The Financial Aid Policies and Procedures Manual is intended to act as a guide for the Financial Aid Office, the staff of Laney College, as well as new employees entering the Financial Aid Office. This manual will acquaint students and staff with the policies and procedures required by Laney College in regard to aid awarded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Revised January 2010

Names of Staff and Positions

President: Frank Chong

Vice President of Instruction: Elnora Webb

Vice President, Services: James Bracy

Business Officer: MaryBeth Benvenutti

Bursar: Kinh Tran

Dean of Student Support Services: Edward Wright

Financial Aid Supervisor Judith Cohen

Financial Aid Staff:

Lawrence Chan, Financial Aid Specialist

Robert Fleming, Student Employment Specialist

Nghi Dong, Financial Aid Specialist

Debra Payton, Loan Specialist & Outreach

Kent Nguyen, Financial Aid Specialist

Thao Hoang, Financial Aid Specialist

Dave Nguyen, Financial Aid Specialist

Henry Pereira, Financial Aid Assistant

Gwen Stallings, Financial Aid Assistant

Chapter I


The statements below were developed by the College Scholarship Service and apply to Laney College:

1. The purpose of the financial aid program is to provide financial assistance to students

who could otherwise not afford to attend an educational institution of higher learning.

2. Each college has an obligation to realize the material goal of higher educational


3. Laney College will publish budgets for students that are fair and equitable.

4. Parents are expected to contribute a fair share of the students expenses based on their

ability to do so. Students should not receive more than the difference of the family

contribution and their need.

5. Students with the greatest need should receive awards first, the amount of self-help

expected from students should be related to each individual circumstance. Priority

date of application and completeness of documentation are further consideration.

6. Laney College will review budgets regularly to reflect current cost of living


7. All information received from students and their families is completely confidential.

8. Concern for each individual student is the most important function for each member

of the financial aid staff.

8. Professional Judgment should be used when warranted by the Financial Aid

Administrator to change a student’s dependency status or financial aid need, but each

case must be documented on an individual basis.


The function of Laney College Financial Aid Office is to provide financial assistance to the maximum number of eligible students in accordance with Federal, State and Peralta College District regulations. Financial Aid, including Campus Based funds will be first awarded to those students who have applied before the First Priority deadline and who demonstrate the highest need. Those who apply late, will be awarded funds according to need and as are available.


Responsibilities for the administration of Financial Aid Programs are divided between the Financial Aid Office, the Business Office and the Cashier’s Office. The Financial Aid Office and Business Office cooperate in the submission of requests for federal funds and the Federal Fiscal Operations Report. The three offices cooperate in the development of inter-related policies and procedures.

THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE (FAO) is responsible for determining Student Cost of Attendance and establishing Student Need according to data supplied on the Student Aid Report (SAR). The FAO is responsible for justifying funding requests, interpretation and administration of official policies as they relate to determination of each student’s financial need, eligibility for specific programs, and the amount of aid to be awarded from each program. Based on these determinations, the FAO shall authorize the Business Office to disburse specified funds in the form of checks issued by the Peralta Community College District. No funds shall be disbursed by the FAO. Monitoring regulatory changes as well as responding to all reports, surveys and questionnaires is sthe responsibility of the FAO.

THE BUSINESS OFFICE (BUSOFF) is responsible for disbursement of funds; maintenance of permanent cumulative records of each student’s signature for all checks disbursed, including Stafford Loan and Cal-Grant checks. The BUSOFF also handles all check cancellations. Notice is sent from the FAO to the BUSOFF for release, cancellations and holds for all checks. The BUSOFF communicates monthly with the Peralta District Business Office on all matters of reconciliation. The Peralta District

Business Office is responsible for drawing down funds from the Department of Education and GAPS reporting.


Notwithstanding the constraints of limited funding, which proves insufficient to meet the full need of most of its student aid applicants, Laney College is committed to using financial aid to remove financial barriers, thereby maximizing access to post-secondary educational opportunities for low-income and disadvantaged students.

The goal of the Financial Aid Office is to deliver student assistance in a timely manner and to ensure availability of financial aid for students who, without such assistance, would be unable to pursue their educational goals at Laney College.


Laney College is accredited by The Western Association of Schools and Colleges. A copy of the most recent accreditation is available for review in the College Library and the President’s Office.


The Financial Aid Programs are audited annually by an independent firm in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education requirements. Copies of all audit findings and responses are kept in the Financial Aid Office. A complete District-Wide Audit Report is available in the Business Office as well as at District Business Services.


The Financial Aid Petition Committee offers assistance to the Financial Aid Office in reviewing the petitions of those students who have been disqualified from receiving aid for failure to make Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students who already have a graduate degree are also required to petition for aid at the Community College level.

The disqualified student must submit a petition with written explanation of reason for petition along with any documentation to support his/her case. A completed Educational Plan must accompany the petition.

The Petition committee will review petitions and appeals for reinstatement of student financial aid and submit written recommendations to the Financial Aid Office for each petitioner. The FAO will advise students in writing of the decision of the Petition Committee. If the petition is granted, aid will be reinstated for the recommended period of enrollment. Petitioners who are denied will not receive financial aid.

The Committee meets approximately every two weeks, depending on volume of petitions submitted and the panel generally consists of an Administrator, a Financial Aid staff member, a Counselor, and a student.

A student wishing to challenge the decision of the Petitions Committee must fill out an appeal form and submit this to the Financial Aid Supervisor along with supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances for review. The Appeal decision is final.

This Policy and Procedural Manual reflects Laney College’s institutional

adaptation to the regulations and guidelines governing the student aid programs.

The publication and documents routinely referenced by the financial aid office to

establish institutional policies and procedures include:

The NASFAA Encyclopedia of Student Financial Aid

The Congressional Federal Registers

The Financial Aid Handbook published by the Department of Education

Dear Colleague Letters, Action Letters and Q&As distributed by the Department

of Education.

The Federal Audit Guide

The Verification Guide and NASFAA Self Evaluation Guide

Other Resources provided by:

The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC)

EdFund Publications

The Common Loan Manual

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

The California Educational Loan Programs (CELP)

The College Board

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)

The Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA)

The California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (CASFAA)

The California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Administrators

Association (CCCSFAAA)

Policy set forth by the Peralta Community College District

Chapter 2


Pre-requisites for Eligibility:

All applicants must:

1. Be a high school graduate or eighteen years of age. High school equivalency is acceptable, with ability to benefit. If an applicant does not have a high school diploma or GED, he/she must pass a federally approved test prior to receiving financial aid.

2. Be a citizen or national of the United States; the term “national” includes

U.S. citizens, as well as citizens of American Samoa or Swain’s Island; or

Be a permanent resident of the U.S. with proper documentation from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (formerly Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS); or

A citizen of the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia, or

permanent resident of Palau, which is the only remaining Trust Territory; or

Other eligible non-citizen who can provide documentation from DHS that residence in the United States is approved for other than temporary purposes, with the intention of becoming a citizen or permanent resident. This category includes refugees, persons granted asylum, Parolees, Cuban-Haitian entrants and temporary residents under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

3. Be enrolled in a program leading to a Certificate, Degree, or Transfer and achieving

Satisfactory Academic Progress.

4. Be able to demonstrate financial need.

5. Be a legal resident of the State of California. Those students who have not resided in

California for one year will be subject to non-resident Tuition and Enrollment fees, established annually.


Pre-requisites for receiving Title IV funds:

All applicants must:

1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit the

application for processing. The First Priority deadline is April 1 (FAFSA must be

received by the Central Processing Service).

2. Sign all required documents (samples in Exhibit section of Manual). Students

should be advised to keep copies of documents submitted to the financial aid

office. Required documentation may include:

a. Signed SAR/ISIR with Student Certification. SAR should indicate FAFSA was

signed by student giving Statement of Educational Purpose and Certification on

Overpayments and Defaults. Married students must have spouse signature on

FAFSA. Dependent students must have at least one parent signature on FAFSA.

b. Income verification such as signed copy of IRS 1040/1040A/1040EZ, W-2 Wage Statment,1099, Untaxed Income Verification or statement from Social Security Administration, Employment Development Department (EDD), Department Social Services, Veteran’s Administration, Workmen’s Compensation, or other organization responsible for income and benefits indicated on Student Aid Report.

c Parents of dependent students will be required to submit verification documents

upon request. If copies of 1040 forms are not available, student/parent may

submit official IRS Letter 1722. If the is not enough data on Letter 1722,

additional information may be requested by the FAO.

c. Verification of Citizenship, when applicable. For those students who have applied as Eligible Non-Citizens with a comment on the SAR indicating citizenship status has been confirmed, no further documentation is required. For students who have an unconfirmed DHS comment on the SAR, secondary confirmation will be required by submitting form G845S to the Department of Homeland Security, along with copies of both sides of original I-551, I-94, I-797, or I-688B. G845S must indicate DHS documents are valid before student file is processed.

d. Original Social Security Card and valid California ID or drivers license, or valid

passport. If ISIR shows unconfirmed match comment for social security identification, document must be examined to show why match was unsuccessful. Student may be required to submit further verification from the Social Security Administration.

e. Request for Dependency Override Form for those students who requested a professional judgment on dependency status.

f. Upon request, verification of Orphan/Ward of Court status.

g. Prior College academic (unofficial) transcripts

h. Upon request, high school transcripts to resolve conflicting high school data.

i. NSLDS will be used to match for prior loans received. A financial aid transcript will not be requested for the file. For mid-term entrants,

spring only) FAO Specialist will record student in NSLDS Transfer tracking.

j. Student Supplemental Financial Aid Information Form.

k. Signed Student Agreement outlining basic student responsibilities, a copy of which is returned to the student.

l. Those students selected for verification will also submit Student/Parent Income

Certification of taxed and/or untaxed income; IRS Form 4506T; Verification


m. Signed copy of student and/or parent 1040, including W-2 forms and tax schedules..

n. Any other documentation deemed necessary by the FAA.

3. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in a course of study as set forth by Laney College.

4. Not be in default (or owe a refund on a Federal debt) on a Federal Perkins Loan,

FFELP, or William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loan/or owe a refund on a

5. Not owe a Federal overpayment of funds, or any other debts. Students

may receive funds if satisfactory repayment arrangements are approved.


1. An Independent Student must fall in one of the following categories:

a. Born prior to January 1st of their 24th birth year.

b. Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces

c. Enrolled in Graduate Program

b. Married

e. Orphan or Ward of Court

f. Has legal dependents

2. A Dependent student is defined as:

a. A student who has not reached age 24 during the prescribed cut-off year on the FAFSA.

3. If there are mitigating circumstances which separate the student from parent(s) , the Financial Aid Officer may exercise professional judgment, using proper documentation in the form of a Request For Dependency Override application, to declare a student independent. When the student status is changed by the Financial Aid Administrator, a dependency override is entered either electronically or to the paper SAR and returned to the Central Processing Service (CPS) for a new SAR/ISIR indicating Dependency Adjustment.

The student’s file must contain complete documentation of why the status was

changed by professional judgment. Each request is handled on a case-by-case basis.

4. Other unusual circumstances may also warrant the use of professional judgment.

For example, decrease in family income, medical expenses not covered by insurance, or parent attending college, may be used to adjust a student’s Effective Family Contribution (EFC). Professional Judgment decisions must be fully documented.


1. Laney College is committed to a policy on non-discrimination on the basis of ethnic

origin, sex, age, religion, marital status or physical disability.

2. A student is not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant or Federal SEOG if he/she has

a Bachelor’s Degree.

3. A student who has more than ninety semester units and applies for FWS or FSEOG

will receive a lower priority for funds, but after filing a petition and being approved,

may be eligible for these funds.

Packaging Policy:

Financial Aid Coordinator will set up packaging parameters in SAFE System to calculate Cost of Attendance minus EFC, awarding Federal Pell Grant to eligible students in pay status (see Pell Payment Chart and 9-Month Student Budget determining Cost of Attendance). BOGG-C is packaged after Pell, FSEOG and FWS are packaged according to parameters set up to reflect highest need and remaining funds available.

a. Every student will receive a financial aid package based

on his/her eligibility, funds available, financial need, and student’s family


b. Federal SEOG aid is awarded to students with the greatest financial need, with first priority students (applications at CPS prior to April 1st,) highest need, receiving packaging preference. FSEOG will package $400 for Dependent Students and $700 for Independent Students. Every student will receive a financial aid package based on his/her eligibility, funds available, financial need, and student’s family contribution.

c. Federal Work Study will package at $1800 for Dependent Students and $2800 for Independent Students. FWS Students enrolled in Cooperative Education coursework will package at $2200 Dependent students and $3000 for Independent Students. Cost of attendance will increase by $1500 annually for Cooperative Education related expenses.

d. Every student must apply for aid by completing the FAFSA or FAFSA Renewal

application. A SAR or ISIR must be on file to determine student eligibility for


e. Eligible students are encouraged to apply for Cal Grants. GPA Verification forms are available in the Financial Aid Office beginning in November with a March 1st deadline. Forms are available April through September 2nd for the September 2nd cycle. The Financial Aid Office transmits a GPA verification file through WEBGRANTS prior to the March 1st and September 2nd Cal Grant awarding cycle.

f. Student budget is determined each academic year by comparison of CSAC

Recommended Student Expense Budget based on SEARS study to local cost of living. Student Budget is based on components of Cost of Attendance, Food &

Housing, Transportation, Books and Miscellaneous other expenses. A Student budget is computed for Independent Students and for Dependent Students Living at Home. Dependent Students away from home are allowed the same Budget as an Independent Student. Non-resident Tuition, enrollment in Cooperative Education course, documented child care, documented purchase of a computer, expenses relating to a disability, and other mitigating expenses are included in the Student Budget on a case-by case basis.

g. Amendment: for 2007-08 Laney College will use Formula three. Summer session will include a three week intersession (in consortium with Berkeley City and Merritt Colleges). Summer will calculate as a nine week session. Full time enrollment will be six units.

Beginning 2006/07 Laney College will use Formula One for packaging summer Pell Grants. With the addition of spring/summer mini-sessions that occur after the regular semester, students who add classes for a spring late mini-session will have this calculated toward units in that semester. If the mini-session is a summer term, all mini-sessions will be calculated together as one summer term, using Formula One.

h. Students enrolled in the maximum number of variable units will be paid for the

maximum units during the regular academic year. Should the student fail to complete all variable units, s/he is subject to the terms of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students enrolled in variable units for summer terms will be paid for the minimum number of units in the first summer disbursement, and will submit a variable unit contract at mid-term, signed by the instructor, indicating additional units will be completed for summer. Additional funds will be disbursed accordingly.

i. Federal Stafford Loans (FFELP) subsidized and unsubsidized are available to eligible students, upon request from the student. Laney College has implemented a Default Management Plan in accordance with instructions from US Department of Education Appendix D. Professional Judgment is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, with documentation for each individual case. If a student requests a loan, a separate loan application must be completed. An Entrance and Exit interview is conducted each year the student requests a loan, giving instructions on repayment requirements, default prevention, how to contact a lender or secondary market, instructions on forbearance, and how to set up repayment schedules.

5. Ability To Benefit:

An institution that admits as regular students, persons who do not have a high school

diploma or its recognized equivalent, and who are beyond the age of compulsory

school attendance, must consistently apply standards and procedures for determining

whether these persons have the ability to benefit from the education offered. Laney

College is required under the Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 and the 1991

Technical Amendments to require those students who are not high school graduates

to take an independently administered test that is approved by the Department of

Education. Proof of passing this test must be documented in the Financial Aid

Office before aid can be awarded. The current exams administered are the

Wonderlic Exam, and the CELSA for non-primary English Language students.

6. Eligible Student:

In order to receive financial aid funds, a student must be enrolled in a regular program leading to an AA or AS Degree, Transfer to another College/University, or a Certificate Program.

7. Drug Abuse Prevention Program:

The Institution, through its President has signed a Drug Free Workplace Agreement.

In accordance with USDE Drug Prevention Certification on the Institutional

Participation Agreement, Laney College has set up a Drug information and

education Program for staff and students. Title IV Aid is subject to suspension or termination for those students who are convicted of drug distribution or possession.

8. Selective Service Registration:

Each male financial aid applicant between the ages of 18 through 25 is required to

register with the Selective Service Administration. CPS will conduct a data base

match on all applicants. If there is a comment on the SAR/ISIR indicating selective

service is unable to confirm registration status, the student must provide proof of

registration to the financial aid office before aid can be awarded. FAO will assist

student in following necessary steps to register or acquire a selective service

advisory letter. In the event of an unfavorable advisory letter, the student must submit an explanation in writing to the Financial Aid Coordinator to justify failure to register. The FA Coordinator may use professional judgment on a case-by-case

basis to determine student eligibility for financial aid. All decisions will be documented in the student file.

9. DHS Confirmation Process:

Laney College will collect documentation from students selected for verification who checked the box “Eligible Non-Citizen”, as determined by data on the SAR/ISIR.

Students who checked the box US Citizen will not be required to provide

documentation of citizenship status to receive Title IV funds.

All out-of-state (non-resident) students are required to submit Social Security Card,

Valid photo ID and DHS citizenship documents if classified as eligible non-citizen.

Laney College requires all verification applicants to submit a valid California ID, or valid photo ID such as a passport or driver’s license, as well as original Social Security Card to be photocopied..

If the student fails to check the box titled US Citizen, or checks the “Ineligible” box,

the student’s status as a citizen must be documented. The following are permissible

forms of certification for US Citizenship:

1. A copy of the student’s birth certificate showing that he/she was born in the

United States.

2. A copy of form FS 240 (consular report of birth abroad); for FS545 (foreign service host certificate of birth); DS1350 (certification report of birth).

3. A valid passport

4 A Certificate of Citizenship

5. A Certificate of Naturalization

For an eligible non-citizen, the student may submit the following documents:

A certified DHS Form G-845S; Alien Registration Card I-151; I-1551C; I-94;

I- 688; I-327 (Re-entry Permit).

If Comments (as listed in the ISIR Comment Codes and Text) appear on the SAR/ISIR indicating Immigration and Naturalization Service (DHS) could not

confirm student statement that he/she is an eligible non-citizen, the student must submit proof of eligibility to Laney College within 30 days after SAR/ISIR is submitted. If the school has conflicting data on file concerning student’s eligibility, further documentation will be required. If the documents submitted to the Financial Aid Office constitute reasonable evidence of eligible non-citizen status, the school will submit copies to DHS with Form G845S for secondary confirmation. Student will be advised at the financial aid counter of this process, or will receive a letter generated by the file processor via the SAFE system indicating documents have been sent to DHS for confirmation.

Student must submit originals of the following documents which the college will photocopy front and back as certification for eligible non-citizens:

1. I-94 Arrival-Departure Record. Permanent Resident Status must be stamped

“Processed for I-551” with expiration date, or “Temporary Form I-551.

Other eligible non-citizens must be stamped Refugee, Asylum Status, Conditional Entrant, Parolee, Cuban-Haitian Entrant.

2. Temporary Resident Card I-688. Note that student with an “Employment

Authorization Card (I-688A) is not eligible for Title IV funds.

A student with an I-688B or I-766 may or may not be eligible for Title IV

funds. Additional INS documentation will be required to determine eligibility.

3. Alien Registration Receipt Card I-151, issued prior to June 1978 to permanent

Residents. (old “Green Card”).

4. Alien Registration Card I-551 Resident Alien Card (“green card”).

If a SAR/ISIR has comments requiring secondary confirmation and the college received positive secondary confirmation from DHS the prior year, and there is no change in the citizenship documentation, then it will not be necessary to re-submit documents to DHS.

When the college receives positive secondary confirmation from DHS on student

eligibility, student may be awarded Title IV funds and sent an award letter.

Students with I-797 form, who have entered the United States under the Family Unity Act are not eligible to receive Financial Aid. Those students who have entered under the family reunification program are deemed eligible to receive financial aid.

Chapter 3


a. Satisfactory Academic Progress means that a student must make measurable progress towards the completion of his/her course of study in a normal time

frame. For an undergraduate program a student must complete her/his program

in no longer than 150% of the published length of the program. In other words,

a full-time student, working toward a two year Associate Degree or Certificate must

complete study within 90 credit hours attempted. Courses taken for credit only

will be included by the Financial Aid Office as units attempted. Laney College

monitors students for completion of units rather than semesters.

b. A Student will be considered ineligible for all financial aid if s/he:

• does not complete the minimum unit requirement each semester,

• is academically dismissed,

• does not maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average for two consecutive semesters,

• fails Academic Probation for a second semester,

• has attempted more than 150% of his/her academic program (90 units for a regular two-year program),

• owes a refund on a grant or,

• is in default on any loans.

c. Financial Aid Probation means that a student has not completed the minimum

required units for one semester and/or received less than a 2.0 GPA.

A student on probation will be allowed to receive financial aid for one semester,

however, progress must be achieved during the next semester. A probationary

letter explaining the deficiency, and necessary steps to correct the deficiency, will be sent to the student. Students are advised to see an Academic Counselor each semester to discuss requirements to complete an academic or vocational program of study. A student can attend summer school in order to complete deficient units. Failure to make progress the next semester will result in disqualification of financial aid eligibility.

d. A student may appeal Probation or Termination if there were extenuating circumstances, which prevented him/her from achieving satisfactory progress. A Petition and Educational Goal Plan must be submitted to the Petition Committee for review.

e. If a student is declared ineligible, he/she may file a financial aid petition, explaining the reasons for the appeal. The student must see an Academic counselor to complete an Educational Goal Plan that must be signed by the Counselor. The petition and Ed Plan are submitted to the FAO. This process is generally limited to two petitions during the student’s academic career at Peralta. The Petition Committee meets regularly to approve or deny petitions.

The Petitions Committee is generally composed of an administrator, academic counselor, financial aid staff member, and a student representative. The decision of the committee is considered final. Committee make up may vary depending upon availability of members.

If the student petition is denied by committee and there appears to be additional unusual mitigating circumstances, Committee decision and mitigating appeal is submitted to the FAO Supervisor for review on a case-by case basis. These are carefully re-examined. Appeal decisions by the FAO Supervisor are final.

f. A student who returns to Laney College to begin a new program, a re-entry

student, or a student who changes his/her major will be able to complete

that major with the same Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements as

a new student.

g. The Financial Aid SAFE System will monitor attempted units, including

classes from which a student withdrew for a grade of “W”, received a grade

of Incomplete, “F”, or Credit/No Credit. These units will be counted toward the maximum timeframe of 150% academic program attempted units.

h) If a student repeats a course because he or she failed it in a previous term or

because the student wishes to improve a grade of “D”, the credits will be

included in the total number of credits the student is taking when determining

enrollment status. The student must make satisfactory progress and receive a

grade for the repeated course. Those courses listed in the Laney Class

Schedule Course Repetition List will also be used to determine enrollment

status as long as the student does not exceed the allowed number of repeats

and receives a grade for the repeated course.

i) Students applying for a Loan Must Follow Established Procedures for other aid programs; students who have a BA Degree must file a petition stating the reason why they are attending Laney College and the educational goals.  Students with a BA Degree are eligible for the Federal Stafford Student Loan program

Prior to 2006-07, students were permitted to receive aid for repeats of “W” coursework. If a student received financial aid for a withdrawal, the student may repeat that class and receive aid only once.

If a student receives a grade of Incomplete, the completion of that course will not be included for purposes of determining enrollment status in a subsequent term.

j) A student will be paid for one year or 30 semester units of remedial coursework.

A student enrolled in excessive ESL classes will be advised of the impact additional units will have toward the maximum time frame of 90 units. After a student has completed 30 units Basic Skills ESL, s/he will be counseled to enroll in at least one “regular” class applicable toward degree, certificate or transfer completion. If a student is achieving satisfactory progress in ESL and continues to progress in “regular” coursework, the petition committee will consider this in granting additional time for the student to complete his or her academic objective.

k). Transfer students are required to submit Academic Transcripts to Laney College.

Laney will include those units in the calculation of the 90 unit maximum time

frame for eligibility for Title IV aid. A student may have transfer units evaluated by the registrar or an academic counselor to determine the accurate

number of applicable units for completion of a degree/certificate program at Laney College. The FAO will also take into account mitigating circumstances, which have compelled a student to enroll in additional course work as a result of transferring from the previous institution


l). The chart below indicates the minimum requirements for completion of units in a course of study each semester:

Full Time (12 units) must complete 10 units per semester

Three-quarter time (9- 11.5 units) must complete 8 units per semester

Half-time (6-8.5 units) must complete 6 units per semester

Less-than ½-time must complete all attempted units

Probation Policy:

In order to receive financial aid, a student must complete the minimum required units each semester with a 2.0 GPA or higher. A student who does not fulfill this requirement, is placed on financial aid probation and advised of the steps necessary to make up the deficiency within the next semester and/or summer session. Tutorial assistance is available to all students. If failure to make satisfactory progress is due to an illness or any other type of emergency, supporting documentation is required.

Ineligible Status Policy:

If a probationary student fails to make progress in the following semester, his/her financial aid will be canceled until the student has made up all deficiencies, and is again in good academic standing. A student will not be retroactively paid for a semester(s) when aid is denied.

Chapter 4

Refunds/Repayment/Overawards Policy:

Federal financial aid guidelines require that students who receive financial aid, who

withdraw from school before completing the semester for which aid is received will

be subject to Return to Title IV calculation. FAO will use USDE RT24 on the Web

document calculations in student file.

a. If a student withdraws from all classes before the 60% date in a semester is subject to Return to Title IV. The Sixty Percent date is determined by counting all days in a semester (payment period) and factoring the 60% mark. A week of study must contain at least one day of instruction. If there is no instruction within a 7-day period during the semester, that week is not counted in the RT24 calculation. Cut-off dates are submitted to Peralta Data Center for report GP431. Cost of attendance for RT24 will include institutional charged paid by the student and/or the BOGGW Fee waiver. Funds will be returned according to RT24 guidelines. Unofficial Withdrawals, not recorded on a class roster, or unconfirmed by student will be counted at the 50% point of the period of enrollment.

b. Each semester, FAO will generate report for students with less than six units. Students who received initial disbursement and dropped below ½-time prior to term census date will be calculated for refund of aid that exceeds less-than-half-time payment. If student drops below ½-time after term census date, aid will be considered earned for books and transportation, and no refund required.

c Institutional refund policy prescribes a full refund to a student who cancels

registration prior to the first day of instruction.

Students will receive a full refund for any class canceled by the college.

No Refund will be made to any student on of after Census Day of the Term.

**Financial Aid will make no award adjustment up or down for classes added or dropped after census date, unless the student can demonstrate the add or drop is an institutional error. If a student is re-instated to a dropped class by an instructor, the instructor must justify the change in writing to the financial aid office.

No aid will be disbursed to a student who has not attended at least one day of instruction. .

Note: Students who receive a Cal Grant will be subject to a refund calculation to the

Cal Grant Program according to the Institutional withdrawal/refund policy.

Data Center will generate a list of students on report GP431. The FAO will

determine institutional charges subject to RT24 Refund.

The BOGW (Fee Waiver) will be added as tuition to the Cost of Attendance and Institutional portion of RT24 will be calculated for those students who received the BOGG Waiver and are subject to the RT24 policy.

Students will not be required to repay unearned RT24 funds if calculation is under $25.00.

Return to Title IV Procedure, effective Fall 2000 semester

In accordance with new guidelines on Return to Title IV, the FAO will run GP431 each semester to determine all students who completely withdraw from class prior to 60% of the enrollment period. FAO will calculate (using USED R2T4 software) the earned portion of Title IV aid and earned portion of enrollment fees (based on actual fees collected, even if Bogg Waiver is applied).

Beginning 2006-07, FAO will use FAA Access to Pell-online web reporting of RT24 calculations.

If it is determined that the student was not disbursed all earned Title IV aid, student will be sent a letter advising there are additional funds available, and to contact the FAO to request the additional funds. Financial Aid will calculate amount of Post Withdrawal Refund and disburse to student.

If it is determined the student collected unearned Title IV funds, the student will be sent a letter advising there is a refund due. If the student fails to respond or repay Title IV funds within 30 days, FAO will enter student repayment to NSLDS, and send overpayment letter to ED Collections.

If it is determined the school collects or refunds an unearned portion of tuition and fees, those funds will be returned to the appropriate Title IV account in the following order:

Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

Subsidized Stafford Loan

Federal Pell Grant

Academic Competitive Grant

Federal SEOG

If student is issued a check and does not pick up that check within 14 days of the date of issue, the FAO will consider this a decline of payment. Such notification is indicated in the student award letter.


A student may owe a repayment of an overpayment if additional resources are

received after aid has been disbursed and the student has been determined to have

an overaward; or, when an error in eligibility is made by the FAO. The student will

be contacted to sign an agreement and set a repayment schedule. If the overaward occurs within the current academic year, adjustment may be made from current year financial aid.

If a student receives an overpayment of financial aid based upon an institutional error, the school will repay funds to the Department of Education and will then collect the overpayment from the student. Student failure to repay overpayment will result in ineligibility for financial aid at any college. If the student receives an overpayment based on student error or inaccurate student data, the student is required to repay all funds before further aid can be disbursed. Laney College will make a reasonable effort to contact the student to collect the repayment before reporting overpayment to the Department of Education.

All repayments will be made to the Business Office and recorded in SAFE, and transmitted via COD.

The Business Office will deposit to the appropriate accounts as recoveries are received.

Overpayment obligations not satisfied by the end of the academic year will be

submitted to the U.S. Department of Education for further collection.

Institutional Refund Policy for Non-resident students will remit 100% refund for any class which is canceled by the college. 90% refund of units dropped will be

made through the last day to add classes upon student’s official withdrawal from

class. 50% refund will be made upon student’s official withdrawal from class

after the last day to add a class and prior to Census Day. No refund will be

made to any student on or after Census Day of the term.

A student who officially completes a change in program during the first two weeks of school will receive a refund if the change places that student in a different enrollment fee category. No Tuition refund will be made

to a student who withdraws after the first two weeks of school

When Funding Can be Refused:

If the required documentation has not been presented to the FAO

If a student owes money to Laney College or an other college, or if a student is

in default on a Stafford or Federal Perkins Loan.

If a student does not attend classes or in the does not demonstrate Ability to


If a student does not make satisfactory academic progress for two consecutive


If a student has completed over ninety semester units.

If a student’s resources are greater than his/her need.

If a student does not have a high school diploma or GED and does not pass the

required exam.

If professional judgment is used to decide a student is not eligible for a student


If a student has not registered for Selective Service or does not meet any of the

federal requirements for receiving federal funding.

Financial Aid Transcript:

Paper financial aid transcripts will no longer be requested from prior schools, except

for mid-term transcripts needed for current year reporting.

Financial Aid Specialists will check NSLDS message codes on SAR as well as NSLDS Financial Aid History to determine if there are outstanding loans or overpayments.

In the event of conflicting name or SSN comment codes on the ISIR, FAO will access NSLDS Financial Aid History via website nsldsfap..

Financial Aid Transcripts are no longer requested from prior colleges. Processors will use NSLDS Transfer Tracking to monitor mid-year entry students.

Processors will check SAFE to verify if prior aid received from other Peralta colleges.

Remedial Course Work and/or ESL Classes

A student may take remedial course work for one academic year or thirty

semester units, as long as the student is admitted to and enrolled in a regular

program leading to a degree, certificate or transfer. After completion of 30 credits,

the student can continue to take remedial classes, but will not receive financial aid

for those units.

A student may take ESL classes for as long as deemed necessary (within limits

of Satisfactory Academic Progress). In order to receive aid other than Pell

student must be enrolled in a regular program leading to a degree, certificate or


Student’s Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act

Peralta Community College District will be responsible for publishing graduation or completion rates and transfer-out rates for the general population of full-time, degree or certificate seeking undergraduate students, and students who receive athletically related student aid, broken down by race and gender within sports (at present, Laney does not have separate athletically related student aid). Right-To-Know Information is currently available on the Peralta Colleges Website

Peralta Community College District publishes annual data on crimes committed

on campus, and campus safety policies and procedures.

Consortium Agreement:

Laney College has entered into an agreement with the other colleges (College of Alameda, Merritt College, Vista College) comprising the Peralta Community College District, whereby a student can attend classes at another Peralta campus and use those units to receive financial aid at the home campus. The student must be enrolled in at least one unit at the home campus. No student is able to receive financial aid at more than one campus during a pay period. This agreement is also valid for any other college or university with whom Laney College chooses to enter a consortium. The Consortium Agreement is signed by a designated official of each school.

Drug Conviction:

Effective July 1, 2006, students will lose eligibility for Title IV aid only if the drug related offense for which they were convicted occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV aid. Loss of eligibility still begins with date of conviction.

Effective 2000/01, FAO will monitor SAR for numerical value of FAFSA Drug question. Entry of #1 indicates student is eligible to receive Title IV aid. Entry of #2 indicates prior drug conviction. One conviction, student may become eligible for Title IV aid one year from the conviction date. Two convictions, student may become eligible for Title IV Aid two years from the conviction date. Entry of #3, student is ineligible for Title IV Aid. Students needing guidance concerning drug question will be provided the USDE Worksheet and directed to call 1-800-4FED-AID for assistance.

Financial Aid Office will accept student self-certification that s/he has never been convicted for possessing or selling illegal drugs, or completed an acceptable drug

rehabilitation program, or completed the required timeframe after a conviction to restore Title IV eligibility.

Pell Payment Adjustments (Applicable to Cal Grant Disbursement)

Laney College will not make payment adjustments throughout the payment period.

Since Laney does make multiple disbursements each semester, the following

schedule will be established to verify enrollment status:

Pell Book Advances will be calculated for eligible students and

disbursed the first week of class.

Verification of enrollment status will be made on a projected run two days prior to the check run by the Peralta Data Center.

There will be a second disbursement scheduled approximately three weeks after District Census date for the balance of funds due for that semester (less the amount paid in the first disbursement). Verification of enrollment status will be made in a projected run by the Data Center the two days prior to the check run.

There will be no further payment calculations after final verification of enrollment. Overpayments will be identified and notified of payment due back to the Pell Program.

Refund/repayment calculations will be made for complete withdrawal from class,

when necessary, and student will be subject to Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.

For those students whose files are processed late (or in between major disbursements), there will be a weekly run to bring them up to equal status of the

students paid in the major disbursements. Verification of enrollment will be made

by the Laney financial aid processor the date the student is packaged. Check run will

be the Thursday night of that week.

Cal Grant projected run and disbursement will be calculated with the final

major Pell run. Students will receive one Cal Grant check based on enrollment at the time of the projected run. Checks are cut two days after the projected run.

Exception will be made only if the enrollment status has been changed due to institutional error. Student must provide notification from an instructor indicating a class drop was in error and the student must be reinstated to the class before additional funds are ordered.

Chapter 5

Federal Stafford Loan Policy

Laney College participates in The Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan program to provide an additional, low interest source of loan funding to students who demonstrate a need for financial aid. Because costs at the College are low, students are encouraged to apply for Federal Stafford only when all other resources have been exhausted. Students who cannot demonstrate need for Federal Subsidized Stafford may apply for any amount up to the full annual Federal Stafford maximum for which need cannot be demonstrated, through the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Program. Since Federal Unsubsidized Stafford interest accrues while the student is in school, borrowing from this program is discouraged in all but the most exceptional cases. Federal Stafford Loans are not automatically packaged. Students requesting Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford must meet with the Laney Loan Counselor for individual counseling before completing a loan application. Laney processes from 40 to 200 Subsidized Stafford Loan applications annually for a total of $600,000. Laney processes approximately 20 Unsubsidized Stafford loans annually.

Students apply for the FFEL by completing the FAFSA and establishing eligibility for Title IV aid. If a student file is flagged for verification by the USDE, verification process must be completed before the loan is certified. Any discrepant information on a non-verification SAR/ISIR is resolved prior to loan certification.

Once a student is packaged and receives an initial award letter, s/he may inquire about the Subsidized Stafford Loan. Students must meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements and must provide a written personal budget sheet to the Loan Counselor, documenting costs, resources and the need for a loan. All borrowers must complete a Stafford Loan Application (prior to 2000/01 Academic year) or the Master Promissory Note (beginning fall 2000/01). All borrowers must attend the Laney Entrance Counseling Session consisting of the EdFund Entrance Video, Laney Loan Orientation, and complete the Entrance Exam, which is obtained after the counseling session. All FFEL applicants must attend a loan counseling session each year a loan is requested.

Beginning in 1998, students must meet a $5000 resource requirement. Those potential borrowers who do not meet this requirement must provide a written request to the Loan Counselor documenting costs and resources.

A student’s Stafford eligibility is calculated by using the Nine-Month Laney Budget, minus EFC, minus other awarded aid, up to the annual maximum ($2625 or $3500) for the student’s grade level (only grade level 1 or 2 are utilized). For one semester enrollment only, Cost of Attendance and EFA for one semester will be calculated, and student will be eligible for that portion of Sub and/or Unsub Stafford to meet remaining need. Students enrolled in the Cosmetology Certificate program of 1600 Clock Hours will be subject to proration according to clock hours remaining in the final program year.

As part of Laney’s Default Management Plan, loan check delivery is delayed 30 days from the first day of class, for the first annual disbursement for all borrowers. Checks are requested from lenders in two disbursements, one at the beginning of each semester, or in the case of single semester loans, once at the beginning of the loan period and one at the mid-way point of the semester. A student who withdraws during the first semester of the loan period or decreases enrollment status below six units, will be not receive a second loan check if s/he enrolls the following semester. Students placed on probation following a term for which a Stafford loan is received, will have the second loan disbursement cancelled unless unusual documented circumstances are approved by the Financial Aid Counselor or FAO Director.

Stafford Loan Application Requests

A student who has requested a Stafford Loan as part of the award package is

advised to attend a Preliminary Loan Orientation session and Loan Entrance Counseling session. Loan counseling sessions are conducted weekly following determination of loan eligibility. Loan reference materials are provided at the Preliminary Orientation session.

A potential borrower is provided a Cost Estimate Form; loan informational

packet, and required to see an Academic Counselor to complete an Educational plan. Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored for all course work within the Peralta Community College District. If the borrower has not completed at least one semester of full-time study with 2.0 GPA in the Peralta District, SAP must be demonstrated through prior high school or college transcripts.

Loan Counselor will check Request for Transfer Credit form in student file.

A student who will be using credits from a prior institution toward a degree or certificate at Laney College is required to provide an academic transcript. Prior credits will be used to determine loan level and SAP maximum time frame.

Unsubsidized Loan Requests: A student who is requesting an Unsubsidized

Stafford must complete the Cost Estimate Form and meet with the Loan Counselor. The LC assists the student in exploring alternatives to borrowing the Unsubsidized Loan (i.e. work-study, Job Location & Development placing, or SEOG funds if available).

Stafford Entrance Loan Counseling Session:

Loan Counseling sessions are held on a regular weekly basis. Time of sessions

will be posted at the Financial Aid Office. Sessions are conducted by the Loan Counselor. Students are advised to access on-line lender counseling services, and exit interviews as additional resources.

Student should bring his/her award letter, and is provided with a loan packet that contains:

Master Promissory Note

Sample monthly repayment charts

Laney Handout, Things you Must Remember for the Stafford Loan

EdFund, A Guide to Managing Your Student Loan

EdFund, A Guide to Timely Repayment of Your Student Loan

EdFund, Checklist for Transfer Students

EdFund, Card “Say Yes to Careful Borrowing”

EdFund Fund Your Future Workbook

Peralta District Financial Aid Handbook

Lender Booklets on Educational Loans, Taxpayer Relief Act, &

Loan Consolidation

BofA, Booklets “Educated Choices”, Managing your Student Loan &

Financial Aid for Adult Students

USDE, The Student Guide

USDE, Funding your Education Guide

In addition to individual counseling, students view the EdFund Entrance Video.

Student is provided information regarding conditions under which forbearance may be granted, and availability of Title IV loan information on NSLDS.

Borrower completes the Laney Entrance Exam during an individual session with

the Laney Loan Counselor. Answers and missed questions are reviewed during the counseling session.

Students must complete and leave with the Loan Counselor:

1. The Entrance Exam

2. The Loan Application/Master Promissory Note

3. Completed Educational Plan.

4. Cost Estimate Form

Students are advised the loan applications will be completed for pick-up by the end of the following day and should be mailed to the lender. The Loan Counselor advises that she will call students when the loan checks arrive, either in 10 to 15 days or at the end of the 30-day delay from the beginning of the loan period.

Processing the Loan Application

When the Loan Application/Master Promissory Note and accompanying

materials are returned to the Loan Counselor:

Entrance Exam is reviewed and graded. If more than five questions are

incorrect, the student must see a counselor for review, and take a new exam.

The Exam and completed Entrance documents are retained in individual

Loan files along with the Loan Mastercard, on which loan checks, student demographics; satisfactory academic progress and Professional Judgement notes are recorded.

Loan Application/Master Promissory Note is checked for completeness and

accuracy, and certified if all information is correct.

Student enrollment is checked on /SCD and in SAFE. Since Laney has entered a

Consortium Agreement with the other Peralta Colleges, it is required that each loan applicant be enrolled in a minimum of six “regular” (degree applicable or transfer) units at Laney College in order to qualify for a loan.

All loan applications and accompanying documents are submitted to the

Financial Aid Director for review and entry of loan award to SAFE. A revised Award letter is ordered for the borrower.

Student Cost of Attendance is revised in SAFE to reflect 3% loan fees.

School certification section of loan application/Master Promissory Note will be completed:

Laney College

900 Fallon Street

Oakland, CA 94607

(510) 464-3415

Loan Period: From the first date of AY classes, To the last day of classes for that AY, or if one semester loan, first and last day of classes for that semester.

Lender Code or Lender Name entered.

Grade Level: Using the A&R screens (/THI), determine the number of units student has completed and the number applicable transfer units. Based on units completed, select the corresponding grade level:

Level 1 = Completed less than 30 units or in a one year certificate

or vocational program.

Level 2 = Completed more than 30 units.

(Note: No one is considered above level 2)

Full Time: 12 or more units

Half Time: 6 to 11.5 units

Anticipated Graduation Date: Determined by information obtained during Entrance interview or Academic record.

On FFEL Application, enter Cost of Attendance, EFC and all aid awarded in SAFE System to determine remaining need for certified loan amounts. For Master Promissory Note, Loan Counselor will print copy of SAFE SC55 screen showing Cost of Attendance, EFC and determining unmet need for each individual student loan file.

Certified Loan Amounts (Loan Proration will apply for students in his/her final term, when that term is less than an academic year.):

Subsidized: = Will cover unmet need up to annual

Maximum ($2625 or $3500)

Unsubsidized: = Remaining difference between the COA

and financial aid up to the student

requested loan amount or $2625 or 3500.

Additional Unsub = Remaining difference between COA and

Financial Aid up to the student’s requested loan amount, unmet need, or $4000. Laney may replace EFC with Unsubsidized Stafford if the student’s only qualifying aid is the Unsub Stafford.

Disbursement Dates: Request first disbursement no earlier than 30 days from first day of class for all borrowers. Second disbursements are requested for delivery approximately 10 days after the first day of class in the second AY semester, and disbursed after the student attends

Mandatory Loan Workshop conducted by lender representative. In the case of a single semester loan, request second disbursement a mid-way point in the semester.

Signature and Title of Loan Counselor, Date of certification.

Retain School Copy in Student Loan File.

Student retains Student Copy of Master Promissory Note. Loan Coordinator transmits

data via ELM Resources to Guarantor and MPN is mailed to Lender.

Loan Proration

In compliance with 34 CFR 682.204 and 34 CFR 668.2, effective July 1, 1994,

Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford loans will be prorated. The purpose of proration is to ensure the amount of Stafford Loan a student may receive in a final period of enrollment of a program equal to or greater than one year in length, when that final period of enrollment is less than an academic year, is proportional to a full loan a student would receive for a full academic year of study.

Loan proration does not apply to:

Loans for undergraduate students who reduce hours of enrollment after a loan

has been certified

Loans for undergraduate students in a final term or enrollment who will not

complete the academic program in that final term.

Since loan proration requirements and annual loan limits resulting from application

of proration are statutory, they may not be superseded or overridden by appeal of the

Satisfactory Progress policy or by the use of professional judgment.

Laney College will notify a student of a change in loan amount by sending a revised

Award Letter.

When The Loan Check is Received

When the loan check is received from the lender, all enclosures are dated, except the

check. The Loan counselor will record the Student, SSN, check number, amount of check, and date received on the Check Roster. Verification of units enrolled and date is recorded on the Student Master Card in the loan file. If the student has dropped below six units home college, individual consultation with student is required. If student falls below six units of total enrollment, the check is returned to the lender.

The following is recorded on the Student Master Card by the Loan Counselor:

Student Name, current address, phone number, Social Security Number, e-mail


Gross Amount of Loan and net amount on the loan check.

Number of units enrolled at the time check is received by the school.

Copy of check(s) are retained in Master Card file.

Deliver Loan check and all original documents that accompanied the check to the

Cashier’s Office. Person in Cashier’s Office receiving the check must initial financial Aid Office copy of check for the Master file.

Call the student and arrange for pick-up.

E. Check Release: Performed at the Cashier’s Office, Tower Building, second floor.

Student must present valid photo ID and Social Security Card to pick up a check.

Student must come in person and will not be delivered to parents or friends, even

with an authorization. The Cashier stamps all co-payable checks with Laney College

endorsement prior to release. After reviewing for any campus or District holds, the

Cashier provides a weekly list of checks received to the Financial Aid Office. The

FAO Counselor indicates if any FAO holds are in effect (i.e. outstanding award

letter, missing Ed Plan, etc.)

First Disbursement: Student must obtain FAO release form and presents this to the

Cashier. Student signs and dates copy of check showing acceptance, and Cashier

retains copy of signed check and all FAO check release forms.

Second Disbursement: Student obtains FAO release form and presents to the

Cashier. Student signs and dates copy of check showing acceptance, and Cashier retains copy of signed check and all FAO check release forms. No student can receive the second check disbursement unless s/he has attended the Mandatory Loan workshop (held in February), or viewed the EdFund Exit Video.

Loan check undelivered after 15 days will be reported by the Cashier and the FAO verify enrollment and call students who have not picked up checks. If a check is not released 30 days after receipt, it will be returned to the Lender.

Returned Checks: If a check must be returned to the lender for lack of Satisfactory

Academic Progress, failure to pick up, etc., the Loan Counselor performs the following:

Counselor will indicatethe reason for the return on the Master Card and advise theFAO Director to inform the Cashier accordingly.

Cashier will return check to the lender with covering letter of explanation for return.

FAO Director enters returned check record in SAFE system.

Student is sent a revised award letter.

Late Disbursement

Students applying for the Stafford loan must have a completed Loan Application or

MPN, attend a Loan counseling session and submit all application materials no later than 30 days before the last day of the semester, unless approval is granted for certifying the loan, due to unusual circumstances. If the College receives a student loan check after the end of the loan period or after the student ceases enrollment in at least six units, the student is eligible for a late disbursement if all of the following apply:

The late disbursement is not for a first-time, first-year student who withdrew

during the first 30 days of his/her first term of study, and

. The late disbursement is not for a loan certified after the student ceased

attending on at least a half-time basis, and

. The student was enrolled at least half-time during the period covered by the loan

installment, and

The amount of the late disbursement doesn’t exceed the amount of the student’s

documented direct or indirect costs which must have been included in the student’s cost of attendance for the loan period covered by the loan installment.

Late disbursements must be made within 60 days or the earlier of either:

The date the student ceased to be enrolled at least half-time, or

The end of the enrollment period for which the loan was intended.

An additional 30 days for disbursement may be permitted under exceptional

circumstances if both the following requirements are met:

1. The student’s exceptional circumstances are documented, and

2. The Guarantee Agency approves the additional time for the late disbursement.

If a late disbursement cannot be completed, the loan check must be returned to the

Lender within 30 days. Note: If the entire amount of the loan disbursement is returned to the lender within 120 days of check receipt at the College, the lender is required to return any insurance premium and/or origination fees withheld, to the borrower’s account.

Exit Interviews

A. Exit interviews are conducted prior to release of the second check disbursement

each academic year, either in the format of the lender conducted Mandatory Loan Workshop or through the EdFund Exit Video.

B. Exit interviews are conducted approximately 30 days prior to the student anticipated

graduation/separation date, or when a student notifies the FAO of intent to withdraw from school. Students are also encouraged to complete on-line, lender provided, exit interviews.

C. The FAO will provide an Exit Interview Packet which may contain the following


Exit Interview Data Document

Repayment Chart

EdFund, “A Guide to Timely Repayment of Your Student Loan.”

Exit materials provided by the Lender Representative conducting the Mandatory Loan Workshop.

D. Borrower signs the Exit Interview form as documentation of attendance at the Exit

Interview. The borrower is required to provide in writing the following information:

Name & address

Social Security Number

Complete References

Driver license number and state

Expected permanent address

Address for next of Kin

Expected employer (if known)

E. Students who withdraw without notice, or decrease enrollment to less than six units

who have not completed an exit interview, are notified by mail of the requirement to schedule an appointment with the Loan Counselor, or complete an on-line interview.

Exit materials are included in this mailing and the Loan Counselor documents date of mailing on the loan Master Card.

F. Prior-year borrowers will be recorded on Excel Master list and sorted by year. Loan

Specialist will review enrollment records twice during the semester, and at final semester to determine withdrawals, graduation, or below ½-time enrollment. Students who have separated will be mailed Exit materials and a request to see the Loan Specialist for personal exit counseling, or on-line exit counseling. Loan Specialist will complete L21 Student Status report and submit to EdFund.

Master Promissory Note:

As of July 1, 2000, Laney College will implement use of the Master Promissory Note as a single-year Stafford loan application. Students will be advised that as a Community College, we may not utilize the Multi-year function of the MPN. Borrowers who transfer to Laney College will be required to complete a new MPN for all Laney certified loans. Documentation of student loan eligibility, Cost of Attendance (COA), Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA), will be maintained in the SAFE system and in the Student Loan file.

MPN informational materials will be provided to borrowers. Certification, disbursement, and follow-up will be conducted following the same procedures for the Common Stafford

Loan application.





Use all available resources to identify and counsel student borrowers at risk of default. Establish new Loan information workshops at the beginning and end of each semester to educate students on the responsibilities of borrowing and repaying student loans.


Educate staff and students on wise financial strategies to enable them to meet their educational goals. Make it easy for students to seek counsel when they need to discuss changes that may affect their ability to repay their student loans.

Utilize methods to identify students most at risk for default and offer special sessions to ensure that those students are aware of all options at their disposal. Include use of non-profit organizations to counsel students on managing their credit and finances.

Create a link to our financial aid web page strictly for loan students so that immediate answers to their frequently asked questions are readily available at all times. This link will also provide information on how to reach a loan specialists or guarantor.

Continue to administer our loan program on a “one-on-one” basis to maintain the college’s lowered default rate and ensure that all loan students are continuously reminded of their responsibility. We will also continue to dispense and use the materials provided Edfund and USA Funds (both written and video) to educate all loan students>

Increase student awareness of the uses and availability of the NSLDS screen.

Chapter 6

Processing Procedures

Training Module for Staff

Introduce employees to the Financial Aid Staff and related student Service staff,

as well as Business Office and Cashier’s Office staff.

Explain general philosophy and attitude of the Financial Aid Office, mainly as it

relates to students who come to the counter, and those who phone in for

information. Give advice and on-going training on how to deal with difficult

students. Be sure staff is familiar with the Privacy Act.

Explain office procedure, working hours, breaks, lunch, salary schedule and

performance evaluations.

Give specific job assignments to the Financial Aid Staff. It is advisable for

staff members to know the functions of co-workers in order to deal with

problems that may arise in another area.

Explain the various program regulations administered by the Financial Aid

Office. Ask the staff to refer to the Federal Financial Aid Handbook. Staff

should read the Peralta Financial Aid Handbook and the Federal Student Guide.

Hold regular staff meetings to inform office of new regulations and to review

and fine-tune office procedures.

Federal Programs

Federal Pell Grant:

Laney College uses Formula One for Pell Grant process. Packaging parameters will be set up annually in SAFE system based upon ISIR Data indicating Student EFC and Pell eligible status. FAO Coordinator will use SAFE SC51 to set up packaging parameters for Dependent and Independent students. The sequence will use Cost of Attendance, package BOGG-C Fee Waiver, Federal Pell, Federal SEOG, Federal Work Study.

Specialists will check student file for any conflicting information, document resolutions, perform verification process for those students selected for verification by ISIR asterisk and comment code;

Specialists will review NSLDS for student loan history, overpayment history and Pell History from other colleges.

If the student has not advised the FAO of attendance at a prior college outside of the Peralta District and this is indicated on NSLDS, the Specialist will request the student provide an academic (unofficial) transcript in order to determine number of outside degree applicable credits to be counted toward maximum time frame units.

Specialist will review sc11, student demo data against Admissions and records data; all checked data will be entered on SAFE SC13screen.

Specialist will review SC55 and enter verification flag (when required).

Specialist will auto-package student by using sc53 packaging function.

Student award will enter to sc15; award letter notification and term split will enter on sc25; award letter will queue on sc75;

Specialist will order student check via PD11 payment screen. If a disbursement batch run is scheduled, the payment will auto-queue via the projected run.

Pell Payment data is recorded on SAFE sc27 History screen, and sc15 award screen.

Pell Budget data is recorded on SAFE SB37 screen, including Budget amounts, awarded amounts, disbursed amounts and remaining balance.

Award letters generally run with the weekly check disbursements on Thursday night.

Checks are run at the Peralta District IT department; warrant registers and checks are ready for delivery on Friday. Checks are disbursed the following Monday.

FAO Specialist will request Job #G56141, Pell Generate Origination;

FAO Specialist will request Job #G56140, Pell Origination Extract;

FAO will use FTP to download Origination and transmit to COD via EdConnect.

COD will send Origination Acknowledgment; Specialist will FTP COD Acknowledgment back to SAFE.

Origination Accept Report will generate to be checked for any rejects and resolved.

FAO Specialist will request Job #G56117, Pell Payment Extract.

Extract will be downloaded by FTP from SAFE and transmitted via EdConnect to COD.

COD will send Pell Payment Acknowledgment; Specialist will FTP COD Pell Payment Report back to SAFE.

0Pell Payment Accept Report will generate from SAFE to be check for any rejects and resolved.

All Pell Origination data is recorded on SAFE SA21 screen.

All Pell Payment extract and Accept/Reject data are recorded on SAFE SC21 screen.


Packaging and payment for students enrolled in Summer 2010 coursework will be from the 2009-10 Payment year.  

Federal SEOG:

SEOG 0000000000000000will be set in SAFE with Pell Packaging parameters. Priority packaging will be accorded to students who applied prior to April 1st of the application year, and who demonstrate the highest need. Priority students with zero EFC will be packaged first. FAO Specialist will follow the same Pell packaging procedures, verification and screen checks for SEOG.

Awards for students who withdraw or do not pick up Term 2 (Spring) SEOG disbursements, will have funds canceled. FA Specialist will review PAK-5 for new priority students with highest need and recycle Spring SEOG Funds until all funds have been awarded and disbursed.

Federal Work Study:

FWS funds will be packaged for students who request FWS on the FAFSA. FAO Specialist will use auto-package parameters set up for PELL and SEOG to complete a student award with FWS funding.

Award letter will advise student to report to the Financial Aid Office to set up an appointment for Work-Study Placement.

Work-Study Coordinator conducts a Spring lottery for summer work study jobs. Students who are first priority, who are in good academic standing, who have turned in all required documents and are ready for packaging will be considered for July 1st employment start date. Generally up to 50 summer work study grants are awarded. The balance of awards are generated for the fall and spring terms.

FWS awarded students must report to the Work Study Coordinator and submit the following employment documents:

Student Application for employment

I-9 and accompanying I-20 and documents of non-citizenship when required

Original photo ID

Original Social Security Card

Oath of Allegiance

Currently the Work Study Coordinator is a licensed notary and can certify the Student Oath of Allegiance.

FWS Coordinator will complete Peralta District employment packet and send to District Human Resources.

FWS Coordinator will interview Work Study students and send on campus job interviews. Once the student is placed, an employment acceptance form is signed by the student and his/her supervisor. Hours of employment and rate of pay are indicated. Work Study students may not work more than 20 hours per week when classes are in session.

Each month a student time sheet is generated, sent to each Supervisor to record student hours worked. The time sheets are returned to the FAO by the 25th of each month and recorded by FWS Coordinator in ACCESS program.

Time sheets are checked for accuracy; students should not exceed assigned hours, or enter a work day on a designated holiday.

Time sheets are approved by the college and top copy is sent to Payroll for processing. Second copy is retained in the FAO.

Students are paid on the 15th of each month for work in the prior month.

Payroll entries from PeopleSoft are updated to the SAFE system after the payroll run.


The Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (HERA) created two new grant programs for full-time students at degree-granting institutions who are eligible for Federal Pell Grants and are U.S. citizens. Congress provided funding to make grants available for these programs for the 2006-07 award year.

Academic Competitiveness Grant Program §401A (new)

An eligible student may receive an Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) of $750 for the first academic year of study and $1,300 for the second academic year of study. To be eligible for each academic year, a student must:

• Be a U.S. citizen;

• Be a Federal Pell Grant recipient;

• Be enrolled full-time in a degree program;

• Be enrolled in the first or second academic year of his or her program of study at a two year or four year degree-granting institution;

• Have completed a rigorous secondary school program of study (after January 1, 2006, if a first-year student, and after January 1, 2005, if a second-year student);

• If a first-year student, not have been previously enrolled in an undergraduate program; and

• If a second-year student, have at least a cumulative 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale (as set forth in regulations to be promulgated soon) for the first academic year.

To ensure that grants can be made for the 2006-07 award year, the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) will notify each federal student aid applicant who is potentially eligible for an ACG based on information the applicant provides on his or her 2006-07 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Applicants who are U.S. citizens in the first or second year of postsecondary education, and who have an expected family contribution (EFC) that would make them eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, will be notified of their potential eligibility by July 1, 2006. Notifications will be sent to all applicants with processed FAFSAs at that time. A student whose FAFSA is received after this initial notification will be contacted as soon as possible after that time.

The Department will notify each applicant of his or her potential eligibility via regular or electronic mail, depending on whether the applicant provided an email address on the FAFSA. The notification will provide information about a web site that will help the applicant determine whether he or she completed “a qualifying rigorous secondary school program of study identified by a State or local educational agency and recognized by the Secretary.”

The Department expects the web site to be functional by July 1, 2006. The

applicant will self-identify his or her eligibility for an ACG by identifying the rigorous secondary school program completed.

The Department is developing an alternative process for students who do not have web access. After the student has identified the rigorous secondary school program completed, the Department will notify each eligible applicant’s institution(s), as listed on the FAFSA, that the applicant may qualify for an ACG award.

Once the institution determines that the student meets all of the ACG eligibility requirements, it may submit payment information records.

For both the ACG and National SMART Grant programs, the amount of the student’s grant, in combination with the student’s Federal Pell Grant assistance and other resources and estimated financial assistance, may not exceed the student's financial need (cost of attendance minus EFC equals financial need). A student may not receive more than one ACG or National SMART Grant award in each academic year for which the student is eligible. All annual award amounts for an academic year may be ratably reduced if sufficient funds are not available for all eligible students nationally in an award year.

Laney Financial Aid Office will identify ISIRS with ACG comment code. The student will be sent an instructional letter and ACG verification form, which must be completed by the High School attended and stamped with the High School Seal certifying the student has completed the required eligible rigorous coursework.

FAO Specialists will collect ACG certifications, enter ACG award to SAFE screen sc15, and pay student according to Department of Ed guidelines.

ACG payments will be reported thru COD.

Chapter 7

Cal Grant Program

Student Eligibility/Cal Grant Program Procedures

Designated staff for Cal Grant process will download Cal Grant Roster from WebGrants, and enter award to SAFE screen sc15. Specialist will enter tentative Cal Grant award to SAFE system prior to packaging. Specialist will review Cal Grant Roster monthly to revise unmet need for student aid packaged after tentative Cal Grant award. New Cal Grant recipient need will be entered to roster in webgrants.

As students submit SAR/ISIR to financial aid office for processing, Part I text will be checked for comments, as well as NSLDS data. Any discrepancy concerning student Social Security number, Name, Selective Service match, Citizenship eligibility or default flags will be reconciled before further processing. Those students requiring verification will be handled according to USDE and Laney College verification procedures. Residency will be verified by Admissions & Records Office and compared to ISIR data as well as the student supplemental application.

High School graduate data on ISIR will be compared to Laney A&R information and student self-certification on the supplemental financial aid application. Any conflicting data will be resolved prior to packaging. A&R collects student self-certification on the admissions application. High school diplomas and verification of graduation are only collected by the Financial Aid Office when resolving conflicting data. No other areas of Student Services verifies high school grad information.

FAO Specialist will verify student is enrolled in Cal Grant B eligible coursework, leading toward accredited degree, certificate or transfer program. If a Cal Grant C student indicates s/he is pursuing a transfer program, that student will be notified of ineligibility for the grant.

Student Enrollment Status will be verified by checking /scd & SAFE. Enrollment in an eligible program will be verified against Admission & Records data. As long as a student is enrolled in an eligible program, the FAO will include ESL and remedial classes when calculating enrollment status. Enrollment status (add & drop units) are updated nightly through A&R /scd screen interface to the financial aid SAFE system.

Eligible students who have completed all required documentation will receive a final Cal Grant award as entered to sc15 SAFE screen. Award notification is mailed to the student. Cal Grant awards are packaged in conjunction with other Federal and State aid.

Student financial aid package is not to exceed Official Need calculated per COA on SAFE SC55 screen .

Cal Grant check disbursement is run once each semester (fall run in October, spring run in March) for eligible students.

A projected run is created through SAFE interface with A&R enrollment data. The Financial Aid Specialist will check the run for accuracy prior to the actual check run.

The Cal Grant projected run dates are determined annually, and usually runs approximately three weeks after the census date. Projected runs are created on a Tuesday night. Actual check run is scheduled for Thursday night of the same week.

Checks are printed by the District Data Center and delivered on Friday to the Laney College Cashier’s Office by the Alameda County Sheriff. Checks are printed with accompanying Warrant Register, which is checked for outstanding holds by both the Financial Aid Office and Bursar’s Office.

Checks are disbursed the Monday following delivery to the campus. Students must present a valid photo ID and Social Security Card and must sign the Warrant Register at the time of disbursement. Those students who have not been awarded prior to the major Cal Grant disbursement will receive payment after establishing eligibility. Checks are run weekly for later disbursements.

Satisfactory Progress (for fall and spring semesters) is monitored by SAFE interface with /thi Academic Transcript screen at the end of each semester after grades have been posted to student Academic History. SAFE program runs in accordance with Laney Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress policy.

Financial Aid Specialist will use PAK-5 and warrant registers to certify student payments and record to webgrants. Each month, FAO Specialist reviews accept/reject reports to reconcile SAFE to the CSAC Monthly Payment Summary.

Final reconciliation review is conducted the September following the academic year-end.

Any discrepancies in SAFE records vs. roster are reviewed by the Specialist and CSAC is consulted. If there are unspent funds in the Cal Grant budget, Peralta District Business

Office is notified via memo and a refund check is sent to CSAC with cover letter.

If it is determined that a student has received an overaward, or was ineligible to receive Cal Grant funds the FAO will determine if this was a result of institutional error. If so, Laney will return funds to the Cal Grant account, inform the student of the overpayment, and attempt to collect funds from the student.

Chapter 8


The BOGFW is awarded students in accordance with guidelines of the Manual in Appendix B.

Students and parents of dependent students must complete the BOGGFW application. BOGG-A students must submit supporting documentation for BOGG Type A.

BOGG-B students may self certify income and fall below the threshold for BOGG-B eligibility.

All BOGG-B data elements required for MIS will be entered to the SAFE system.

If a student indicates income higher than the Paper BOGG standard, that student will be advised to complete a FAFSA to determine BOGG-C eligibility.

All students will be strongly urged to complete a FAFSA in order to completely determine all aid eligibility.

BOGG-C will be included in Financial Aid packaging parameters and awarded as a resource on the student award letter.

Chapter 9


Laney college is governed by Title IV Student Financial Aid regulations that require an institution to verify reported applicant data in certain instances. To comply with these regulations, and to ensure student application with the greatest potential for error are reviewed and documented, Laney College verifies, in accordance with instructions from the US Department of Education Financial Aid Verification Guide, all applications that are flagged for verification by the Central Processor.

The College adheres to the principles stated below, which were developed by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), with respect to verification of student aid applications:

To ensure that limited financial aid funds are awarded to eligible students in an

equitable and consistent manner, Laney College has developed policies for verifying

reported family information.

Laney College has developed policies that ensure that verification of reported family

information for students applying for financial aid is cost effective, flexible, and

based upon acceptance of a reasonable tolerance range for error, which can be

applied toward packaging amounts.

Laney College institutional policies and procedures relating to verification are

available for student review.

Laney College ensures that procedures are uniformly applied to all applicants for

Financial Aid programs for which demonstrated financial need is a criteria.


The Financial Aid Office verifies all applicants for Title IV aid who are flagged for

verification by the Central Processor.

Laney College may require all transfer students to re-verify information, even if

Verification has been completed for the student for that academic year at the previous


Unless the college has reason to believe application information is inaccurate, it

excludes the following students from verification:

Legal residents of the Northern Marianas, Guam and American Samoa, and citizens of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau.

Incarcerated students

Students who do not receive Title IV Aid.

A student (or parents of a dependent student) who immigrated to the United

States during either calendar year of the award year.

Spouse and/or parent information if:

The spouse or parent is deceased.

The spouse or parent is mentally or physically incapacitated.

The spouse or parent is residing in a country other than the United States and cannot be contacted by normal means of communication.

The spouse or parent cannot be located because the address is unknown and cannot be obtained by the applicant.


A. Laney College verifies all items required for verification as specified in

34 CFR 668.53, for dependent students, parents of dependent students, and

independent students. These include:

Prior year (base year) adjusted gross income.

Taxes paid.

Untaxed Income, including:

AFDC/TANF/CalWorks benefits

Social Security Benefits

Child Support, if the college has reason to believe that child support was received.

Earned Income Credit

Veteran’s Educational Benefits

IRA/KEOGH deductions

Number in Household

Number in College (beginning 2000/01 parent in college is documented for professional judgment data element adjustment).

Independent student status if the student is independent due to Veteran Status or being a Ward of the Court. (Note: These items are documented whether or not a student is flagged for verification).


Applicants for Title IV Aid are required to provide requested information or

documentation in order to establish eligibility for Title IV aid.

All applicants selected for verification are required to provide information and documentation prior to receiving Title IV awards or Stafford Loan certification.

If an applicant’s dependency status changes during the award year because the

original application was filed incorrectly or the Financial Aid Office has determined the student to be independent due to a professional judgment decision after the original FAFSA was filed, a correction will be submitted reflecting the changed status UNLESS the change results from a change in marital status.

Applicants selected for verification will be required to update changes in household

size and number in college.

Changes to data elements as a result of completion of the verification process are

electronically submitted to the Central Processor. A Corrected SAR/ISIR must have a signature (dependent students must obtain the signature of at least one parent).

If a recipient’s application has been selected for verification after a payment has been

disbursed, the applicant must repay any overpayment that is discovered as a result of



Laney College requires all applicants to submit appropriate documentation to verify

required items, as well as documentation of non-required verification items to resolve and discrepancy in the student file. For example, Laney College does not collect high school diplomas, however, if a student demonstrates conflicting information concerning high school graduation status, supporting documentation will be requested.

To verify household size, Laney College reviews the names and post-secondary education status of the family members as listed on the Verification Worksheet. If the

information is not clear, clarification will be requested from the student and family.

To verify the number in post-secondary education, the college reviews the

information provided on the Verification Worksheet. If the data conflicts with SAR/ISIR figures or is unclear, the student will be required to provide clarification.

Beginning AY 2000/01, parent(s) in college must be enrolled at least half-time in a program leading toward degree, certificate, transfer, or graduate program. A Financial Aid Specialist will determine use of professional judgment for parent in college.

To verify adjusted gross income, the college will review signed copy of IRS 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040PC and accompanying W-2 forms as primary documentation source. If the student or parent did not retain a copy of original tax forms, IRS letter

1722, RTFTP, W-2 form, Form 4868 and/or a signed statement of earnings will accepted. If an extension has been filed, a photocopy of IRS 4767 (Request for Extension) and all Student/Parent W-2 Forms will be used to determine adjusted gross income.

To verify income taxes paid, the college will use the items listed above.

Divorced, separated, or widowed parent or student who filed a joint tax return during

the base year must submit a copy of the tax return filed, and provide either a W-2 form or personal statement to document the single income of the divorced, separated or widowed filer listed on the SAR/ISIR. Other taxable or untaxed income received by the divorced, separated or widowed parent/student will be documented and adjusted on the SAR/ISIR to reflect the now single status of the filer. The percentage of taxes paid is calculated according to the percentage of income contributed by the now single filer.

To verify Social Security Benefits, the college will use:

IRS 1040 or 1040A

Untaxed Income Certification form

Untaxed Income listed on Verification Worksheet

Social Security Form SSA-1099 or other documentation from the Social Security Administration.

To verify child support, the college will review information provided on the

Verification Worksheet, and may request a written statement from the provider or copy of a court order.

To verify other untaxed income, the College may use:

Data on the Verification Worksheet and/or the Untaxed Income Certification

IRS forms 1040, 1040A, for Earned Income Credit and IRS forms 2555 for Foreign Income Exclusion

IRA/KEOGH deductions from IRS 1040 and 1040A form.

County Notice of Action for TANF/CalWorks benefits.

To document independent student status, the college may use the following to

resolve discrepancies:

If independent due to Veteran Status, the student must supply a copy of his/her

DD214, indicating discharge (other than dishonorable), and veteran (not reserve) status. Active duty personnel who will achieve veteran status prior to the end of the award year can provide documentation of the expected date of discharge.

If independent due to Ward of Court status, the student will provide court

Documents or other valid proof of this status.

If independent due to Orphan status, the student may be required to provide a

copy of the death certificate(s), or a letter from an outside professional who is familiar with the student’s circumstances.

If independent by marriage, the student may be asked to provide a copy of the

marriage certificate.


A. Applicants must provide the required documentation no later than the last day of

class for the academic year or period of enrollment. Students who have submitted a valid SAR/ISIR late in the academic year, but prior to the last day of class may be granted an extension of up to 120 days (or no later than August 31st) to complete verification for aid during that academic year.

B. Applicants who fail to provide documentation or to verify reported information

within the specified time period will not be packaged or awarded aid.

C. Laney College will not accept documentation after the last date to transmit or mail correction data CPS, and will not award aid to students who provide late documents.


A. Laney College will not disburse Title IV funds until verification is complete. Federal

Work Study students may be employed for up to 60 days while the college is resolving conflicting information. If resolution is not reached after 60 days, the student may no longer be employed.


Laney College will use the SAFE ReCalc function to determine if a change in data

will result in a revised EFC.

If the recalculation results in a change in EFC, affecting Pell Grant, the college

will transmit correction data and obtain a corrected ISIR. The college will retain signed documentation of accurate data in the student file.

If there are only minor dollar amounts of less than $400 net difference, the

College will not transmit correction data, and document the tolerance in the student file.

In the event of an increase in household size that will not affect EFC, corrections

may be documented without transmission of the change.


Laney College will inform applicants of verification procedures and requirements via SAFE letter #54, generated after an ISIR load, or when the student provides a copy of the SAR at the Financial Aid counter. After file review by a Program Specialist, a follow-up letter may be generated detailing additional required documentation and requesting a personal appointment with the Specialist.

1. If the student fails to submit documents after being informed of the requirements

for verification, the file will be placed in an inactive status.

2. A second notice will be generated for students who have not submitted required


3. The inactive status will be removed at any time the student provides the required

documents to complete file certification, prior to the deadline.

Laney College will notify the applicants of the result of verification via an award letter to eligible students, or a problem/ineligible letter detailing other circumstances.


If a student requests a change independency status, the student will be required to

complete the form, REQUEST FOR CONSIDERATION FOR CHANGE IN DEPENDENCY STATUS. The student must document the reasons why s/he is separated from his/her parents, and the form must be signed by a third party professional (teacher, social worker, therapist, counselor, court official) who is familiar with the student’s situation.

Acceptable reasons for change independency status include abusive home life; drug abuse in the home; parent(s) living in a war torn country or area where the parent cannot be reached by normal means of communication; student was ejected from the home; student has lost contact with the parent(s).

Each request is handled on a case-by- basis. The Dependency Status form is reviewed and if the request is granted the FAO Specialist will resubmit ISIR via Pell Access on-line

Indicating Dependency Override. Once the reprocessed ISIR has been received, Specialist will continue packaging process.

If a student has a significant drop in income from the base income reporting year, the student can complete the SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES form.

Student must provide verification of prior year income and all income for current year-to-date. Medical, Dental or Legal expenses not covered by insurance; unusual debts; documentation of one-time lump sum received in the prior year, or elementary/secondary/dependent or elderly care expenses, all documentation will be collected and evaluated by the FAO Specialist.

FAO Specialist will transmit adjustments to ISIR adjust gross income fields via Pell Access On-line, and flag FAA Adjustment. When revised ISIR and Official EFC is downloaded, Specialist can proceed with packaging process.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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