MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4)

MongoDB C100DBA

MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4)

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Question 1

Which of the following are valid json documents? Select all that apply. (A). {"a":l, "b":{"b":l, "c":"foo", "d":"bar", "e":[l,2,4]}} (B). {"city":"New York", "population", 7999034, boros:{"queens", "manhattan", "staten island", "the bronx", u "brooklyn"}} (C). {"name":"Fred Flintstone";"occupation":"Miner";"wife":"Wilma"} (D). { } Options: A. Option A,D are correct.


Answer: A Explanation: e correct.


Question 2

Which operations add new documents to a collection? (A). Create (B). update (C). insert (D). delete Options:

MongoDB C100DBA

A. Option A,C are correct.


Answer: A Explanation: e correct.


Question 3

Which of the following node is used during election in a replication cluster? (A). primary (B). arbiter (C). hidden (D). secondary Options: A. Option B is correct.


Answer: A Explanation: orrect.


Question 4

MongoDB is a schema-less design. (A). False (B). True Options: A. Option B is correct.


MongoDB C100DBA Answer: A Explanation: orrect.


Question 5

You are comparing values of different BSON types in mongodb. You want to compare from lowest to highest. Which comparison order is used? (A). MinKey, Null, Numbers,Symbol, String,Object,Array,BinData (B). MinKey, Null, Numbers,Object,Array,BinData,Symbol, String (C). Object/Array^inData/Symbol,MinKey, Null, Numbers,String (D). Objec^Array^inData,Symbol, String,MinKey, Null, Numbers Options: A. Option A is correct.


Answer: A Explanation: orrect.


Question 6

Which of the tags in a replica set configuration specify the operations to be read from the node with the least network latency? (A). netLatency (B). secondaryPreferred (C). nearest (D). primaryPreferred Options: A. Option C is correct.


MongoDB C100DBA Answer: A Explanation: orrect.


Question 7

Which of the following does MongoDB use to provide High Scalability? (A). Replication

(B). Write Concern (C). Indexing (D). Sharding Options: A. Option D is correct.


Answer: A Explanation: orrect.


Question 8

Which of the following is correct about MongoDB? (A). MongoDB supports geospatial indexes (B). MongoDB supports some of the SQL functions (C). MongoDB uses JSON format to represent documents (D). MongoDB supports collection joins Options: A. Option A is correct.


MongoDB C100DBA

Answer: A Explanation: orrect. Explanation:

Question 9

Update If Correct is an approach for which of the following concepts in MongoDB: (A). Concurrency Control (B). Atomicity (C). Performance Management (D). Transaction Management Options: A. Option A is correct. Explanation:

Answer: A Explanation: orrect. Explanation:

Question 10

Which of the following operator can be used to control the number of items of an array that a query returns?

Options: A. Option B is correct. Explanation:


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