Twi-Quiz: Answer Key

Twi-Quiz: Answer Key

1. Why does Bella move to Forks?

a. She missed her Dad

b. Her mom sent her there

c. So her mom could move around with Phil

d. She loves the rain

2. What is the first night Bella dreams of Edward Cullen?

a. Her first night in Forks

b. After the first day of school

c. After he saves her from Tyler’s van

d. After the trip to La Push

3. In Chapter 1, why does Edward stare at Bella in the cafeteria?

a. He thinks she’s beautiful

b. He’s curious about the new girl

c. He can’t hear her thoughts

d. He wants to drink her blood

4. When Bella runs into Edward in the school officer, what is he trying to do?

a. Change classes

b. Graduate early

c. Skip a grade

d. Get an excused absence

5. Which two Forks High School students instantly seem attracted to Bella?

a. Mike Newton & Edward Cullen

b. Mike Newton & Eric Yorkie

c. Mike Newton & Ben Cheney

d. Mike Newton & Tyler Crowley

6. What is the weather like on the day of the crash with Tyler’s van?

a. It’s raining – typical Forks.

b. A rare sunny day

c. Everything is iced over

d. It’s snowing

7. Why is Bella distracted just before the crash?

a. She’s listening to her iPod

b. She’s reading a book

c. She’s looking at a scratch on her bumper

d. She’s looking at her tire chains

8. How many cars away is Edward just before he saves Bella from the van?

a. 2

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

9. The day after the crash with Tyler’s van, Edward avoids speaking to Bella in class. Why does she think this is?

a. She has B.O.

b. He’s mad at her

c. He regrets saving her life

d. He’s secretly in love with her

10. Who are the first three people who ask Bella to the dance?

a. Mike, Edward & Eric

b. Mike, Eric & Tyler

c. Mike, Ben & Tyler

d. Mike, Edward & Tyler

11. What excuse does Bella give to get out of the dance?

a. Shopping in Seattle

b. Chores around the house

c. Visiting her mom

d. Two left feet

12. In Chapter 5, why does Edward ditch class?

a. He didn’t do his homework

b. It’s healthy

c. The class is blood-typing

d. He wants to listen to music instead of study

13. Why does Bella get sick in Biology?

a. Food poisoning

b. Smell of blood

c. Frog dissection

d. She fakes it

14. What is Edward listening to in his car when he drives Bella home after she gets sick in Biology?

a. Mozart

b. Linkin Park

c. Muse

d. Debussy

15. Where does Edward tell Bella he’s going “hiking” with Emmett?

a. Goat Rocks Wilderness

b. Mount Saint Helens

c. Olympic Nat’l Forest

d. Crater Lake Nat’l Park

16. What kind of car part is Jacob looking for?

a. Brake pads

b. Muffler

c. Master cylinder

d. Fuel injection cut-off

17. What is the name of the website Bella looks at after hearing Jacob’s stories about the cold ones?

a. Vampire Lexicon

b. Vampires A-Z

c. Vampires 101

d. Vampire Encyclopedia

18. Which of the following is not one of the vampires Bella reads about online:

a. Stregoni benefici

b. Varacolaci

c. Nosferatu

d. Danag

19. Why does Bella go to Port Angeles?

a. Book shopping

b. Dress shopping

c. The movies

d. To visit a restaurant

20. Why does Bella consider running over Tyler Crowley with her truck?

a. He nearly crushed her with his van

b. He asks her to the spring dance

c. He told everyone that she has a crush on him

d. He told everyone he’s taking her to prom

21. What color dresses to Jessica & Angela buy, respectively?

a. Pink & Silver

b. Blue & Pink

c. Black & Pink

d. Silver & Black

22. Why does Edward give Bella his jacket to wear?

a. She didn’t bring one

b. She lost hers when she was nearly attacked

c. She left hers in Jessica’s car

d. She forgot hers in the dress shop

23. What does Bella order at the restaurant?

a. Spaghetti & Meatballs

b. Mushroom Ravioli

c. Spinach Ravioli

d. Mushroom Lasagna

24. What color does Edward compliment Bella for wearing?

a. Brown

b. Lavender

c. Green

d. Blue

25. The night of the Port Angeles incident, what frightens Bella most about Edward?

a. His anger towards her would-be attackers

b. The fact that he’s a vampire

c. His bad manners

d. His driving

26. On the drive home from Port Angeles, which of the following vampire myths does Bella ask Edward about:

a. Burned by Holy water

b. Sleeping in coffins

c. Wooden stakes

d. Burned by crosses

27. What is Edward’s favorite animal to hunt?

a. Mountain Lion

b. Grizzly Bear

c. Bobcat

d. Wolf

28. What is Bella’s favorite color?

a. Gold

b. Green

c. Brown

d. Blue

29. In Chapter 12, why does Edward go hunting with Alice?

a. Alice is his favorite sibling

b. Alice doesn’t like hunting alone

c. Alice is the most supportive of his relationship with Bella

d. Alice insisted – she doesn’t like it when Edward hunts alone

30. When Edward is giving Bella driving directions to the meadow, what roads does he tell her to take?

a. Hwy 101 North to the 110

b. Hwy 101 North to 113

c. Hwy 101 South to the 110

d. Hwy 101 South to 113

31. What happens to Edward in the sunlight?

a. He burns

b. He sparkles

c. He changes color

d. He gets warm

32. Of the following, which decade of music does Edward prefer most?

a. 50s

b. 60s

c. 70s

d. 80s

33. What was Edward dying of when Carlisle found him?

a. Syphilis

b. The Plague

c. Spanish Influenza

d. Hypothermia

34. What had happened to Edward’s parents?

a. They died of the same disease.

b. They died years ago; he was an orphan.

c. He never knew his parents.

d. They thought he died from his illness.

35. Why is Bella upset when she learns that Edward has been spying on her at night?

a. It’s super-creepy!

b. She has major bed-head problems.

c. She talks in her sleep

d. Her pajamas are ugly.

36. In Chapter 14, what does Charlie suspect of Bella of being up to?

a. Hiding a boy in her bedroom

b. Planning to sneak out

c. Doing something illegal

d. Nothing. He’s not suspicious in the least.

37. What does Edward compare Bella’s scent to?

a. Lavender and roses

b. Lilacs and freesias

c. Lavender and freesias

d. Lilacs and roses

38. Why is Bella afraid of going to the Cullens’ house?

a. She thinks they will want to eat her

b. She has nothing to wear

c. She’s worried about seeing coffins in their house

d. She’s afraid they won’t like her

39. When Bella meets Esme, she compares her to a fairy tale. Which one?

a. Snow White

b. Sleeping Beauty

c. Cinderella

d. Rose Red

40. Why do the nomadic vampires come to Forks sooner than expected?

a. They were thirsty and decided to check out the “hunting”

b. They wanted to find a place to stay during the storm

c. They heard the baseball game and were curious

d. They moved faster than Alice anticipated

41. In Chapter 19, what is the last thing Bella says to Charlie before running away?

a. I love you, goodbye.

b. I really, really hate Forks.

c. I’ll call you tomorrow.

d. Just let me go, Charlie.

42. Who does Bella change clothes with to throw James off her scent?

a. Rosalie

b. Esme

c. Alice

d. Edward

43. After James begins tracking Bella, who is the first person to ask permission before picking her up?

a. Edward

b. Jasper

c. Esme

d. Alice

44. Approximately what time is it when Bella first wakes up in the hotel in Phoenix?

a. 2am

b. 3am

c. 4am

d. 5am

45. When Edward finally speaks to Bella on the phone, she is at the hotel in Phoenix. Where is he calling from?

a. Forks

b. Seattle

c. Vancouver

d. Portland

46. How does Bella sneak away from Alice & Jasper to go meet James?

a. She runs onto a bus just as it’s pulling away

b. She sneaks out of the hotel while they’re checking out

c. She escapes in the crowds of the airport food court

d. She runs out of a second entrance to the airport bathroom

47. Who does James say smelled even better than Bella?

a. Alice

b. Rosalie

c. Victoria

d. Esme

48. How does Edward know he’s gotten all the venom out of Bella’s blood?

a. It tastes like her scent again

b. He can taste the morphine

c. Bella stops screaming

d. Carlisle tells him to stop

49. What excuse do the Cullens give for Bella’s injuries?

a. She was hit by a car crossing the street

b. She crashed her car driving to her mom’s house

c. She fell down two flights of stairs and through a window

d. She tripped on some stairs and crashed into a mirror

50. What does Edward do when Renée comes to visit Bella’s hospital room?

a. He leaves to give them some privacy

b. He introduces himself

c. He pretends to be asleep

d. He hides, so she doesn’t see him there

51. What color is the house Renée and Phil found in Jacksonville?

a. Yellow

b. White

c. Beige

d. Green

52. Who shows up unexpectedly at Charlie’s house to take Bella to the prom?

a. Edward Cullen

b. Jacob Black

c. Tyler Crowley

d. Mike Newton


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