HBMA will increase membership numbers and dues revenues annually.



HBMA will increase member participation and satisfaction in educational programs


HBMA will be the leading source of information and data for the medical billing and related management services industry.


HBMA branding efforts will increase its influence, visibility, and credibility in the health care industry


HBMA will enhance its proactive national regulatory efforts to benefit the industry and clients.


HBMA will enhance the professionalism, accountability and fiscal responsibility of its volunteer and staff leadership


Strategy 1A: HBMA will determine membership numbers and determine how to best measure retention and acquisition of new members.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Continue to report the average number of FTE’s per member and |June of each year |Report to BOD |ISAM |

|will track the count of memberships in accordance to membership | | | |

|dues categories | | | |

|Utilize results of the survey of non-members to develop an |4th Quarter 2007 |New member drive |Membership Committee |

|action plan for recruiting new members | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 1B: HBMA will revisit its dues structure and strategies.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Clarify the inclusion of offshore labor (e.g. Total number of |February 28th, 2007-Report to Board at March |Update application and renewal forms |ISAM-ask for help |

|FTE’s not just W-2 employees) |Meeting | | |

|Review changing fees categories by shifting down the employee |2nd Quarter 2007 |Report to Board at July Meeting |Finance Committee |

|counts due to increased efficiencies within our member | | | |

|companies | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 1E: HMBA will determine reasons why potential members don’t join, why members leave and develop a targeted marketing plan.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

| | |2nd Quarter |Survey |

|Why companies choose not to join | | | |

|Why Members leave | |Exit Interviews-3rd Quarter |Regional Chairs- Marketing |

|Targeting new members | | |Comm |

Strategy 2A: HBMA will expand offerings to diversified, broadened audiences, (e.g. non owners, outside of industry, new member curriculum, management and staff level track programs.)

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Add Medicare 101, CPT101, lCD9101& Billing 101 Course |2007 |Graph attendance and first time attendees |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Buy email lists to broadcast educational offerings for HBMA |2nd Quarter 2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Replace new member breakfast by establishing new member |2007 |Spring Conference |Education Committee with ISAM |

|curriculum packet which discusses HBMA and have a meet and | | | |

|greet | | | |

|Audiocast HBMA 101 to help employees understand what HBMA does |1st Quarter 2007 |Delivered |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Review management & staff track program possibilities |2008/2009 | |Education Committee with ISAM |

Strategy 1C: HBMA will target new members via the use of successful mailing lists.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Membership drive to non-members. Starbucks card in “new member”|February Start, March mailing, April returns,| |Membership Committee |

|packet”. “Have a cup of coffee on HBMA. |report to BOD on responses May 2007 | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 1D: HBMA will target new members by emphasizing communications and value added benefits.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

| | | | |

|Need Clarity | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 2B: HBMA will seek diverse topics and speakers and explore new delivery modes, e.g. pre-recorded formats, pod casts.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Ask membership committee chairs for ideas and speakers |2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Minimize vendor presenters | | |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Manage conflict of interest by using panel discussions | | | |

|Call for Speakers tool |1st Quarter 2007 | |Education Committee |

Strategy 2D: HBMA will address affordability of programs through new tiered pricing levels.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Continue to offer the cost-effective webcasts, audiocasts & |March-2007 |Annual Report to Board recapping fiscal year |Education Committee with ISAM |

|webinars | | | |

|Price regional and national meetings to allow additional staff |March-2007 |Report to Education Committee one month after each |Education Committee with ISAM |

|at a lower price (more aggressive discounts at regional | |meeting. National, Regional , Compliance and O & M. | |

|meetings) | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 4A: HBMA will develop a public relations initiative including on-line ad campaign, press release, speaker’s program, articles, etc. (2007)

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Investigate and identify an external public relations firm |Immediate | |PR and Marketing Committee |

| |1 Q 2007 | | |

|Continue online advocacy |Immediate and on going |# of hits to search engine |Web team |

|Develop sample press releases for certificants, BOD, committee|Immediate 1 Q 2007 |Press releases prepared |Individuals identify local |

|chairs – any transitional change. Distribute to local news as| | |pubs |

|identified by individuals | | |ISAM identifies trade pubs |

|Develop media kits and press releases about data and what has |2007 |Releases distributed to trade magazines |ISAM |

|been accomplished | | | |

|Create downloadable media kits with instructions for use by |2008 | | |

|members in marketing efforts. | | | |

Press release template to include what is accomplished, who, where, when, how, why, for more info….

Strategy 4B: HBMA will look into joining National Association of Certifying Boards to secure accreditation of HBMA

educational programs.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Join NACB |2007-Q2 |Produce report on details to become a member and answer|ISAM |

| | |questions below. | |

|Get NACB to recognize credentials of HBMA | | |ISAM |

Criteria for membership?

Criteria for accreditation? Separate body

Who grants accreditation?

Strategy 4C: HBMA will create downloadable media kits with instructions for every day use by members or marketing efforts educational programs.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Join NACB |2007-Q2 |Produce report on details to become a member and answer|150m. |

| | |questions below. | |

|Get NACB to recognize credentials of HBMA | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 4C: HBMA will publish statistics and survey results and send information to appropriate legislative, regulatory, and trade associations groups.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Create survey after Goal 3 sets agenda |When available |Produce document |Marketing/ PR Committee |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 4D: HBMA will explore the effectiveness of a presence at relevant trade shows.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Identify where billing companies are marketing |2007 |Report on findings of trade shows |Marketing/PR Committee |

|Identify emerging markets not captured |2007 |What is perceived- | |

Local/state/national exhibit or attend? What do you see as the emerging markets?

Strategy 5B: HBMA will establish advocacy objectives, priorities in conjunction with Government Relations Committee; communicate activities to Board and membership, triage inquiries and requests.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Committee Planning meeting in D.C. |Annual – June 2007 |Issues & Work Plan |Govt. Relations Comm. |

|Periodic and ad hoc Committee conference calls |PRN |Agenda & Minutes |CA, Committee & Staff |

|Govt. Relations Executive Committee calls |Bi-weekly |Agenda & Minutes |CA, Exec. Comm. & Staff |

|Develop ongoing “tracking list” of current issues |January 2007 |Post list on HBMA website |Committee, HBMA Staff |

|Monthly Washington Update Report |Monthly – ongoing |Newsletter |Capitol Associates |

|National issue triage protocol |IQ – 2007 |Published protocol |Committee |

Strategy 5C: HBMA will maintain a high level of communication with relevant government agencies and policy makers as well as other professional associations.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Develop a govt. communications roster and schedule |Monthly – IQ 2007 |Monthly report |Capitol Associates |

|Develop an association communication program |Quarterly – IQ 2007 |Quarterly report |C.A. & Committee |

| | | | |

Strategy 5D: HBMA will triage state information that might have federal implications and consider action on the most important issues.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|State issue triage protocol |2Q-2007 |Published protocol |Committee |

|Evaluate development of a member “SWAT” team |3Q – 2007 |Roster |Committee |

|Develop a State Issues List for members |3Q – 2007 |Posted on Web Site |Committee |

| | | | |

Strategy 6A: HBMA will ensure that management agreement and staffing levels are in line with the strategic plan and ASAE recommended standards. (2007-2009)

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

| | | |Finance |

|Renegotiate ISAM Contract |2007 |Distribution of current contract |Committee |

| | |Jan. 31, 2007 being finalized | |

| | |Board approval Feb. meeting | |

|Develop formal process for additional staff request |TODAY |Publish the policy |Finance Committee-Ken |

Strategy 6B: HBMA will require committee chairs to submit annual work plans which are monitored quarterly and reported to the Board. Policies and procedures will be developed for all committees. Committee minutes and documents will be published on the website.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Establish Organizational Effectiveness Committee |1st Quarter-2007 |Report to Board in January |SPS |

|Submit work plan for each goal |Distribute current plans to committees on Dec. |Last year’s plan |Individual committees |

| |31st | | |

| |Work in Dec. and Jan | | |

| |Report to Board Feb. 2007 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 6C: HBMA will develop job descriptions, goals, timeframes and performance evaluations for each position.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Complete descriptions for committee members and HBMA leadership|2008 |Develop matrix |Committee on Organizational |

| | | |Effectiveness |

| | | | |

Strategy 6D: HBMA will improve the process and materials to orient new Board members and better document Board action items.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Merge existing word documents and Powerpoints |Dec. 31st | |ISAM Staff |

|Appoint a committee to do initial review | | |Orgaizational Effectiveness |

|More formal review |End of 1st Quarter-2007 | | |

| | | | |

| |End of 2nd Quarter-2007 | | |

|Develop materials for new board members |Completed by August 2007 |Presented at July Board meeting for approval |ISAM |

|Submit regular and timely minutes of all committees |Within 5 business days | |ISAM |

| | | | |

Strategy 6E: HBMA will develop an association investment policy, including maintenance of cash reserves of six months of operating revenue.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 3B: HBMA will develop a process to obtain more complete, in-depth information for operations, e.g. benchmarking data.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Identify from HBMA members the KPIs that they would like to |2Q 2008 | |Survey Committee |

|know from the association that will help them in their | | | |

|businesses. | | | |

|Synthesize the needs into identifiable data elements to be |2Q 2008 | | |

|mined that will yield the KPIs in step above | | | |

|Gather the data elements, collate them into the information to |4Q 2008 | | |

|be provided. Vet the outcomes to ensure accuracy, relevance, | | | |

|and statistical validity. | | | |

|Share the information with the customers/members. E.g: |4Q 2008 | | |

|Educational programming, etc | | | |

Strategy 2C: HBMA will explore the HBMA University concept. (2008-2009)

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Develop library and organize content |Annual Report to Board recapping fiscal | |Education Committee with ISAM|

| |year-January 2007 Board Call | | |

|Build curriculum that contributes to this |Annual Report to Board recapping fiscal | |Education Committee with ISAM|

| |year-January 2007 Board Call | | |

|Certification program connection |Long-term | |Education Committee with ISAM|

| | | | |

Strategy 2F: HBMA will document the effectiveness of programs via evaluations, surveys, testing, website responses, and trend information.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Graph attendance and first time attendees (to compare trends) |2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM |

|Encourage evaluation to be completed by offering incentives and|2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM |

|measure participation in surveys. | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 2E: HBMA will explore new conference formats such as double and/or triple concurrent sessions.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Move breakout sessions so that they are not last in the program|Fall-2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM|

|when people are leaving. | | | |

|Change day formats so conference ends at noon so that people do|Fall-2007 | |Education Committee with ISAM|

|not leave early and start conference in afternoon on the first | | | |

|day. | | | |

| | | | |

Strategy 5A: HBMA will retain the services of a qualified advocacy firm at the federal level to proactively influence regulatory policy and other decision makers.

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Execute Capitol Associates contract |Every two years |Renewal – 2008 |Committee Chair |

|Monitor contract objectives |Annually |Report to Board |Committee Chair |

|Rebid contract |Biannually |RFP & Proposals – 2008 |Govt. Relations Comm. |

| | | | |

Strategy 3A: HBMA will identify the three most important recipient groups, collect data elements from members, and disseminate information to the groups (e.g. Number of providers, number of claims processed, total gross charges, total number of encounters and number of FTEs employed.)

|Action Steps |Timing |Milestone/Metric |Responsibility |

|Identify the three most important recipient groups for whom |By 2Q 2007 Report to Board | |Survey Committee |

|information will be made available | | | |

|Identify the information to be provided to the recipient groups|By 2Q 2007 Report to Board | | |

|by whatever means appropriate. (e.g. surveys, empirical data) | | | |

|Collect the data elements that will yield the information to be|By 4Q 2007 Report to Board | | |

|made available | | | |

|Deliver the information to the 3 groups |By 4 Q 2007 Report to Board |Evaluate annually | |


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