The Vicar’s Letter

The Vicar’s Letter The Vicarage, Waltham Road,

(corner of Foliejohn Way)

Woodlands Park

Telephone 01628 822000

Dear Friends,

“The powers that be ... the salt of the earth ... wheels within wheels ... nothing new under the sun ... an eye for an eye ...

all things to all men ...”

As you may have noticed, 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James (or Authorised) version of the Bible.

Several organisations, including the BBC, have set about making a big thing of this. It has been hailed as “one of the great masterpieces of English literature”, and they have wheeled out a host of famous people to sing its praises. Even Richard Dawkins, better known for his strident atheism, has been recruited to the cause, saying that “not to know the King James Bible is to be, in some small way, barbarian.”

It is undoubtedly true that the Bible has had a profound effect on the English language, and this can be seen in the many phrases from it which we still use today — such as the examples given above.


Published bi-monthly, six times a year.

Delivered free to all homes in

White Waltham, Shottesbrooke and Woodlands Park.

Freely available at church services.

Given to all families at White Waltham School.

Articles for the next edition should be sent to:

by 9th March 2011

The magazines will be available by the last Sunday of the month

However the significance of the King James Version (and therefore the anniversary) is probably being overplayed a bit. Much of the language was actually incorporated into it from earlier English translations, and the words used simply reflect those of the original Hebrew and Greek. But this attention does help to remind us of the influence that the Bible has had (an influence which modern culture is rather too eager to forget), and that must be a good thing.

For it is equally true that the Bible has shaped much else within our history and culture besides the English language. Indeed, the reason it has had such a big impact on the language is precisely because, for most of those 400 years, people (even ordinary people) heard, read and knew the Bible — not as literature but as the Word of God.

And I suspect that the translators of the King James Bible would have been horrified to know that, 400 years later, their work would be praised primarily as a work of literature. For they saw themselves not as authors, but as secretaries, discharging an obligation to the Word that God had given.

That obligation was to make it understandable to everyone, so that everyone could read (and act on) God’s message for themselves. And the best way we can celebrate their achievement is by doing that too — not necessarily in their translation, but in a version which makes sense for us today.

David Andrew

PS There are many good modern translations to choose from. The easiest to understand is probably still the Good News Bible; or for something which keeps more of the feel of the King James Bible you could try the New International Version.

Do what we can to help...

Several women in the church prayer group were visiting an elderly friend who was ill. After a while, they rose to leave and told her; “We'll do what we can to help. We promise to keep you in our prayers.”

“Thank you,” she said. “But, really, I can do my own praying. The thing I can’t do is the dishes in the sink in the kitchen....”

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We had an excellent Christmas Lunch held at Maidenhead Golf Club on the first of December attended by 35 members.

One of our members had a very special Birthday 90 years young on the 2nd of January so many congratulations to Mrs Joan Hobson. And a big Thank you for being a founder member of the club.

I was very pleased to return to our club on the 26th January: a full and interesting programme has been arranged once again.

Future Plans

February 9th First World War History with Mr Dixon.

February 23rd Bingo & Raffle.

March 9th Going Shopping with Mr King.

March 23rd Fish and Chip Lunch at the Centre.

Ursula McAndrew.


Woodlands Park Primary School

The new term at Woodlands Park School started well in January welcoming many new children into our reception class and other year groups in the school.

The teachers and teaching assistants had an enjoyable inset day in January where they experienced many outdoor learning experiences in preparation for delivering an exciting and challenging curriculum to the pupils this term.

It was wonderful to see that Woodlands Park were 3rd in the Borough tables for pupil progress between Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.

The school has been able to purchase new wet weather clothing for the pupils and teachers, so there is no excuse for not getting out into the great outdoors!

At Woodlands Park we have installed a Virtual Network which allows pupils and staff to access curriculum software remotely from home. Teachers will be able to prepare more in depth lesson plans as they can utilize curriculum software stored on the server and pupils are able to complete homework and assignments with full access to the school server from home.

The whole school has a history focus this term with year six looking at the 50s, 60s and 70s, year 4 and 5 studying the Celts, Year 3 are studying the Egyptians and Foundation and Key Stage One finding out all about Castles. They began the term by building their very own castle outside.

All the pupils are continuing to work hard, gaining excellent results and we shall be celebrating their successes in our Award Ceremony this term.

Alison Penny



Cox Green Townswomen’s Guild

Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.45 p.m.

at Cox Green Community Centre

For further information please contact the Secretary, Jean Chant,

17 Stratford Gardens, Cox Green, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 3DT

Tel: 01628 639583

All the usual Arts & Crafts, Card Games, Walks and Pub Lunches continue throughout the year.

The Programme for February – March is as follows:-

February 17th Guild Meal.

March 18th Federation A.G.M. Bourne End Community Centre.

Events & Holidays also being planned include as follows:-

February 25th Federation Spring Party including Spring Bonnet Competition at Bourne End Community Centre.

June 2011 Trip to Amalfi Coast of Italy.

August 2011 Trip to Bembridge Isle of Wight.

For further details contact me on 01628 639583.

On a sad note, I lost my husband Dennis “John” Chant during last November after a long illness. The Funeral Service was held at Slough Crematorium on the 26th November 2010.

Jean Chant.




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White Waltham C E Primary School

Best wishes to you for a Happy New Year from all of us at White Waltham C.E. School. It’s hard to believe that 2011 has arrived. The last term ended in a busy schedule of concerts, parties and our Christmas service at St Mary’s. Starting back on the 6th of January, means that we have had the opportunity to re-charge our batteries and are ready for the new term.

We already have a packed programme of events, year 5 are busy rehearsing their dance for the forthcoming festival held at the Magnet and are off to Hooke Court for a 3 day residential at the start of February. One of our year 6 pupils, Juliette Adams has been selected to represent the school with her story at the Maidenhead Rotary Writing Competition. Year 1 & 2 are off to spend the day at London Zoo, Year 3 have an exciting morning learning more about Egyptians with Explore Learning, Year 4 are off to learn more about the Romans at the Verulamium Museum and Year 6 are heading for Tring to visit the Natural History Museum in March.

We are also very busy with a ‘Big Writing’ project sharing our love of writing with the children and creating a number of very exciting Friday mornings to pass on this passion.

We continue to be busy on the sporting front. Our netball and football teams are playing a number of matches in their leagues this term. In addition we have a wide variety of after school clubs on the go ranging from Tag-ruby to dance. It’s lovely to see the children so busy and healthy.

Our Foundation classroom was completed in September and we are thrilled to finally have it opened officially by the Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP on the on 28th January. The choir will be singing for us and we look forward to seeing past and present friends at this event.


May I as always extend a very warm welcome to our school. If you require any further information, please contact us on 01628 822533 or have a look at our website at:

Isabel Cooke


Winter Now

‘Tis winter now; the fallen snow

Has left the heavens all coldly clear;

Through leafless boughs the sharp winds blow,

And all the earth lies dead and drear.

And yet God’s love is not withdrawn;

His life within the keen air breathes;

His beauty paints the crimson dawn,

And clothes the boughs with glittering wreaths...

O God! Who giv’st the winter’s cold,

As well as summer’s joyous rays,

Us warmly in thy love enfold,

And keep us through life’s wintry days.

From a poem by Samuel Longfellow 1819-92


FRIDAY 25 February 2011















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It’s Unmentionable isn’t it?

Oh dear, I have sat down and thought very hard about this newsletter’s subject. I have wondered whether I should write what is in my heart . . . or perhaps try and keep it safe. But in the end I am convinced that I should write about what has been happening to me since last September.

There are one or two, perhaps a few more, who do know a little of what is involved and so this will not come as a huge surprise. However, for all of you who read this and actually remember me you may be surprised. In short, I have cancer.

Now for a large number of people that is the worst possible medical diagnosis anyone can be given. Like many, I have been closely associated with friends and family who have suffered from this disease, indeed, my first wife died as a result of cancer twenty three years ago.

So how do I feel about it? How has it already changed my life? How do I expect it to change the pattern of my life from now on? First I should explain that the cancer I have is not one of the most serious kind. It affected my upper left jaw and once confirmed by biopsies, a section of my jaw bone was removed in a 6 hour operation. I left hospital in late November and was told that I needed to heal before the next phase of treatment could commence. In the meantime I had to visit the local dental school where a plate could be made to fill the gap where there was no jaw bone. At least that meant that people could understand what I said when I talked!

So Christmas and the New Year passed with Liz and me in this limbo state awaiting the next phase. We had a wonderful Christmas as family from the North Island visited us – that was very special. But something else made the whole experience wonderful (still very stressful of course!) and that was to realise that friends, family members and many complete strangers from many countries around the world pray for us both regularly.

Now I have often prayed for people who need prayer and I have tried to be faithful in those prayers. The greatest joy in praying is to be able to thank God for answers He gives to prayers. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe God always answers prayer but sometimes not in the way we expect and not at the time we’d hoped for.

I have already experienced other peoples’ prayers being answered as my recovery since my surgery has been quicker and better that the doctors predicted. But last Thursday (January 6th) phase two got underway.

Now I had been given lots of preparation for this. I had seen the specialist who painted the worst case scenario and then been taken for a CT scan, the construction of a tailor made head rest and the moulding of a plastic shell of my head. Now that was all pretty scary as it is pretty tight and covers my eyes and my nose (with breathing slits!) and is clamped down firmly so that my head would stay fixed throughout each treatment.

So I have had two treatments now and they last for some 15 or 20 minutes. The radiation actually takes around two minutes. They don’t expect me to experience any side effects for two to three weeks. They cannot predict what side effects I will experience because as they say “Everybody reacts differently”.

Of course my life changed upon diagnosis and again with surgery. Now it is changing again with my therapy. But let’s face it; you all know that I profess to be a Christian. Shouldn’t that fact make a difference? As I have explained, I am being borne up on a tide of prayer around the world and perhaps as you read this, you will also pray for Liz and me – please?

But as a Christian I have found that all of the things I have subscribed to are really true in my life. God really is living in me; He actually does empower me each day to trust Him completely and to know that this series of experiences is for my good. Do you find that odd, perhaps impossible? Paul wrote to the early Christians: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

So by the time my next newsletter is due I ought to have completed my treatments. I go each weekday for six weeks ending on February 16th. The question remains; are you one of “those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”? If the answer is “Yes” you’ll understand my view. If “No” please talk to someone who can help you to be able to answer “Yes”.

Eric Green (




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Project Rainbow is White Waltham church’s building project which will construct purpose built accommodation for the church’s children’s and young people’s activities and for other church-related activities which will enable St Mary’s, White Waltham, to better serve its local community.

Recent events....

At the end of last year members of our congregation worked on Project Rainbow’s 10-10-10 initiative. They used their skills and talents to raise money for the project by offering products and services to friends, relatives and members of their local communities. So far more than £900 has been raised through 10-10-10 with more money yet to come in.

Project Rainbow Quiz Sheet answers will be available on the Project Rainbow website from 1 February 2011.

Project Rainbow progress....

Since launching Project Rainbow on 16 May 2010, we have raised a fifth of the £492,500 total needed for the project. Our thanks go to all those who have been so generous in their support of Project Rainbow and who have enabled us to reach this stage in our fundraising.

If you would like to make a gift to Project Rainbow you can either complete the form in the giving packs available from the Church, The Vicarage and Woodlands Park Village Centre or give online via our website.

You can make a difference to your local community by making a one-off gift to Project Rainbow or by giving a small amount monthly by regular standing order. Through Gift Aid we can make more of your gift by claiming back the tax you have already paid on it.

You could also make a difference by including a legacy to Project Rainbow in your will or by putting us in touch with Trusts or Charities with whom you have links.

Coming up....

There is a Tea-Time Concert on Sunday 13th February at White Waltham Church from 4pm. Entry is by donation on the door and includes afternoon tea which will be served in the interval. The concert features musicians Peter Dodsworth, Neil Pennock and Jennifer Miles. For more information visit the Project Rainbow website or see page 23 of this magazine.

We have more events planned for 2011 including concerts, Project Rainbow stalls and our main event of the year, the Rainbow Bike Ride 2011:

Next summer the vicar and his family will be setting off on a sponsored two tandem bike ride to raise money for Project Rainbow, pedalling a 1,000 mile circuit around Britain.

We see building bridges between our church and our community as an important aspect of the vision for Project Rainbow so we are taking bridges as the theme for our ride and we want to cross as many as possible!

We've decided on four main bridges as the 'corners' of our route - Severn, Menai, Humber and Tower Bridge - but we want to include lots of others, and we're looking for suggestions of interesting places to visit.  So if you know of any interesting bridges around the country, large or small, old or new, please contact us to tell us about them and we will see if we can fit them in.

With thanks from David, Caroline, Naomi and Thomas Andrew.

To keep up to date with all Project Rainbow events, and to sponsor David, Caroline, Naomi and Thomas, check out our website for more information or see the May/June and July/August editions of the Parish Magazine.

For more information visit the Project Rainbow website .uk


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St Mary’s Flower Guild, White Waltham

By the time you read this the Flower Guild’s Annual General Meeting will have taken place and we will have discussed our programme for the coming year.

I would like to express my thanks to Jane Nottage who has stepped down as Chairman after several years – her dedication and hard work has contributed immensely to the success of the Flower Guild in recent years.

My thanks also to Pam Smith who is a professional florist as well as a member. With her help and guidance we plan to hold a number of workshops once again throughout this year. Pam has asked me to thank all members in the Guild who have attended her workshops. She particularly enjoyed seeing both newcomers and experienced flower arrangers working together so well at Christmas to produce the beautiful matching wreaths for the church windowsills. Thank you to everyone who has worked hard in 2010 to ensure that the Church had beautiful displays of flowers for both Sunday services and Church festivals.

If you would like to join us in any of the Flower Guild activities please contact Liz Atlay (01628 778462) or Julia Hodgson (01628 821058) for details. You will be very welcome.

Liz Atlay


|[pic] |Tales from the Bells |[pic] |

Once again in December the Church Clock stopped due to bad weather. This is now two years in a row, the winters have obviously become colder. It is best not to start the clock whilst the weather is freezing as it may damage the mechanism. It is restarted when the weather becomes milder. Let’s see what happens next winter.

We managed to ring another quarter peal for Christmas at White Waltham for the Candle Light Carol Service on Christmas Eve.

1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

1. Lesley A Graves 4. Derek R Smith

2. Naomi G Andrew 5. Caroline S Andrew (C)

3. Lavinia Sullivan (Wargrave) 6. Andrew C Elliston (Sonning)

This time I had to ask some ringers from other towers if they could assist as we were reduced in numbers during the Christmas period.

With regards to Quarter Peals we like to keep a note of these. This is recorded in the Tower Register and in a Ringer’s own personal Quarter Peal Book. I am currently in the process of filling out both mine and my husband’s books.

When a ringer completes their 50th or 100th Quarter Peal it is normally noted. But I’ve been a bit lax on keeping count of how many I had done and recently discovered that my 100th quarter peal was rung at Harvest Festival in 2010. I had not realised that I had done so many. I’m now up to 101 and just think, at the time of writing this article I will have only written 26 in my book. I’ve got a long way to go yet.

Each book only contains 100 quarter peal records, so a new book is now needed. Once I have written up my book I will make sure that I don’t miss noting my 150th quarter peal.

We also rang out the old year and rang in the new but due to reduced

numbers of ringers we could only ring at White Waltham.

If you had a New Year’s Resolution to take up bell ringing you can still contact me if you are interested in learning. We practice on Friday nights from 7.30pm till 9pm alternating between Shottesbrooke and White Waltham. Initial training is given at White Waltham. Just give me a call or email me for more details. My number and e-mail address are at the back of the parish magazine.

Lesley Graves, Tower Captain, White Waltham

Join us for a


The first half will feature international Clarinettist Neil Pennock, graduate of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, accompanied by Peter Dodsworth on the piano.

And after the interval, during which afternoon tea will be served,

Peter Dodsworth will perform on the Bassoon, accompanied by Jennifer Miles on the Piano. Both are graduates of the Royal Academy of Music.

Sunday 13th February

White Waltham Church at 4.00 pm

Entry by donation on the door

raising funds for

|[pic] | |[pic] |

| |Royal British Legion News | |

I’d like to say how well we did at the Christmas Bazaar in November with our Tombola at the Woodlands Park Village Centre. We raised £140 which will go towards helping with services to serving and ex-serving forces personnel. We would also like to say a big Thank You to all those who donated towards this event.

We are always looking for new members to swell our numbers. So if you are interested or would like more information, please give me a ring. My number is in the back of the parish magazine.

What do we do?

Woodlands Park Branch of the Royal British Legion arranges the local Annual Poppy collection. We have arranged two successful quiz nights and plan to have another very soon.

2011 is the 90th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion. Celebrate this great achievement with us.

Up and coming events

There is a Beetle Drive on Friday 11 February 2011 at 7.30pm.

Entrance is 50p. Refreshments are provided.

There will also be a raffle.

(If you are interested in coming along please call the village centre on 01628 823964)

There is also a Fish and Chip Supper

on Friday 11 March 2011 at 7.30pm.

Cost of meal £4.00. Tickets from the Village Centre.

Closing date Wednesday 9 March 2011.

There will be a Raffle. Soft drinks will be on sale or bring you own drink. This event will be followed with Bingo.

Both of these events are at the Woodlands Park Village Centre and everyone will be very welcome to these events.

Simon Graves.

Hurley & Walthams Ward

Your three Ward Councillors

Maureen Hunt 01189 404808

Paul Etherington

Hazel Wilson 01628 823610

Christmas and the New Year seem such a long time past now and here we are in 2011 already. Gone is the heavy snow and I have to say the Council were very quick to ensure the snow ploughs and gritters were out throughout the nights on the main roads.

All schools in the Borough remained open during the December snow and ice due to the Council’s offer of bins and salt to the schools. The Council provides grit bins to areas designated by the Parish Council but they have to know in good time so please contact your Parish Council if you feel your area needs a grit bin.

Activities over Christmas

The planned Christmas events programme for Maidenhead continued in full despite the snow. The firework display, the No. 1 Elvis impersonator and the switch on of the lights was enjoyed by so many this year. About 2000 people went on the website for The 'Enjoy Maidenhead'. If you missed out this year please check the website next December for the Christmas activities.

Employment for ex-offenders

A new initiative to provide employment for ex-offenders was launched in the Royal Borough on 7th January.

The council has been piloting the innovative scheme on a temporary six-month contract in conjunction with social enterprise Blue Sky and the council's grounds maintenance contractors ISS Facilities to employ five ex-offenders aged between 18 and 25 years to work on the upkeep of the borough's cemeteries, parks and green open spaces.

The Royal Borough is now to become the first local authority in the country to turn the temporary placements into employment with ISS from the New Year.

A Credit Union for Maidenhead

Community Savings and Loans Ltd (CSL) is Berkshire’s only Credit Union and has opened an office in the Citizens Advice Bureau building, Marlow Road, Maidenhead. The credit union will reflect the aims of the Big Society by recruiting volunteers to help put people back in control of their finances and steer them away from loan sharks and doorstep lenders who charge extortionate rates of interest.

The credit union will:

• Offer local financial services, including to people who are ‘financially excluded’ because of a poor or no credit rating

• Provide savings opportunities for those who want safe savings, at a reasonable rate of interest and want their money to be used to support the local community.

The local branch will offer telephone, online and face-to-face savings and loans services.

No increase in Parking Charges in Maidenhead for Advantage Card holders.

There will be no change to parking charges for Royal Borough residents in the year ahead, even with January’s 2.5% increase in VAT – and the message to local people is: If you haven’t got your Advantage Card* already, get one now!

Local Life –  –

Puts residents at the heart of council business and is an innovative way of developing the borough’s pioneering role in The Big Society. One of its key features is a one-stop-shop to council transparency with access to information from the council’s own data systems.

Local Life has been developed in response to what residents have told us about improving access to council services and creating a real sense of online community.

“They said they wanted things to be simpler and more transparent, with a local focus and easy opportunities to express their views – good or bad. Community is central to Local Life. Our aim is for it to become a place where residents and groups share their ideas, talk about the issues they care about and help the council come up with solutions.”

The more we can do to encourage residents to use online services the more we can reduce council running costs. For example, sending out paper bills and reminders for council tax costs the council £23,000 a year. With 70% of our local residents having access to the internet, we want to encourage them to opt for electronic billing which would save thousands of pounds of council taxpayers’ money.

The Royal Borough is also the first local authority in the UK to offer residents access to financial and other information available free through Local Life.

Local Life enables local people to:

• Directly express their views and report problems like potholes and broken street furniture

• Sign up for electronic council tax billing and payments

• Take part in online discussions about local issues in their street, ward or area

• Be part of consultations and surveys

• Personalise their web pages to find and share information about services, facilities and events

• Access information feeds about subjects of interest.

Local News

On the local side, there has been theft of gulley covers in the rural areas of the Ward. Also there has been theft of signposts in the country lanes. Can you please keep a watchful eye and if you see anything untoward take car/truck registration numbers if you can and any description of the perpetrators. Contact 999 if you see this happening or 0845 8 505 505 if you have any information.

That’s it from your Ward Councillors for this issue but please remember we are here to help you.

Cllr Maureen Hunt, Cllr Paul Etherington and Cllr Hazel Wilson


Time to Reflect on my Relationship

“I cried to the Lord with my voice

and He heard me from His Holy Hill” Psalm 3:4

The past 4-5 months have demonstrated to me the Power of Prayer. Having spent 9 weeks in Hammersmith Hospital with a variety of quite serious complaints, I have been fortunate enough to have the congregation of St. Mary’s White Waltham and friends praying for me. Their good wishes, numerous get well cards and visits all gave me the strength and determination to get through the whole ordeal. I will never be able to thank everyone enough.

There were times when in my own prayers I questioned God’s plan. Why was I having to go through this ordeal and what did He want me to learn from the experience? What did He want me to do? I felt very guilty at questioning God, even being cross and wondering about my Faith, although I never doubted Him but did wonder what the outcome would be.

My little book that I read each day “My Daily Bread” came to my rescue, through God. We were created to be in a relationship with God; and when we take that relationship to an intimate level, it bonds us not only to His presence but also to His strength. Prayers that express our hurts and emotions are certainly welcomed by God because they demonstrate our trust in Him. We will come away comforted by knowing we’ve entrusted the things that are troubling us – whether criticism or deep desire – to the One who is best able to sort through them.

Thank you God for pointing this relationship out to me and restoring my love and belief in you.

Jenny Murphy

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|Phone for details on this month's offers. Tel: 01628 824 723 |


| |

|Want a lift to St Mary’s services? | |

|Contact Joan Hobson, our car rota co-ordinator on 01628 635770 by 6.00 pm | |

|the previous day. | |

|Joan would also like to hear from regular attenders who are able to offer | |

|lifts. | |

| |


|St. Mary’s Church, White Waltham, has a large churchyard which looks very nice when the grass is cut. |

|Should anyone like |

|to join the voluntary team who carry out |

|this work we would be very grateful to hear |

|from them! |

|Please ring 0118 934 3704 |

You could be advertising here

Contact Bob Crittenden

on Maidenhead 676117

or email bobcrittenden@



At White Waltham

November 28th Rupert William, son of Nicholas and Lorrain Hogg


Burial of Ashes at White Waltham

December 2nd Maurice Mintz


December 3rd Kenneth Lyndon Montague (‘Freddie’) Mills, aged 81

(Innings Lane)


|Church Service Rota |

|February & March |

| |8.00 am |9.30 am |11.00 am |Evening |

| |White Waltham |Shottesbrooke |White Waltham | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer |Family Service | |

|6 February |BCP |BCP | | |

|Sunday 13 February |Holy Communion |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer | |

| |BCP |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer |Holy Communion | |

|20 February |BCP |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer | |

|27 February |CW |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer |Family Service | |

|6 March |BCP |BCP | | |

|Ash Wednesday | | | |8.00 p.m. |

|9 March | | | |White Waltham Holy |

| | | | |Communion |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer | |

|13 March |BCP |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion BCP |Morning Prayer |Holy Communion | |

|20 March | |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer | |

|27 March |CW |BCP | | |

|Sunday |Holy Communion |Morning Prayer |Mothering Sunday | |

|3 April |BCP |BCP |Family Service | |

|The Who’s Who |

|Telephone codes are 01628 unless stated otherwise |

The Publishers do not accept responsibility for products or services advertised in this magazine



David Andrew, The Vicarage,

Waltham Road, White Waltham

SL6 3JD 822000


Associate Vicar

Andy Hartropp, The Parsonage, School Road, West End, Waltham St Lawrence, RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841

Licensed Lay Ministers

Carole Perkins, 1 Kendall Place,

Cox Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire,

SL6 4GA 623445


Claire Hartropp, The Parsonage, School Road, West End, Waltham St Lawrence, RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841

Churchwarden – Shottesbrooke

Bob Packer, Corner Cottage,

Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774

Churchwarden – White Waltham

Liz Atlay, 39 Tithe Barn Drive, Maidenhead SL6 2DF 778462


Treasurer - Shottesbrooke

Richard Sykes, Coltmans, The Street, Waltham St Lawrence

RG10 0JJ 0118 934 3228


Treasurer - White Waltham

Andy Eden, 15 Heywood Avenue,

Maidenhead SL6 3JA 823992


Secretary to Parochial Church Council

Stuart Diack, 1 Matthews Chase,

Temple Park, Binfield, Berks.

RG42 4UR 01344 311090

Deanery Synod Representatives

Bob Packer, Corner Cottage,

Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774

June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Maidenhead

SL6 3ST 625462


Roger Sparrow, Merion House,

White Waltham, Maidenhead

SL6 3RU 822693

Sunday School Coordinator

June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Maidenhead

SL6 3ST 625462



Andrea Greenwood, 15 Bedford Close, Maidenhead SL6 3UP 822532

Pathfinders (11-14s)

Caroline Andrew, The Vicarage, Waltham Road, White Waltham

SL6 3JD 822000

Revelation (14-18s)

Andy & Claire Hartropp, The Parsonage, School Road, West End, Waltham St Lawrence

RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841

Secretary for Gift Aid & Stewardship Envelopes

Tony Hill, Homewood, Innings Lane,

White Waltham SL6 3RU 822654

Captain of Bells - Shottesbrooke

Bob Packer, Corner Cottage,

Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774

Captain of Bells - White Waltham

Lesley Graves, 2 Heywood Cottages,

Waltham Road, White Waltham

SL6 3JD 828408

Lesson Reading Rota (Shottesbrooke)

Bob Packer, Corner Cottage,

Shottesbrooke Park, Maidenhead

SL6 3SW 823774

Lesson Reading Rota

(White Waltham)

Catherine Gass, 16 Hearne Drive, Holyport, Maidenhead SL6 2HZ 625621


Events Committee Chairman

Andrea Greenwood, 15 Bedford Close, Maidenhead SL6 3UP 822532

Project Rainbow

Bob Crittenden, 10 Stratford Gardens, Maidenhead SL6 3DT 676117


Car Parking

Simon Graves, 2 Heywood Cottages,

Waltham Road, White Waltham

SL6 3JD 828408

Bookstall + Bible Reading Notes

June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Maidenhead

SL6 3ST 625462


Flower Guild Secretary

Liz Atlay, 39 Tithe Barn Drive, Maidenhead SL6 2DF 778462


Wedding Flowers

Pam Bray, 74 London Road, Twyford RG10 9EY 0118 934 3792


Coffee Rota

Barbara Day, 62 Foliejohn Way,

Woodlands Park, Maidenhead

SL6 3XB 825108

Church Cleaning Rota

(White Waltham)

Jane Nottage, 46 Littlefield Green,

Maidenhead SL6 3JL 0118 9343704

Children's Birthday Card Distribution

Vivienne Low, 4, Norreys Drive, Maidenhead SL6 4BU 627136

Magazine Production

Derek Smith, 16 St Patricks Close, Maidenhead .SL6 3BD 776181

Magazine Advertisements

Bob Crittenden, 10 Stratford Gardens, Maidenhead SL6 3DT 676117


Magazine Distribution

Derek Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Maidenhead

SL6 3ST 625462


Web Master

Mark Stanger, 3 Caswall Close, Binfield. RG42 4EF 01344 455206



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