Rose Millay Lsa pm class

3433314-224287Anna Garcia! Deceased! Anna Garcia!00Anna Garcia! Deceased! Anna Garcia!35147257620000EVIDENCE REPORTRose MillaySeptember 25, 2014INTRODUCTIONThe Crime13335011303000One summer morning the police received a call from a concerned neighbor of the deceased (Anna Garcia). The neighbor told authorities that he had seen Anna the previous morning walking her dog. He also told the police that he was worried because he had not been able to get ahold of her. He tried to contact her when her dog started barking excitedly for a good period of time. When police arrived at the house they gained entry and found Anna in her living room laying faced down unconscious further investigation told them that the house was not robbed.What was at the scene? At the scene investigators found the following:An overturned glassTwo unidentified pillsAn overturned coffe tableA crushed substanceCholesteral cooking booksThe deceased’s purse in an armchairA dog’s leash on the floorThe deceased’s jacket on the back of an armchairInvestigators sketched righttop00the scene to scale to accurately depict the size and proportion of the room and the objects in it. An investigator’s crime scene sketch has to include a key, scale, legend, conditions of the scene, and a legend. Investigators took measurements of everything and collected DNA evidence and physical evidence from the scene, being careful to avoid contamination. When investigators took photographs of the scene they took close up high quality pictures including rulers beside each object to know the size of the object. Persons of Interest0-1270Alex Garcia:Alex Garcia is Anna Garcia’s (the victim) former husband. Alex is remaried and he and his younger bride are expecting a baby. Alex is the sole beneficiary of Anna’s life insurance. Alex garcia was with the deceased the night before her untimely death.228600224155Douge Greene:Douge Greene is the neighbor of the deceased. Douge called 911 to report his concerns about Anna. Douge and the deceased were romantically involved until the deceased broke it off last week.0-2540Erica Piedmont:Erica Peidmont is Alex Garcia’s current wife. Erica was seen parked outside the victim’s house. Anna and Erica were in a heated argument recently.00Lucy Leffingwell:Lucy is good friends of the deceased and her coworker at a local bakery. The two have been arguing over whether or not to expand the bakery to sugar free products. Last saw Anna when she left work early to take care of something. Lucy is considering buying Anna’s half of the bakery. Lucy told police that Anna was in the hospital but that she is no longer taking a prescription even though she had been complaining of a sore back.Career JournalsDuring the process of Anna’s case, several proffesions have lended there expertise in helping examine the scene and running tests. Exploring these careers is made possible through Career Journals.-24765044196000EMT (Emergency Medical Technician):An EMT was called to the scene of the crime. If the victim had been alive they would have examined Anna and transported her to the hospital, doing basic medical procedures to keep her alive long enough to get to the hospital where help would be waiting. The EMTs would also perform CPR if neccisary.033782000911-Operator:When Anna’s concerned neighbor called 911 he talked to the 911-Operator. 911-Operators collect personal and location information and dispatch the appropriate emergency teams to the scene (911-Operator CJ 2014). The 911-Operator is also responsible for comforting the caller until emergency teams reach the scene.6032518224500CSI (Crime Scene Investigator):Crime Scene Investigators secured the scene, took measurements, sketched the scene, documented all evidence, photographed the scene, and made reports based on all their findings. Crime scene investigators also work with all the evidence they found and are working to figure out what happened to Anna.Blood Spatter Analyst:0000Blood spatter analysts use the the blood evidence at the scene to determine if Anna was standing when she received her head wound. Blood spatter analysts also perform scientific examinations and testify in court.DNA analyst:0-127000DNA analysts used all the DNA evidence at the scene to try to identify anyone who might have been at the scene when Anna died. They also prepare reports and will testify in court.Medical Examiner:0000The medical examiner performed an autopsy on Anna’s body to try to determine time of death, cause of death, and manner of death. The medical examiner uses his findings to help police figure out what happened to Anna.SUMMARY OF FINDINGS DNA analysts have run many tests and there findings are as follows.5086350179705Blood:Investigators collected a blood sample at the scene and using samples from the victim and persons of interest it was tested with three indicators to determine type and who it belongs to. These tests told authorities that the blood type was A+. additional testing told investigators that the blood belonged to Anna Garcia (victim). Blood Spatter-1123956605200Blood spatter analysts helped investigators to determine if Anna was struck on head standing or if she received her injury when she was falling. Analysts did an expeirement where they dropped blood at various heights and measured the diameter of the drops. Based on the results of there experiments they know that Anna was not standing when she received her injuries. Using the estimated height results the investigators compared it with other objects in the room and discovered that the table in the room was near the same height.Hair 0381000Investigators found a hair at the scene and took it to DNA analysts to figure out whose hair it was. DNA analysts used samples collected from the victims and suspects to determine if the hair belonged to any of them. After examing the hair found at the scene and the samples they had collected under a microscope they determined that the hair belonged to Anna Garcia.Finger PrintsInvestigators also found finger prints at the scene. The investigators took fingerprints of all the persons of interest and the victim. DNA analysts examinied all the fingerprints and, based on the swirls ridges and loops of the print, compared them to the print found at the scene(Table One). They determined that the print at the scene belongs to Alex Garcia.Possible MatchesRidge PetternsAlex GarciaRadial LoopErica PiedmontWhorlAnna GarciaWhorlDouge GreenePlain ArchLucy LeffingwellWhorlPrints at the Crime SceneRadial LoopsTable One: Examination results for the finger prints-63538481000Foot PrintsA bloody shoe print was found at the scene of the crime. The shoes of the deceased and persons of interest where collected to compare to the print found at the scene. By analyzing the patterns of the soles of all the shoes analysts have decided that the shoe print belongs to Anna Garcia.Pill IdentificationInvestigators found two white pills at the scene the DNA analysts ran tests to find out what these pills were.SubstanceAppearanceTextureRxN Ind1RxN Ind 2RxN Ind1CocaineVery fine whiteSoft lightHard and clumped whiteClumpy color darkenedHard and whiteAcetaminophenFine whiteSoftClumped hardened fizzedClumped turned yellowFizzed clumped togetherAcetylsalicylic acid (asprin)Fine whiteSoftFizzy foamedLightly bubbled turned dark and hardFizzed and runnyMethamphetamineLarge grainsGrittyClumped looks like sugar and waterDissolved thickened turned brownClumped looks like sugar and waterEcstasyLarge grainsgrittyClumpedClumped turned yellowThin gritty clearUnknown substanceFine whitesoftFizzy foamedLightly bubbled turned dark and hardFizzed and runnyTable Two: Pill ID lab resultsAnalysts tested the pills with three indicators and tested five substances. They tested coke, meth, aspirin and Tylenol and the unknown substance to see which compared to the unknown(Table 2). Based on these results analysts concluded that the unkown substance is asprin.Time of Death-12769011793084Figures 1-20Figures 1-2-365376192278000DNA Analysts used an experiment to predict how fast a body would reach room temperature in a cold, hot and normal room. The experiment they conducted used a water clock and a “hot room”, “cold room”, and “normal room” to see how fast a body would cool in each room. The body clocks where placed in a beaker full of hot water, cold water, or room temperature water, then -3619500a thermometer was put into each and the data was collected for twenty minutes. The analysts then analized there results(Figures 1-2). Then using there results and the Glaister equation they determined that Anna had been dead for aproxamitly four hours, and that Anna died around 7:00a.m.Autopsy The Medical Examiner, Dr. King, performed an autopsy on Anna Garcia. In her report she noted that there was no evidence of alcohol, or overdose of drugs, and the there were trace amounts of acetylsalicylic acid. The medical examiner also noted that there is an open wound on the victim’s right temple. Also noted was that Anna’s abdomen was extended and her ankle were swollen with fluid build up. The wound to her head was 2cm in length and 5mm deepCONCLUSIONWhat Do We Know?A lot of people are working hard on Anna Garcia’s case and theories of what happened to her are forming. But we only know some things for sure.EvidenceBased on all of the evidence collected and the tests used we know that:The blood found at the scene belongs to Anna.Anna received her wound to the head at a hight aproxametly the same as the table.The hair found at the scene belongs to Anna Garcia.The fingerprint found at the scene belongs to Alex Garcia.The shoe prints found at the scene belong to Anna Garcia’s shoes.The pills found at the scene are Acetylsalicylic acid (Asprin)Anna died around 7:00a.m.AutopsyBased on the Autopsy report we have we know that:Anna did not overdoseAnna was well nourished and appears to be healthyAnna had an open wound on her right templeHer abdomen is extendedHer ankles are swollen ................

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