Video Transcript

Video TranscriptAnimal Themed Yoga for Early Years.A fun way to improve body awareness, refine balance and coordination and improve flexibility and strength. Helps with emotional regulation and relaxation.Hello there and welcome to yoga with Dee. We’re going to be doing something really special today but before we start I want you to sit on your knees, sit in a really comfortable position and I want you to take your hands out by your sides like this here and we’re going to breathe in as we lift our arms up, touch our hands and breathing out as we take our hands down. Again breathing in, big breath in, very good, and exhale breathing out as we take our hands down. Ok one more, breathing in, inhalation, breathing in all the sunshine and breathing out exhalation. Very good. So before we do anything today boys and girls, I want us to warm up our body and to do that I want you to just wiggle your fingers like this here and I want you to take them up to your head and we’re going to tap tap tap tap tap all over our head, we’re going to waken up our whole bodies starting on our head. Tap tap tap tap, back of the head, side of the head, all around the head. To the forehead now-tap tap tap, wakening it up, very good, and our cheeks very good, and our chin, excellent, working our way down to our chest, very good. You can do a little pound here-very good-over to our shoulders, working our way down- do a little pound or a tap, very good, and the other one-shoulder down the arm to our hand all the way up. We’re going to sit on our bottom now and we’re going to take our feet out, legs out, and working our way all down one leg the whole way up very good, and down the other side, the other leg and all the way up very good. Now I want you to get your hands like this and put them at your side and draw in your feet and lift your feet up and we’re going to tap our feet very good, tap tap tap tap very good. Let’s hear that tapping-let’s hear it getting louder-let’s hear it getting faster, excellent, you’re wakening up your whole body very good, excellent, and gently stopping. Very good. So we’re going to gently shake out our wrists, shake out our hands, we’re going to shake out our feet and our whole body and move our head gently and our whole body is ready now for some yoga. Today I think it would be nice to try some animal yoga poses. So when I was thinking about doing animal poses I thought it would be nice to do them in nice letters. So we’re going to see some nice letters first of all. The first letter I’m going to show you is the letter c. So I want you to think of any animal beginning with the letter c now boys and girls and maybe that might be the one that I will do ok. So the first one, the first animal that I’m going to do has got four legs…. it’s a cat, maybe you were thinking about that one. So for the cat I want you to put your hands and your wrists underneath your shoulders ok and I want you to put your knees underneath your hips. I want you to spread out your hands. The tops of our feet go on the mat. For the cat we’re going to do a nice arch, we’re going to lift up our spine, lifting up our back, we’re going to bring our chin into our chest, just like a cat. Will we try that together boys and girls ok? Lifting up our spine, lifting up our back, bringing our chin into our chest, just like a cat, nice arch in our back. Very good. The next animal I want you to try is a cow. So a cow also has got four legs and we’re going to lower our belly for this one ok and we’re going to lift up our head like a cow. The cow likes to look around so the cow’s belly is lowered and the head is lifted up. So we’ll try that one again. We’re going to lower the belly, we’re going to lift up the head ok and we can look around if we want to and that is the cow. So let’s try the cat and the cow together now boys and girls. So we’re lifting up our back, arching it up, chin into the chest for the cat, very good, lowering our belly and lifting our head for the cow. Let’s go again for the cat. Arching our back up, chin into the chest for the cat and for the cow lowering our belly and lifting our head very good. Let’s do the sounds now with it the next time. Let’s do the cat sound, arching our back…meow, meow, and the cow moo, moo, ok very good, so that’s the first letter boys and girls, the letter c. So now we’re going to do another letter and the next letter we’re going to look at is a special letter-it’s a d. it’s the first letter of my name. So for d we’re going to do an all-time favourite, it’s the downward dog. Ok some of you might know this one and if you don’t that’s ok. So we’re going to start off on all fours again. This time we’re going to tuck our toes under, we’ve got our wrists underneath our shoulders again. For this one we’re going to lift up, lift our hips up in the air, just like a dog, getting a nice stretch. We’re lifting up our hips up in the air. It’s ok if you can’t get them up very far, that’s absolutely fine, because dogs are all different, our downward dogs are all different looking. So if you can get them up a little bit, that’s absolutely fine. You might want to move your feet a little bit here just to help you get a nice deep stretch-oh that feels really good-oh very good. You might want to walk up a little bit with your downward dog. You might want to walk back a little bit in your downward dog. You might want to walk up and down on the mat a little bit. Very good. Excellent lovely downward dogs. Now we’re going to do something a little bit funny, we’re going to move our toes in a little bit ok. I’m going to give you a little bit of a laugh now-we’re going to wag our tail-we’re going to wag our tail. The downward dog is a very friendly dog it likes to wag its tail. Can you wag your tail in downward dog? Very good. Or you might have a really long tail and you might want to lift your tail up and move your tail over and back. You might want to wag your tail really fast, it’s a really friendly dog. Boys and girls, excellent! Now we’re going to go back down on our knees. That’s hard work the downward dog. We’re going to do a little baby dog now. A baby dog is called a puppy. For the puppy we’re going to go on our forearms-these are called our forearms here-we’re going to stretch out our arms like this, tuck our toes in again, and this time we’re going to lift up gently. You can put your forehead on the mat if you want, it might be easier or can lift it back a little bit. Again bringing your feet in if you want and gently breathing here boys and girls. This is the puppy pose-it’s a baby dog pose. You can do a few breaths here inhale, exhale and then bring yourself down onto your knees. For the next one we’re going to go into it very quickly-it begins with m-this is the mouse. We’re going to go down here and make ourselves really really really small like a mouse. We’re going to bring our hands in by our sides or you can bring your hands by your back like this here and lie on your knees. And this is the mouse pose and you can have a few nice breaths here after all that hard work that you’ve been doing. Breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out. Very good so that is the mouse pose-the m that we did there as well boys and girls. So for the next one, this is a really really big animal and it begins with an e. You might be able to guess this one we have to stand up and we have to make ourselves really really really big for this one. Because this animal is huge. You don’t see it in Ireland but you might see it if you go on holidays, far away. It’s an elephant. So feet out as far as you can get. We’re going to have a trunk for the elephant so we’re going to interlace our thumbs like this here or join up our thumbs together and this is going to be our trunk. So we’re going to lift our trunk up in the air like this here and we’re going to take a big breath in and a big breath out as the elephant trunk swishes on the ground. Lifting the trunk up inhale and exhale whish, whish, inhale and exhale whish, whish. Inhale, one more and exhale, whish, whish, very good lovely elephants boys and girls. Now for the next letter we have g and this is the first letter of giraffe. So giraffes are really really tall. I’m not sure if any of you have ever seen a giraffe before but they are so tall that they really like to look down on a lot of things. So we have to make ourselves really tall for the giraffe. So I want you to rest your foot here just on your ankle. We’re going to put our hands together, but when we put our hands together like this here, we’re going to make our hands really really tall, so we’re going to put our hands right up as far as we can go….the tallest you’ve been in a long long long time boys and girls. And we’re going to take a few nice breaths here. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, very good boys and girls. Now we’re going to do the other side ok. We’re going to try this side here. Rest your heel on your ankle and we’re going to put our hands together and we’re going to grow our hands really really really tall ok. Inhale exhale, inhale exhale, inhale exhale. Very good boys and girls- lovely giraffes. Now our last animal pose here begins with the letter s. You might be able to guess this one here, it’s a snake. So for this one boys and girls I need you to get down on your bellies. So this is the first one that we are on our bellies. So lie down on your bellies. I want you to put your hands underneath your shoulders here and the tops of your feet flat on the mat. And for this one I want you to breathe in and lift up like a snake ok. So we’re going to look over to the right. We’re going to look over to the left- we can look around again and again. This time we’re going to do a snake sound. Do you know the sound the snake makes? Hiss hiss hiss, very good, hiss hiss lovely- excellent snakes boys and girls. Let’s get into the little mouse pose again before we get up. Curl up into a little ball. Make ourselves really really small. A few breaths here. Excellent boys and girls. Now after all the animals boys and girls I think we need to have a rest now so I want you to lie down on your backs ok and we’re going to do some breathing now. We’re going to do a little bit of breathing now as we get into a little bit of a relaxation. So I want you to lie on your back, I want you to put one hand up here on your chest and one hand here on your belly and I want you to really listen to your breathing. I want you to listen very carefully to your breathing. Inhaling, exhaling. Can you feel your breaths? Inhaling, exhaling. Can you feel your belly rising? Inhaling, exhaling. Now I want you to stay down on the mats boys and girls. I’m going to read you a little story now about another animal. It’s about a tortoise. I want you to just try and relax as I read this. Close your eyes, if you want, be very still and imagine you are a tortoise lying on the warm grass. Whenever you feel like becoming really peaceful, you can curl up inside your strong protective shell. It feels so safe in your shell. It is like being in a very safe home. You feel completely content here. As you breathe in and out, you are filling the shell with warm air, making it feel very cosy inside. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Stretch your arms and legs as much as you can, and relax, relax, relax. As you stretch, you feel the warmth of the sun on your limbs. Now stretch your neck and head as long as you can-stretch and stretch and stretch and let go, and relax. Take in another deep breath, and enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass. You feel so soft and warm in your cosy shell. You can hear the sounds and voices from outside, but it doesn’t bother you at all. For these moments, you have chosen to sit quietly in silence and enjoy being still. Keep repeating to yourself I am still, I am still, I am still. You feel so cosy and protected in your little home. How long can you stay in this relaxed position? And now, when you are ready, wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes, have a big stretch and open your eyes. And remember boys and girls I am protected, I am protected. Thank you so much for listening to me today boys and girls. I’ve really enjoyed doing this yoga. We’re finished for today but I might do some more little videos later ok. Thank you very much. Bye. ................

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