Doggy Love

Doggy Love.

The term "A Dog's Life" can really mean a lot of things, depending on which dog you ask.

For the male Poodle named Ginger it has mostly involved growing up as a street dog, and spending his days exploring and maybe finding something to eat for the day.

On the other hand (or rather paw) there was Athena, a Pitbull lady who had been growing up as a military dog at a local base, and despite her more then chonky body size had proven able to outdo even some of the human soldiers during training.

Despite living such different lives, being of such different breeds, and even in different forms of weight classes, these two canines had ended up finding each other, and it had been love at first sight.

It all started with Ginger breaking into Athena's base (In the hunts of finding so food of course.), and while none of the humans noticed anything, the big bellied pitbull guard dog did.

Before Ginger even knew it he ended up getting tackled and knocked to the ground, before then ending up pinned underneath the very heavy gut of Athena!

Seeing the very overweight guard dog looking back at him Ginger heard how it said with it's very feminine (But yet very demanding) voice, "Who are you?! What are you doing here?!"

"H-Hey there! Take it easy!" The male poodle said while struggling to roll free from the belly, but finding it to hold him stuck very firmly.

"Tell me your name, and why you thought it would be a good idea to break into my base!" Athena said again, literally barking her orders at the pinned poodle.

"M-My name is Ginger, and I just assumed there might be some food here." Ginger answered, before then looking at the low hanging belly of the pitbull and added, "And by the looks of you, I would say that must be the case."

Athena didn't seem all that pleased with Ginger's comment as she asked, "Are you mocking me, and my belly?!", to which the poodle guy answered "No I'm not! Actually...I rather enjoy it."

This caught Athena completely by surprise as she asked, "Wait, what?" as Ginger said back, "Yeah, it feels really nice having you pressing down on me like that.", while also letting out some soft moans over feeling the soft gut of the pitbull pinning him down.

Being left completely perplexed Athena asked her captured intruder "Do you find my big belly...attractive?", to which Ginger said back "Yes, and you also."

Having lived as the only dog inside of the base Athena had never been in contact with any other dogs, so when having this random guy suddenly show up and tell her that he was finding her "hot and sexy", it really made her unsure of what to do next.

Hearing one of the guards asking "What's going on? Is someone there?", Athena knew she had to act quickly on what to do with her new fan, and it didn't take long for her heard to make that call.

Getting off of Ginger's body Athena ordered him to escape back from where he came before being caught by her human friends, and the poodle was quick enough to take her advice and sprinting off through a small hole in the fence that had been his entry point.

Seeing him leave Athena couldn't help but to feel a bit sad, and hoping that maybe soon she would see him coming back to her again.


Luckily for her Ginger did come back, and it didn't take long after for the two dogs to develop a serious relationship together.

Most of the times when meeting it had to be during night time, while most of Athena's human buddies was being asleep, and it was much safer for Ginger to stroll around.

Whenever they met the two would often goof and play around, as Ginger would either end up pinned against underneath Athena's hefty tum, or with him pinning her down on her back and laying on top of her.

Athena on the other hand found Ginger to be a very funny and loyal company to have, as it was very rare for her to find someone who actually would like her big figure.

On the 1 year anniversary of their relationship Ginger had decided to plan something special for his big girl, and that would require going on a small tour through the town.

His first stop was at the local bakery, from which he knew always had a back window that was standing fully open, to help vent out all the hot air coming from the ovens baking the goods.

Climbing inside the male poodle notice the baker placing a whole bunch of freshly baked buns into a fancy little basked with a handle and a bow, and that was just to perfect of an opportunity not for him to take!

Sneaking up while the baker guy still wasn't looking this way, Ginger took a grab onto the handle of the basket with his mouth, before then starting to back up and head for the exit window.

Ginger was just about to leave when he knocked over a can of flour, causing the baker to turn around and notice the dog being in the middle of stealing his works!

It was safe to say that the human baker didn't take very kindly to the bread stealing dog, and Ginger never imagine anyone using a rolling pin as a deadly weapon before having one tossed and almost hitting his head as he made his escape!

After that Ginger's next goal was the butcher, since he knew he needed to get something big and meaty for his just as big and meaty girl.

Watching from the display window Ginger could see several rows of sausages hanging down, and knew immediately that one such "wiener rope" would be more then enough for the two of them.

Having heard rumours from the local kids about the butcher grinding down "dog meat" into the sausages, Ginger decided to better not take any chances as he tried to be extra careful this time.

Seeing how the main door was left half open he saw his perfect way of entering, as he made sure to not make any sound as he tip toed on his paws.

Just like with the baker earlier the butcher had his attention elsewhere, giving Ginger just the chance he needed to make his move!

Having learned from watching a certain Disney Dog pull a similar stunt, Ginger grabbed an extra long looking length of connected sausages, and had them wrapped around his fuzzy frame, before then trying to make his run for it.

The butcher did notice once one line of his sausages suddenly got pulled down, and he was less then happy to see the uninvited guest having taken them!

Chasing after him with the cleaver tightly gripped in his hand, the butcher did seem about to try and live up to his rumours, as he didn't hesitate trying to chop off Ginger's tail while the dog yet again managed to outrun his foe!

It had been quite hectic, but finally Ginger had all the things needed for his upcoming date with his love.


Later that evening it was a very surprised Athena that suddenly caught the scent of sausages, and upon making her way to the source of that scent she couldn't believe what she was seeing!

Having prepared a makeshift table by laying a tablecloth over a barrel, and a plate to lay the long line of sausage on, Ginger had provided his beloved Athena with a perfect dinner date setting.

"G-Ginger? W-What have you...?" Athena asked beyond stunned, as the male poodle couldn't help but to feel like he had managed to create a bit of a masterpiece.

"I thought that after having spent a full year together, we should celebrate with a small feast together." Ginger said as he took place near one end of the "dinner table", before then asking Athena to please come join him. (The smell of sausages alone being enough for her to do it.)

As the full moon was shinning down on the two, the night was almost magical as the two dog lovers started chewing down at one end each on the almost endlessly long looking sausage line.

While Athena was easily the one with the biggest appetite, Ginger was also quite the heavy eater, given how much he had to be moving his body all day.

The taste of meat was so addictive that the two dogs completely forgot they were even having a date, as they both felt more focused on trying to eat as much of the sausages as possible before the other one could!

It finally came a moment when the two of them started to just swallow down the sausages whole, and not unlike another certain Disney dog couple started to pull each others mouths closer and closer, until locking lips together!

At first it was rather awkward having the two kissing like this, but as Ginger was starting to like the feeling of it he could hear Athena's stomach starting to growl angrily over it's flow of food suddenly stopping!

Catching the hint Ginger quickly bite his jaws together and separated the sausage line in two, seeing how the opposite end of it was being swallowed up completely by his beloved Athena. (And letting out a small sigh of relief that he himself hadn't also ended up following the sausages down into that dark pit.)

With all of the sausage now eaten up Ginger decided to go for the basket of buns, and unlike with the meats he didn't feel the need to eat any of the bread.

"Which means more for my beloved to fill herself up on." Ginger thought to himself, imagining seeing that big belly of hers swelling up to almost twice it's size once he was done with it!

Despite already having been given a pretty great meal by her boyfriend, the smell of the buns in the basket was enough to make Athena's mouth start drooling again, and have her tail wag in anticipation.

Doing a small gesture with his paw towards Athena (Not to unlike the one of a human owner teaching it's pet to do a trick), Ginger was able to make her roll onto her back, and have her already sausage stuffed belly fully on display for him.

Ginger then walked over with the basket firmly in his mouth, before placing it down and starting to lift one bun at a time into Athena's fully open mouth.

Being a really greedy little fatty Athena open her jaws up to an almost comedic level, just to be sure she wouldn't let even one crumb of bread end up outside of it.

Watching her chew her food was just as enjoyable as seeing her swallow it, and witness how that bulge in her neck slowly made it's way past her collar, before finally settling into the already pretty cramped middle.

After a few of them Athena started to just swallow them whole, really showing that greedy side of her hunger once more.

Seeing his pitbull love looking so full from stuffing herself, Ginger couldn't resist placing a paw on top of her belly and saying as a joke, "Maybe one day I might even put a bun into your oven?"

This only confused Athena, who asked back to him "But, haven't you already been stuffing me with so many delicious buns?", which made Ginger facepalm himself a bit with one of his paws in response.

"Never mind." Ginger said as he then asked Athena if she would be okay resting on top of her big belly for a few moments, to which she said she was completely fine with it.

Once on her back Ginger got really happy, since this was the view he always loved for his beloved to have for him.

This was especially true when the already big gut was also filled to the brim like this, having it super swollen and gurgling loudly over all the food it was busy digesting.

Being careful Ginger took and climbed himself up on top of the belly of Athena, and both dogs let out happy sighs over how wonderful it felt.

For Ginger there was nothing quite so special as to be so close to Athena's gigantic gut, while both feeling and hearing how it was melting down all of that content she had been stuffing herself with just moments ago.

There was almost something quite relaxing in listening to her loud digestions, since it worked like a strange form of lullaby for Ginger's ears.

Athena on the other hand just loved watching how happy resting in her belly made her partner, as having the added weight of his pressing down onto her also did wonders in helping to make all of that food digest better.

The overfeed pitbull was about to say something when the added press of Ginger caused her to unleash a super loud "BUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP!!!!!" instead!

She blushed a bit over how huge that one had been, before then smiling at Ginger and telling him "I love you.", with the male poodle leaning down (so their noses was touching each other) and saying back "I love you too."

It was safe to say that their love would see many more years to come.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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