From AOL news: December 18, 2008, WASHINGTON - "President-elect Barack Obama on Thursday defended his choice of a popular evangelical minister to deliver the invocation at his inauguration, rejecting criticism that it slights gays. The selection of Pastor Rick Warren brought objections from gay rights advocates, who strongly supported Obama during the election campaign. Obama told reporters in Chicago that America needs to `come together', even when there's disagreement on social issues. "That dialogue is part of what my campaign is all about," he said. Obama also said he's known to be a `fierce advocate for equality' for gays and lesbians, and will remain

so.' "


Rick Warren and his "Purpose Driven Life" message of the last 25 years has admitted to being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations--an Illuminati group/think tank. He's a big Vatican/Jesuit/Illuminati--one world, one god (Lucifer) proponent. His "friends"--alliances--are swimming with him in the pot of demonic stew. Always check alliances--"birds of a feather flock together".

Of course, he'd endorse Obama--the Muslim Communist, chosen by the Bilderberger and other think tanks to bring America to destruction. America was chosen early on by the Luciferic world system's "powers that be" to be the arm of the Jesuit instigated Illuminati that would bring their plans to fruition for world control.

Yet, Rick Warren is outspoken against homosexuality and abortion. From The Globe and Mail—Canada’s National Newspaper: Barak Obama has infuriated gay-rights advocates by asking Rick Warren, an astoundingly popular evangelist minister who strongly opposes same-sex marriage, to deliver an invocation at the inauguration. Mr. Obama has taken the risk of alienating some of his most enthusiastic supporters because he gets something they don’t: The next generation of evangelicals could be converted into Democrats. It speaks to a strategy that Mr. Obama has pursued since the election: using the mandate he received on Nov. 4 to expand his base while trying not to alienate the first believers…the religious right is in retreat. Its leadership is aging, dead or mired in sex scandals. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama, who opposes gay marriage but supports same-sex unions, has made his Christian faith an essential element of his political persona. With the religious right’s chosen president, George W. Bush, ending his tenure in disgrace, and with 50 million Americans self-identifying as evangelical Christians, the president elect clearly sees it as politically worthwhile to court these voters, even if it means offending some on the left.”


religious abomination before Yahuweh, riding the political system for advantage. As Revelation 17 tells us, when “Ahab” gets tired of being ridden

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by “Jezebel” – the whore of end-time Babylon – the Christian religious system most specifically, it will be burned with fire.

Now the laboratory and its guinea pigs are no longer needed--it has facilitated the chaos that is needed for their campaign, and accomplished the reason for its choosing. The citizens have been programmed to enjoy their "matrix"--a segregate womb. Yet, the Elohim of Israel has said there is only one land and one city that He keeps His eye on--Israel and Jerusalem. Outside of His land, is only slavery and captivity.

Obama is already working to divide Jerusalem, get Yahuweh's people out of Samaria (240,000 approximately), East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. He backs "the Arab Initiative" peace plan, and he is already busily setting up the scenario for take over of America and the destruction of Israel. Many Orthodox Jews call him "Gog", because he has the power to execute Ezekiel 38, and he might have a part in bringing that to pass, though "the land of gog" is in the area of Georgia--north towards Moscow. But, here is an unknown man, not even an American citizen, who will have more power than any other human being on earth given to him, if he makes it to office, as leader of the "policeman of the earth". He will wield more power, as does George W., than any other human on earth.

He is a part of the "Stalin plan", which is: Send your troops into all nations, and bring in foreign troops and mercenaries to destroy your own people. Americans dressed like IDF soldiers, along with NATO Turkish troops, and CIA troops, to drag His people out of Gaza in 2005.

Obama, not an American born U.S. citizen, but a Wahabi Muslim born in Kenya-

-and a Communist--is brought in by the Illuminati think tanks, breaking the Constitution to do so, to do the dirty work that the American government doesn't want to dirty its hands doing. He is a foreigner--a very dangerous anti-Israel, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-anything except Islam person. He is for what Yahuweh stands against--and he will begin the slaughter of the sheep when January 20th roles around, if his assassination is not used as a catalyst for civil war, anarchy, rioting, gang patrols, and martial law.

I worked mostly with the Luo tribe in Kenya--I was in and out of East Africa for seven years. I understand their mindset. He is in tight with the Kenya leadership, which is corrupt to the core. After Nigeria, which is number one, Kenya is the most corrupt nation on earth.

It has come out, fascinatingly enough, that Obama is related to George W. Bush and many other Presidents, and to European royalty. His genealogy credentials are incredible.

But, no matter how much of an insider he is with the “powers that be” – when he takes office, IF he takes office, he plans to implement the Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Castro policies he's already talked about--like a youth police force, based in New Orleans...a martial law headquarters. To really see how horrible this is, study up on Mao's Red Guard. The programmed youth were more brutal than most military men.

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America has been set up for a bloodbath, not executed by American born leaders, but by a Muslim of the Wahabi sect--the most brutal sect--the one bin Lauden was leading in Afghanistan. Americans have elected Osama--in the name of Obama...Barak Hussein Mohammed Obama. Osama is dead; Obama is with us. What has America done to itself? The prisons have replaced the Bible

for the Koran, given to angry black inmates, and when they are released during a time of chaos, the slaughter will grow greater.

In the mist of this slaughter, the famine, the disease, the concentration camps, the guillotines, ovens and gas chambers will be initiated, not for terrorists, but for Jews, Christians, Messianics, and patriots of all types. This nation will then be attacked by a conglomerate of Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba, all working together to totally bring about Jeremiah 50 and 51, Revelation 18 and Isaiah 47 and all the other patterns of judgment for this nation, for we have sinned so greatly against Yahuweh that it has brought Him to the final hour of His rage. We have done everything in multiples to break His Torah and destroy His people all over the world. Now, He will have His final say.

He says that He will judge America as He judged Sodom and Gomorrah--with fire from the sky. America is a haven for homosexuality, perversions of all types, abuse of children, traffic in slavery, drugs, prostitution, and child sex slavery, violent movies and violent music. It is a nation with 60% divorce rate, and extremes in domestic violence. It is a nation of the most vile defilements, not only perpetrated on its citizens but spread throughout the whole earth--"making drunk the whole earth with the wine of her fornication".

Rick Warren is a part of this vile picture, gathering mindless churches into a conglomerate of his "purpose driven life", while totally bypassing the set-apart servant life of the followers of Yahushua--Messiah of Israel.

For several years, Father instructed me to drop the plumb-line where ever I taught--Amos 7:7-8. In February 2008, He said we'd moved from Amos 7:7-8 to

Amos 4:12: "House of Israel: prepare to meet your Elohim". In March 2008 He instructed me that it was all over, and to only pray for the remnant who is going forward with Him. Then after that He instructed me from Revelation 3, the assembly to Sardis: "Strengthen that which remains and is about to die".

We are at the point when Father says no longer pray for the nation or the people as a whole because they have refused to obey Yahuweh. We must no longer pray for those who reject His Torah and His Covenant, no longer pray for those, even family, who do not love truth enough to drop their abominations to Yahuweh, no longer pray for the deniers and mockers, scoffers, the religiously proud and arrogant, or those who teach lies and deceptions as truth. (Matthew 10:34-39) After Jeremiah had given the people Yahuweh's warnings for forty years, Yahuweh said, "Do not pray for them". America is at that point.

Many foolishly think that tragedy in America will bring a great revival of people "receiving" the Christian Savior, Iesous. But, the "Gospel of the Kingdom" (Matthew 24) begins with "Repent!"--followed by commitment of total life as a

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servant of Yahuweh and Yahushua, which includes obedience to Yahuweh, Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--obedience to His Torah and His Covenant requirements. Otherwise there is no salvation freebee. Will the panicking turn to Yahuweh's Covenant via Messiah Yahushua, or to those who OK the easy-going freewheeling god who gives out free tickets to heaven in exchange for a cheap belief-system with no commitments? Ezekiel 38-39: When this attack on Israel ends, there is one major statement from Yahuweh: "The world will know that I AM YAHUWEH!" The Kingdom of Messiah will be ruled by Torah.

All of man's made up religions, including Christianity and Judaism, will be destroyed. Once anti-messiah sits enthroned on Yahuweh's earthly throne, it will be all about worshipping him as god... Therefore, we have a clear choice--Yahuweh or Lucifer, Yahuweh or Ba'al, Yahuweh or the world system, Yahuweh or religion, Yahuweh or our own belief system. The Word tells us that there will be a "great falling away"--an apostasy-- because of the hypnotic power of the anti-messiah and his entourage of fallen angels.

Many Americans have made Obama to be a god--messiah, savior, and deliverer-another Martin Luther King--he's going to fix everything that is wrong, and make us great again. Women say they feel like fainting in his presence. If this can happen in America with a man coming out of no-where that few know about, what will happen with the hypnotic power of the anti-messiah? Most of the so-called believers will end up joining the anti-messiah. Tragic but true... The set-apart ones are now locked in place--they will either be martyred or endure to the end--either way, they will overcome.

If you are not in the Exodus 12 preparatory stance, moving out already at His command, then you are not prepared for anything but failure and tragedy. The wise virgins prepared, the "lazy fools" didn't. If a person does not fear Him enough to obey Him now, then they will fall away. "Apostasy, "rebellion, and revolt" is what the word "transgression means". I John 3:4 says: "...sin is the transgression of the Torah". The Torah is simply the teachings and instructions

of the Kingdom of heaven, given by Yahuweh for our good. Messiah never changed that. He only expanded it and made it more emphatic. Therefore, those who reject the Torah willfully, with full knowledge of their rejection, have rejected the real Messiah of Israel, so they can expect to be sent away from His Presence (Matthew 7:21-23, etc.), for those religious braggers are "without the Torah"--that is what "lawless" means.

Shalom in Him who is our peace, -- Isaiah 26:3-4


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