Part 1The kind of portfolio that would best demonstrate assessment for student learning and would work best with my learning targets for the unit covered in the exam I create would be a competence portfolio. The intention of the unit is for students to gain a better understanding of the United States federal government. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to achieve mastery of the learning targets, which are knowledge and reasoning targets. This type of portfolio would allow students to “provide evidence of having attained competence in one or more areas (Stiggins, 368).”*Scroll down to see the artifacts*Artifact 1 – This KWL chart, which will be completed throughout the unit, provides students the opportunity to track their understanding against all 5 learning targets. KWL – Three Branches of GovernmentLearning Targets:I can name the three branches of government established by the ConstitutionI can list the roles and responsibilities of each of the three branches of governmentI can describe the way checks and balances work within the United States governmentI can explain why the Constitution still works over 200 years after it was writtenI can explain how we as citizens are affected by our governmentWhat I Think I KnowWhat I Want to LearnWhat I LearnedHow I know I Learned It30480718185Artifact 2 – This graphic organizer will help to lay the groundwork for understanding the foundation of the Constitution. By completing this graphic organizer, students will be provided some context for why the Constitution still works over 200 years after it was written by examining why the founders initial attempts at forming a government through the Articles of Confederation failed and how the delegates of the Constitutional Convention strove to change the document afterwards, which became our nation’s Constitution.-116840369570Artifact 3 – This graphic organizer will allow students to track their understanding of the main roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government. It will also be a place where students can begin to explore the idea of checks and balances as they examine each branch’s key powers.Artifact 4 – This activity lends itself to allowing students the opportunity to explore three of the learning targets: our federal government’s checks and balances system, why the Constitution has lasted over 200 years after it was created, and how our federal government affects the rights of their citizens by examining issues presented during the Constitutional Convention.-45720335280Artifact 5 – This activity provides students the opportunity to process what they’ve studied and put it all together by examining a responsibility of one of the three branches of government, explaining how it can exercise its power and how one of the other branches is able to “check and balance” the branch’s action. 2540012700Portfolio Decision FlowThe students will be assembling a competence portfolio. These five artifacts, in addition to the final test already documented in a previous module, would allow students to demonstrate their competence of the unit’s learning targets. Hopefully a story of progress and growth towards mastering the learning targets will be visible as students develop their portfolios.All of the learning targets for the unit will be the focus of the portfolios. Each artifact, to some degree, builds on the previous as students build their understanding of the unit content as a whole. Some of the artifacts allow students to demonstrate mastery of more than one target, as the learning targets themselves are very integrated ideas/topics.Students would only want to include artifacts that connected to the learning targets and showed some level of achievement towards those targets. I think all of these artifacts could be included in student portfolios because they all align directly with the learning targets being assessed. Students would be able to examine each artifact and explain which target(s) are being addressed. Students could then use that information to support their growth in understanding during the unit. Student reflections could be written on each artifact itself. As you read through the annotations on each artifact, it will hopefully tell a story about the student’s progress during the unit. Student reflections would focus on how well they were able to demonstrate understanding and mastery of the learning targets based on their work on the activities. They would be able to use the artifacts as evidence to support their claim.After finishing the portfolio at the end of the unit, I would first take time to use it as a way to conference with each student so we could discuss their progress and next steps. Then, I would send it home with students and encourage them to share it with their parents. In my weekly newsletter, I would let parents know that the portfolio was coming home and encourage them to sit down and talk with their student about his/her personal assessment on their achievement towards the unit’s learning targets. To organize the students’ work, I would have students store their artifacts along with their personal reflections in manila folders for easy access and transportation. I would ask that students place their artifacts in order from the oldest to newest documents so that it could better illustrate students learning from the beginning to the end of the unit.*Scroll down for work on Part 2*Part 2Name ________________________________Date _______________Final Test – The Three Branches of Government1. Whose main job is to make laws? (Knowledge Mastery)A. CongressB. governorC. PresidentD. Supreme Court2. Whose main job is it to enforce the laws of the United States? (Knowledge Mastery)A. CongressB. governorC. PresidentD. Supreme Court3. Whose main job is it to determine whether a law is constitutional? (Knowledge Mastery)A. CongressB. governorC. presidentD. Supreme Court4. The advisors to the head of the executive branch make up the (Knowledge Mastery)A. ambassadors.B. cabinet.C. court.D. Senate.5. After a government official is impeached, what happens next? (Knowledge Mastery)A. The person goes to jail.B. The person must resign.C. The House holds a vote.D. The Senate holds a trial.6. Describe three details about the executive branch. 7. Describe three details about the legislative branch. 8. Describe three details about the judicial branch. Look at the drawing of the three-legged stool. Find the crossbars A, B, and C. The crossbars represent checks and balances. Each connects two branches of government. One branch limits the power of the other. 4922520466725For each of the checks and balances below, decide which two branches of government it involves. First, circle the letter of the crossbar connecting those two branches. Then, write a sentence explaining the connection. Example: Approve a treaty A B CAfter the president signs a treaty, the Senate must approve it.9. Sign or veto a bill: A B C (Knowledge Mastery)10. Appoint and approve a cabinet member: A B C (Knowledge Mastery)11. Create laws that are considered constitutional: A B C (Knowledge Mastery)12. Add a new Supreme Court justice: A B C (Knowledge Mastery)13. Why does the Constitution still work over 200 years after it was written? 14. How are we as citizens affected by government? Learning TargetType of TargetAssessment MethodPercent ImportanceI can name the three branches of government established by the ConstitutionKnowledgeNot Formally Assessed0I can list the roles and responsibilities of each of the three branches of governmentKnowledgeSelected Response & Written Response(Extended Answer Response)20 & 35I can describe the way checks and balances work within the United States governmentKnowledgeSelected Response & Written Response(Short Answer Response)15 & 15I can explain why the Constitution still works over 200 years after it was writtenReasoningWritten Response(Extended Answer Response)7.5I can explain how we as citizens are affected by our governmentReasoningWritten Response(Extended Answer Response)7.5Roughly 35% of the overall test score is based on selected response. In order to show the depth of their knowledge, I want students to have to think critically and deeply by responding more to written response type questions than selected response type questions. By responding using written response, students need to take the knowledge we studied and put it into their own words which demonstrates a bit more higher level understanding than just selecting from a list of choices. Often, when given multiple-choice and matching questions, students can take a wild guess as easily as they can respond with confidence. This can make it difficult to determine if students really know the material or are just good at guessing. In order to ensure the validity of the assessment score, I want students to be able to respond in a few different ways, including selected response and short and extended written response. To me, having multiple assessment methods strengthens the argument for their overall grade. ................

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