Ferdinand Part 25

Ferdinand Part 25

Autumn had come once more as the leaves of the trees was falling down, and glowing Jack-O-Lanterns could be seen next to most houses to tell what kind of holiday was coming up.

It was the spirit of Halloween in the town, and for Ferdinand he had a great idea of how to celebrate it with his beloved Vanessa.

There would be a big Halloween themed fair, and there would be tons of fun stuff they could do out there together.

They both decided to also be trying to wear some costumes for their walk through the fair, so when arriving to Ferdinand's mansion Vansessa was showing up in a very cool looking vampire costume. (Complete with fake fangs and all.)

Opening the door the poodle girl had to try to keep herself from laughing as she saw Ferdinand roll out on his skateboard, and the only thing that made him look different from before was that his owner had been placing a fake pig snout over his face. (And from the looks in his eyes it was very clear that this hadn't been the idea of the porky sized dog.)

Vanessa still found it both very cute and practical as she told Ferdinand that "at least he didn't have to think so much about clothes and make up" like she had to, as she even gave him a small kiss on his fake snout which caused the pig dressed dog to let out a small grunt like sound like a pig by mistake. (Making him a very blushing pig for a moment.)

As they both headed down towards the festivities there was a certain cat and mouse duo by the name of Tom & Jerry who was of course planning to see if they could turn this night of romance into the night of tricking!


The Halloween themed fair was just about as entertaining as one could imagine, with it having dunking apples, pig lottery (With Ferdinand getting so confused looks by the actual pigs inside of their pen.), and tons of sideshow performers and other kinds of cookie stuff.

One of these things was folks being daredevils, clairvoyants, and fortune tellers, and it was one of those things that caught Vanessa's attention.

The very "middle age" looking tent with the sign saying "Magical Medila can show you your true self!" was making the vampire dressed poodle very interested into entering it, while Ferdinand was a lot more reluctant into going inside. (Given the kind of spooky stuff that restaurant date from last year lead to he wasn't all to keen with entering a creepy looking tent.)

Still, it didn't seem that big so in case something did happen then they could just escape back out again he thought, as soon even the skateboard rolling pig dressed dog came and joined his girl inside.

The place itself was very small, as all that was inside was just a table with a crystal ball resting on top of it, and a chair with a cloaked hidden figure sitting on it.

As the two dogs entered the hooded figure lifted up her cloak to reveal to be an elderly lady, who seemed very nice at first.

She was smiling as she saw Vanessa in her costume and said that she was "A very convincing looking vampire dog if I ever saw one.", before then turning over to Ferdinand and saying, "Looking at you I first thought it was a Pig wearing a very convincing Dog costume." before then letting out a big laugh over her little joke.

While Ferdinand did not appreciate the humiliation he was being given he couldn't help but see that Vanessa seemed to be having a good time about it, so he just tried to let it slide this once.

So as the mystical old Medila was explaining to the dogs that she could with the help of her crystal ball show them their future, Tom and Jerry had been showing up just outside of the tent. (And they had been bringing some stuff with them to help ruin the whole thing!)


"I shall start seeing your fortune now!" Medila said dramatically as she made her crystal ball start glowing, and was making some unrecognizable humming sounds as she tried to read off what it was telling her.

"Ah, yes!" Medila said before looking over at Vanessa and saying, "I can feel the PRESSURE of something BIG happening in your life soon!"

Outside the tent Tom placed a whoopee cushion on the ground and then pretended to "accidentally" sit on it, forcing it to let out a loud farting noise that could be heard all the way back into the tent!

For Medila she only needed to remind herself about who was in the tent with her to make sure on who she thought was responsible for that sound, as both she and Vanessa looked at Ferdinand believing him to have been "flaunting his butt muscles" a bit.

Ferdinand was of course innocent, but since he couldn't explain were the noise came from either he just had to wear the guilt of being seen as the one who farted.

Trying to go back into her fortune telling with Vanessa the old lady did another small round of meditation before saying, "I can hear how you will soon have something very SPECIAL to SAY!"

Still sitting comfy on his whoopee cushion Tom decided to now drink a full bottle of fizzy soda, and the pressure of the bubbles that filled up his stomach soon lead to him letting out a very big "BURP!!!"

And just like with the fart from before it was clearly heard inside the tent, and once again both Medila and Vanessa looked at the pig dressed one in the group as the one acting so grossly. (And poor Ferdinand again had no way of clearing his name from these awful accusations.)

By now Medila was starting to get very impatience with this nice poodle girl's less then classy mutt of a boyfriend, and it was with a real death glare of "last chance" that she tried to for a third time to tell a complete fortune.

Trying to focus really hard now Medila seemed to be hitting the mother load of fortunes to tell as she very excitingly was heard saying, "I see, I see...!" to the two very eager dogs.

But as always Jerry didn't want to feel outclassed by Tom so he pulled out his secret weapon for it.

A blow dart.

Walking over to the entrance to the tent most of it was covered up with some sheets (Showing that the magical lady was busy with some costumers at the moment), but there was still enough of an opening to visibly show the big butt of Ferdinand, and it was that that was Jerry's goal.

Aiming up the little mouse took a deep breath before then blowing out his dart, as it came flying at a high speed towards it's very large target, and!...

"YOUCH!!!" Ferdinand could be heard suddenly screaming as the bloated dog forced his whole body and skateboard to shoot forward to escape the sudden pain in his read, and without seeing were he was going Ferdinand was ramming straight into the table!

Before Medila had a chance to do anything one of the legs of the table got completely knocked off, and she could only watch as her precious crystal ball came rolling off and smashing into the ground, breaking instantly!


Finally feeling like he got that painful dart out of his butt Ferdinand helped roll himself back out from the minor mess he had created, only to see a now very upset and angry Medila looking back at him!

"Y-YOU! You inconceivable, foolish, gluttonous, disgusting, disaster on wheels! You have destroyed my all seeing crystal ball!" Medila shouted as she pointed down onto what was now just a pile of glass splitters.

"You walk into my tent! You burp! You fart! And you act so much more like a pig then a dog!..." Medila said as a very wicked smile could suddenly be seen on her. "So how about I just let you become what you truly are?"

Medila then let out a some very surreal and unsettling like light forces out from her finger tips towards Ferdinand, who was starting to feel some pretty strange changes happening to him!

Looking at his front paw the obese dog watched in horror as his tiny little fingers was getting fused together as hooves! (And feeling a similar tingling thing on his back he knew that the same thing was happening to his hind paws! as well)

He could also feel something happening in his butt area, as his otherwise short and lazy laying tail was now getting all pulled out and curled up plused raised very high!

And finally he could feel his long nose starting to shrink down a lot, and as his fake pig snout came falling off he could see that he was now sporting a REAL pig snout instead!

Looking at himself both Ferdinand and Vanessa was beyond shocked to see that he had now been transformed into a literal pig version of himself!

Medila let out a big laugh over how "I barley needed to do any big changes, since you already had the main body of a pig!", and Ferdinand in pure panic started to roll out of the tent in horror. (Squealing his away as his hoofed legs was helping his skateboard roll)

Even when passing by Tom and Jerry it was first when seeing his changed legs and curly tail that they too realised that something really wrong had happen here!

They first tried to sneak away and hope that it could somehow solve itself, but as they turned around to leave they were being faced by a VERY angry Vanessa!

"I knew it was you two! You always has to try and make things so hard for my lovely Ferdinand!" The vampire dressed poodle said as both the cat and mouse was genuinely scared over what she might do to them for making her boyfriend being turned into a completely different animal. (Or maybe not THAT different from his original one.)

"I don't care how, but you two will bring him back here! NOW!!!" Vanessa shouted as Tom and Jerry ran for dear life to bring back the escaped dog turned pig to the tent again!


Rushing around in panic looking for Ferdinand the duo snapped up the sound of a squeal that sounded a bit like a bark from a familiar pudgy canine, and looking over from were the sound had come from the two saw that Ferdinand was now being trapped in the pig pen area!

Apparently when trying to escape it all the people running the Pig Lottery thought that Ferdinand was an escaped pig, and simply decided to toss him inside of the muddy prison! (Leaving his trusted skateboard all alone just outside of it's fence.)

There was a slight fear in the eyes of Tom and Jerry now as they both knew that if they didn't find a way to free Ferdinand then Vanessa would be sure to let them pay for it!

The fence itself was only about 2 feet tall, but for someone as fat and heavy as Ferdinand it was more then enough to keep him sealed in. (Plus with how muddy and slippery the ground in there was there was no way that Tom and Jerry would be able to lift and carry him over without ending up rolling in the mud as well.)

That's when Jerry saw the skateboard and had an idea as he (with the help of Tom) tossed the thing over the small fence, before then getting inside himself and setting the thing up as a small ramp.

Ferdinand pretty quickly grabbed onto the idea of what the mouse was trying to do, and once Jerry seemed all ready the pig-dog came charging towards him.

With his next to worthless legs the best way for Ferdinand to travel while stuck in there was to have him push his fat body against the slippy mud, and have the pure forces of friction make him slide forward.

It didn't take much to help him pick up some speed, and a soon as he reach the placed up skateboard Ferdinand had such great momentum that not only did he fly high over the fence, but this little pig didn't seem to get down any time soon!

Grassing through the air like some kind of realistically flabby parade float Ferdinand was just soaring almost weightlessly, until he could feel gravity calling back on him and was starting to come crashing down!

His ending station seemed to be a nearby tent for an October Fest, and his aim was so perfect that he ended up falling straight into a open up beer filled barrel, before having the thing then sealed up with a silver plate on top!

Ferdinand was now swimming his pig like body around in a barrel full of beer while also being completely locked up, and it was almost like a bad dream for Tom and Jerry as all they could do was to grab the barrel Ferdinand was inside and have it rolling back to Vanessa! (While Tom was also carrying Ferdinand's skateboard under his one arm.)


Arriving back to the witch's tent with a still very angry Vanessa waiting for them the poodle girl asked them both were he beloved boyfriend was, and before any of the two could answer the barrel started to shake violently before then bursting into a pieces!

Turns out that while trapped inside the barrel Ferdinand had to force himself into drinking an entire keg of beer in order to not end up drowning in it, and it had as a result helped inflate his already impressive sized belly into a literal "Beer Gut" who's size made himself to big for the barrel to contain! (Plus, having been drinking so much meant now that Ferdinand was also pretty darn wasted and drunk!)

Sitting on his ham butt with a wobbly liquid filled up keg, and a very dozy look in his eyes, Ferdinand was still looking to be doing very well. (Or at least having to drink all that liquor made him loosen up a bit.)

Vanessa was just about to ask the two about what had been happening to Ferdinand during their rescue of him, when all the commotion of bringing him back had alerted the witch's attention as she was now facing them yet again!

"So you all came back for more, eh? Well, I wont try to hold back!" Medila said as she was building up a real monster energy power, before then sending out in the form of a deadly lighting bolt!

It was in that moment that Vanessa noticed the silver plate that had been used to seal up Ferdinand's barrel, as she quickly grabbed it before then using it to shield both her and the rest from the lighting bolt, which bounced right off the plate and went straight back towards the witch!

Medila could do nothing as she was being hit, and she let out a shriek of pain as there was first a bright light, before then just a pile of ashes from were the evil witch had been standing previously!

With the one having put the curse on Ferdinand now gone the obese dog could feel his hooves being turned back to paw now, his tail was no longer forced into being curly, and his short pig snout was soon stretched out into his long nose once again.

He was back at being the same Ferdinand as of before! (If still very bloated and drunk from having to drink a literal barrel of beer.)

Vanessa was overjoyed over at having her beloved pudgy doggy back, and Tom and Jerry felt that it was probably best for them to just leave the two lover dogs alone now, and let the rest of the night be a lot more peaceful.

Happy Halloween!!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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