MARK 2:1-12


Just how unique was Jesus of Nazareth? What did He do that no one else ever dared to attempt? We know that He healed the sick, but so did some of the Old Testament prophets. We know that He raised the dead, but so did Elisha. We know that He performed many miracles, but so did a number of the prophets. We know He had miraculous encounters with nature, but so did Moses and Elijah. We know He preached some moving sermons, but so did a number of the Old Testament prophets and leaders. Is there anything that set Him apart from those that had gone before Him—which indicated that He was more than just another great spiritual leader?

There is one! Only He claimed the power to forgive sin! The first time that He did it shocked the religious leadership in Capernaum. It happened in Capernaum in the home of Simon Peter. His Galilean ministry had created so much excitement that crowds constantly followed him. While He was ministering in the home of Simon, four men brought a cripple to be healed. They came carrying Him on a homemade pallet, but they were not able to get into the house. People were crowded around every entrance.

These four friends had such confidence in Jesus that He could and would heal their friend that they lifted up to the roof of the house. They dug a hole in the roof, and lowered the man down into the room where Jesus was teaching. Jesus was aware of the confidence that the four had in Him, and He was also aware of the true condition of the cripple. He addressed the cripple with the surprising good news, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

When He spoke these words, a well-known religious leader turned to the one sitting by him, and asked, “What did he say?” The neighbor said, “He said, Son, your sins are forgiven.” The religious leader exclaimed, “But He cannot say that. Only God can forgive sins. This man speaks blasphemy.”

Jesus knew their thoughts and heard their words, but He offered no apology. Rather He addressed their complaint. “Which is easier to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk?’”

Then He removed all doubt about his words when He declared, “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, I say to you, arise, take up your bed and go your way to your house.” Jesus never did anything greater or more revealing. The cripple went home that day forgiven and healed—and carrying his bed. Jesus had forgiven his sin. But why would I call this His greatest work?


This is a good place to begin. From the perspective of this poor man, this met his greatest need.

1. Forgiveness removes the sin that cuts man off from God.

We do not know the nature of the sin that the man had committed. This is good because the nature of the sin does not matter. All sin does the same thing—it separates the sinner from the God of love. Isaiah spoke of this reality: “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you.” (Isaiah 59:2)

It prevents the person knowing God and receiving blessings that God wants to bestow. You will never know how much your sin has cost you! But when God forgives, the sin is removed.

2. Forgiveness removes the sin that exposes the life to physical and spiritual death.

This man is a reminder to us that whatever affects our relationship with God can affect our body and our soul. “The wages of sin is death.” The physical and emotional part of our being is negatively impacted. Not all of our physical maladies are caused by personal sin, but some of them are—and probably more of them that we realize. Jesus related the two in the miracle so that we would not that forgiveness may bring physical and emotional healing as well.

Nothing Jesus ever does accomplishes more for the good of man.


This is probably why Mark included the story. Peter had told him about the incident, he saw it as a piece of the proof that identified Jesus as the Son of God.

1. It separates Him from all other men.

Men can counsel you, but only God can forgive you. Friends can pray for you, but only God can cancel your sin debt. Parents can support you, but only can lift the burden from your heart. He was doing something that none of us would ever pretend to do—not if we were in our right mind.

2. It authenticates His claims to deity.

Jesus used the title “Son of Man” in His conversation with the religious authorities. They understood that the Son of Man was the Promised One, the Messiah of Israel.

There is an insight that you need to understand. When God forgave sin in the Old Testament, there was always a sacrifice offered. An animal sacrifice took the place of this guilty sinner. This sacrifice looked forward to the coming of the Lamb of God who bears away the sins of the world. Does Jesus forgive sin without a sacrifice? Weirsbe declared that this was His greatest work because it required the greatest cost. Do we understand this?

No! Rather we are to understand that He is taking the sin on Himself as the Suffering Servant, and that He will die in the man’s place on the tree. This is the reason that He is in a position to forgive all your sins. He died for your sins on the tree. He took your place so He can offer you the gift of forgiveness.

Peter announced it like this: “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh and made alive by the Spirit.” (1 Peter 3:18)

Peter also explained, “Who bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

The healing and forgiveness came to this poor man because Jesus gladly and freely chose to bear his sins—and yours. Surely He must be God come in the flesh.


1. It brings joy to the life of the forgiven.

He went home glorifying God! What a relief! His sin and his affliction were gone. Life was made new.

Can you imagine the scene when he arrived at his house? He probably had a wife and children. We know for sure that he had parents, and probably brothers and sisters. What it must have meant to them to see their forgiven and healed loved one! He was now whole in body and spirit and was a new man! What a work of a gracious God!

Spurgeon wrote: “I think I see him! He sets one foot down to God’s glory, he plants the other to the same note, he walks to God’s glory … he carries his bed to God’s glory, he moves his whole body to the glory of God, he speaks, he shouts, he sings, he leaps to the glory of God."

2. It brings joy to the heart of the people of God.

The guests in the house of Simon Peter also glorified God. They had never seen such a display of the power of God.

Can you imagine the joy of the four friends who brought the man? What a confirmation of their persistent faith and bold action.

This is a joy that we can all share! We can bring friends to Jesus like the four brought this man.

3. It brings joy to the heart of God.

O the joy of the moment reached all of the way to heaven. Surely the heart of the Lord Jesus leaped within him as He saw the transformation of the paralytic. But the Father in heaven who sent Him to earth must have also rejoiced! He rejoiced like the father of the prodigal in that favorite parable.


What good news! Jesus is the Son of God and He forgives Sin. He offers forgiveness to any who will come to Him tonight. Will you receive it?

Let’s be clear about this! God does not force forgiveness upon you. He offers it to you as a gift. But like all gifts, it must be received. How do you receive it? You humble yourself and acknowledge your need of God’s forgiveness. You confess your sin, and then by faith you receive His mercy. It is by faith. So forgiveness becomes a choice—your choice. God has already decided to forgive you if you will receive it.


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