of muscles serve as that pump. So moving, stretching, walking, whatever is appropriate for you based upon your condition, you’re going to want to do.

Then removal of stress – that friction that we accumulate and have since our earliest moments of existence, we want to be able to remove that. That’s The Healing Codes.

Let me talk about a couple of other points that may be of value to you. One of them is our ability to see things. There is a website called . It deals in three-dimensional figures, print outs. They have a sample that is on their website. This would be the URL for it: faq_example.htm You can print it out. Now it looks like a picture of little teeny stars, red and yellow and so on. As you shift your focus it becomes three dimensional. There are instructions on that printout so you’d be able to see it.

As you shift your focus you will then see three dimensionally and you will see another photo. On the same website there is a spinning silhouette figure. You’ll have to hunt for that. I couldn’t find it exactly where it is. When you look at it the figure is spinning either to the right or to the left. Interestingly enough I had it on my computer. I had my wife, my daughter and her fiancé all four of us looking at the same figure at the same time watching that silhouette spin. I was seeing one thing, they were seeing different things and not the same thing. “Nope, she’s spinning right. Nope, she’s reversing. Clock-wise. Nope, counter-clockwise.” The whole time they were saying that, she was only spinning in one direction for me. That says to me that figure was doing whatever that figure was doing. The way I was processing it with my brain showed me a certain outcome whereas my wife was seeing something different, so was my daughter, so was her fiancé.

We’re looking at the same thing but we’re seeing different things. Wow! Really this concept, to me, is exciting. Just hold that thought.

Everybody on this call believes in gravity. You’d go, “Yeah, I believe in gravity.” I take an egg, hold it out and let it go. I pretty much know where it’s going to go. It’s going to go down toward the center of the earth. It’s going to go “splat.” I believe in gravity. I think with The Healing Codes and even without The Healing Codes you can avail yourself of something that has been around for thousands of years but has been popularized as the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction, it’s like gravity except I describe it this way: It is horizontal gravity. You can put your attention on something and you can attract it into your experience as if you were a magnet, as if you were the center of the earth and that will come toward you. Now really that means you’re going to want to put your attention on things you want, things that make you feel good, things that you like rather than things that you don’t want, things you don’t like, things you’re threatened by. You can magnetize, you can attract them horizontally as well.

Now let’s got back to the magic eye thing. You look at this piece of paper. It’s a piece of paper and it’s got a design on it. What’s the big deal? When your focus is like that, as it for all of us most of the time, “Nope. All I’m seeing is this rectangle. That’s all there is there.” As you shift your focus, as your eyes diverge, that is spread a little, I call it soft eyes – they spread a little bit. They don’t cross, they go in the other direction. All of a sudden that other picture comes into focus. It wasn’t there a second ago.

Let’s go back to the current condition you’re experiencing in your life and one or more reasons you bought The Healing Codes for is in present time I’m experiencing this condition. I’ll call it Condition A. Really what I’d like to do is experience Condition Z. How are you going to do that? Whatever you put your attention on you’re going to get more of. Okay.

This thing is right in my face and I’m looking at it. The picture of my condition is right in my face. Yes. With The Healing Codes it is almost like this magic eye. You can look past current circumstances, current conditions, and focus on what you want, that condition. It exists energetically. It exists. By you putting your attention on that condition you want it is becoming more and more solid. The distance between you and it is being reduced. You’re coming closer together, closer together. Ideally all of a sudden you go, “I remember when I started putting my attention on this condition. Here I am living it. How exciting is that? Let me think of what I next want.” You do the same thing. You look past current circumstances and you bring in this other image, not 3-D but perhaps some other dimension, and it will start coming to you.

I think that is a very interesting set of images. We think in terms of pictures. We remember in terms of pictures. For you to be able to picture more vividly, more excitedly, more gratefully, more appreciatively, more joyfully, more blessedly the condition you desire, the faster it will show up in your current-day, present-time experience.

I like that. I like having what I want. I like putting my attention on what I want. It makes me feel good. I’m sure the cells of my body appreciate it. So, I offer that to you as an idea to consider.

Participant: (Prentiss, New York) Actually I’m considering purchasing The Success Codes. I was wondering if you could elaborate on them a bit more, how they differ from The Healing Codes, how they’re used and tell me a little bit more about them. I have called the 800 number but they weren’t able to tell me much about them. The package, what comes with it and what not. That’s my question.

Also, I have another comment on what you just stated. The reason I got The Healing Codes is because I was having pain challenges in my knees, my ankle and my back. It’s almost impossible for me not to think about it because I feel it 24/7. So, I don’t know how to not think about it or not deal with it when I feel it all the time. That’s in terms of focusing on what I want which is to be pain-free. Because I have difficulty walking I find that I’m focusing on the pain all the time.

Tom Costello: Pain is very attention grabbing. Therein is one of the challenges. It doesn’t allow that thing that I was describing before as rest. Right? If you can’t rest, that’s why pain medication for a person who has had surgery is important. It’s to allow them to rest and allows their body to rebuild quicker. I’m not a fan of prescription drugs, but certainly in that case it can be really beneficial.

So let’s just talk about the pain issue first and then we’ll get to The Success Codes. I believe we ought to be looking first and foremost at the structure. As soon as we know that whatever structural adjustments have been made we can go from there. A kind of silly example would be this. I don’t mean to minimize what you’re experiencing. A person says, “My foot hurts. What Code should I do?” I say, “I’ll give you a Code, but first of all tell me about your foot.” “Well, the shoes I wear are too small.” Okay, what else? “Well, there’s a rock in one shoe.” Ah! Let’s start here. Take your shoes off and don’t put them back on if you can avoid it. Number two, empty the rock out. Then get the proper sized shoes. Now we can deal with the underlying beliefs that resulted in you walking around with a rock in shoes that are too small for you. That’s really what The Healing Codes deals with – those belief systems that suggest to us that we can’t have what we want. We’re not entitled to it. We don’t deserve it, on and on and on.

Now, let’s talk about it. Handling the structural stuff is not what we do. I’ll say you’re going to want to make sure you’re attending to that as well as you can. Let’s come back and say what belief could be involved in this situation? I’ll leave that question hanging and deliver this opinion about what our beliefs are doing. I believe our beliefs are trying to help us. Even when they make us prisoners they are trying to help us. When they are trying to protect us by making us stay home instead of go out and take a job, when they try to prevent us from moving forward into new, exciting, potentially scary situations, they are trying to protect us. When we want to go do something new that we are unfamiliar with, take risks, they protect us by, “No, no. Don’t do that. Be careful. Ah, OH!” They’re trying to protect us. If any of that is going on: moving forward. I want to move forward and all of a sudden somebody’s got knees and hips and feet issues. Is there any reason this is doing something trying to help you?

I’m a believer that if you look at a given situation, ultimately you can find value in it. I believe this to be true: It is all good.

Every situation is good. Now when you look at something on the surface you may go, “This is not good. Hello! This is not good.” If you keep drilling down; is it? Is it? Is it? What good could possibly come from this? It’s pretty easy actually to find. You ask yourself what good has come from this five times one after another. Give yourself time to hear the answers in your own head and heart, you can recognize that there is some good in this. Once you get the good you go, “Got the good. I’m ready to move on. I’m going to create a different scenario.” Or, this safety programming, these beliefs like I was talking about with the tricycle experience, “Don’t get on the tricycle. That’s a wheeled vehicle. Cars, trains, those are wheeled vehicles. Motorcycles, no, no, they’re dangerous. Don’t get on them.” Thanks for trying to protect me, but I’d like to move forward and try this stuff out. I want to try these new experiences.

As you are in pain you can go into it. Now clearly this is theoretical from where I’m standing and from where you’re sitting for me to say you can go into your pain, but avoiding pain or fighting pain is the least effective way of dealing with it. In some cases it is excruciating. You’re going to use medication to avoid the pain. It doesn’t make it go away, you just don’t notice that you’re in pain. That’s the value of pain medication like morphine or something. The downside, of course, is some of that stuff is incredibly addictive and destructive. Let me go on a Vicodin rampage. I have had clients, when I lived in Kansas City who were addicted to Vicodin. They absolutely lost everything; jobs, work, money, relationships. That is some kind of nasty drug. I wouldn’t touch that or recommend that. I’m not a doctor so you’re going to have to do what you think is right based on your medical stuff, but some of these things are nasty, really nasty.

Now if you go into the pain, go right into the feeling. If there is one body part that’s more attention-grabbing that another, just go right into it. This works with headaches, any kind of discomfort. Go right into it and observe it. Literally you can say to yourself, what is the message? What is the value here? How does this pain serve me? I would suggest you do that. If you know this pain says something about you, “Because I’ve got this pain I can’t do what I want. I can’t do this. I can’t do that.” It is those beliefs that you want to heal. People do amazing things no matter what they’re experiencing. “I’m in pain. I can’t go to work.” Hmmmmm. Those are two separate things.

Now what that says about you, what it says about life, what it says about what you can and cannot do, what you can and cannot have, you want to be able to get to a place where you can have what you want. That includes a physically healthy body.

Is there anything you want to say back regarding that?

Participant: I don’t take any medication. I just deal with it. I don’t like taking medication. I do go to work. I do what I need to do. But when I’m getting around, mainly it’s my knees. I’m getting around. I’m walking. I’m doing it, but I’m doing it in pain. Some of my activities I curtail. I don’t walk as much as I used to because of this or like I would if it weren’t for it. I’m walking more slowly. It gets in the way of things I really want to do. But, if I have to shop or whatever I do it. It just hurts for me to do it. I guess I get frustrated at the hurt.

Tom Costello: Let me interrupt. Let me say to you and everybody else that here’s my belief about frustration. When I say I’m frustrated, this is what I’m doing. I’m climbing on top of my house, up on the roof, and I’m screaming to the universe that I cannot have what I want.

Wait a minute. That’s not the message I want to be broadcasting to the world or to myself. To myself… I would throw that word away. I would throw “frustrated” away. This is a non-issue. Now on previous calls I’ve mentioned a couple of years ago when I was doing research on line I came across a guy who was given three days to live. This was his story: Three days to live. The doctor said, “Sorry, Joe, there’s nothing we can do for you. The end is near. We think it’s just a couple of days. You can die here in the hospital or you can go home. I’m terribly sorry.” He opted to go home. On his way home, he was being helped, obviously. He decided that he all of a sudden was going to have food that made him feel good, that he liked, that tasted good instead of all the stuff he was supposed to eat the special diet. He was going to do what made him feel good.

He did that for that day. “The end is near. I’ve got two days to live. If I could choose foods that made me feel good I wonder if I can choose thoughts that make me feel good?” This is what he did. Every time he moved it was very painful for him. But, instead of doing what he had always been doing which was, “Ouch, Oh, my god, I’m getting worse. Oh boy, I’m going down hill.” This is what he did on his next to the last day. “Ouch, oh that’s a sign. I’m healing. Oooh, boy or boy, that’s a sign I’m healing. I can tell. Oh, ow! Yeah, that’s good. That body is really working.” He did that all day long.

I read this story about 12 years after his three days were up. He was writing from his healing center. He said, “The name of the game is to give a different meaning to your experience.” I say, you are the president of your own country. There are 50 to 100 trillion citizens, depending on how big your body is, in your country. They only know what’s going on and they only behave based upon the broadcast from you. So you’re broadcasts, “Oh, boy, here we go again” is like saying to a crew of workers, “It’s no use. Don’t even bother. Put down your tools.” On the other hand, as you encourage yourself, “Oh boy, I’m getting better. I am heroic. This is great.” Now you can look at this and say, am I uncomfortable? You bet. Is this pain? You bet. What does that mean? It means it’s pain. It hurts. Guess what. I’m going to work. Why? Because I’m heroic, that’s why. Because my body is going to overcome this. This is a bump in the road on my way to happiness. I’m going to enjoy this path, this journey, not just the destination, but this journey. I’m terrific. Atta girl. This kind of courage is what the world needs more of. I am modeling it to myself and to others and I’m going to continue on this course. Atta girl.

Now the workers, the crew, the immune system is getting this different broadcast. It’s not the 6 o’clock news which will, heavens knows, depress all of us. It’s not the headlines of the newspaper, but in fact it’s being your own best cheerleader. You’re coaching yourself. You’re instructing the workers, your immune system, to rebuild. Things are good. Things are getting better moment by moment. You can imagine what that would be like on a construction site in New York City where the workers had that attitude. “Everything is great.” They’d be throwing that building together in record time versus “Eh, what’s the use? We might as well just sit here. Who cares. Hopeless….” You have that capability to see yourself as heroic. I think that’s true of everybody on this call and those situations that each of us is faced with. You know what? We are. Just like our parents were and their parents were, we are.

In the Clients Only section on our website that I referred to earlier there is a recording of a presentation that I wrote and recorded called The 12 Stresses of Christmas. While I talk about Christmas I’m talking about some fundamental beliefs. And all of us would do well to have that in focus so we see ourselves in this light, not “Uh, boy, I’m in pain.” That’s the surface level impression. Look past that. Bring in this other dimension of how terrific each of us really is. We’d be doing “Atta girls” and “Atta boys” all day long, which, in fact, in my opinion, would be better than any of the best vitamins that any of us now takes.

So let me shift to your question about The Success Codes. The Success Codes consists of a manual and a journal and a pocket guide and about 7 DVDs. The Success Codes is really geared toward, just like it says, success and whatever that means to you. If you think about The Healing Codes and the phrasing “Healing Codes” it is primarily designed to help heal beliefs so the body can create a different set of circumstances, the ideal condition that you decide on: pain free, vigorous, vital, walk around, run around, that sort of thing. That’s what The Healing Codes is geared to do, help heal those erroneous spiritual beliefs, those energetic patterns, those issues of the heart.

The Success Codes is designed similarly to remove and shift beliefs that affect our ability to succeed. Success, whether it’s financial, relational, love, material things, career things, whatever,-- what separates us from that is we are not equal to it. We don’t think we have the capability to do it. It’s out of our reach. Nobody from our family ever did that. It is to introduce the truth about that, that we can have whatever it is we want.

I describe The Success Codes as taking whatever goals you establish and removing obstacles, “Don’t do. You know the IRS, they’re going to be all over you. All your relatives will try to borrow money. It’s very complicated. People …. Then you can get robbed. You can’t get into heaven…….” Whatever it is we’ve each assimilated relative to financial success. Those beliefs we don’t even recognize when we try to take a step forward it’s almost like a force field. “I can’t make myself go forward.” Boom! “I can’t make myself go forward. What’s up with that?” Those beliefs are trying to protect us.

The Success Codes is designed to remove those beliefs and then secondarily to bring into focus that which you want. Real goals – not “I want to be rich. I want to be loved. I want to have a lot of cars.” No, no. You can have all that, but there’s a greater degree of specificity that’s required in order for that picture to come into focus and for you to be attracted to it and it to be attracted to you. As you send energy into that, you feel good about it. It’s not “I’ll be happy when I get X”. You want to be happy when you think about X. You want to be happy every time you think about X. You want to be happy when you achieve X. Then you want to be happy when you start thinking about the next X. That’s what The Success Codes help with that whole process of bringing what you want into focus now that you’ve removed the natural barriers or learned or misunderstood barriers that we’ve acquired over the course of our lives.

Depending on what Success represents to you, then that’s how you would use it.

Participant: Okay. Thank you very much.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. Thank you for the questions.

Participant: (Denise, L.A.) I’ve been in the queue for about 20 minutes. Everything you have said directly applies to my situation. It was really time well spent. I’m going to just cut to the chase. About three weeks ago I was at a dermatologist. He gave me a cortisone shot. In my mind it started to eat away at my face. I’m saying “In my mind” because I’ve had three girlfriends swear on their lives that nothing has changed. But, the stress level in my body, continuous for three weeks, was so extreme. I did The Healing Codes. I did prayer. I just got The Q Codes today. I watched the DVD. I did the whole 12 Days. I can’t seem to release. It feels like sheer terror. I know it’s an unhealthy belief. It’s so obvious that it’s an issue of the heart because, like I said, I look at my face and I think I’ve been deformed. Again, my friends swear to me that I’m insane. I am insane. This is a perfect The Healing Codes issue. Anything you have to offer me. I’m sitting here now having an anxiety attack. It has pretty much been non-stop for three weeks.

Tom Costello: Hmm. Having met you I know you have a beautiful face. Any fear about loosing that beautiful face I could see that would be disturbing. Even if we didn’t have beautiful faces the rest of us would be concerned about having that. If you were to back up and look at this Denise, first of all a cortisone shot is some foreign substance introduced into your body that, it seems clear to me, your body went, “Whoa! Wait a minute. What the heck is this stuff?”

Participant: I knew as soon as he put it in, “shoot, this is a mistake.”

Tom Costello: Now really rather than contract, go into self protect, the name of the game is to allow the body to release this. “However, the reason I’m on the line is because I’m stuck in that self-protect mode.” Now if you were to go, “Okay, what would I do in order to facilitate the movement of this?” Well, it’s in my face. Okay, it’s going to quickly move out of my body. It’s going to be excreted. I think I’ll have a glass of water. I think I’ll rub my hands down – I’ll massage it in the direction so that it will pump out of my body faster.

What is the blessing here? There’s got to be a blessing because if there’s not, we tend to resist. “I don’t want to resist. I want to let this stuff go.” How do I not resist? Let me find out what the blessing is. One blessing is I just got a cortisone shot which has convinced me that once and for all foreign substances introduced into my body is not a good idea. I’ve know this, but now it’s very clearly brought home. In addition to that what’s a blessing here is it’s affecting me because my system is getting so refined that a foreign substance is very noticeable. There are times in your life and other people’s lives where, “Cortisone – I’ll take another quart. No problem. Shoot me full of it.” We wouldn’t even notice it. Now as we grow in awareness and sensitivity not only physically but spiritually and emotionally and mentally we go, “Introducing foreign substances into my body is not a solution to a problem. That is not a solution to the problem. Now I know that.” Fact is my body is saying, “Whoa! I’m a lot more refined than you remember. You can’t do this. This is the old days. This doesn’t work.” For most of us, people take cortisone for inflammation in shoulders and joints and stuff like that. I’m flippant about it. I say, “Does that mean a person’s got a cortisone deficiency?” Is a headache aspirin deficiency? Does that person have chemo deficiency? “Go away. Stop bothering us with these kinds of questions.” Exactly.

So you can let this go. You are blessed by this experience to know once and for all that foreign substances don’t work for you. That’s a good thing.

Participant: The obsession in my head that it has done something to my face, how do I move beyond that?

Tom Costello: You heard the description of the magic eye, right? That is, I think, applicable. “I’m looking at this picture and that is analogues to my fear about my face.

Participant: Totally. I see it. I’m saying to my friends, “Don’t you see it.” “No you’re crazy. I don’t see it.” But I see it.

Tom Costello: That’s not the creation you want to bring into existence. Go, “I’m going to look past this.” I would have a picture of my face nearby in front of me and recognize that is the face. Keep that beauty in mind. Your friends say, “Your physical face has not changed.” You go, “My emotional face has changed. It’s scaring the heck out of me.” Okay. We need to heal the emotional face. How do you do that? If you’ve been on the call in the last week I think I was talking about reversed polarity. Did you hear that talk? You and I have spoken about that in the past.

Participant: I’m not sure.

Tom Costello: Quickly consider a “D” battery. One end is labeled plus (+), and the other is labeled minus (-). It doesn’t mean good or bad. It’s just ways to label two terminals in an electrical system. Think about the old fashioned car batteries there was a plus on one terminal and a minus on the other and you had to add water to the battery periodically. That battery is like the human body. You’ve got to add water to us.

What happens under normal circumstances this is how I would describe you pre-cortisone. If I looked at you I would be able to see a plus sign on your forehead and a minus sign on your feet. That’s a typical, normal human being that’s healthy. Chronically ill, traumatized, abused, people that experience chemical toxicity – I wonder who I’m talking to, Denise – or emotionally toxic environments reverse. If you’re looking at a person like that they have a minus sign on their forehead and a plus sign on their feet. It doesn’t mean they’re bad. It means their electrical system flipped. They got switched.

To get out of this you can tap on your karate chop point multiple times. That is a standard in EFT and elsewhere. You can hold the skin under your neck between your chin and Adam’s apple. That’s what that technique is when you deal with a coach. I like this one: Say aloud what you want. Now instead of going reversed, instead of backing up, instead of increasing the distance between what you want and where you are – “This is what I want. I want to love my face. I want a healthy face. I want to be free of fear regarding my face. I want to be free of this chemical sensitivity to cortisone. I don’t want cortisone, but I want to be free of this toxic experience, this allergic reaction. I want to be free of that. I want to relax about this. I want to be able to focus on other things more important to me than this fear triggered by this chemical. I want. I want. I want.”

Now, instead of backing up you are facing in the direction of what makes you feel good and what you like and what you want and you’re lessening the distance between it and you. This is what I want. I want this. I want this. I want this. You are correcting your polarity. I would do the Codes and I would ask for the removal of the toxicity of this chemical from my body as part of my prayer/request.

Participant: And how about the restoration of the collagen that it ate up or whatever?

Tom Costello: It’s more the belief as compared to …. Whatever disharmony, that fingernail-on-the-blackboard vibration of that substance – you want to harmonize that. Give yourself a huge Atta girl for noticing that. “Yikes! Notice it! You’ve got to be crazy. Man, this was like noticing a 50 story building in front of you. How could you not notice it?” But, there are people who have that shot every day. They have all kinds of chemicals every day. “I don’t feel good. I think I need another chemical.” You need another antidote to the prescription I wrote you yesterday. Here, take this. “Doctor, are you sure all 12 of these are a good idea?” Yeah. If you don’t feel good, come back. “I don’t feel good. That’s why I’m here.” Yeah, but if you really don’t feel good come back.

It’s like, AH!!!! A doctor client of mine, a new one who was referred to me, we were having this conversation. He said, “Somebody interviewed a woman who was 100 years old. They said, “What’s the secret to your longevity?” She said, “Stay away from doctors.”” The doctor is telling me. He said, “You know what? There’s a lot of truth to that.” You can release this. You can atta-girl yourself. You can be pleased that your awareness is such that the bells went off in a huge fashion, not subtle. “I’ll get over that little niggling fear.” No, you don’t want to. You want to recognize it when it first starts and deal with it.

Participant: So you’re saying when I do the Codes what do I say?

Tom Costello: You mean your truth focus statement? I would include in my prayer/request to release this toxic chemical completely from my body and all its effects and all the images that it created or triggered in me. And let those go. My focus would be my body knew how to make this beautiful face. It knows how to continue it. That is true. It is way easier to continue your beautiful face that it would be to start from scratch and build a new one. Maintaining your beautiful face is going to be easy for your body to do. You can be gratified that your alarm system alerted you. Maybe it was more dramatic than you would have liked, but it can serve as a tremendously valuable lesson later on.

Participant: Should I use The Q Codes do you think as opposed to The Healing Codes?

Tom Costello: Yes. Yes, and I would bring into focus that fear, that moment, “Oh, god. I did this!” I would start 10 seconds before that and right through it. Go through it multiple times. This you want to demolish. You want to explode this set of images.

Participant: So which Healing Code do I use with The Q Codes? All of them?

Tom Costello: A lot of them are going to apply. First of all you’ll want to forgive yourself. Your behind is probably sore for kicking yourself.

Participant: Totally! Oh man!

Tom Costello: You want to let that go, and Unhealthy Beliefs, too. I would stay right with those two things.

Participant: Okay. And just keep doing them until I feel better?

Tom Costello: I would, every time I sat down to do it I would look at that image of being with the doctor and rate it zero to 10, 10 being off the charts.

Participant: I read that description of zero to 10 in The Q Codes. I was like 10 +.

Tom Costello: There you go. I would rate it and do The Q Codes. Do Unforgiveness. And do it on the doctor. Do it on the doctor, the pharmaceutical company. Do it on this whole system that says, “We don’t really know what’s going on, but we’re going to stab you with some stuff. Would that be all right? There’s a lot of money in it. If you’re willing, we’re willing.” I’ve got to forgive the system for doing that.

Participant: Okay.

Tom Costello: It’s hard to find the word nurturing anywhere in that pattern. Yikes! Whatever that says about you and the doctor and the system – give it up. Your body can handle this.

Participant: Thank you, Tom. Have a happy holiday.

Tom Costello: Thank you. You, too.

Participant: (Paula, Detroit) I’d like to address something to Denise really quick if it’s okay. I had to have some cortisone shots before and if it makes you feel any better, one shot of cortisone won’t make your collagen break down. I asked the doctor about it myself. He said it takes multiple, multiple shots in one area. Like in your knee and it would take a lot of shots over a long period of time and real close together to make it break down. I know I had cortisone shot before and absolutely panicked. I said, “Why did I do this?” I think what we did to our brain from thinking that about it was even worse than the actual amount of cortisone. At the same time, cortisone or steroid shots are a little bit stimulating to the adrenal glands which can make you a little bit panicky. I would do some extra Codes on the adrenal glands and some Healing Codes on the nervous system. There’s one that’s really, really easy. I do it, because I get a little bit nervous and anxious, too. That’s the parasympathetic and autonomic nervous system. It makes us fly into fight-or-flight. It sounds like that’s what you did. “Oh, my god, I did this.” You went into fight-or-flight because you thought it was going to be so horribly damaging. It’s usually the people who are on cortisone for 6 months to years and years that causes the system breakdowns.

I had to have some because I had a severe injury. The damage from all the swelling and everything was worse on my system. The cost/benefit ratio was advantageous for me. I took it on a 10-day dose pack. I didn’t have any collagen break down or anything. I’ve had the injections, too.

In about 3 weeks, you should be just about there. It should be out of your system just real fast. About 3 weeks is about as long as it lasts in your system and then it’s gone. You’re right about the time when it should be leaving your system.

I was going to say that nervous system healing Code – it’s wonderful and the easiest to do. Lay on your right side. Rest your right hand at your bridge and your left hand at the Adam’s apple. Put a pillow against your chest so your hand rests right there at the correct angle. It is so effortless and so easy to do. You can do it right before you fall asleep and you can fall asleep with that Healing Code going on. If you’ve got the pillows just right your hands can just stay there until you turn in your sleep. Then when you wake in the morning, depending on what side you’re on you can roll back to the left side and do the identical thing to the left. Rest your left side on the pillow and aim it to your bridge. Put your right hand to the Adam’s apple. It’s so easy and it’s so healing because it heals that whole overly stimulated nervous system that will come from thinking about what you did. It will help heal the nervous system from what it really did get from the adrenal glands. I love that Healing Code. I do that every night before I go to sleep. I do it in the morning when I wake up. I’ve done it in the afternoon and I’ve gotten a little power nap. I don’t know, maybe I fall asleep for 3-5 minutes. When I first come out of my sleep I feel like I’m really in a deep sleep. Later I feel refreshed.

The crazy hectic everything of the holidays – if I do that it will settle me down so I can be human again. I love that Healing Code for everybody when you’ve got to chill out and regroup. It’s easy because you’re laying down and everything.

I didn’t get to hear Dr. Loyd’s call today about The Q Codes. Is there any way we can dial a number and hear that again? Will he be doing it again soon?

Tom Costello: Off the top of my head I don’t know the answer to that? Those things are typically recorded and made available. I would have to check on that. I’ll make a note of that.

Participant: Okay, thank you.

Tom Costello: (Denise, L.A.) I wanted to ask Paula if I could give her a call if that would be okay?

Participant: I wanted to thank you, Paula. Would it be okay if I give you a call?

Participant: Yes. (gives number)

Tom Costello: We are empty in the queue? So with that thought in mind I want to bring the call to a close. I want to thank you folks for being on the call, for your questions, for your contributions, for doing this work. And to wish you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Quanza and to encourage you to continue to give yourself the great gift of The Healing Codes. As you do this for yourself you benefit the world, not just yourself, but the world.

Megan, thank you very much for your help tonight on the call.

Good Night.


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