My World War II Diary

My World War II Diary

September 1939

Over the past few weeks the country has been in a grip of fear. We have gone to war with Germany…

- What did Mum, Dad, Granny and Grandpa say?

- How do your school friends feel?

- How do you find out what is happening? (radio,

newspapers, adults…)

December 1939

I am writing this from my grandparents’ house in Culbokie. I was evacuated here with my brother and sister…

- How did you go from Glasgow to Culbokie?

- What is your grandparents’ house like?

- How is life different in the countryside?

- What do you miss?

March 1940

Today I got a letter from my Mum who is still living in Glasgow. She has been working very hard…

- What does she do in Glasgow (work / spare time)?

- Did she tell you about neighbours fighting in the war?

- What questions did she ask you?

October 1940

Today we made repairs to our Anderson Shelter…

- What does it look like?

- Can you play in there?

- Do friends come to play?

- Have you seen planes in the sky?

February 1941

I went to my friend’s birthday party today but the party food wasn’t really all that good because of the rationing…

- Why is there rationing?

- Where do you get food and drink?

- What food can you eat with rationing?

- What food do you miss?

- Can you grow extra food?

- Are other things rationed?

August 1941

Grandad was busy today because he is in Dad’s Army…

- What does the Home Guard do?

- What would you like to help the war effort?

- What would you do if you saw a German spy?

March 1942

Today I got another letter from my Mum. She told me about Grandad Shultz. He is German…

- What is happening to German people living in Britain?

- What is happening to Grandad Shultz?

- How do you feel about this?

December 1942

Christmas was really good this year because mum and dad joined us in Culbokie. Dad does not have to join the army because he is an engineer…

- Why do some people not have to join the armed forces?

- What other jobs are important for the war effort?

- What did you do/eat on Christmas Day?

April 1943

Janet has left school. She says she wants to help the war effort…

- What can young British women do to help out?

- Where can Janet go?

- Are you worried about her? Why?

November 1943

Today we saw some planes flying overhead…

- Why were you given a special spotting card?

- Were they German or Allied planes?

- How do you know?

- What time of day was it?

- What are German planes trying to bomb?

May 1944

My brother David got a letter from the government today…

- What is the letter about?

- Do you think he may be forced to join up?

- Does he want to join up? (army, navy or air force)

- Do you want to join up?

June 1945

It’s all over. The War has ended…

- How do people celebrate?

- What does your family do?

- How do you feel?

- Do you want to stay in Culbokie or go home?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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