Unit 1 Homework – Colonial Beginnings (1491-1754) - DUE

Unit 1 Homework ? Colonial Beginnings (1491-1754) - DUE ____________________________

American Pageant Ch. 1

Big Ideas 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments. 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Learning Targets I can describe how different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments (agriculture, resources, societies). I can explain the social, religious, political and economic changes during Europe's Exploration Age. I can evaluate the impact of the Spanish Empire's expansion and the Columbian Exchange (demographic, economic, social). I can compare/contrast the worldviews of Europeans and Native Americans (religion, gender roles, family, land use, and power).

Vocabulary Log: As you read, determine TEN (10) unfamiliar words PER CHAPTER. Use either the log on the back of this page or index cards/flash cards to complete the following for each:

Word (Page #):

Dictionary Definition:

Synonym or Significance:

Essential Understandings: Please use complete sentences, adding specific historical examples/facts to support your answers. (1.1)

1. How did maize culture support economic development, settlement, irrigation, and diversification among societies?

2. How did native societies respond to the aridity of the Great Basin and grasslands of the Great Plains?

3. Why were settlements in the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley, and along the Atlantic seaboard more permanent?

4. How did societies in the Northwest and present-day California support themselves?

(1.2) 5. What motivated European efforts to explore and conquer the New World? 6. What impact did the Columbian Exchange have on European society and economy? 7. What influenced changes in the European and American economies? 8. What impact did Spanish exploration have on the native populations of the Americas? 9. What was the basis of the encomienda system? 10. Give one example of how the Spanish tried to do each of the following: extract wealth from the land, convert Natives to

Your Questions: (What does it make you wonder? What doesn't make sense?)

Christianity, develop a caste system, and incorporate Natives and Africans into Spanish colonial society.

Unit 1 Homework ? Colonial Beginnings (1491-1754) - DUE ____________________________

American Pageant Ch. 2-3

Big Ideas 2.1: Europeans developed a variety of colonization and migration patterns, influenced by different imperial goals, cultures, and the varied North American environments where they settled, and they competed with each other and American Indians for resources.

Learning Targets I can compare/contrast the goals, development, and relations with Native Americans of Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers. I can compare/contrast the early British colonies (environmental, economic, cultural, and demographics). I can explain how competition over resources impacted trade and conflict between European rivals and American Indians.

Vocabulary Log: As you read, determine TEN (10) unfamiliar words. Use either the log on the back of this page or index cards/flash cards to complete the following for each:

Word (Page #):

Dictionary Definition:

Synonym or Significance:

Essential Understandings: Please use complete sentences, adding specific historical examples/facts to support your answers. (2.1)

1. How did mutual misunderstandings between Europeans and Native Americans impact the early years of interaction?

2. Provide examples of the following: a. European encroachment on Native lands b. Dependence on Native labor c. Native Americans using both diplomatic and military resistance to defend themselves.

3. How did French and Dutch colonies look different than those of the English (motives, demographics, focus of economy, etc)

4. How did French and Dutch interactions with Native Americans differ from that of the English?

5. How did the economies of the Chesapeake, New England, middle colonies, and Southern Atlantic/West Indies differ?

Your Questions: (What does it make you wonder? What doesn't make sense?)

6. Provide examples of New England and Southern self-government as well as an explanation of what allowed it.

7. How did British conflicts with American Indians over land, resources, and political boundaries lead to military confrontations?

Unit 1 Homework ? Colonial Beginnings (1491-1754) - DUE ____________________________

American Pageant Ch. 4-5

Big Ideas 2.2: The British colonies participated in political, social, cultural, and economic exchanges with Great Britain that encouraged both stronger bonds with Britain and resistance to Britain's control.

Learning Targets I can describe the development of slavery in the English colonies (economic, demographic, and geographic characteristics). I can explain how British colonists' political and cultural attitudes evolved based on economic, religious, philosophical, and political exchanges across the Atlantic.

Vocabulary Log: As you read, determine TEN (10) unfamiliar words PER CHAPTER. Use either the log on the back of this page or index cards/flash cards to complete the following for each:

Word (Page #):

Dictionary Definition:

Synonym or Significance:

Essential Understandings: Please use complete sentences, adding specific historical examples/facts to support your answers. (2.2)

1. Describe the origins of the slave trade in the New World. 2. Compare and contrast the use of slave labor in New England

vs Chesapeake and Southern colonies. 3. Describe the content and impact of Black Codes in the

southern colonies. 4. How did African slaves overtly and covertly resist slavery in

order to maintain their families, gender systems, culture, and religion? 5. Describe the Atlantic Economy and its impact on labor, culture, economy, and disease. 6. Describe cooperation and conflict between European (French, Dutch, British, and Spanish) colonies with American Indians, including how they allied with and armed various tribes. 7. How did mistrust develop between European leaders and colonists? What issues caused disagreement? 8. How did diversity in the colonies contribute to the Great Awakening and spread of Enlightenment ideas?

Your Questions: (What does it make you wonder? What doesn't make sense?)

9. Describe how the colonies were independent from one another and also were connected through trans-Atlantic print and Protestant evangelicalism.

10. How did Britain try to use the colonies for its mercantilist goals? Why was enforcement of their imperial policies so erratic?

AP US History - American Pageant Chapter(s) _________

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Dictionary Definition:


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