BLUE BOOK - Ruby's emporium

CONTENTSIntroduction 05Q1 René Quinton07Q2 The Discovery11Q3 Since 1905: Quinton Laboratories21Q4 The bio-availability of ions25Q5 Hydro-mineral homeostasis27(regulation of the water content in the organism)28Q6 Therapeutic results30Dermatology 31Allergies 42Gastroenterology44Hydrotherapeutic treatment of the colon53Odontology54Pediatrics55Gynecology58Medicine and sport 60Ophthalmology66Physiotherapy of respiration 68Index of pathologies 78INTRODUCTION“T h e s e a i s t h e h e a l e r o f a l l t h e m a l a d i e s o f m a n k i n d”-EuripidesWith this phrase, the sages of Greece recognized the therapeutic properties of seawater and the essential role it plays in the process of life. Water is the vital fluid that provides the organic means to maintain the balance of minerals within the cells which are fed by the liquid and ions surrounding them. Improving the bio-availability of these ions makes all the difference in ensuring their immediate and natural absorption and defending cells against substances that could cause metabolic disturbance or intoxication.Marine Therapy is a technique in cell nutrition that has been proven valid after more than a hundred years of clinical use in hospitals.Today, Quinton Laboratories provides doctors and workers in the field of public health with a wide range of quality products obtained through the same time-proven methods developed by René Quinton starting in 1897.With a view towards making this health technology more available worldwide, our research department organizes courses and lectures in collaboration with several universities and medical and pharmaceutical organizations which contribute to ensure that Quinton Laboratories remains in the vanguard of cell nutrition science.Our Organism is truly a living marine aquarium that needs constant Renewal.This publication is an historical overview of the scientific and humanitarian contribution of René Quinton. It introduces the theories and principles, the development, the introduction and the therapeutic application of marine plasma over a century.Francisco Javier COLL SANCHEZGeneral DirectorQ1On taking a closer look at the life of René Quinton, one cannot help being impressed with the number and variety of areas he mastered, as well as with the persistence with which he tackled a subject in order to identify its most relevant characteristics.As a philosopher, apart from his innumerable unpublished works, he has left us his reflections on the subject of war. He reveals a remarkable depth of thinking and firmness of purpose, so that we are led to believe that his thoughts were molded from the very mud of the battlefields. Although he was officially exempted from military service in 1914, he enlisted to take an active part in the scenario of the 1st World War, and had been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel by the time the fighting was over, due to his legendary heroism. He was also one of the fathers of aviation in France, supporting with technology and funding both Santos-Dumont and the Wright Brothers and founded the world’s first association of aeronautics.“The organism is truly a living marine aquarium”…However Quinton was primarily concerned with the fields of physiology and biology.In view of the fact that the physical world is ruled by laws of apparent stability, evolution has led us to regard living matter as a malleable substance modified by its surroundings and capable of adaptation in order to survive variations in the environment.Any alteration to the extra-cellular matrix will cause changes in cell nutrition.In 1897, Quinton came up with a new principle which, without refuting any of the claims of the theory of evolution, revealed the ultimate purpose of life in all the variety of its forms. For Quinton, animal life began in the ocean, and in spite of all the variations in all kinds of different habitats all throughout history, life, in response to the dictates of evolution, tends to maintain the conditions of its remote origins. Instead of being passively obedient to the influence of the environment, life puts up an active form of resistance to modification. Anatomic forms change in order to maintain the temperature and concentration of salts of the original marine medium.Regardless of their place on the scale of animal forms, living things are to be considered authentic marine aquaria, where cells seek their basic needs so they can continue to live in the same basic marine conditions that existed when primordial cells made their appearance.Illness appears whenever this fundamental environment suffers any form of alteration. Therapy should therefore aim towards recreating, with the use of ocean water, the original vital environment whose mineral content is identical to the environment of our cells.In 1904, while he was assistant in the laboratories of Advanced Studies in Pathological Physiology of the College de France, under the direction of Marey, Professor of Natural History, Quinton published his first book under the title of Seawater, the Organic Matrix, which was the consolidation of his discoveries towards scientifically demonstrating the therapeutic properties of ocean water.PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL WATER CONTENT IN THE ORGANISM ACCORDING TO AGE GROUPQ2THE DISCOVERYOcean water contains all of the elements of Mendeleev’s Periodic table in the very same proportions that exist within our internal environment which is made up of various organic fluids such as extra-cellular liquid, blood plasma, tears and spinal fluid.Ocean water in the primordial state had a lower concentration of salts than in the oceans of today. That is why it must be adjusted to obtain a concentration value of around 1% by the addition of artesian spring water low in mineral content.A hundred years ago, Quinton identified 15 different elements of the classic periodic table in ocean water, predicting the presence of another five, and went on to conclude the likelihood of the presence of all the elements. Owing to progress in methods of analysis, it has been possible to detect the presence of a yet greater number of elements (78 at present - 2008).Henry Doffin, Professor of Biology at the Faculty of Science of the University of Poitiers during the fifties of the last century was the first to demonstrate that all the elements are indeed present in ocean water. In his own words: “The ocean is a boundless empire in perfect chemical and thermal equilibrium. It is also the optimal environment for mechanical and ionic mobility. Nearly all the known elements are contained in its depths. Within its vast fluid matrix, enriched by salts extracted from rocks on the ocean bed and from alluvial deposits from the rivers, each liter of seawater is ‘pan-atomic’, that is, it contains all the elements. The ocean mass is receptive to light and also captures other forms of energy. It is penetrated and Renewed by the air and because of its transparency, permits the passage of cosmic radiation. Warm and vibrant, the ocean places all the elements in communication with the forces of the universe. The ocean, and only the ocean, is able to give birth to life on earth.”CURRENT ANALYSIS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE (SPAIN) OF AN AMPOULE OF QUINTON HYPERTONIC78 MINERALS AND TRACE ELEMENTS(* By definition, all the 92 natural elements of the known universe - Mendeleev’s Periodic Table.) Colored square indicates presence of elementA “Living” MatrixGregory and Overberger (USA) also confirmed the presence in seawater of all the elements in the Periodic Table. Ivanoff had estimated 44 elements, Jean Dermeyer 61 and Quinton Laboratories 62, according to complex calculations of concentrations per ml, liter or cubic km, depending on the particular element and on the methods of analysis used. This would explain the variation found in present day analyses of the composition of ocean water and its concentration.Today, it is no longer possible to refer merely to what is known as ‘ponderable chemistry’ without taking into account what is called ‘infinitesimal chemistry’ which is much moreelusive and difficult to interpret, and harder yet to measure. Current research in the area of biophysics and homeopathy is yet opening up entirely new dimensions.The University of Miami has provided an incontestable argument by applying neutron diffraction spectrometry to the measurement of the inorganic constituents of Quinton Marine Plasma. This is at present the latest and most precise method of measuring the quantitative composition of solutions rich in minerals and trace elements. The most recent analysis detected a total of 78 bioavailable elements in a 10 milliliter ampoule of hypertonic marine plasma. (Ref. pg. 12)As impressive as the mineral and trace element content is, there is much more to this great discovery of René Quinton. There are approximately 300 milligrams per liter of pre-biotic organic compounds that impart Quinton Marine Plasma with a quality that is best described as “LIVING”. These synergistic compounds include but are not limited to:VitaminsEnzymes and Co-enzymesCarbohydratesPeptides and Polypeptides (proteins)RNA and DNAFatty acidsOrganic AcidsCarotenoidsPolyphenolsThis combination of inorganic and organic components is the result of the biochemical transformation by phytoplankton and zooplankton using a process known as Biocenosis. The scientific term that best approximates the incomparable characteristics of marine plasma is “crystalloid solution” because of the unique bio-identical crystal matrix that integrates both electrolyte and non-electrolyte elements. It is these very rare characteristics that allow marine plasma to achieve a physiological identity with our very own blood plasma and interstitial fluid.A Legacy Of The Scientific, Medical & Humanitarian Contribution Of René Quinton References:“Seawater, Organic Matrix”, René, Quinton, 1912“Seawater, For The Diseases of Children“, Jean Jarricot“The Marine Dispensary”, Jean Jarricot. ?dition Masson, 1921 “The Secret of Our Origins”, Mahé, André. ?dition La Colombe, 1962 From Theory to Practice -Animal Experiments Using Marine PlasmaRené Quinton required the ultimate proof that his isotonic marine plasma was physiologically identical to mammalian blood plasma and extracellular fluid. He demonstrated this by performing an extraordinary and extensive body of research known as The Canine Experiments.The earliest experiments were made in 1897, with abandoned dogs, at the laboratory ofEtienne Marey at the "Hautes Etudes du College de France" for the study of physiology andPathology.The following commentary from the Canine Experiments and other research are excerpted from the biography of René Quinton by Andre Mahe 1962… “In an operation lasting eight hours, a dog weighing ten kg was injected intravenously with 10.4 liters of seawater, the equivalent of 104% of its own body weight. Despite massive overload, the animal was able to eliminate this excess volume with no complication to its kidneys.”“In another experiment, a dog was submitted to total bleeding via the femoral artery. The animal, literally at death’s door, showed no corneal reflex. Over a period of eleven minutes, the dog received an injection of seawater. There was a prompt return of the corneal reflex, the dog regained consciousness and was then to be seen up and about the next morning, happily exploring the laboratory. He was given the name of Sodium and lived on for another five years before dying in an accident with a bus.”“Quinton completed this series of experiments by devoting his attention to the study of white blood cells, or leucocytes, extremely sensitive cells that are not easy to be kept alive in an artificial environment. Quinton used several different species in his experiments, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. Without exception, all the cells immersed in seawater showed all the signs of normal function.”Quinton Marine Plasma was Recognized by Physicians as a Medicine for the Treatment of Disease and Health Afflictions for 64 yearsThese extraordinary and unique capabilities of Quinton Marine Plasma are documented in the authoritative French VIDAL (American Physicians Desk Reference equivalent) as follows:FRENCH VIDAL MEDICAL DICTIONARY 1975QUINTON MARINE PLASMAPropertiesRené Quinton showed, in 1904, that QUINTON MARINE PLASMA is identical physically, chemically, and physiologically to our interior milieu (extracellular fluid) and provides the optimum conditions for red blood corpuscles and leucocytes and other blood fractions. It is possible to replace the entire blood volume of an animal with QUINTON MARINE PLASMA without any disorders for the organism.Additional Research on Marine PlasmaIntroduction - Excerpts from medical researchers who, in 1974 and 1975, reproduced René Quinton’s famous canine experiments under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.Given that the scientific work of René Quinton had been accepted wholeheartedly by the most advanced scientists of his time, including professors of medicine, biology and science in France and elsewhere, it is difficult to imagine how it was possible that Quinton’s revolutionary experiments simply disappeared from the history books of scientific research. That is why, half a century later, a group of researchers felt the need to repeat Quinton’s experiments in an attempt to investigate its application. They wanted to know whether it was still possible to follow the methods previously set down by Quinton despite the fact that there are now many more poisons present in the environment since the time when he was doing his own experiments.We go on to give the details of how similar our results were to those of Quinton’s research. His were the first steps taken in an attempt to bring the human touch to science, by applying the results of his experiments to the sphere of public health.“With focus on the profound natural laws discovered by René Quinton concerning the marine origin of the animal species and its internal biological environment, we repeated Quinton’s canine experiments of 1904. The dogs were to provide once again, undeniable proof of the evolutionary nature of the zoological chain, beginning in the complex plankton blooms of the oceans. Basing our procedure on that of René Quinton, we obtained hematological data from animals that were subsequently submitted to the removal of their total blood volume. Quinton Isotonic Marine Plasma was then immediately administered to replace 104% of the evacuated blood. This infusion of Marine Plasma so effectively revitalized the state of the cells of tissues and organs that the dog ultimately achieved a complete recovery and returned to normal within days.” In Recognition, We List Here The TeamWhich In 1974-75 Duplicated The Legendary Animal Experiments of René Quinton, confirming the identity of Marine Plasma with Blood Plasma.G. GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ - EndocrinologistF. PINEDO GONZALEZ - VeterinarianJ.J. GOMEZ de RUEDA y ABRILMember and Correspondent for C.I.R.B.(International Center for Biological Research, Geneva-Paris)DR.MORELL OCA?AEndocrinologist and Professor of Clinical Biochemistry andMolecular Biology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaga in Spain and Head of the Service of Analyses in the Malaga Clinical Hospital in Spain.J. RAMA IGLESIAS - Biologist, with a Diploma in Agrobiology from France.E X P E R I M E N T SDescription of dog:Weight: 9kg Age: 5 yearsThe procedure followed in this experiment was the sameas that used by Quinton in his earlier work.Results of blood tests: (made before transfusionwith marine serum),Erythrocytes ( red blood cells ): 3,600.000Leucocytes ( white blood cells ): 9,000 Hemoglobin: * Hematocrit: *The dog was then submitted to bleeding. 300mlof blood were removed.First Analysis: (after bleeding)Erythrocytes: 2,840.000Leucocytes: 27,200Hemoglobin: * Hematocrit: *Cl: * Na: * K: 4.7 m Eq /lOsmolarity: *Second Analysis: (24 hours after bleeding)Erythrocytes: 3,600,000Leucocytes: 17,400Hemoglobin:*Hematocrit: *Osmolarity: *Third Analysis: (72 hours after bleeding)Erythrocytes: 4,600.000Leucocytes: 8,200Hemoglobin: *Hematocrit: *Osmolarity: *Fourth Analysis: (6 days after bleeding)Erythrocytes:3,300,000Leucocytes: 9,800Hemoglobin:*Hematocrit: *Na:*K: 3.1 m Eq/lFor some reason, blood serum was found to be in the process of hematolysis.Several other experiments were done and their results were found to be very similar and satisfactory.(NOTA : * * * indica que os dados s?o iguais em ambas as línguas)Not Just Any Seawater...René Quinton’s Marine ProtocolAt first, René Quinton did not realize that there was seawater and there was “SEAWATER”.It wasn’t until he extracted seawater from an area of the highest biological activity and complexity did his clinical results meet the expectations of his hypotheses. René Quinton discovered this water in what is now recognized as one of the planet’s most active and stable plankton blooms. It is located off the coasts of France and the British Isles where the tides are 15 meters and the currents create a powerful vortex.Quinton worked tirelessly to identify the location and to develop the harvesting, processing and packaging protocols that would allow the therapeutic properties of the plankton bloom extract to be preserved*. The exacting procedure is known as the Quinton Marine Protocol.Modern Implementation of René Quinton’s Marine Plasma Protocol:Harvesting the seawater within a unique, highly fertile phytoplankton bloom at a location chosen by the laboratory on each voyage from a depth of 30 meters. The precise location selected by Oceanography Institute of Madrid. The unprocessed marine plasma is captured in special 1 m3 containers with disposable pharmaceutical-grade liners.Transporting the filled containers by refrigerated trucks to a certified, GMP pharmaceutical facility, Quinton Laboratoires in Alicante Spain. Refrigerating a 4oC pharmaceutical clean-room environment from the moment the product enters the facility until the time it leaves in a sealed glass ampoule.?Testing the unprocessed marine plasma under a rigorous Quality Control program over the entire receiving, processing and packaging assure it meets the laboratory standards for purity and safety.Sterilizing by cold-microfiltration is the only process permitted to purify the marine plasma. No other form of treatment is allowed, including any form of heat, chemical or “energy” sterilization since it destroys the living quality of the final product. Tindalization, ultra violet exposure, gamma irradiation, ozonation, etc. all compromise the efficacy.?Packaging the processed Marine Plasma in special glass ampoules whose geometric design was specified by René Quinton. The energy collecting geometry assures preservation of higher informational structures within the product.“Marine Plasma expedites the regeneration of the organism either by the speedy or gradual substitution of a depleted inner medium by replacing it with a natural and identical equivalent, thus promoting optimum cell development and activity. Quinton Marine Plasma is, par excellence, that physiological serum.”Dr. Alfred PischingerAuthor of The Extracellular Matrix and Ground RegulationQ3SINCE 1905QUINTON LABORATORIESBetween 1897 and 1904, René Quinton applied his marine theory to collecting data that would enable him to establish a “method”. He was assisted in this task by keen young doctors, teachers and well-regarded directors of several clinical institutions.Quinton began applying his therapy in the hospitals of Paris, where he was permitted to treat hopeless cases, such as a terminal patient suffering from typhus, in coma and expected to die that very day, a case of oxalic acid poisoning, a patient with syphilis, a case of cirrhosis of the liver and a young woman in childbirth dying of a hemorrhage.Isotonic seawater began now to be called Quinton’s Plasma and injection with the plasma produced unexpectedly favorable results. Many cases considered hopeless actually recovered.1921 saw the publication of a solid piece of clinical research, which to this day is considered impeccable, on the subject of the use of Quinton’s Plasma in pediatrics. This study was made under the direction of Dr. Jean Jarricot , responsible for the ‘marine dispensary’ in Lyon from 1913 to 1938. It is important to stress the significant role of these dispensaries which had come to be regarded as institutions for public welfare from 1898 onwards. The dispensaries offered free medical treatment to the newly born, to children and to adults, as well as clinics for the treatment of skin diseases.Then, in 1960 in Paris, came the founding of the René Quinton Association established with a view to perpetrate the memory of Quinton in his role as famous research scientist. At around the same time, Quinton Laboratories moved from Paris to Pessac, in the Gironde area. This permitted the legal fusion of two parallel enterprises: Establishment Quinton, belonging to the Quinton family, which was concerned with the marine dispensaries, on the one hand, and Quinton Laboratories, which dealt with the production of ampoules (a pharmaceutical novelty at the time), by M. René Anrep, who was the inventor of the double-pointed ampoule and other equipment named after him.In 1970, le Vidal’s Dictionary published two new enteries: one was for Plasma de Quinton, with number NL 5735, and the other Duplase de Quinton, with number NL 5736.In 1973, these visas were registered with the AMM which specified standards for each preparation. In 1975, ?stablishments Quinton and Laboratoires Quinton were brought together as one organization.René Quinton, in his time, had been particularly concerned with treating children, who suffered from a variety of diseases such as infant marasmus and coliform enteritis, yet recovered after being given their first injections of seawater. The patients rapidly regained their appetite for their bottles and began to put on weight.Encouraged by these results, Quinton went on to open his marine dispensaries. The first was opened in Paris in 1907 and 9,902 injections were administered in the first month alone, which is around 362 injections a day. Dispensaries were opened in all the districts of Paris, in the provinces and abroad (Great Britain, Belgium, Egypt and the United States). Princess Helen, one of the sisters of Edward VII of England came to Paris in order to learn more about the method.In 1902, René Quinton had stopped working in collaboration with College de France, since the time was ripe for him to find a practical application for all the knowledge and research he had acquired over the last few years.René Quinton published, in 1904, his most significant book under the title of Seawater, the Organic Matrix. He gave it the subtitle: The Constancy of the Original Marine Environment as the Vital Environment for Cells throughout the Scale of Animal Life. This book was the point of departure to enable the recently opened Laboratoires Quinton to put its well-known Quinton Plasma on the market as from 1904 onwards.In 1982, however, standardization became the norm in European pharmaceutical companies, and the subsequent establishment of obligatory norms for laboratories caused a gradual decrease in the demand for Plasma de Quinton and Duplasé de Quinton. After the cancellation of the registration of Quinton’s laboratories with the AMM in 1995, Quinton products practically disappeared from the map.In the meantime, Quinton Buvable , a drinkable solution of Quinton Hypertonic at 30% dilution, developed by René Anrep in 1979, was launched onto the market as a dietetic supplement.At the beginning of the nineteen eighties, Quinton Buvable was being produced in the now legally obsolete laboratories in Pessac (Gironde) and subsequently produced and distributed from the new site of Laboratoires Quinton in Montoire (Loire et Cher), under the supervision of René Anrep.In 1989, Laboratoires Quinton: océan –thérapie made yet one more attempt to return to production, within the norms for dietetic supplements. Then, in 1996, Quinton International Laboratories emerged on the scene once again. Their site was now in Alicante, Spain, where their pharmaceutical laboratories had obtained official recognition of the quality of their technique of cold - sterilization from the medical authorities. Today, Quinton Laboratories occupy an area of 1,250 m2 and have been granted a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) label permitting them to process ocean water at different concentrations using cold- sterilized filtration that has been certified according to the norms laid down by European pharmaceutical organizations. The seawater is prepared under the strictest degree A sterile conditions, also known as “salle blanche”. The procedure differs in no way from Quinton’s method.Q4THE BIO-AVAILABILITYOF IONSOur current food habits are sins of omission rather than intent once they fail to provide us with the minerals we need. Mineral salts can only be fixed, or processed for our use, by plants, the only form of life which can photosynthesize.The food chain has been greatly altered by mankind which has always shown a tendency to transform natural crops into more “productive” crops, either through genetic manipulation, or by feeding animal fats to species that are essentially herbivorous. Even fish diet has been modified for intensive farming with the use of foodstuffs totally alien to their needs.Planet Earth, however, has another food chain which is able to provide us with these missing nutrients in their natural form. This is the food chain of the marine environment.Phytoplankton, the largest bio-mass of the planet, uses sunlight to fix all the minerals in the ocean. Phytoplankton is eaten by zooplankton which provides a mass of elements in a bio-available form, called telemediators by Maurice Aubert, professor at the International Marine University of Nice, who is a world expert in marine biocenosis. Biocenosis is the term used for the transformation of substances unavailable to the organism, into substances that can be taken up by the body.In the ocean, phytoplankton and zooplankton form vast concentrations known as blooms (fig.1). There is a unique region resulting from currents and tides which captures the bloom in a huge vortex, drawing rich nutrients from the deep to nourish the plankton (fig.2). Quinton Laboratories harvests seawater from this specific location, where there is a greater stability in the mineral and organic composition. The pump used to extract the marine plasma is placed within the vortex at the bottom of the “zone of light penetration”, a depth of approximately 30 meters. This assures that the highest quality of marine plasma is extracted.Q5HYDROMINERALHOMEOSTASISClinical biologists have identified the mineral formula of seawater to be a pro-biotic colloidal solution containing the organic elements essential to the body fluids.With the use of seawater, the nephrons in the kidney can excrete double the amount that they can with the use of conventional physiological sera.According to Claude Bernard, homeostasis depends on the quality of the fluids of the internal environment. René Quinton has shown that the life of cells emerged from the ocean. When he said that every living thing is a marine aquarium, he was saying that ocean water is the basis for all vital physiological mechanisms.Any change that occurs to this homeostatic balance will not fail to cause a parallel change in mechanisms controlling the temperature, release of hormones, central nervous system and so on of the organism. The nutrition of the cells and their mutual systems of communication are all dependent on the extra-cellular fluids. Dysfunction caused by depolarization of the cell membrane causes ill health which may favor the appearance of disease.Seawater provides us with all the mineral and pro-biotic substances needed to restore general cell function. The ideal ionic and mineral content of seawater allows cells to regain their vitality and attain optimum function in a natural way. Depending on the needs of each case, seawater may be given in different concentrations: in the isotonic dilution or in the hypertonic dilution.Seawater causes new contact to be made between the different cells of the organism, which opens the way to Renéw systems of communication.All messages sent out by the vital functions of our organism are sent out through the medium of seawater, which functions like a kind of cement for the structural model of the cell. In other words, our DNA is firmly bound to organic water, the water of the ocean.INSERT GRAPHIC FROM DIGITAL ARTH E A L T HHOMEOSTASISISOTONICITYMaintains balanceand cell nutrition State of EquilibriumREGULATING SYSTEMSINTERNAL ENVIRONMENT VITAL ENVIRONMENT FACTORS OF AGRESSION Endogenous Exogenous DYSFUNCTIONSRegulating Mechanisms ALTERATIONSHYPERTONICITY Cell Nutrition Enhances cell nutritionILL- HEATH ISOTONICITY Maintains balance and cell nutrition DISEASETHE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY, 2003P. Agre and R. MacKinnon.W A T E R C H A N N E L S – A Q U A P O R I N SSince the middle of the nineteenth century, researchers had suspected that the cells have some form of specific channel for the transport of water. It was not until 1988 that Peter Agre managed to isolate a protein in the cell membrane which he realized after a while must be the water channel he was looking for. This discovery gave free rein to the investigation of a series of biochemical, physiological and genetic properties of these channels in studies involving bacteria, plants and mammals. Today researchers are able to follow in detail the mechanism by which a molecule of water crosses the cell membrane and how it is that the membrane is able to create barriers against the entry of smaller molecules and ions.I O N C H A N N E L SIn 2003 there came the discovery of another type of channel within the cell membrane, specific to the transport of ions. Robert MacKinnon took the scientific community by surprise when he informed them that in 1988 he had managed to determine the spatial structure of a channel specific to potassium. Thanks to his discovery, we can now visualize the ions crossing through these channels, which are able to open and close in obedience to signals given out by the cells.Ion channels are vital for the efficient functioning of the muscles and the nervous system. What is known as the action potential of the neurons, or cells of the nervous system takes place when an ion channel on the surface of a neuron is opened in answer to a chemical signal sent by an adjacent neuron. An electric impulse is then sent out along the surface of the neuron, which is caused by the opening and closing of a series of ion channels, all within the space of a few milliseconds.Q6THERAPEUTICRESULTSAs we have observed, it is not a question of wanting to “heal” an illness, but a matter of restoring homeostasis to the organism. We can be sure that alterations to homeostasis are directly responsible for several kinds of pathological conditions. The following pages are a summary of various treatments, over a period of more than a hundred years, using seawater as a restorer of homeostasis.Reduction of Allergic Skin Responses and Serum Allergen-Specific IgE and IgE-Inducing Cytokines by Drinking Deep-Sea Water in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis. Hajime Kimata and col. Department of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital, UjiCity, Kyoto.Oto-Rhino-Laringologia Nova 2001.Reduction of chemokine IL-8 and RANTES expression in human bronchial epithelial cells by a sea-water derived saline through inhibited nuclear factor-EB activation. Olivier Tabary and col. Inserm E213. Hopital A. Trousseau.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003.Wark PAB, McDonald V. Department of Respiratory Medecine John Hunter Hospital (Australia).Cochrane Review 2002.Le Dispensaire Marin de Jean Jarricot. 1921Sea Water or its components alter experimental irritant dermatitis in man. Yusuke Yoshizawa. Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine. University of California.Skin Research and Technology 2001.Improvement of skin symptoms and mineral imbalance by drinking deep seawater in patients with athopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS). Hajime Kimata and col. Department of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital, Uji City, Kyoto.Acta Medica 2002.Drinking deep-sea water restores mineral imbalance in a topic eczema/dermatitis sydrome.Y. Hataguchi, H. Tai, H Nakijama, H. Kimata. Department of Allergy, Satou Hospital, Yabuhigashimachi, Hirakata City, Osaka, Japan.DERMATOLOGYWhat are Dermatology and Venerology?Dermatology is a medical and surgical specialization that is concerned with problems of the skin, body hair, nails, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, as well as those of the oral and genital mucosae.Venerology is concerned with the study, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. It is a branch of medicine in close connection with dermatology because of the wide variety of skin problems observed in cases of syphilis.How long has seawater been used in the treatment of skin problems?The Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans all used ocean water in therapy. Up to today, bathing in seawater is still recommended to help clear up skin lesions by a process of absorption of ions through the skin. The purpose is to keep hydromineral balance, which is what homeostasis is.A E D S (ATOPIC ECZEMA DERMATITIS SYNDROME)IRRITANT DERMATITISIMPETIGENOUS ECZEMALICHENOID ECZEMAECZEMA IN YOUNG BABIESPSORIASISALOPECIADERMATITIS ON CONTACT WITH COELENTERATES (sea anemones, red actinia and jellyfish)TUBERCULOSIS OF THE SKIN - LUPUSATOPIC ECZEMA DERMATITIS SYNDROME(A E D S)Taking seawater helps to lower the level of interleukins IL-4, IL-13 and IL-18, which induce production of IgE, in patients suffering from AEDS, whereas distilled water has no such effect.The diminished production of interleukins contributes to relieve inflammation of the skin, leading to regression of symptoms in AEDS patients.Improvement of skin symptoms and minerals imbalance by drinking deep seawater in patients with athopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS). Hajime Kimata and col. Department of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital, Uji City, Kyoto.Acta Medica 2002.THE PROCESS OF ATOPIC ECZEMA IN DERMATITIS SYNDROMESNOTA da tradutora: ATOPIC DERMATITIS. No texto se lê ATHOPIC.Absorption of Seawater Absorption of Distilled WaterThe Effect of Drinkable Seawater on AEDS PatientsSeawater-Distilled WaterBefore Treatment One year after Before Treatment One Year afterElements of SkinStratum corneumSerumIRRITANT DERMATITISWe go on to make an evaluation of seawater and its principal components in its action on irritant contact dermatitis induced with sodium lauryl sulphate.Using trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) as an indicator for the functions and quality of the epidermal barrier, it was found that seawater significantly inhibits further loss of trans-epidermal water, which does not occur with de-ionized water.The effects observed with the use of seawater are due to protection of the epidermal barrier by means of rehydration.Sea Water or its components alter experimental irritant dermatitis in man. Yusuke Yoshizawa. Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University of California.Skin Research and Technology 2001.SODIUM LAURYL SULPHATEDe-ionized Water SeawaterIMPETIGINOUS ECZEMAWOMAN OF FIFTY YEARSImpetiginous Eczema . . . . No success with several methods of therapyEczema of the hands, forearms, neck and face.Extremely intense desquamation (peeling)LichenificationSuppurationAfter one course of treatment with Quinton Plasma:Progressive injections with 30, 50 and 100 ml.Desquamation ceased after the third injectionSuppuration ceased after the fourth injectionTotal cureLICHENOID ECZEMAMAN OF THIRTY-NINE YEARSLichenoid Eczema… No success with several methods of therapy Large patches of eczema on the forearm and elbowIntense desquamationAfter one course of treatment with Quinton’s Plasma:Two injections initially with 20 and 30 cc.22 injections of 50 to 60 cc. over the period of a month Within two weeks, the patient was practically cured(see photo 1)Complete cure after a month. No signs of relapse(see photo 2)IMPETIGINOUS ECZEMA INYOUNG BABIESTHE PATIENT: A YOUNG BABYImpetiginous Eczema . . . . . . No success with several methods of therapyFacial eczemaA history of ten months of illnessSymptoms developed after a change of diet(After two months on formula, the baby went backto breastfeeding).After one course of treatment with Quinton’s Plasma:Progressive injections of 10, 15 and 25 cc.Treatment lasted 49 daysConsiderable improvement after 15 days(see photo 10)Total cureA month after stopping treatment (see photo 2)TUBERCULOSIS OF THE SKINIn cases of tuberculosis of the skin and bones and in cases of spina ventosa, the patients were treated only with isotonic marine plasma.Lupus on the leg of a young man of twenty yearsA history of ten years of diseasePhoto 1: taken Feb.17, 1909, 20 days after starting treatmentTreatment was continued for another 3 months. After two years of surveillance, the patient was found to be totally cured (see photo 2)PSORIASISYOUNG WOMAN OF SIXTEEN YEARSWhitish lesions which refused to heal were discovered while the patient was in the hospital. no cure was foundA history of five years of diseaseIntense desquamationAfter one course of treatment with Quinton’s Plasma:*Progressive injections of 50, 100 and 250 cc.*Two injections a week for six weeks*Treatment was concluded after 6 weeks*A year and a half later, no signs of relapse*Quick recuperation of appetite and gain in weightYOUNG WOMAN OF TWENTY YEARSAfter failure of several types of remedy, there was a slight improvement with the use of chrysophanic acid.*A clinical history of 6 yearsAfter one course of treatment with Quinton’s Plasma:* Progressive injections of 30,50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 c* Two injections a week for 10 months* Total cure OBSERVA??O DA TRADUTORA: Comparando com olivro original, as fotos de pp 38 e 39 foram trocadasnesta edi??o.ALOPECIADIAGNOSIS MADE BY REN? QUINTON OF A CASE OF TOTAL ALOPECIA TREATED IN THE MARINE DISPENSARY IN PARIS (1908-I909)At the beginning of the year 1905, the patient began to suffer from gradual loss of hair, beginning from behind the left ear. Hair loss was complete by September, 1905. He received treatment at the Saint Louis hospital from September, 1905 until February, 1908. Several forms of treatment were attempted, among them injection with substances such as sodium cacodylate, together with lotions derived from ammonia salts, sulfur and acetic acid, all to no avail.Photo 1 was taken on September 10, 1908, on arrival of the patient at the marine dispensary.Photo 2 was taken on February 18, 1909. Treatment was with the sole use of injections of Quinton’s Plasma in doses between 50, 75 and 100 ml., three times a week.Photo 3 was taken after completion of eight months of treatment, on February 2, 1910.Photo 4 was taken on August 24, 1910, after six months of no further treatment.LESIONS CAUSED BY SNAKEBITE AND CONTACT WITH SEA CREATURESLesions resulting from contact with animals such as sea anemones, red Actinia and several species of jellyfish produce erythematous macules or papules in association with sensations of itching and burning within the pattern of zoster type linear distribution. In certain cases there is blistering of the skin and necrotic lesions, with a feeling of numbness. This is usually seen to recede within a few hours, but the skin damage may become chronic, with the appearance of lack of pigmentation, increase in fibrous tissue and cutaneous atrophy.Bathing of the affected areas with seawater has been strongly recommended. Drinkable seawater is also a help in reducing inflammation.Photos: 1 – red actinia2 – sea anemone3 - jellyfishALLERGIESAllergic RhinitisTaking seawater diminishes:allergic skin reactionstotal IgE levelsIgE levels specific to Japanese cedar pollen(JPC)Levels of interleukins -4, -6, -13 and -18Distilled water has none of these properties.EFFECT ON ALLERGIC RESPONSE IN THE ABSORBTION OF SEAWATER IN PATIENTS WITH ALLERGIC RHINITISSeawater Distilled waterAt start At 3 weeks At start At 3 weeks Circulatory response in theskin to JPC (see above)Control group Serum levelsTotal IgEIgE levels specific to JCP*These values are the mean + or – standard errorSeasonal Allergic RhinitisA study on 20 children with an allergy to plants of the genus Parietaria. 10 of the children were given nasal irrigation with hypertonic seawater three times a day for six weeks. The other 10 children were the control group. All the children were issued with a test card registering symptoms of running nose, degree of obstruction and so on. The use of antihistamines was permitted in both groups. The group treated with hypertonic seawater showed significant reduction in antihistaminic remedies as from the third, fourth and fifth week of treatment. The treatment was well tolerated, inexpensive and effective.Werner Garavello et al.Department Otorhinolaryngology – University of Milano BicoccaPediatric Allergy and Immunology 2003 :14: 140-143GASTROENTEROLOGYGastroenterology is the area of medicine where the use of isotonic seawater has obtained the best therapeutic results in the clinical history of Quinton’s Plasma.It will be seen that excellent results are to be obtained in the case of inflammation (the anti-inflammatory properties of seawater must not be overlooked). In the event of dehydration, treatment with the use of isotonic seawater reestablishes hydro-mineral homeostasis.MARASMUS (ATHREPSIA)CHOLERIFORM ENTERITISACUTE ENTERITISCHRONIC ENTERITISDIARRHEA AND VOMITING (D&V)DYSPEPSIA DUE TO EXCESS HClENTEROCOLITISHYDROTHERAPY OF THE COLONMARASMUS (ATHREPSIA)40 day old babyAt 40 days, the baby weighed 2 kg, which represents a weight deficit for its age of around 55%. Measuring just 50 cm, the baby had a deficit of 1 kg compared with normal babies of this size. The child was in an advanced state of emaciation (see photo 1).Treatment was given with the sole aid of Quinton’s PlasmaAt the age of nearly 3 months, the baby tipped the scales at 3980 grams, representing a gain in weight of 1980 grams over a period of 47 days. During this time the baby had grown another 4 cm. At 4 months of age the weight deficit had dropped from 55% to 10% . At 10 months, weight and length had normalized (see photo 2).Choliform EnteritisPATIENT OF 9 MONTHSThe baby boy of 9 months and 24 days of age weighed 4 kg 900 g (normal weight at this age would be 8 kg 400 g) which means 42% under normal weight. He was referred to Dr. Macé of the Academy of Medicine, and was admitted to the ward for the debilitated in the Maternity Hospital in Paris. The child was having 10 bowel movements a day in spurts of liquid feces. Muscle tone was poor, the abdomen retracted, the eyes were sunken and the rectal temperature was 39.7 C.The baby was expected to live no more than a day(see photo 1).Sole Treatment: Quinton’s PlasmaTwo course of injections were given, of 500cc a dayin two doses of 250cc, for six days, followed by onedose of 200cc daily during the next ten days.The baby received a milk diet equivalent to 10% of his body weight. On the fourth day the diet was reduced to an eighth of body weight. By the seventh day of treatment, bowel movements had returned to normal. Within 24 hours, the baby had gained 400 g.Acute EnteritisPATIENT OF 3 MONTHS AND 26 DAYS OF AGEFirst Photo: The choleriform syndrome began after the baby girl had been suffering from chronic gastroenteritis.Second Photo: In spite of the choleriform syndrome, the baby had managed to regain 2900 g after one month under treatment.On her first visit to the dispensary, the baby girl, three months and twenty-six days old, weighed 3250 g, the equivalent of a weight deficit of 41%.She had been exclusively breastfed but was given a supplementary formula which did nothing to stop her vomiting. Her feces were soft and greenish in color at first and then became liquid.She was given 3 injections of Plasma Quinton and whole milk equivalent to 1/7 of her weight. It soon became clear that there was some error in the dosage, since by the end of a week she had absorbed only 150g and her feces remained liquid. On the eighth day it seemed clear that she would not live. The day before she had had as many as 10 bowel movements in spurts of liquid feces. She had sunken eyes and the vomiting was uncontrollable. She was given 200 ml of Plasma Quinton twice daily for 13 days and 1/10 of her weight in formula.By the sixth day her overall condition was good, for the vomiting had ceased on the third day, she had accepted her bottle on the fifth and had given a first smile.One month and a week later she weighed 4600 grams. At 6 months and 25 days she weighed 6150 grams: she was still undersize but in perfect health.CHRONIC ENTERITISPATIENT OF 3 MONTHS AND 26 DAYSPHOTO 1: A baby girl of nearly 4 months was admitted to hospital with a weight deficit for her age of 55%. Weight: 2kg 650gThe baby was normal at birth.In two months she had lost almost a kilo. She was suffering from digestive problems with progressive loss of weight after being in hospital for 45 days.PHOTO 2: At the age of 5 months and 22 days.Weight: 5090 kgTREATMENT: Immediate application of Plasma Quinton from the time of her admittance to the marine dispensary at the age of nearly 4 months till when she was 6 months and a week old.At 6 months and 5 days, the baby weighed 5290 kg. Within two months, she had doubled in weight.DIARRHEA AND VOMITINGDiarrhea and vomiting (D&V) are the symptoms or the cause of dehydration both in children and adults.Isotonic seawater is an effective remedy against these symptoms, for it restores, in a natural way, the mineral levels lost through dehydration and places the feces within the limits of 62 and 66% of their physiological water concentration.If a patient is suffering dehydration in consequence of D&V, the procedure is as follows: administration of two ampoules of Quinton Isotonic 24AB every two hours until there is improvement.3Between 20 and 50% of people visiting the tropics suffer from what can be called travelers’ diarrhea at some stage during their stay.Percentage of travelers suffering from travelers’ diarrhea according to places visited:Middle East *Indian Subcontinent *North Africa *Africa south of the Sahara *Central America*South America *Southeast Asia *Continental Asia*Foods recommended to avoid travelers’ diarrhea:Packaged drinks, preferably fizzyFruit and vegetables washed and peeledHot tea and coffeeMeat and fish fried or well cookedFoods likely to cause travelers’ diarrhea:Ice-cream bought from street vendorsIce in drinksMeat/fish/seafood eaten rawUnpeeled fruit, or peeled fruit left uneatenfor more than a few hoursHOMEOSTASIS OF FECAL WATER CONTENTCONSTIPATION DIARRHEA 62% 66%DYSPEPSIA CAUSED BY EXCESS HYDROCHLORIC ACID ENTEROCOLITISDIAGNOSIS: HYPERCHLORIDRIC DYSPEPSIAThe patient was a young woman of twenty, who had been admitted to hospital on two previous occasions to no avail.PESO: 23,830Kg.She had had frequent bouts of enterocolitis and constipation. Progressive loss of weight over the last 5 years.Her condition had become progressively worse just before she started treatment with Plasma Quinton. She had been vomiting daily for the last two years. For the last few weeks, the vomiting had become impossible to control.In addition she had not menstruated in the last four years. The diagnosis was of terminal cachexia.Treatment was given with the exclusive use of Plasma Quinton.The dosage was of 30, 50 and 75 cc, three times a week.Constipation ceased after the third injection.She started to menstruate again after 45 days.Two months later she weighed forty-two and a half kilos. She was later to increase her weight up to forty-nine kilos.Seawater:QUINTON’S ISOTONIC is an invaluable tool in restoring minerals to the cells. There is total osmosis within the internal environment.HYDROTHERAPEUTIC TREATMENT OF THE COLONThe number and proportion of the elements that have been identified up to the present day in seawater (84 elements of the Table) have confirmed René Quinton’s analysis of 1904, published in his book, Seawater, the Internal Environment.It has never been possible to synthesize seawater. The solubility and precipitation that occur in sea salts are quite different from those found in synthetic chemical substances.Modern research into molecular physiology and biochemistry has brought a greater understanding of the similarities that exist between the internal (cellular) and the external (ocean) environment. The common origin of both makes it possible for the organism to select the exact proportion of mineral salts it requires, and to reject the salts it does not need, in a totally natural way.The benefits of the use of QUINTON Isotonic in hydrotherapy of the colon are:Physiological washout of the intestinal mucosaThe anti-anaphylactic properties of seawaterSupply via the portal vein of mineral micro-nutrientsPhysiological equilibrium of potassium ions where there is likelihood of lack of potassiumEasy control of anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic actionMore pathways for absorption in processes of infectionStrengthening of the immune systemEquilibrium of the intestinal endocrine systemQUINTON Hypertonic:This is used whenever there is the need to provide immediate revitalization or reconstitution of the organism.Irrigation in hydrotherapy of the colon may be carried out with the exclusive use of QUINTON or as the last irrigation after the use of other means of irrigation. ODONTOLOGY AND STOMATOLOGYBoth odontology and stomatology have recourse to endobuccal crenotherapy. Natural, hypertonic or isotonic seawater can be an invaluable aid to this area of medicine and the therapy has the advantage of there being no risk of pathology induced through medication.QUINTON ISOTONIC:In rinsing the root canal and in the filling of dry alveoles. In the prevention of alveolitis, as a complement for alveolar cement. In neural therapy, as a concurrent treatment to anesthetics not containing adrenalinUse as a mouthwash: the liquid should be placed under the tongue and allowed to remain there for as long as possible. Depending on the periodontal disease in question, Quinton Hypertonic may give better results than Quinton Isotonic.Quinton may be used in rinsing bone debris and to disinfect the stumps of teeth after treatmentIt may be applied to the gums to enhance other periodontal treatment.Two years after extractionPEDIATRICSWhen to use Quinton?Laboratoires Quinton have a selection of three different kinds of nasal sprayfor use in relieving the symptoms in pathologies of the nose and the sinuses.Quinton Moderate Nasal Action Spray, 150 mlQuinton Nasal Action Plus Spray, 150 mlQuinton Moderate Nasal Action Spray, 20 mlBABIES UP TO ONE YEAR OF AGEFor clearing out the nostrils in case of colds 3 to 4 sprayings a day and nose blockageCHILDREN FROM 1 TO 12 YEARSCleaning the nasal cavity in case of colds, 3 to 4 sprayings a day nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis and also bronchitis. Quinton Isotonic 24 ABBABIES UP TO ONE YEAR OF AGEDiarrhea and vomiting 1 ampoule of drinkable Colic in babies Quinton Isotonic 24 AB in the baby’s bottle CHILDREN FROM 1 TO 12 YEARSDiarrhea and vomiting 2 ampoules of drinkableQuinton Isotonic 24 ABin the morning and two at noonQuinton Hypertonic 24 ABBABIES UP TO ONE YEAR OF AGEWeight deficit 1 ampoule of drinkableQuinton Hypertonic 24 ABgiven in a syringeCHILDREN FROM 1 TO 12 YEARSFor treating general apathy and 2 ampoules of drinkablein the case of mineral deficiency Quinton Hypertonic 24 AB in the morning and two at noon.Quinton Dermo-SprayBABIES UP TO ONE YEAR OF AGEEczema in babies, erythema 3 to 4 sprayings daily and irritant dermatitis onto the affected areaCHILDREN FROM 1 TO 12 YEARSAtopic dermatitis and eczema 3 to 4 sprayings daily onto the affected areaGYNECOLOGYDuring pregnancy *During the first 7 months of pregnancy, we recommend two drinkable ampoules of QuintonIsotonic 24 AB in the morning and two at noon.*During the last two months of pregnancy, we recommend two drinkable ampoules of Quinton Hypertonic 24 AB in the morning and two at noon“S U N B A T H I N G A N D S E A B A T H I N G G I V E B E N E F I C I A L, R E S U L T S F O R M O S T A I L M E N T S, E S P E C I A L L Y T H O S E O F W O M E N ”.Herodotus (484 to 420 BCE)MENOPAUSELaboratoires Quinton have a line of natural products for gynecologists that have been tested for their effectiveness in all procedures that involve the regulation of biologic terrain through a process of micro-rehydration. The impact of the action of natural seawater on cell nutrition in its remarkable capacity to restore moisture through ionization potentializes the functions of the kidneys and ensures the bio-availability of micro-nutrients such as Ca++, permitting us to deduce a series of different applications in women who face this stage of their reproductive cycle, and who frequently lack information about its effects on the quality of life of this age group. The uncomfortable, although non-pathological symptoms of hot flushes and sweating may often be relieved if there is good maintenance of the levels of marine ions in the organism.In the case of osteoporosis, the availability of the totum of ionic minerals that have been trans-mineralized by marine telemediators (see above) in seawater can enhance conventional therapy. Seabathing has been recommended to women at the stage of the menopausefor as long as we can remember in history.Taking seawater orally is a recent therapy applied to women whose hormonal cycle is coming to an end, but it is clear from recent scientific research that owing to its mineral and organic composition, ocean water provides a needed boost to cell life in women during the menopause. Many women feel that this stage of their lives is strongly negative in terms of their image of themselves physically, as though there is some kind of impediment to their attractiveness. They may feel that their social status is somewhat reduced. During the menopause, the following scheme of treatment ensures that there is the necessary regulation of water content in the internal environment:Quinton HypertonicFor women who are depressive, lack 2 to 4 ampoules a day vitality or suffer from exhaustion,in the morning and at noon stress or apathy.Quinton IsotonicFor women who are hyperactive, 2 to 4 ampoules a day with high blood pressure, are overweight, in the morning and at noon and suffer from stress and anxietyThe therapist decides the degree of concentration of sea salts according to his or her diagnosis.RESULTS:Improvement should be observed after 15 days of treatment.This includes:Alleviation of the symptoms known as hot flushesImprovement in overall state of healthImprovement in overall psychic equilibriumImprovement of the circulation systemImprovement of the state of skin, hair and related phenomenaLoss or gain in weight depending on the desired regulation of the metabolismImprovement in or disappearance of associated pathological conditionsIonograms of the urine are helpful in evaluating the patient’s condition.MEDICINEAND SPORTSHypotonic Hyponatremia (lack of blood sodium) in strenuous sports In sports such as the marathon, triathlon and ultra-marathon, there is the risk of hyponatremia. Prolonged muscular activity makes rehydration an absolute necessity for the athlete. Hydro-mineral homeostasis is a ‘must’.Attention must be paid to the balance of sodium ions in relation to the amount of water that has been taken in.We recommend that athletes refrain from drinking water according to their thirst, for it may be too late to maintain adequate levels of rehydration.Some tips to boost availability of water and mineral salts before, during and after strenuous sportsBefore: We recommend drinking up to 500 ml of a suitable beverage two hours before the event. During: Always drink before feeling thirsty. Drink between half a liter to one liter per hour of exercise. Sodium chloride should average 1.2 g/l.After: After the event make sure that sodium chloride and other sodium salts average around 1.2 g/l.B. Melin y Chantal JimenezCah. Nutr. Diet. 39, 4, 2004 (Nov. 2004)Centro de Investigacion del Servicio de Salud de los Ejercitos.AN EXAMPLE OF REHYDRATION DURING A DEMI-MARATHONStart km 0Finish km 21Revitalization withTotal water: 1liter2 AB Quinton Hypertonic Total Na: 0.6 gramsINGESTION OF MICROFILTERED ANDCOLD-STERILIZED SEAWATERCatedra de Fisiologia del Ejercicio.Universidad Catolica San Antionio de Murcia.Physiologic changes in athletes brought about by taking micro-filtered cold-sterilized seawater.A study made in the Department of Physiologic Performance at the CatholicUniversity of Murcie (UCAM), Spain.Summary:The purpose of this study was to provide an objective analysis of the results obtained with seawater in top athletes, but favorable reports on the subjective reactions of the sportsmen from their comments on the use of drinkable seawater lead us to believe that it is of real benefit in the recovery of the physique after strenuous sporting events. Materials and Methods:The study was conducted with eleven semi-professional indoor soccer players. It was a done on the lines of a double blind system used by the Professor of exercise physiology at the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcie, Spain. A maximum stress test was devised using a rolling carpet at a speed corresponding to 70% maximum consumption of oxygen.The test lasted sixty minutes. Twenty minutes before the test, blood samples were taken from each of the athletes taking part who then went on to take either 20ml of the liquid under investigation, or else the same volume of the placebo. The chosen parameters for analysis were: pH, partial pressure of oxygen, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, sodium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate, lactate and glucose. One minute before the test was due to begin, the athletes were weighed and another blood sample was taken.At 30 minutes and at 90 minutes after the start of the test, blood samples were again taken using the same procedure. Forty minutes after the start of the stress test, each athlete took another 20 ml of the same liquid as before.For the third phase of the stress test, the same methodology was used as in the second phase, except that if during the previous week the athlete had been taking the liquid that was being investigated, he would now be taking the placebo, and vice-versa.Results: The results showed very little variation in the parameters for pH, chlorine, calcium, lactate and potassium. The most significant deviation was seen with sodium, showing an increase of 2.8 % over the value obtained with the placebo, with the stability of bicarbonate, whose level remained no lower than 23.3 mg / dl throughout the stress test and with glucose, whose levels tended to increase with the liquid under investigation or to decrease with the use of the placebo.Conclusions: If we compare the results of this experimental study with the subjective experience of the athletes, we may conclude that taking micro-filtered cold-sterilized seawater is of real benefit towards recuperation from fatigue, owing to increase in sodium levels, which prevents the occurrence of hypotonic hyponatremia and to increase in bicarbonate, which prevents acidosis and helps mobilize glucide reserves according to the demands of the organism. This contributes to hydro-mineral homeostasis.References: They are in their original titles and formats, so they could be kept AS-IS or you can translate to English.OPHTHALMOLOGYThe use of eye drops that apart from the active principle contain preservative and stabilizing substances can often be an unpleasant experience, with irritation, itching and watering of the eyes, apart from adverse emotional reactions on the part of the patient. Aerosol solutions could be an alternative method to conventional eye drops so as to prevent irritation. Quinton Eye Action has the advantage of containing none of these irritants. One spraying gives the equivalent volume of one drop.One of the advantages of the spray is that it may be applied onto closed eyelids.Its advantages are: it is quick to act and causes less irritation than even the mildest pediatric eye drops available on the market. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory action of isotonic seawater as verified in previous studies, Quinton Eye Action may be used in bathing the eyes as part of the treatment for inflammatory pathologies as well as for treatment of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and corneal lesions. It has also proved invaluable in the treatment of allergic conditions: the eyes require lower concentrations of antigen than the other parts of the body in order to respond with an allergic reaction. Internal and external Compère-LoriotChalazionBlepharitisDermatitisConjunctivitisKerato-conjunctivitisEpiscleritisScleritisReferences: They are in their original titles and formats, so they could be kept AS-IS or you can translate to English.PHYSIOTHERAPY OF RESPIRATIONNasal hygieneJust as we were taught to brush our teeth every day, it might be a good idea if we were to take this one step further and include the nasal passages in our daily washing routine, and here is where seawater can help by maintaining the health of the nasal mucosa and prepare it for defense of the organism.Good nasal hygiene practiced with regularity brings much benefit to health. It reinforces the defensive function of the respiratory mucus and improves the lachrymal drainage. It reduces the allergic impact by desensitizing the mucus. Assists in avoiding the childhood otitis (ear infection) and saves many surgical interventions so frequent today in children (tympanic drainages). Stimulates the good operation of the glandular adenoids and the amygdales. It improves the hearing, smell and gustative functionsa and produces an effect of general wellbeing, clearing of the head and increases to the optimum the mental capacity.We brush our teeth every day, but why is it that we neglect our nose?Regular nasal hygiene done in the correct way gives a boost to our health. It is a backup to the protective function of the respiratory mucosae and helps with draining the tear ducts. It also protects against colds, the flu and sore throat. It alleviates allergic reactions through reduction in the sensitivity of the mucous membrane and helps to prevent earache in children, as well as avoid the all too common surgical interventions such as drainage of the eardrum and tonsillectomy, among others. Nasal hygiene can help stimulate the functions of the adenoids and tonsils, improve hearing, sense of smell and taste and contribute to a general sense of wellbeing and optimism and provide a boost to mental acuity.HEALTH BEGINS WITHIN THE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENTThe latest medical research into physiology confirms that our health depends directly on the quality of the internal environment (the interstitial liquid that bathes all the cells of the organism).The internal environment is the means of conveying information and nutrients to all parts of the organism. If this environment should lack the structure needed to provide nutrients and remove surplus material, the vital organs are sure to suffer loss of vitality.The quality of our internal environment is a determinant factor in the appearance of disease.Physiologic or functional alterations over a period of time are the first step towards the development of disease. Thanks to the sustained supply of minerals and pre-biotic elements (basic chemical substances that provide the building blocks for all the molecules within the organism) to the internal environment, treatment with seawater helps to Renéw all the functions of our internal environment, which in turn contributes to the recovery of health.Natural ocean water is hypertonic because it contains a high concentration of mineral salts (35%), which favors cell nutrition. Isotonic seawater, whose concentration is around 9%, provides the perfect state of equilibrium, for it coincides exactly with the concentration of minerals in the internal environment.Accumulation of mucus over a certain period of time may cause loss of hearing.Tympanic membrane -------Airways --------Middle ear -------Eustachian tubes (these connect the middle ear with the nasopharyngeal area)Many cases of earache begin in this area. Obstruction of the Eustachian tubes by mucus from the nose may often cause infections of the middle ear.THE “THERMAL STATION” OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEMThis treatment is equally recommended for children and adults.HEAT AND HUMIDITYThis is a spraying with isotonic seawater that is of special benefit to the airways of the upper respiratory system. It re-hydrates and nourishes the mucous membranes, the external ear and the skin of the face, and has a soothing effect to prepare the patient for further treatment.MICRO-IONIZED NASAL DOUCHEThis is a form of treatment using a kind of “mini nasal douche” with isotonic seawater in the form of larger particles. On coming into contact with the nasal cavity, seawater has the property of diluting the secretions from the nasal cavities, the nasopharyngeal cavities and from the pharyngeal area.THERMAL AEROSOLThe thermal aerosol releases microscopic particles of seawater of 5 to 10 microns through a mask. These micro-drops which are charged with dissociated gases are able to penetrate to the bronchioles at the deepest level of the respiratory system.MEDICAL AEROSOLSeawater here is the vehicle for the application of specific homeopathic or homotoxicologic soluble medications in the treatment of respiratory problems. The therapeutic action of the remedy is reinforced by the action of seawater.PHARYNGEAL DOUCHEApplying isotonic seawater in the form of a spray of larger particles directly to the area of the pharynx and tonsils helps to provide a system of alternate vasodilatation and vasoconstriction which is of great benefit in the control of inflammation and irritation in the throat.HOPI CANDLESThis is an ancient therapy among the people of the Hopi Nation for the treatment of ear infections. The great advantage of this therapy is that it acts directly on the area of the middle ear, which is difficult to reach by any other means.The heat and the slight effect of convection produced by the lighted candle activate the micro-circulation of the blood within the area. These effects are transmitted to the eardrum, the organ responsible for the sense of balance, and to the pharynx, causing an improvement in functions dependent on them.Reminder:Antibiotics are not effective in the treatment of common colds, since these are largely viral in origin, rather than bacterial. With the use of seawater, however, there is an increase in the speed of the process of healing due to improved drainage and decongestion of the airways.THE LABYRINTH OF THE NOSEThe Importance of the nasal mucosaThe nose, together with the mouth is the most significant point of entry of pathogens into the organism.It is through the nose and the mouth that air begins its entry via several different paths until it reaches the alveoli in the lungs. Here, chemical reactions take place, which produce the energy necessary so that the organism can fulfill all its vital functions so we can carry on with our day to day existence.What is the nasal mucosa?This is the membrane that coats the nasal cavities. It performs three functions:It filters and cleans the air by eliminating impurities such as smoke, dust, pollen, fungi, viral particles and bacteria.It performs the function of a physiologic air conditioning system so that air reaches the lungs with the right degree of humidity and at the appropriate temperature.It acts as a sensory organ for distinguishing smells.With a few variations, it can be said that the nasal mucosa forms an internal lining for all the conduits and cavities of the respiratory system.What is the function of the paranasal sinuses?The nasal sinuses form a labyrinth or maze of tiny cavities inside the cranium, above and behind the nose whose functions are those of communicating between the two systems, forming a network of delicate canals.The nasal sinuses are formed from early childhood to adolescence, and are also responsible for the shape the face will finally be. Their size and form varies from person to person and their volume varies between 50 and 70 cubic centimeters.Due to the mazelike structure of the sinuses, constant accumulation of mucus can produce the condition known as sinusitis. This is a stubborn condition which, if not treated in time, may well become chronic. The sinuses prepare the air we breathe for their arrival at the lungs, they act as a vocal sound box and they relieve the sensation of weight of the cranium.How does the nasal mucosa work?As long as the nasal mucosa is clean and physiologically active, there is little risk of illness, for it helps to defend us from respiratory disease. The mucosa makes use of three strategies so as to maintain its functions:The mucosa produces the mucus which in a healthy individual forms a fine layer on the internal surfaces of the airways of the respiratory system. This mucus is sticky and is able to capture foreign particles contained in the air. Apart from this, it contains an enzyme, lysozyme, whose function is to destroy the numerous germs present in the air.It also acts as a defense mechanism: the movements of the cilia, fine hairs at a microscopic level, push the mucus towards the pharynx, going on to neutralize foreign bodies via the digestive system.There is also a closed internal lymphatic network responsible for maintaining the efficiency of the immune system. This network is responsible for the production of macrophages which are cells that specialize in destroying microbes present in the air we breathe.Did you know that….The nose is the only organ of the body in direct contact between the external environment and the brain? It contains the olfactory cells which specialize in distinguishing different smells. The sense of smell, which is probably the most ancient and least understood of the senses, enables us to analyze the smells around us and put us in touch with what they represent for us emotionally.Balneario respiratorioCamp. 87 local izco. 08022 Barcelona Tel: 93 212 15 04Consulta medicaMuntaner, 551 3degrees info@ BRONCHITISReducing inflammation of the lungs with the aid of isotonic seawater.Isotonic seawater is able to inhibit production of cytokine interleukine 8 (IL8) and also prevent the expression of a gene known as RANTES in the epithelial cells of the bronchiae in humans, owing to inhibition at the level of the cell nucleus of systems activating what is called the kappa factor. Sodium chloride solution at 0.9 % of dilution does nothing to reduce IL-8 and RANTES levels.With the application of isotonic seawater, there is a considerable reduction of I – kappa –B – alpha phosphorylates and significant inhibition of NF –kappa –B- DNA. Isotonic seawater is invaluable in the treatment of inflammatory infections of the lungs.REDUCTION OF LEVELS OF IL – 8 AND RANTES ARE A SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT OF LUNG INFECTION.ISOTONIC SEAWATER IL – 8RANTESSODIUM CHLORIDE AT 0.9 %IL – 8RANTESReduction of chemokine IL-8 and RANTES expression in human bronchial epithelial cells by a sea-water derived saline through inhibited nuclear factor-EB activiation. Oliver Tabary andCol.Inserm E213. Hopital A. Trousseau.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communnications 2003SPRAY MIST OF HYPERTONIC SALINEIN THE TREATMENT OF CYSTIC FIBROSISClinical tests on patients who suffer from diaphragmatic hernia have also shown that a spray mist of hypertonic is more effective than using an isotonic saline. In another study, it was discovered that hypertonic saline is of great use in mucociliar separation (measured by the separation of isotopes), demonstrating better results than those obtained with isotonic saline.Moreover, there was improvement in the volume of expiratory force per second (VEF 1). The increase in VEF 1 was, in the case of using hypertonic saline, of the order of 15 % over a period of a fortnight, whereas it remained at around 2.8 % with the use of isotonic saline.The side effects observed were proved to be of little significance.In illnesses of the lungs considered to be mild to moderate, the spray mist of hypertonic saline was seen to improve mucociliar separation immediately after application, which is of great benefit in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, in the long run.Wark PAB, McDonald V.Department of Respiratory Medecine John Hunter Hospital (Austrailia)Cochrane Review 2002Hypertonic Saline: Sensation of “tight chest”, with mucociliar separation and VEF of 15%Isotonic Saline: Sensation of “tight chest”, with mucociliar separation, and VEF of 2.8%Elkins M et coll.:“A controlled trail of long-term inhaled hypertonic saline in patients with cystic fibrosis.”N Engl J Med 2006; 354:229-40.Ratjen F: “Restoring airway surface liquid in cystic fibrosis.” N Engl J Med 2006; 354:291-93. Copyright 2005 of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis by taking seawater.The absorption of seawater causes a reduction in:Allergic skin reactions.Total IgE levelsTotal IgE levels specific to Japanese Cedar pollenLevels of Interleukines -4, -6, -13 and -18Ingestion of distilled water conveys none of these properties.Hajime Kimata, Hideyuki Tai, Hiroshi NakajimaDepartment of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital (Kyoto)Otorhinolaryngologia Nova, June 2002Saline irrigation of the nasal passages as an adjunct therapy in sinonasal pathologiesThese studies date from 1980 to 2001Spraying the nasal cavities with a solution of seawater helps in rinsing the mucociliar system and in softening any incrusted material, without causing unpleasant side effects.The use of this therapy means that there is little need for other medication and fewer visits to the doctor.In Canada and the United States, the use of nasal irrigation is recommended in the treatment of all kinds of nasal and sinusitic conditions, as well as for post operative drainage of the nasal cavities.This treatment minimizes risk of resistance to antibiotics.The treatment is easy to administer and is inexpensive. It provides relief for a wide range of pathologies that affect the nose and the sinuses.Papsin B; McTavish ADepartment de OtorrinolaringologiaHospital de Sick Children, Toronto, CacnadaCan Fam Physician (Canada), Feb 2003, 49 p168-73INDEX OF PATHOLOGYAcidosis63Alopecia 40Alveolitis 54Athrepsia (infant marasmus) 45Blepharitis 66Bronchitis 74Chalazion 66External Compère Loriot 66Internal Compère Loriot 66Conjunctivitis 66Dermatitis 32Contact dermatitis41Irritant dermatitis33Diarrhea 49Dyspepsia caused by excess HCl50Eczema of the newborn 36Impetiginous eczema 34Lichenoid eczema 35Acute enteritis 47Choleriform enteritis 46Chronic enteritis 48Enterocolitis 50Episcleritis 66 Cystic fibrosis 75Hypotonic hyponatremia60Kerato-conjunctivitis 66Lupus 37Osteoporosis 58Psoriasis 38/39Allergic rhinitis42Scleritis 66Sinusitis 68Skin tuberculosis 37Vomiting 49 ................

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