Noun Group Chart - St Agnes Primary School Intranet

Noun Group Chart

|Pointer ( |Numerative( |Intensifier ! |Describer |Classifier ( |Thing ( NOUN |Qualifier |

|(which?) |(how many?) |(to what degree?) |(what like?) |(what type?) |(who or what?) |(more about the Thing to specify - |

| | |Eg: very, really, incredibly,| | | |which one exactly?) |

|Eg: the, a, this, these, |Eg: many, some, a few, six, |quite, |Eg: beautiful, soft, yellow, |Eg: nocturnal, Year 5, |Eg: boy, dog, sky, fight, |Eg: who I met last week, with green|

|your, his, Australia’s |a couple, a cup of | |dangerous |industrial, Siamese, native |discussion, reason, solution |eyes |

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Early Years Noun Group Chart

|Pointer ( |Number/Counter ( |Describer |Classifier ( |Thing ( NOUN |

|(which?) |(how many / how much?) |what like?, what size? |(what type?) |(who or what?) |

|Eg: the, a, an, this, |Eg: some, a few, two six, a cup of, a|what age? what colour? what shape? what made of? |Eg: sport, racing, teddy, |Eg: dog, car, doll, bear, sky, house,|

|that, your, my, his, her|bowl of |Eg beautiful, big, old, red, round, soft, furry |toy, wooden |girl, boy |

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Early Years Noun Group Chart

|Pointer ( |Counter ((( |Describer |Classifier ( |Thing ( NOUN |

|(which?) |(how many / how much?) |what like?, what size, what age? what colour? what shape? what |(what type?) |(who or what?) |

|Eg: the, a, an, this, |Eg: some, a few, two six, a |texture/what made of? |Eg: sport, racing, teddy, |Eg: dog, car, doll, bear, |

|that, your, my, his, her|cup of, a bowl of |Eg beautiful, big, old, red, round, soft, furry |toy, Asian |sky, house, girl, boy |

| | |what like? |what size? |what colour? | | |

| | |( ( ( X |(((( | | | |

|the |two |cute |little |brown | |birds |

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