Scooby Doo Date

Scooby Doo Date

When there was times where the Mystery Gang wasn't out looking for mysteries to solve, they would try to just live life like any other group of young adults.

Living back in the city of Coolsville the gang would try to just hang out, have fun activities, or just take it easy after all the times getting chased by monsters.

And someone who did know a thing or two about taking it easy was Scooby Doo, the now 1000lbs+ sized dog of the group, who would mostly live his days by sitting on his lazy butt and stuffing himself even fatter with tons of food everyday. (Given how hard it was to move around a body of his size there wasn't many other activities that would suit him.)

Ever since that freak lab accident in the "Animal Hospital" case it was now considered "Normal" for Scooby Doo to be a walking Whale version of himself, as Scooby himself had also started to get pretty used with having a permanent flabby body like this.

While still very helpful in solving mysteries Scooby Doo preferred staying home on most other occasions, as even going out eating at restaurants wasn't sounding as appealing compared to just having Shaggy ordering some fast food for him. (Plus, most restaurants would most likely never dare to try satisfy someone of Scooby's calibre, without fearing of running out of business also.)

But even when he was by himself eating Scooby was never really alone, since he happen to also have the most peculiar of companions always by his side. (Or rather inside of his very flabby sides.)

Back a couple of years ago the obese sized Scooby and the gang had gone to what seemed like the typical run of the mill "Haunted House", except it didn't seem to have anything haunted in it.

Or rather it had, but while the rest of the gang went on a wild goose chase that eventually lead to nothing, Scooby accidentally ended up being the one finding the ghost. (Or more, the ghost finding him.)

While pigging out on a massive buffet the ghost of the place thought it would be a fun idea to pop up from the fat dog's belly in order to scare him, and when materialising into Scooby things went well.

It was however once inside of the gut that the ghost found that he couldn't get out, and what's worse was that Scooby's digestive system started to work it's magic on him!

After thinking that he would first end up dying for real now the ghost was more then a little shocked when he later found out to be still alive and able to get out of the stomach!...but only for a couple of feet before then feeling how a invisible force from inside Scooby was preventing him from going any further.

So against his will the once feared count Dracul was now forced to be chained together with the belly of the morbidly obese Scooby Doo, making them more then a bit of a odd duo to live together.


Scooby had never told the gang about the fact that there was a ghost living in his belly, and Dracul in return had tried to just get used to his new kind of living as humiliating that it was being a part of a doggy belly, it still meant that he was able to see more of the world then what a still standing building could ever do to him.

Dracul was also a being that couldn't stand sunlight which meant that he needed to stay in shaded places to avoid any harm, and thanks to Scooby being so huge it meant that the dog was always casting a shadow huge enough to hide an elephant in!

So while Scooby was just eating himself even larger Dracul was spending the days trying to make sense of this modern world he was getting to experience now (Which really no research in the world was able to help him do.), as he used the help of Velma's touch pad, which she had been leaving at home while the gang was out. (This did often lead to Velma later wondering why she had been making so many Google searches on the most basic of things, as she started to suspect there might be a ghost living in her pad, when in reality it was only being used by a ghost.)

Suddenly Dracul started to notice that there was no food crumbs falling down and messing all over his screen, as he looked up and was about to ask the fat dog why he had stopped eating when he saw Scooby just starring blindly towards the window showing the street of the block.

Having to put himself into some pain for a few moments Dracul lifted himself up from the shadows into the sunlight to look out the window, and it wasn't hard to see what it was that had caught Scooby's eyes.

A few days ago some new neighbours had been moving in, and they had a dog of their own.

This was a female Golden Retriever and amazingly she was also a pretty pudgy looking dog, as she having a belly almost dragging down the ground, a wide rump, and a very round looking face with plenty of rolls and chins. (While Scooby was still easily more then 2-3 times her size, she was still looking as obese a large dog like her could get from eating a lot.)

After feeling how the pains of the sunshine was getting to much for him to bare Dracul went back to hiding behind Scooby's fat shadow as he told the dog, "If you really want that girl to notice you then you need to get off your lazy butt, and actually talk to her!"

Looking at his ghost partner as if he had asked him to just try and make a triple back flip and then landing on a trapeze line Scooby didn't seem to fully grasp what Dracul was telling him, as the Ghost quickly became a lot more serious looking as he asked "You do know how to talk to a girl, right?"

Scooby at first felt a bit ashamed to say something back to Dracul, before finally uttering a "R-RI'm....rto rshy."

"You're what now?" Dracul asked before a second later getting what the dog had been telling him, as that weird way of adding a "R" at the start of every word made it a bit hard for him at times to understand him.

"And if I have a hard time understanding him, then I'm pretty sure that girl dog would not fair much better." Dracul was thinking to himself as he could see Scooby getting really bummed down by the thought of him never being able to tell the new neighbour dog what he was thinking about her.

He might be normally a very heartless guy (And much else also, being a ghost and all.) but Dracul was starting to feel something when seeing the one he was physically bound to feeling bad, and he for sure wouldn't want to having to keep being reminded about that for the rest of the day!

So despite knowing he was going to regret this later Dracul told Scooby "If you go out there to met her then I...will be acting as your voice.", as this helped turn Scooby's mood a complete 180 as he was now back at being the happy dumb dog that he always was!


Knowing he had to do it now before that well-feed Golden Retriever girl made her way back inside Scooby Doo quickly waddled himself outside as fast as his wobbly hind legs would let him (Cause of how ridiculously fat he had been growing these last few years he found it easier to try and do the human like way of walking, instead of on all four.), as each step he made caused minor shakes in the ground to happen!

Naturally this was something the Golden Retriever girl couldn't possibly miss, as she turned around and was astounded by the sigh of this one and a half TON weight Grand Dane, towering over her at his hind legs, and looking like he was a bit shy of meeting her.

Being unable to stand the sunlight it meant that for this part Dracul had to fully hide himself inside of Scooby's stomach, which he still after 4 years couldn't believe actually was his new home to be. (Even if it did have the benefits of getting more and more spacey as time went on.)

Waving her tail in a very excited manner the Golden Retriever girl smiled as she looked up at the towering mutt mass that was Scooby and said, "Oh my, I don't think I have seen someone like you before in my life!" in a surprisingly perfect English.

Being a bit surprised to see that she could also talk Scooby tried to say something back by miming his mouth and letting Dracul do the talking, only to find that the Ghost wasn't doing anything and just leaving Scooby doing this weird "silent talking" to her.

Giving his massive gut a hard punch to the side Scooby cause the whole thing to shake pretty violently, causing Dracul to get tossed from side to side inside of Scooby's flab before being reminded of the plan they had made.

Wanting to just get this thing over with Dracul started to ramble really quickly "Yes, yes. I think you are just as amazingly big like I am, and I wonder if you would ever want to go on a date with such a bloby mess like me?" as Scooby had to work his jaws really hard to try and make it sound like it was him saying it, before then looking a bit upset at his belly over what Dracul had been describing him as.

"Well, I would love to get a chance learning more about such a handsome tall guy like yourself." The Golden Retriever girl said as she then introduced herself as "Kelly," before then asking Scooby on what his name was.

"Well my name is Scoo...?" Dracul said as he couldn't remember what the name of this stupid dog was at the moment, but another gut punch from his host did motivate him to try a bit harder as he then said, "Scooby, sorry!"

Kelly looked a bit confused over why the big doggy had been apologising at the end there, but then smiled as she said "Sometimes remembering one's name can be a bit tricky." as she started to head back towards her home.

"So are we meeting up at your house tonight, at maybe 7?" Kelly asked as Dracul responded back "Sure, yeah, whatever." as Kelly made her way back inside, after which Scooby gave his gut another hit causing Dracul to ask "What?!"


Once back inside Dracul could finally emerge out from the big belly of Scooby, as he didn't look very pleased with the treatment he had been given during the talk.

"Do you have any idea what it is like being in there when you start slapping yourself like that? It's like being trapped inside of a tiny box being tossed around in a tornado!" Dracul said to Scooby, who himself just had a dumb smile onto his face.

"What?" Dracul asked before then remembering what had happen just earlier outside, and face palming himself over now having to try and arrange a date for this dumb dog!

"Fine, you will have a date with her. Great! Can I just remain inside of you now so I wont have to be a part of it?" Dracul asked as he immediately got the very begging eyes of Scooby piercing deep into his face, as it only took a few seconds for the supernatural being to say, "Okay! I will help you with that too." (Being how he had since long lost his spine it wasn't that surprising how easy he gave in.)

"Since she is coming over to your place I have to ask this. Are you going to be making some kind of romantic dinner for her?" Dracul asked Scooby, who upon hearing the prospect of trying to actually cook something seemed like trying to calculate a trigonometry equation!

What had Dracul really been expecting? Given how Scooby's diet had been nothing but ordering fast food for as long as he had known the guy!

"Fine! No need to try and think fancy or anything. You are both ridiculously huge dogs that would just like whatever kind of stuff I order from that "Mc Dowell" place..." Dracul said as Scooby suddenly put his foot down hard and said very demandingly, "Rno! Rit's rhas rto rbe Ruger Ring!!!"

Never having the dog giving him that type of tone before Dracul decided it was best to not start arguring any further with him as he said "Fine, I will make it takeaway from Ruger Ring instead." as he reached out for the phone laying on the table, and started to make a call.

"Hello there...Yes, I would like to make some delivery orders from you...But before that let me ask you something first...What is the limit on how large of an order one can get from you?...Yes I'm serious!...I might need as mush as over 100 items for this thing!...No, it's just for a company of 2...Trust me, I'm sure on what I'm saying." Dracul said as he starred back at his lower half being still inside of the belly of Scooby. "When you have been forced to live this close for so long with someone like this guy, you KNOW just how much food he can cram into that space of his when he wants to!"

"So when can we expect you to have it all ready for us?...We would need for it to be at "11th Danish Road" just before 7 tonight if possible..." Dracul said as he sounded pretty pleased with how easy it was doing something like this for the first time.

But the smirk on his face soon faded as he got a question he wasn't ready for, as he was suddenly heard stuttering "H-How to pay for it? Well..." before then yelling for Scooby to find something quickly!

Scooby took off to start searching all over the house, and forgetting that he was still connected to the fat mutt Dracul ended up getting pulled along as Scooby went on turning the whole house upside down in order to find something to pay with.

Finally he ended up finding a credit card which he handed to Dracul, who in return started to read up the number on it to the voice on the other side.

"5879 613 270" Dracul counted up before then being asked who he was, making him look at the card quickly again before saying "Fred Jones!" as it had been Fred's card that Scooby had been handing over to him.

"So you are being sent the money now? Great!" Dracul said before he was being heard what the sum of it all would be, and quickly hung up!

Looking at Scooby the ghost from within his gut gave a very unsure looking grin as he said that "Probably best that we let Fred handle with this later on.", as with the food now ordered the focus could be on something else.

"If you are going to have an most elegant evening with a lady then you can't honestly expect to sit down with her while in the nudes!" Dracul said as Scooby at first tried to cover himself up with his paws (Which couldn't even reach down to the area a guy like him would try to cover), before then pulling at his collar a bit as the Bat like ghost said, "And a Collar doesn't count."

"She is going to show up looking at her best for you, and you should do the same!" Dracul said as he was quickly back at the pad trying to find the number for a local tailor, before then putting in the number to him on the phone and calling.

After some waiting the signal came through as Dracul asked if the tailor by any chance was able to make "A specially designed Suit for my client?"

"It's nothing that special looking really. It's just that he might just be a bit..."Puffy" then most of your clients." Dracul tried to say in the most elegant way, as it still lead to Scooby looking at himself almost shocked that he thought he was looking THAT fat. (Before then laughing a bit, showing that it was just the dog trying to mess with him.)

"How big of a size are we talking about here, you say?..." Dracul asked as he took one quick look at Scooby before then saying back on the phone, "What is the largest you can make on such short notice?"

"12XL huh? Guess that will do." Dracul said as he then asked what a whole suit of that size would cost, suddenly getting the largest set of eyes that Scooby had ever seen the un-dead guy get!

"Ooookay then..." Dracul said as small bits of sweat was seen running down his forehead over the price he had just heard (Ghosts being able to sweat was also something new that Scooby learned that day), as he told the tailor on the phone that "We might need to make some changes then..."


As the evening was coming closer Scooby and Dracul was trying their hardest to make the kitchen of the dog's home to look like the most romantic place for a date, as there was many aspects that needed to be prefect in order for it to work.

Not only did it need to look great, but Dracul and Scooby had to do a lot of practicing with trying to make it looks like the dog could say some pretty good pick up lines to Kelly when she shows up.

There was also the need for the food and clothing to show up that was a bit of a stress factor, but when they arrived with 30 minutes to spare it felt like just enough time for the two of them to make those final bits coming together.

Just when they felt that it was all ready and done there was a knock on the door, and they knew very well that it was Kelly that had been showing up now.

Looking at her she looked just like she had done last time they saw each other, except been trying to make herself look a bit pretty by putting a red scarf around her big fat neck.

So she was pretty surprised to see Scooby then wearing what looked like a pretty fancy suit, and then equally surprised (And blushing a little bit) when her eyes went down and she saw the naked bottom half of Scooby!

"Did you forget to put your pants on?..." Kelly asked a bit awkwardly as Scooby open up his mouth and said, "The budget ended up getting a bit tight, so the pants had to go." as he then offered her to follow him along into the kitchen.

Once in there Kelly looked pretty stunned to see what a display her dog dream had done for her, as on the table was a literal mountain of warm greasy looking burgers!

"Oh wow!" Kelly said as she go very impressed by the sight of it, before then wondering if it wasn't a bit to much just for the two of them. But one more look at the belly of Scooby (That looked about as big as her whole body!) got her realizing it would probably just enough to satisfy the appetite of someone like him.

"Guess another reason for the pants to go was to make sure you had more space for your belly to grow from?" Kelly said while patting a paw onto Scooby's bare belly, making him let out his regular laughter. (With his own voice this time.)

It did caught Kelly off guard a bit how on just how different of a sound that was, but figuring that some just has pretty odd ways of laughing got her to drop it immediately after.

This dog had not only been showing he likes her by arranging this date, but also dressed himself up a lot more then she had, and given her more food to eat then she could ever dream of.

To Kelly it already seemed like the perfect date, but she still wanted to get herself some of that juice meat to sink her teeth into now!


As they both went to sit down it became even more clear now just how huge of a size difference it was between Kelly and Scooby, as while Kelly's gut was large enough that it was poking into the edges of the table Scooby's was so huge that it not only hugged his side of the table hard, but also filled out the space underneath it! (Only stopping from also ending up at her place by the metal bar in the middle, holding the table steady to the floor.)

Starting to grab some burgers both Kelly and Scooby showed to be pretty hungry ones, as in just a matter of minutes they had both finished up 10 burgers each! (Even taking and sharing one over the table, like another certain dog couple did with a plate of Spaghetti and Meatballs.)

Despite being the one most sharply dressed Scooby still was the more "messy eater" of the two, as his suit jacket soon was covered in all sorts of stains from grease to ketchup and melted cheese! (And not even Dracul telling him that it will be impossible to ask for money back on the thing if it gets to messy was helping, so Scooby was just so into his eating.)

While Kelly had been getting more then her fair share of dog food to eat at home (Hence why she was so big herself) this was the first time ever when she had got to eat some junk food like this, and she was loving it!

Still being a "Good Pet Dog" at home she just loved how eating actual human food was, as she could easily understand how Scooby had managed to become so much bigger then her if this was what his daily diet looked like!

Eventually however Kelly's big belly had to tell her to stop, as she decided to take a break after stuffing herself with 30 burgers out of the 100.

Scooby on the other hand had just passed his 50 mark, and showed no signs of slowing down as he just grabbed burger after burger at a rapid pace!

He was so focused on his eating in fact that he seemed to have forgot he was suppose to share this moment with a certain lady sitting right across of him, and while he wasn't aware of it Dracul sure was as the Ghost knew he had to try and save this date somehow.

"I'm going to give her some compliments now, so you better use that mouth of yours properly!" Dracul's voice from inside Scooby's belly was telling him, giving Scooby just seconds to prepare himself as the ghost from inside of him would start trying to have a conversation with his date.

"Miss Kelly!" Dracul's voice said loudly, getting the Golden Retriever lady's reaction.

"Ever since seeing you I have to say while I look like a complete and udder slob with all my flab, yours make you look very fluffy and warm." Dracul said as Scooby tried to form the words to make it look like he was saying it, while still having mouthfuls of hamburger falling out bit wise as he did.

This turned what was suppose to be flattering comments into more of a disgusting display of letting Kelly see just how much of Scooby's meal was being chewed up, as parts of it ended up falling back onto his plate while talking.

Realizing what a dissaster this was turning into Dracul popped out from Scooby's gut (While still hidden under the table, away from Kelly's view) and said, "You better swallow your food down now, or I'll find some way to REALLY haunt your stomach!!!" as Scooby started to stress chew and swallow everything he got.

"Scooby. If it's okay I would like to ask you something." Kelly said as whatever she was about to ask it seemed to be very important.

"I take it that you have been seeing me for a while since I moved over here, and there is something I have been wondering since hearing you telling your feelings for me today." Kelly said as she asked, "What was it that made you fall in love with me in the first place?"

Feeling like this was something that he really couldn't screw up Scooby Doo took a deep breath, open up his mouth to let Dracul speak for him, and...



Turns out all those burgers and nerves had been having some effects on him, as instead of letting his belly ghost do the talking Scooby ended up releasing a massive burp in response to the question of why he was in love with Kelly!

This lead to the mother of all awkward moments as Scooby was sitting there blushing heavily with a stupid grin on his face, Dracul hiding outside of Scooby's back due to how embarrassed he was feeling over this mess, and Kelly just feeling very confused over what she was suppose to take from that.

Deciding to try and straight things out a bit Kelly asked Scooby if that was his actual answer, and feeling how this whole thing was about as busted as it could be now Scooby felt that maybe it was best to just throw in the towel now?

Letting out a sigh of defeat Scooby open up his mouth and said "R'I rwant rto rbe rhonest rto ryou.", as Kelly was show being very surprised to hear such a different voice coming out of his mouth now. (Wondering if that massive belch did something to his vocal cords even?)

"R'I rlove ryou, rbut R'I rwas rto rashamed rto rbe rmyself." Scooby said as he got up and turned around, revealing Dracul hiding behind his back to Kelly.

"Rthis ris RDracul, rand rhe's ra rghost rthat rlives rin rmy rbelly rthat rhelped rme rsounding rbetter rwhen RI rspoke." Scooby explained as he then turned back to face Kelly and said, "RI'm rso rsorry rfor rlying rto ryou. Rcan ryou rever rforgive rme?"

"Well, I haven't been fully honest either." Kelly said as suddenly a bit of a glow could be seen from her furry belly, as both Scooby and Dracul couldn't believe what they where seeing.

Out from the female dog belly was another ghostly figure, who looked a bit more humanoid and of a woman!

What more was that Dracul looked very dumbfounded on his face as he seemed to recognize this being and a stuttered, "M-Mia?!" could be heard asking.

"Yes. It's me, my love." This female ghost named Mia said as Scooby looked over at his own belly ghost in confusion, as Dracul knew an explanation was needed now.

"Back in the 1800s before I was all obsessed about finding the key to eternal life by becoming an un-dead, I used to have a fiancé." Dracul confessed, as both Scooby and Kelly was pretty surprised by this reveal.

"I loved her with all my heart, and I had plans to even share my discovery with her when I had finally cracked the code...but fait had other plans. You see, as I was at the peak of my research Mia felt very ill, and I knew the only way to save her was to finish my elixir. I worked harder then I had ever done before on that thing, and finally I had a doze of it in my hand! I rushed over to the bedroom to give it to Mia but..." Dracul said as words became to hard for him as Mia herself said, "But by that point my illness had become to far gone, and when he showed up with the cure to me I had already passed away."

"When I first saw her lifeless body laying there I would not believe it, as I even tried to force her to drink my elixir in the hopes of it bringing her back to life." Dracul said as he then was seen clenching his fist as the emotions of it all was coming back to him.

"I felt so angry over having lost the only one I ever cared for, so I even considered first taking my own life! But instead I took and drank my own creation, turning me into this monstrous looking thing that I am now." Dracul said as he was hinting on the fact that his face and body got the half man/ half bat treatment, while Mia still was remaining all human like.

"Not long after that I had the villages finding me like this, and trying to kill me for thinking I was now a monster. Once my spirit raised from the grave and I was able to fully move around the house I was hoping to see you again, but by then your body was gone! I guess the villages took it with them when they looked through my home, but I never knew what happen to you since then." Dracul said as he genuinely was amazed that fait had now brought them back together like this, and Mia wanted nothing more then the finally let her beloved bat-man know just what happen to her.

"It was actually right of you to try and force some of that elixir into my recently dead body, since it did help save my spirit." Mia said as she went further on to explain, "I was aware as they took my body out from the mansion, and buried me at the local cemetery. It took a lot longer for me to fully develop the ability to have my soul move outside my body, and even then I could not do much else then rising up to ground level and look around. With sunshine hurting me it meant that I could only come up during nighttimes...and I might have caused a few scares when I did so."

That last part did cause a small bit of laughter to happen as Mia then went to explain how Kelly came into the picture.

"I thought I was bound to just this lonely life at the cemetery until one day when there was this couple and their dog visiting. While the couple went on walking all over the place, their dog went and rested right above my grave spot. As I decided to go up I found I could enter into the dog's very big belly, and once fully inside I found that I wasn't bound to my 6 foot deep buried coffin anymore!"

"I was finally able to be a part of something moving around, meaning that I could now see the world together with this wonderful canine! Things did get a bit awkward at first when I showed myself to her, but after that we have become the best of friends," Mia said as she explained that all the talking they had heard before was all her, doing the same thing that Dracul had tried doing for Scooby. (Except mastering it a lot better.)

Looking over at Kelly the female dog showed that this was the case as she could only bark in reality, as Mia pointed out "But that means that your dog is a lot more impressive, since he can talk even without your help!"

"Heh, yeah. Scooby is truly something special." Dracul said as it was all so surreal that his long lost love not only finally reunited with him, not only a ghost as well, but that they where both bound to the belly of a very fat dog!


"But how about we continue on with what we where doing, and let this romantic date go on?" Mia asked, as both Kelly and Scooby was okay with that as Mia added to Dracul that "Maybe we can even make it a double date?"

So restarting the date Scooby and Kelly did a small change of putting their chairs right next to each other, so that they could be a lot closer together when eating.

This made it a lot easier for the kiss each other, but it also helped out for their ghostly counterparts to do the same.

Reaching out through the dog bellies Dracul and Mia was uniting in a kiss, as they hugged each other before the two growing sides of dog flab came in closer and then completely squished together. (Having them making out in each other's bellies, as the dogs only grew closer together.)

What had seem like only Doggy love, was now proof that true love never dies!

The End.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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