Quiz - Fahrenheit 451: The Hearth and the Salamander

Quiz - Fahrenheit 451: The Hearth and the Salamander

Part 1: Answer the questions below in one or two simple sentences.

1. Who is the main protagonist of the story and what is his job?

2. What number is written on Guy’s helmet?

3. What is the salamander in the story represent?

4. Who is Mildred? What had happened to her when Guy returns home for the first time?

5. Describe the mechanical hound in your own words.

6. Why does Clarisse stop going to school?

7. Who is Beatty? What does he tell Guy at the end of Part 1?

Part 2: Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed short answer for each. Be sure to use direct evidence from the text to support your answer.

1. What is the meaning of the title of this chapter?

2. How does Montag feel about his job at the beginning of the novel? How does the reader know this? Connect Montag’s job and his feelings about it to today’s society.

3. Describe the first meeting Montag as with Clarisse. How is she described and why is she described in this manner? What does she symbolize to Montag and the society in which he lives? Why? Draw connections between her character and today’s society.

4. What affect does entering his house have on Montag? Why is this important and what does it reveal about his character that was not seen earlier? What does it reveal about the society in which he is living? Connect to today’s society.

5. What is odd about the treatment of Montag’s wife after her suicide attempt? What does this say about their society?

6. Describe the interaction between Mildred and Montag after her suicide. What is their life like together? What does this reveal about their society and about each of them as characters? Why is this important? Connect to today’s society.

7. Discuss the affect Clarisse has on Montag and why her affect is important for both characters. What begins to happen to Montag? What is he realizing?

8. Discuss the affect the woman who will not leave her books has on Montag. How does he now view his job and the society in which he lives? Connect to today’s society.

9. Discuss the use of the walls and seashells in Montag’s society. What are they used for? What is the government trying to do to the citizens? Connect with today’s society.

10. Discuss the conversation between Montag and Beatty. Why is this conversation important for Montag? What is it saying about the society in which they live? What is revealed to the reader about this society by Beatty? What does it reveal about Beatty’s character? Can he be trusted? Why or why not? Connect to today’s society.


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