This is a problem - Healers Who Share


Blood is the life force of the body and a crucial key to almost every aspect of our bodies.


Blood is described as a specialized bodily fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body's cells (in animals) – such as nutrients and oxygen – and transports waste products away from those same cells.

In vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in a liquid called blood plasma. Plasma;

(1) Constitutes 55% of blood fluid and is straw- yellow in color.

(2) Is 92% water. The blood plasma volume totals of 2.7–3.0 liters (2.8–3.2 quarts) in an average human.

(3) 8% blood plasma proteins, and trace amounts of other materials. Plasma circulates dissolved nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids (dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma proteins), and removes waste products such as carbon dioxide (plasma being the main medium for excretory product transportation), urea, and lactic acid.

Suspended in plasma are Blood Cells, which are:

1) Mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes). These contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein, which facilitates transportation of oxygen by reversibly binding to this respiratory gas and greatly increasing its solubility in blood. In contrast, carbon dioxide is almost entirely transported extracellularly dissolved in plasma as bicarbonate ion.

2) White blood cells, including leukocytes and platelets. The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells.

Other important components include:

1) Serum albumin

2) Blood-clotting factors (to facilitate coagulation)

3) Immunoglobulins (antibodies)

4) Lipoprotein particles

5) Various other proteins

6) Various electrolytes (mainly sodium and chloride)

7) Platelet-Derived Growth Factors (transforming GF, fibroblast GF, epidermal GF, insulin-like GF, vascular-endothelial GF

The term serum refers to plasma from which the clotting proteins have been removed. Most of the proteins remaining are albumin and immunoglobulins.

During formation, the RBC eventually loses its nucleus and leaves the bone marrow as a reticulocyte. At this point, the reticulocyte contains some remnants of organelles. Eventually these organelles leave the cell and a mature erythrocyte is formed. RBCs last an average of 120 days in the bloodstream. When RBCs age, they are removed by macrophages in the liver and spleen.

A hormone called erythropoietin and low oxygen levels regulate the production of RBCs. Any factor that decreases the oxygen level in the body, such as lung disease or anemia (low number of RBCs), increases the level of erythropoietin in the body. Erythropoietin then stimulates production of RBCs by stimulating the stem cells to produce more RBCs and increasing how quickly they mature. Ninety percent of erythropoietin is made in the kidneys. When both kidneys are removed, or when kidney failure is present, that person becomes anemic due to lack of erythropoietin. Iron, vitamin B-12 and folate are essential in the production of RBCs


Blood cells are made in the bone marrow. During childhood, almost every bone produces red blood cells. As adults, red blood cell production is limited to larger bones. The bone marrow is the soft, spongy material in the center of the bones that produces about 95 percent of the body's blood cells.

There are other organs and systems in our bodies that help regulate blood cells. The lymph nodes, spleen, and liver help regulate the production, destruction, and differentiation (developing a specific function) of cells. The production and development of new cells is a process called hematopoiesis.

Blood cells formed in the bone marrow start out as a stem cell. A "stem cell" (or hematopoietic cell) is the initial phase of all blood cells. As the stem cell matures, several distinct cells evolve such as the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Immature blood cells are also called blasts. Some blasts stay in the marrow to mature and others travel to other parts of the body (primarily the liver and spleen) to develop into mature, functioning blood cells.

Essentially we could divide blood into two concepts: The part of the blood that feeds the body and the part that defends the body.


Plasma, as the largest part of blood, plays both roles. In the feeder role it carries sugars, mineral ions, hormones and blood cells and distributes them accordingly.

Red Blood Cells bring nutrition to all parts of the body.

Hemoglobin brings oxygen to all parts of the body.


Plasma, as the largest part of blood, plays both roles In the defender role it carries a host of protecting agents surrounding the feeder elements. When plasma is allowed to clot, the fluid left behind is serum.

White Blood Cells (leukocytes) are for infection fighting.

Platelets plug holes in the arteries so they don’t leak.

Lymphocytes are infection fighters with memories. They weave in and out of blood as associates, but not part of the blood system.


Blood Types

There are four major blood types: A, B, AB, and 0. The blood types are determined by proteins called antigens (also called agglutinogens) on the surface of the RBC.

|U.S. Blood Type Distribution |

|According to the American Association of Blood Banking, these are the percentages of different blood types in the U.S. |

|population: |

|A+ |

|34 percent |

| |

|A- |

|6 percent |

| |

|B+ |

|9 percent |

| |

|B- |

|2 percent |

| |

|AB+ |

|3 percent |

| |

|AB- |

|1 percent |

| |

|O+ |

|38 percent |

| |

|O- |

|7 percent |

| |

| |

| |

| |

There are two antigens, A and B. If you have the A antigen on the RBC, then you have type A blood. When B antigen is present, you have type B blood. When both A and B antigens are present, you have type AB blood. When neither are present, you have type O blood.

When an antigen is present on the RBC, then the opposite antibody (also called agglutinin) is present in the plasma. For instance, type A blood has anti-type-B antibodies. Type B blood has anti-type-A antibodies. Type AB blood has no antibodies in the plasma, and type O blood has both anti-type-A and anti-type-B antibodies in the plasma. These antibodies are not present at birth but are formed spontaneously during infancy and last throughout life.

In addition to the ABO blood group system, there is an Rh blood group system. There are many Rh antigens that can be present on the surface of the RBC. The D antigen is the most common Rh antigen. If the D antigen is present, then that blood is Rh+. If the D antigen is missing, then the blood is Rh-. In the United States, 85 percent of the population is Rh+ and 15 percent is Rh-. Unlike in the ABO system, the corresponding antibody to the Rh antigen does not develop spontaneously but only when the Rh- person is exposed to Rh antigen by blood transfusion or during pregnancy. When an Rh- mother is pregnant with an Rh+ fetus, then the mother forms antibodies that can travel through the placenta and cause a disease called hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), or erythroblastosis fetalis.


Plasma, in the defender role, carries clotting factors. The issues vary with having too much clotting or too little clotting. Accordingly we made Clot Clog 1, Clot Clog 2, Clot Clog 3. For issues that look like clogs we made Erwina C and Erwina A (bacteria that roll into a spindle and act like clots). A Thrombus is another form of clot. Blood Fluke (ok to use Critter Be Gone) colonies often perform functions that are clot equivalent. For red blood cell agglutinating problems we made Clump Buster.

For missing blood clot factors, we developed Hemophilia for missing clotting factor VIII and Hemophilia B for missing clotting factor IX. Hemorrhagic Hemophilia was developed for a version of the Hanta virus that breaks down clotting factors in the blood (we cannot find a current-science parallel).


Immunoglobulins (aka Antibodies) are glycoprotein molecules that are produced by plasma cells in response to an immunogen and which function as antibodies. The immunoglobulins derive their name from the finding that they migrate with globular proteins when antibody-containing serum is placed in an electrical field. We have made remedies for weakened or insufficient Immunoglobulins. The abbreviation for immunoglobulins is Ig.

1) Ig Gs are the most common and constitutes

75% of the immunoglobulins in serum.

The remedy for a deficiency is Collagen Blood.

2) Ig As are the 2nd most abundant. It is found in tears, saliva, colostrum, mucus. It plays a strong role in secretory proteins. The remedy for a deficiency is called Protein Blood.

3) Ig M is the 3rd most common and plays an important agglutinating role that also helps arteries. The remedy for a deficiency is Arteries Blood.

4) Ig D plays a helpful role with allergies to natural substance. The remedy for a deficiency is Allergy Blood.

5) Ig Es are known in allergic responses that affect the skin and some other allergic reaction. For instance, the number rises in response to parasite infections. The remedy for a deficiency is Skin Blood.

Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) are made in the bones, as previously described. The kidneys produce erythropoietin as a stimulus. The condition, when kidneys fail to make the hormone, is called Adynamic Bone Disease.

(1) It is difficult for the bones to make the red blood cells when infected by the Basic Four or under siege by another bone disease. Erythro Leukemia often develops under these conditions. Red Cell Strong 1, Red Cell Strong 2, Red Cell Strong 3 were developed for similar conditions.

(2) It is difficult to make the kidney hormone when the kidneys have other diseases or

infections. Since science began genetic manipulation we found diseases of animals used for the manipulation appearing in people. Hematopoietic Infectious Necrosis Virus (from salmon) have been found interfering with the making of red blood cells.

(3) The kidneys will make more of the hormone and the bones will work harder to

produce more red blood cells with

(a) Any condition that decreases oxygen, like high altitudes, anemia, loss of blood

(b) Any condition that reduces the iron in the blood, like Iron Little, Iron

Surplus and the conditions listed in the mineral section relevant to iron


Weakened red blood attracts infections, like Blood Healer-Red Blood Cell which specifically eats the red blood cell (and reduces self-confidence). Hookworms, which also eat red blood cells (and causes anemia) are attracted most to people with Hemochromatosis (Iron Surplus) (a disease where people are recommended to have blood letting which is what the hookworm essentially does).

Red Blood Cells carry Heme, a substance derived from the division of Protoporphyrin in the liver into bile and heme. There are bone conditions that help or interfere with heme strength that are not well understood in current science. Heme sometimes is counteracted by a bone condition that shortens the life of heme so we made Heme Expire. When heme is weakened, there are diseases that make the blood strongly anemic with different temperatures. Hemolytic Anemia-Cold, Hemolytic Anemia-General, Hemolytic Anemia-Hot. Weakened heme attracts parasites. Dracunculiasis eats the red pigment (heme) of the red blood cells giving the subject an almost alabaster white skin appearance (and lack of self-confidence). Heme gives that red color to blood. Heme carries oxygen in hemoglobin.


Hemoglobin is an iron-bearing protein within red blood cells that is most known for carrying oxygen. Hemoglobin also transports other gases, but current science considers it insignificant. In 2000 we made remedies for the major well-known Hemoglobinopathies, the genetic variations of hemoglobin that ineffectively carry oxygen and thus produce varying degrees of anemia.

Hemoglobin A

Hemoglobin C

Hemoglobin D

Hemoglobin E

Hemoglobin F

Hemoglobin G

Hemoglobin H

Hemoglobin M

Hemoglobin S

Hemoglobin SC

Sickle Cell Anemia


Thalassemias are considered the insufficient production of Hemoglobin as opposed to the ineffective hemoglobinopathies. When first assembled these diseases were first associated only with people of Mediterranean descent.

Thalassemia A

Thalassemia B

Thalassemia C

Thalassemia D

It is logical to think that a person could have both a hemoglobinopathy (genetically mismade hemoglobin) and a Thalassemia (insufficient production of hemoglobin). Science is currently identifying such combinations, mostly in Asia


Leukemia - Damage to the bone marrow, by way of displacing the normal bone marrow cells with higher numbers of immature white blood cells, results in a lack of blood platelets, which are important in the blood clotting process. This means people with leukemia may easily become bruised, bleed excessively, or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae).

White blood cells, which are involved in fighting pathogens, may be suppressed or dysfunctional. This could cause the patient's immune system to be unable to fight off a simple infection or to start attacking other body cells. Because leukemia prevents the immune system from working normally, some patients experience frequent infection, ranging from infected tonsils, sores in the mouth, or diarrhea to life-threatening pneumonia or opportunistic infections. The red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may cause dyspnea and pallor. The different types of leukemia may be seen as cancerous because they crowd out the red blood cells. The dispelling of each form allows more red blood cells to grow.

Science is currently concentrating on leukemia from a different viewpoint, so the forms of leukemia we have developed vary by current names. It is our opinion that the current scientific viewpoint of leukemia is ready for improvement.

Leukocytosis Disease is worse than weak leukocytes. It actually turns leukocytes from an immune function into an attack on all organs. Subjects look puffy in the face and the body.

We have noticed Marrow Pockets are in every case of multiple forms of leukemia.

Richter Cell Disease Complex is thought to be a rare form of Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. The remedy necessarily includes B Cell Prolymphatic Leukemia, Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma and Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma.


Platelets repair arteries (when not suppressed by leukocytes) and they repair tissue with the help of other factors. The spleen, which removes old red blood cells, used white blood cells and damaged platelets seems to react strongly to platelet conditions.

Platelets (AKA Thrombocytes) are formed from Megakaryocytes in the bone marrow with a prompting from the liver making Thrombopoietin. There are bone conditions that do not make platelets well, which means they break down easily and cause easy bruising. Platelets Strong corrects the mis-making in one way. Platelet Surplus was made for another form of mis-making that left the blood too thick by making too many weak platelets. A similar condition, Platelet Profusion, mis-makes platelets that are weak in their intended use and destroys the contents of plasma (like hormones, enzymes, etc,). With Platelet Toxin some of the contents of plasma (ascites and Ferritin) are attached to another form of mis-made platelets, different toxic conditions form in the liver and Spleen.

Toxic conditions of weak platelets lay the ground for Platelet Disorder Bernard-Soulier, Platelet Disorder Glanzman Disease, Platelet Disorder Von Willebrand’s. All are involved in non-agglutination of blood cells and mimic Hemophilia.

Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia (CAMT) is a condition that can cause too many platelets. The issue often manifests by clogging circulation to the central nervous system, including the brain.

Similarly, Platelet Disorder Hemorrhagic Thrombocytopenia is a condition of excess platelets. It is most known for causing small ruptures in the eyes – they sting and are quickly forgotten after rubbing the eyes. Concurrent rough red skin patches often come and go as does bruising. Somehow the condition drains water out of the system that the subject doesn’t recognize by thirst. Despite all these symptoms, subjects usually put none of them down as a symptom and have to be asked specifically about their existence.

Platelet Disease Storage hangs on to platelets in the spleen and makes the spleen and liver swell into pot bellies.


Heme is derived from the liver by the cleavage of Protoporphyrin into Heme and bile. Heme goes on to merge with globulins and become hemoglobin. Sometimes Heme is weakly made and falls apart shortly after construction. We call the remedy Heme Expire.

When the liver cannot quite make the division, we get a blood disease called porphyria. There are many forms of this miscleavage or misdivision. We have made the recognized forms in science. This is one of the most recognized forms of heme diseases in the world, but is thought to be very rare and very unlikely. The symptoms are extreme tiredness after exertion and because the symptom fits so many other diseases it is rarely found.

Porphyria Cutanea Tarda is easier to recognize because the skin breaks out with exposure to light. There is thought to be no cure in science to the disease so there are whole associations of people who take their children out in the daytime with complete covering of every part of their skin, including eyes. Porphyria Acute Intermittent is thought to be the most common form.

Current science classifies the disease as a form of leukemia.

Reticulocytopenia is for a miasmic condition of producing insufficient reticulocytes (one of the forms of red blood cells). Reticulocytes are needed especially for combating infection, for full nutrition and oxygen carriage (high altitudes). Reticulocyte Malady is for a malformation of the reticulocyte cells in the bones.

Plasma, in the feeder role, carries many different beneficial elements, but is currently not known for more than transformation. However, when plasma is in trouble, all the elements it carries are in trouble. Because so little is recognized for the feeder role (as opposed to carrier role), we only have information and remedies about the deterioration of plasma.

We start with the plasma cell and have made Plasma Cell Malady, Plasma Cell Leukemia and Plasma Cell Utilization. Adrenal Enzyme Alteration-Plasma Cell is a rare recognition of an adrenal enzyme that helps plasma feed red blood cells.

Plasma Cell Membrane helps cell membranes in arteries, connective tissue and nerve fibers. Plasma Pleaser is for a bone disease that kills hormones. Plasma Plaque is for a thrombocytic deterioration in the artery wall that may break off and cause thrombosis (traveling blood clot). Plasma Toxins was invented for those who have tubal ligations and back estrogens, leuteinizing hormones into the plasma and cause menstruation toxicity. Plasma D is a very specific remedy for the plasma not carrying a single steroid, vitamin D. Plasma Lactic Acid Lymphoma Complex is for the inability of the plasma to carry lactic acid and the lymphoma condition created by it. Nerve Blood Restore is an inherited plasma disorder that starves nerves of nutrition. It activates white and grey matter atrophy of the nerves which depletes multiple organs of nerve activity. It causes multiple allergies.

Plasma can become infected as in Blood Plasma Carcinoma Complex and Blood Plasma Trophoblast Complex.


(with range of bottles needed)

Adrenal Enzyme Alteration-

Plasma Cell 5-6

Blood Plasma Carcinoma

Complex 5-6

Blood Plasma Trophoblast

Complex 5-6

Nerve Blood Restore 5-6

Plasma Cell Malady 5-6

Plasma Cell Leukemia 5-6

Plasma Cell Membrane 5-6

Plasma Cell Utilization 5-6

Plasmacytoma 5-6

Plasma D 5-6

Plasma Lactic Acid

Lymphoma Complex 5-6

Plasma Plaque 5-6

Plasma Pleaser 5-6

Plasma Toxins 5-6

Plasma Lymphocytoma 5-6

Plasma Lymphoma C1 5-6

Plasma Lymphoma C2 5-6

Plasma Lymphoma C3 5-6

Plasma Lymphoma C4 5-6


(with range of bottles needed)

Adynamic Bone Disease 5-6

Blood Healer-Red Blood Cell 2-5

Dracunculiasis * 2-5

Erythro Leukemia 5-6

Hematopoietic Infectious

Necrosis Virus 3-5

Heme Expire 5-6

Hemolytic Anemia-Cold 5-6

Hemolytic Anemia-General 5-6

Hemolytic Anemia-Hot 5-6

Iron Little 5-6

Iron Surplus 5-6

Red Cell Strong 1 5-6

Red Cell Strong 2 5-6

Red Cell Strong 3 5-6

Reticulocyte Malady 5-6

Reticulopenia 5-6

Sideroblastic Anemia 5-6

Spherocytosis Inherited 5-6

*Critter Be Gone can be used


(with range of bottles needed)






























(with range of bottles needed)

Hemoglobin A 5-6 Hemoglobin C 5-6

Hemoglobin D 5-6

Hemoglobin E 5-6

Hemoglobin F 5-6

Hemoglobin G 5-6

Hemoglobin H 5-6

Hemoglobin M 5-6

Hemoglobin S 5-6

Hemoglobin SC 5-6

Paroxysmal Nocturnal

Hemoglobinuria 5-6

Sickle Cell Anemia 5-6

Thalassemia A 5-6

Thalassemia B 5-6

Thalassemia C 5-6

Thalassemia D 5-6


(with range of bottles needed)

Allergy Blood 5-6

Arteries Blood 5-6

Blood Flukes * 2-5

Clot Clog 1 5-6

Clot Clog 2 5-6

Clot Clog 3 5-6

Clump Buster 5-6

Collagen Blood 5-6

Deep Vein Thrombosis 5-6

Erwina A 2-4

Erwina C 2-4

Hemophilia 5-6

Hemophilia B 5-6

Hemorrhagic Hemophilia 5-6

Immunoglobulin Malady 5-6

Immunoglobulin Myeloma 5-6

Paroxysmal Nocturnal

Hemoglobinuria 5-6

Protein Blood 5-6

Skin Blood 5-6

Thrombus 5-6

*Critter Be Gone can be used


(with range of bottles needed)

Aleukemia Leukemia 5-6

Aplastic Anemia 5-6

Avian Erythroblastosis Virus 5-6

B Cell Prolymphocytic

Leukemia 6

Blood Cradle #1 5-6

Blood Cradle #2 5-6

Bovine Leukemia 5-6

Chronic Lymphatic

Leukemia 5-6

Cytopenic Leukemia 5-6

Eosinophilic Leukemia 5-6

Feline Leukemia 5-6

Gland Cell Leukemia 5-6

Giant Cell Myelitis 5-6

Hairy Cell Leukemia 5-6

Leukemia – Acute of an

Ambiguous Lineage 5-6

Leukemia L-1210 6

Leukemia P-388 6

Leukocytosis Disease 5-6

Lipocytic Leukemia 5-6

Lymphatic Leukemia 5-6

Lymphoblastic Leukemia 5-6

Lymphocytic Leukemia 5-6

Lipid Cell Leukemia 5-6


Leukemia 5-6

Marrow Pockets 5-6

Mast Cell Leukemia

Megakaryocyte Leukemia* 5-6

Myelogenous Leukemia 5-6

Normoblastic Leukemia 5-6

Plasma Cell Leukemia 5-6


Leukemia* 5-6

Richter Cell Disease Complex 6

Small Cell Leukemia 5-6

T-Cell Leukemia 5-6

* Not Yet Released


(with range of bottles needed)

Banti’s Disease 5-6

Congenital Amegakaryocytic

Thrombocytopenia 5-6

Platelet Disease Storage 5-6 Platelet Disorder

Bernard-Soulier 5-6

Platelet Disorder

Glanzman Disease 5-6

Platelet Disorder Hemorrhagic

Thrombocytopenia 5-6

Platelet Disorder

Von Willebrand’s 5-6

Platelet Profusion 5-6

Platelets Strong 5-6

Platelet Surplus 5-6

Platelet Toxin 5-6

Spleen Platelet Declog 5-6


Less specific/more general remedies have been made for blood. For anemia we made Blood Anemia Hypophosphate, Blood Anemia Stomatocytosis, Blood Anemia – Low Density Lipoproteins.

For hemagglutination of various kinds we developed Blood Sticky, Blood Thick 1, Blood Thick 2, Blood Thick 3. Deep Vein Thrombosis can cause another type of agglutination, most noticed when one sits a long time in a single position.

Blood Volume may reduce because of internal bleeding, parasites and even infection. If there is insufficient Aldosterone we made Blood Volume Low. If there is too much Aldosterone we made Blood Volume High.

Monoclonal Gammopathy is more of a specialized disease.

Myelokathexis is an inherited white blood cell disease characterized by (1) chronic leukopenia and chronic neutropenia. Subjects are known to catch "everything" in terms of infections. Kathexis = retention (of neutrophils) in bone marrow. The disease is also part of WHIM (Warts, Hypogammaglobulinemia Infections,

Hemological Carcinoma and Hemological Myeloma have often been used with Multiple Myeloma for general bone-based disruptions of the blood making process. Marrow Master Cell Regenerate is one of the test remedies for a very broad spectrum approach to bone/blood health. Stem Cell Genesis and Stem Cell Mitosis Disease are also broad spectrum.

Primary Myelofibrosis Complex is a marrow fibrosis which causes blood making to shift from the bones to the liver and spleen (extramedullary). The liver and spleen swell in the secondary blood production disease, causing disproportionate abdominal swelling. blood congests in the liver and backs into the inferior vena cava, which backs into the heart and causes heart failure.


There are a number of pathogens that can infect weakened blood. Usually when there are blood infections there is a base blood disease or bone disease.

Basidomycosis Hemolyticus can come from stagnant water in pools, ponds, streams and from thatch roofs. It is associated with Cyanobacteria that makes algae deposits in stagnant water.

All the remedies with a name that begins with “Blood Healer” are treponema infections. Treponemas are non-venereal syphilis infections. They are so small that they are hard to identify under an electron microscope. Our way of measuring is more specific.

Treponemas have a specific proclivity to attach to different material produced by the body or minerals inside the body. Some often used members of this group are:

BH Red Blood Cells causes a serious loss of self confidence similar to loss of confidence with a Dracunculiasis infection.

BH Sodium Potassium often accompanies multiple Chemical and Mold Sensitivity. Many have trouble taking even a few drops of Chemical and Mold Sensitivity until they have taken this remedy.

Bordetella Haemophilus is rarely found, but can be found often with people who work with animals extensively.

Brucella Haemolyticus and especially Bubonic Haemophilus (see Plague group of remedies) are heavy infections usually causing tiredness because of the devastation of the bacteria.

Cytophaga Complex is included in the list because it also contains Cytophaga Haemolyticus.

Nocardia is a difficult bacteria for science to microscopically find, so it is easy to understand why Nocadria Hemolyticus is rarely identified.

Radiation Necroisis Blood and Sanguine Necrosis have names that tell us the blood is fracturing and falling apart.

The Strep A, Strep B Hemolyticus and Haemophilus Influenza groups are described more in detail under Meningitis.

TB Blood is often found in cell cancers helping the cancer sprouting in many areas.


(with range of bottles needed)

Abscess Address 5-6

Basidomycosis Hemolyticus 2-5

Black Water Fever Group 2-5

Blood Healer-Cholesterol 2-5

Blood Healer-Potassium 2-5

Blood Healer-Sodium 2-5

Blood Healer-Sodium/

Potassium 2-5

Blood Healer-Calcium 2-5

Blood Healer-Carbon 2-5

Blood Healer-D 2-4

Blood Healer-Lymph 2-4

Blood Healer-Red

Blood Cells 2-4

Blood Healer-Blood

Necrotizer 2-5

Bordetella Hemophilus 2-4

Brucella Haemophilus 2-4

Bubonic Haemophilus 2-5

Clostridium Hemolyticus 2-5

Coccoides Hemolyticus 2-5

Cytophaga Haemolyticus 2-5

Cytophaga Complex 6

Feline Leukemia 2-4

Hemophilus Influenza 2-4

Leukocyte Leprosy 2-4

Leukocyte Staph 2-4

Leukocyte Yaws 2-4

Malassezia Haemolyticus 2-4

Neisseria Hemolyticus 2-4

Nocardia Hemolyticus 2-5

Radiation Necrosis Blood 2-6

Sanguine Necrosis 3-6

Staph B Hemolyticus 2-4

Strep A Hemolyticus Grp A1 2-4

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp A 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp B 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp C 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp D 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp E 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp F 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp G 2-6

Strep B Hemolyticus Grp H 2-6

TB Blood 2-5

Vibrio Hemolyticus 2-5


(with range of bottles needed)

Blood Anemia

Hypophosphate 5-6

Blood Anemia

Stomatocytosis 5-6

Blood Anemia – Low

Density Lipoproteins 5-6

Blood Sticky 5-6

Blood Thick 1 5-6

Blood Thick 2 5-6

Blood Thick 3 5-6

Blood Volume High 5-6

Blood Volume Low 5-6

B Lymphocyte Myeloma

Complex 6

Deep Vein Thrombosis 5-6

Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Inherited 5-6

Hemoblastic Malady 5-6

Hemolytic Uremia 5=6

Hemological Carcinoma 5-6

Hemological Myeloma 5-6

Hemolytic Long Life 5-6

Leukoerythro Blastic Anemia 5-6

Marrow Master Cell

Regenerate 5-6

Monoclonal Gammopathy 5-6

Multiple Myeloma 5-6


Polycythemia Vera 5-6

Primary Myelofibrosis

Complex 6

Stem Cell Genesis 5-6

Stem Cell Mitosis

Disease 5-6


There are also the diseases called Hemorrhagic Fevers. Usually all fevers are most seen in the liver. These infections will produce fevers but often affect other parts of the body more. For instance, Dengue Fever is nicknamed Breakbone Fever because it makes your back feel like it will break. The Hanta viruses most affect lungs and were found in “ground Zero” after 9/11. (as was Marburg Virus).

Technically these viruses can make a person bleed out of almost any orifice. We rarely see that effect in areas of reasonably high nutrition, but these issues can deeply weaken the blood and cause an exhaustion as severe as any blood disease.


(with range of bottles needed)

Alkhumra Hemorrhagic Virus 2-5 Chicago Hemorrhagic Fever 2-5

Corona Hemorrhagic Disease 2-5

Corona Hemorrhagic Virus 2-5


Hemorrhagic Virus 2-5

Dengue Fever 2-5

Ebola Virus 2-5

Fossil Fever 2-5

Guanarito Virus 2-5

Hanta Virus (many kinds) 2-5

Hemorrhagic Smallpox 3-6

Japanese Encephalitis 2-5

Junin Virus 2-5

Kyasanur Forest Disease 2-5

Langat Virus 2-5

Lassa Fever 2-5


Choriomeningitis 2-5

Machupo Virus 2-5

Marburg Virus 2-5

Mayaro Virus 2-5

Murray Valley Encephalitis 2-5

Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever 2-5

Ovine Encephalomyelitis 2-5

Powassan Virus 2-4

Puumala Virus 2-5

Rift Valley Fever 2-5

Ross River Virus 2-5

Sindbis Virus 2-5

Tularemia 2-4

Vascular Hemorrhagic

Virus A/V 2-4

West Nile Virus 2-4

Yellow Fever 2-4












The Influenza Vaccine and DPT Vaccine can turn T Lymphocytes into B Lymphocyte destroyers. Since the Thymus Lymphocytes and the Bone Lymphocytes constitute a major portion of our immune system, this means the Influenza Vaccine and/or the DPT Vaccine launches an autoimmune disease that destroys at least ½ of our immune system.

In more technical terms the B Lymphocytes are designed to break down pathogens and other antigens (bad guys). After the Influenza vaccine it tests that the B Lymphocytes cannot perform this breakdown into what science calls Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC). MHC is what causes antigen fragments to signal leukocytes (White Blood Cells) to activate their role of immunity. Consequently, the person with this affliction commonly has a chronically low WBC count after either (or both) the Influenza Vaccination or DPT Vaccination. When the body develops a lymphoma and or a blood disease, the condition of the low WBC disables the body from defending itself. The effect of the blood or lymphoma disease becomes more dangerous. Medical tests often show low white blood cell counts and low blood values even after the blood disease or lymphoma has been antidoted.

From the standpoint of Healers Who Share, the solutions are Vaccine DPT and/or Vaccine Influenza. A more comprehensive remedy is Spleen Enzyme Alteration Vaccination Toxin Clean. Tests show the WBC will improve 50% just after finishing the remedies and another 30-50% six months after finishing the remedies. Other blood values also test better 6 months after finishing the remedies. An additional remedy, Bone Mineral Enabler, boost the blood cell making ability of the bones even further.


(with range of bottles needed

Bone Mineral Enabler 6

Spleen Enzyme Alteration – 6

Vaccination Toxin Clean

Vaccine DPT 4-6

Vaccine Influenza 4-6




The propensity for plasma to back up so many things makes it a prime target for plasma lymphoma. We made Plasma Lymphocytoma, Plasma Lymphoma C1, Plasma Lymphoma C2, Plasma Lymphoma C3, Plasma Lymphoma C4. Of course there is also a Plasmacytoma, which we unexplainably often find in the Pineal Gland.

We made Immunoglobulin Malady for a bone/liver disease that affects all immunoglobulins. The condition affects multiple functions relative to weight holding and seems to interfere with multiple endocrine functions. Immunoglobulin Myeloma is a bone disease that affects the fundamental formation in the bones. The condition mimics Hepatitis B, affects ascites and often gathers ascites in the abdominal area.

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria is a blood disease characterized by anemia and thrombosis. It is usually accompanied by shortness of breath and palpitations. Deep Vein Thrombosis and Thrombus are often used conjunctly with this remedy to eliminate the many blood clots.

A disease called Budd-Chari Syndrome develops from this in the liver causing portal vein thrombosis. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis, an uncommon form of stroke is more common with people who have this condition.


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