Global History IIR – Sautner

Results of a WORLD at War2622071151955New European countries created out of former empires:Fear of the spread of communism:00New European countries created out of former empires:Fear of the spread of communism:72296981235479Distrust resulting from the Peace Agreements and Wartime Promises:00Distrust resulting from the Peace Agreements and Wartime Promises:-23755178088Of the 65 million men directly involved in the First World War, 10 million died in action or of wounds, 22 million were wounded and 5 million were still “missing.” About 9 million civilians lost their lives from starvation, epidemics such an the 1918 influenza pandemic, and civilian massacres.In 1918 all of the participating countries spent as much $10 million per hour. This total figure of 400 billion dollars would have built a house worth $2,500 with $1000 worth of furniture on five acres of land worth $100 for every family in the US, France, Canada, Australia, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, and Russia. There would have been enough left to provide each city of 20,000 plus inhabitants in each country a $5 million library, and a $10 million dollar university and endowment for salaries for 125,000 teachers and 125,000 nurses and then still enough left to rebuild France and Belgium. 00Of the 65 million men directly involved in the First World War, 10 million died in action or of wounds, 22 million were wounded and 5 million were still “missing.” About 9 million civilians lost their lives from starvation, epidemics such an the 1918 influenza pandemic, and civilian massacres.In 1918 all of the participating countries spent as much $10 million per hour. This total figure of 400 billion dollars would have built a house worth $2,500 with $1000 worth of furniture on five acres of land worth $100 for every family in the US, France, Canada, Australia, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, and Russia. There would have been enough left to provide each city of 20,000 plus inhabitants in each country a $5 million library, and a $10 million dollar university and endowment for salaries for 125,000 teachers and 125,000 nurses and then still enough left to rebuild France and Belgium. 37026851235166Global economic depressions:00Global economic depressions:36077242458638Broken promises to colonies in Africa and Asia:League of Nations Mandates:00Broken promises to colonies in Africa and Asia:League of Nations Mandates:-38103240100Economic disruption and unrest in Latin America:00Economic disruption and unrest in Latin America:-1567541081099Changing role of the United States: becoming a world power:Failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations:00Changing role of the United States: becoming a world power:Failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations:Connect the global outcomes of World War I to three of the five AP Themes using a specific example to support your connection:Theme ______ : ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Theme ______ : ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Theme ______ : ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________INTERPRETATION: Use these connections to assess the validity of the following statement:Global governments acted responsibility when dealing with global crisis and change between 1900-1919.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PoliticalEconomicSocialThe Paris Peace Conferences:Japan and Italy were angered because ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________Colonies in Africa and Asia did not receive despite fighting during the war for the Allies.League of Nations Mandates: The mandate system of control, introduced after World War I, was a means of the newly formed League of Nations, to handle the territories of the loosing side during the war. The idea of a MANDATE was that the League would give a territory to one of the Allied winners to administer, but not to fully own. They would continue to administer these territories until the League felt that the peoples living there were prepared to rule themselves. At this point, the Allied mandate power would leave, and, the territory would become an independent nation. Britain and France, however, viewed the mandates as a way of keeping control and influence over their strategic regions In the Middle East. New Countries: formed from the break-up of the empires of Austria-Hungary, Ottoman, and Germany.The United States:The U.S. does NOT ratify the Treaty of Versaille or join the League of Nations. Why not?1. ___________________________________2.____________________________________Role of the U.S. The United States becomes recognized as World Power because its financial resources turned the US from a debtor nation into Europe’s creditor. Germany: The reparations that Germany had to pay forced Germany into _______________ ______________________________________Communism:________________________ became the world’s first communist country after theBolsheviks (___________________) took control of the government in 1917. This led to a “___________ Scare” in the US: a fear of communist revolutionaries. Although Latin American countries remained bystanders in the war, many of them benefited from the growing demand for their primary products such as Chilean nitrates, used in explosives. But the sharp drop in nitrate exports after the war ended brought to Chile mass unemployment, urban riots, bloody strikes, and some appeal for the newly established Chilean Communist Party. Emotional Cost:So many males died that their generation became known as the “________________ ___________________________________”The Treaty of Versailles leaves the German people ____________________________________________________________________This eventually allowed the _______________ to gain support in Germany. Of the 65 million men directly involved in the First World War, 9 million died in action or of wounds, 22 million were wounded and 5 million were still “missing.” About 9 million civilians lost their lives from starvation, epidemics such an the 1918 influenza epidemic, and civilian massacres.In 1918 all of the participating countries spent as much $10 million per hour. This total figure of 400 billion dollars would have built a house worth $2,500 with $1000 worth of furniture on five acres of land worth $100 for every family in the US, France, Canada, Australia, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, and Russia. There would have been enough left to provide each city of 20,000 plus inhabitants in each country a $5 million library, and a $10 million dollar university and endowment for salaries for 125,000 teachers and 125,000 nurses and then still enough left to rebuild France and Belgium. ................

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