Purrfect Pals Rescue- Kitten Rescue Group

Purrfect Pals Rescue

Brenda Harrison


Adoption Application

|Cat Applying For: | |

|Date of Application: | |

Background Information

|Name: | |

|Address | |City | |ZIP | |

|Email: | |

|Occupation: | |

|Home # | |

|Cell # | |

You and Your Family

1. Your Home: Do you: [ ] Rent

[ ] Own

2. Do you live in a: [ ] House

[ ] Apartment

[ ] Other: __________________________

|3. Number of smokers in the household | |

|4. If you rent, does your landlord allow pets? | |

| Pet deposit? | |

|5. Would anyone in your home be adversely affected by a cat (i.e. allergies)? | |

6. Please list each person at your residence (If under 21 include their age.)

|Name |Age |Relation to You |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Pet History

1. Please list any CATS you have had in the past or that you currently have:

|Name |From |Till |Declawed? |Spay/Neut? |Vet name & number |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

2. Please list any DOGS you have had in the past or that you currently have:

|Name |From |Till |On Heartworm Prevention? |Spay/Neut? |Vet name & number |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. Have you ever given up a pet? | |

| If yes, please describe the circumstances. | |

| | |


|1. Who will be responsible for the care of the cat? | |

|2. Will the cat be allowed outside? YES | |NO | | | |

|3. Are you planning to declaw your cat? YES | |NO | | | |

| If Yes >>> |Front | |Back | | |

| Reason: | |

|4. If you move, what will you do with your cat? Are you willing to limit your housing choices based on pet ownership? | |

| | |

|5. If you can't care for your cat in the future, do you have a plan for who will accept responsibility for its care? | |

| | |

|6. What will you do with your cat when you go on vacation? | |

| | |

|7. Are you willing to be responsible for this cat 15 years or more? | |

| | |

|8. Cats not old enough to spay/neuter: Will you accept the terms of the adoption agreement to bring the cat for| |

|spay/neuter when age-appropriate (no later than 6 months)? | |

|Yes/No | |

|9. Would you be willing to allow a follow-up visit(s) (by appointment) from | |

|our group? Yes/No | |

Your current/previous veterinarian:

|Name of Vet: | |Phone# | |


Please give some thought to the following. You don’t need to provide answers to these questions, but you should talk about it with family members.

Many cats can live from between 15 to 20 years. To get an idea how long your cat’s lifetime may be, consider how old you will be 15 years from now.

• Is there a chance that you might move at least once in the next 15 years? Will you be able to take your pet with you?

• Are you willing to restrict your choice of housing to places where pets are allowed?

• What major changes might happen in your life in the next 15 years? Marriage? Children?

• Are you willing to continue spending the time, energy, and money to care for your cat when taking on new responsibilities like these?

• What will you do if your spouse or children can't get along with your new cat?

• Are you willing to teach young or inexperienced children how to respect and properly handle a live animal?

• Are you willing to accept that the cat may not like all of your children or your children's friends?

• Will you still want the cat after the kids have grown up and moved out?

• Does everyone in the family want a cat? What members are enthusiastic? Unenthusiastic? What complaints or concerns have been raised?

• Does anyone in the household have any known allergies to animals?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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