What are some of the most important words and what do …

What are some of the most important words in the text and what do they mean? |What did you learn? |What information did you find useful? [pic] | |

|What questions do you still have about this topic? |How can you learn more about this topic? |What is a new title for the text? |

|What are two facts and two opinions from the text? |What does the title tell you about this text? |How do the headings and the subheadings help you find |

| | |information? |

|What information is provided through |How do the table of contents / index / glossary help |What information did you get from the captions? |

|illustrations/pictures? |you? | |

|What qualifications does the author have to write this|How has the author made this topic interesting? |How has the author made it easy for you to find |

|text? | |information? |

|Does the author show the difference between fact and |What kind of research do you think the author had to |What questions would you ask the author if you ever |

|opinion? |do to write this book? |met him / her? |

|What do/did you already know about this topic? |What other texts does this text remind you of? |Do you think there is any information missing? |

|What facts would you most like to share with someone? |Would you like to read more about this topic? Why? |What else would you like to learn about this topic? |

|What pictures or illustrations did you find most |Did you discover anything that may help you outside of|Compare two things in this text. Which did you like |

|interesting? Why? |school? |the most and why? |

|Was there anything you read that surprised you? |What is the main idea of the text? |If you could add a chapter or a paragraph to the text,|

| | |what would it be about? |


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