Addicts charge e-cigarettes with fentanyl

This is an article, published in Telegraph Daily on 9th of June 2020. I am sending a picture of the publication, because there is no online version.

Addicts charge e-cigarettes with fentanyl

The traffic police does not catch the drug herb

The drug machine does not detect it, nor does the blood sample


One of the newest and most dangerous drugs, known as the "herb", which has a number of negative side effects, is not captured by drug tests of Traffic police. The same goes for fentanyl - an analgesic, many times stronger than morphine, that heroin addicts smoke through e-cigarette devices. Dimitar Karagegov from the Bulgarian Libertarian Society warned about these problems in an interview on Telegraph.

"The man on herb may be so inadequate that he can't press the gas, but if they give him the test, it will come out negative. Blood tests will not show anything too”, Karagegov commented. This drug is a plant mass that has been treated with a chemical. A variety of herbs and teas are used as a base, which absorb liquids well.


There are suicide attempts after using such drugs in our country. Usually this drug comes from China, like most new designer drugs. The negative effects include psychosis, panic attacks, vomiting and hallucinations.

“This is the so-called synthetic cannabinoid, it was not made with the idea of being used by humans, but for tests with laboratory mices", Karagegov commented. According to him, there is also a problem with the substance fentanyl. It is used by heroin addicts because it is stronger and purer than street heroin. They put it in e-cigarette refills, because that's how they dose it more precisely.


However, it turns out that there is another problem with road tests, according to the Bulgarian Libertarian Society. It is that legal substances show in a test with the traffic police machine that the driver is intoxicated, which leads to the confiscation of the license and mandatory blood test. Among these substances is cannabidiol, which is contained in so-called CBD products. The ingredient is derived from the cannabis plant, but is not psychoactive, as the effect of intoxication is derived from the substance tetrahydrocannabinol. For this reason, CBD products are widely used in the cosmetics industry, pharmaceuticals and are permitted. For drug tests, however, it is marijuana.


"We found this test by testing the same machine that the traffic police works with. We used for the experiment a person who has not used cannabis products for 6 months, we gave him CBD oil and at the fifteenth minute it gave a positive result. This product is used against wrinkles, wounds, scars, burns, cancers ", explained Karagegov.

The Telegraph contacted the company that makes the drug testing machines used by the traffic police for more information on which substances can and do not mislead the test. The company refused a meeting, but said it had sent an official response to the Ministry of interior. For comment on the topic we also asked Assoc. Prof. Vasil Atanasov, head of the specialized laboratory at the Military Medical Academy, where tests are performed on drugged drivers. The press service of the hospital first pointed out at 10.30 on Thursday, June 4, that Assoc. Prof. Atanasov rarely gives interviews, and at the end of the day they pointed out that he is outside Sofia and we will not be able to meet.

Ministry of Interior: The devices are certified every year

"We work with testing devices, which are certified every year at the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology. If someone doubts the sample on the spot, they can always go for a blood test, which is evidence in court. Indeed, people who produce new drugs are constantly looking for new ingredients and changing the formula of the drug to produce a product that is not on the list of banned substances. This is really a problem, but the test devices catch the most popular drugs - cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, marijuana, heroin and methadone, "the Interior Ministry told the Telegraph.


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