Entry Requirements

Helpful Travel Information

Entry Requirements:

All foreign nationals except citizens of Egypt, Syria, Jordon, and the Gulf countries require entry visas. Visitors from the EU, USA, and Canada can obtain visas at the airport. Upon arriving in Yemen, visitors must complete and immigration card. Visas can normally be extended, depending on the circumstances.

Getting There:

By Air:

Twelve airlines offer service into Yemen:

Yemenia, Yemen Airways, Emirates, Lufthansa, Qatar Airsays, Air Arabia, Gulf Air, Syrian, Ethiopian, Sudanese, and Djibouti.

By Land

There are six crossing posts in Yemen between its two neighboring countries of Saudi Arabia and Oman.

By Sea

Yemen has five main ports both on the Red and Arabia Sea: Hodeidah, Al-Makha, Al-Ghaida, al-Mukalla, and Aden.

Getting Around

Yemen is blessed with a variety of public transportation systems comprised of taxis and busses. Taxis rides can easily be purchased for very inexpensive fares to virtually and destination within a city, or even the country. One should be selective when hailing a taxi, as some are in bad shape. Additionally, you can catch small busses, or “debabs”, for rides throughout the major cities for virtually nothing.

A number of tourism agencies exist for long distance travel within the country. Also, Yemenia, the national airline of Yemen, flies to multiple domestic destinations for very reasonable rates. Coach services are also, available for longer ground travel, or you may be able to even rent a taxi to make some trips. Rental cars through international companies such as Eurocar and Hertz, are also available.


The largest international airport, Sana’a International Airport is located on the outskirts of the country’s capital. Other international airports within the country include Al-Mukalla, Aden, Hodeidah, and Taiz. Additionally Sayun, Socotra and Al-Bade’a offer domestic service.


There are branches of local and regional commercial banks in all major cities in the country. Increasing numbers offer ATM bank card services, including Arab Bank, International Bank of Yemen, Tadhamen International Islamic Bank, and Yemen Gulf Bank.

Banking Hours

Saturday – Friday

8:00 am – 12:00

(International Bank of Yemen offers extended hours from 8 am to 8 pm).

Commercial Hours


8:00 am-1:00 pm

4:00 pm-8:00 pm

Governments Hours


8:00 am-3:00 pm


The capital city is San’a, which is also the largest city in the country.


The climate of Yemen can be roughly divided into three major climatic zones comprised of desert, mountain and coastal regions. In the summer, the desert region’s, which includes the cities of Marib and Sayun, temperature reaches a dry 40 oC (105) and in the winter can be a pleasant 15-25 oC (60-80 oF). The mountain regions, including Sana’a and Taiz, maintain a mild temperature of 25-30 Co (80-85 oF) during summer months, and can dropping to a much more reasonable 25-30oC (80-85 oF)

The mountain regions have a beautiful monsoon seasons which run from March –April and August-September.


Telephone and fax numbers are available throughout the country, in addition to excellent cellular coverage which reaches even the most remote of villages. Currently there are two private GSM carriers, SabaFon and Spacetel, as well as the new government operated CDMA system, YemenMobile. The IDD number for the country is 967.

Credit Cards

Very few places take credit cards in Yemen, thus almost all transactions are done in cash. There are ATM machines at some banks in Sana’a, including Arab Bank, International Bank of Yemen, Tadhamon International Islamic Bank, and Yemen Gulf Bank which accept Visa and other ATM logos. Traveler’s checks, U.S. dollars, and Euro can be exchanged by individuals at verying rates within the country. Traveler’s checks will get you a somewhat lower exchange rate.

If you do bring cash, be aware that new, crisp, clean, untorn $100 dollar bills or Euro notes fetch the best rate. Dollars that are worn-out, or printed before 2000 are often difficult to exchange.


The Yemeni Rial is the official currency of the Republic. It currently trades at about 185 Rials to the US Dollar and 245 to the Euro. The often changing rates are published in most newspapers throughout the country. Rials are traded in denominations of One thousand, Five Hundred, Two Hundred, One Hundred, Fity, and Twenty Rial notes. Additionally, there are both Ten and Five Rial coins.


Personal items for most part are admitted free to the country. Alcohol and pornography are strictly forbidden with the exception of an allowance of two 1-liter bottles for non-Muslims. Additionally, 500 cigarettes, 60 cigars, and up to 500g of dry tobacco are also allowed, along with 568ml of perfume of cologne. Gifts cannot exceed YR 1000,000, while there is no restriction on hard currency.


Yemenis drive on the right side of the road. Visitors require a valid international derivers license. Car rental (with or without drivers) is available in major city centers.


Yemen’s economy is primarily based on agriculture and livestock, remaining the chief livelihood for most of the population. Yemen has been known as Arabia Felix thanks to the fertility of its soil and the high quality of its crops. Additionally, crude oil and the fishing industry contribute significantly to the nations GDP.


Most homes in Yemen’s cities and larger villages have electricity services, with increasing availability to smaller outlying village. Yemen’s electricity runs at 220 volts. These lines have different outlets, but adaptors are inexpensive and easy to find.


The three main geographical zones are the western mountains, the north and eastern desert, and the western and southern coasts. The majority of the population resides in the mountains and on the coasts, with desert regions sparsely populated.


Malaria is present in remote coastal areas. Although very rare, AID5 hase been on the increase, and foreigners staying longer than five weeks are required to have an HIV test. Hepatitis is common, and visitors are advised not to drink tap water and to be alert of cleanliness standards. Clean, bottled water is readily available in all areas of the country. Medical facilities and hospitals are available in major cities, with local clinics in village areas. Travel insurance for foreigners, including emergency evacuation, is advisable.


There is a wide range of hotels available in Yemen, including five and four-star establishments. The Sheraton, Taj Sheba, Mercurr-sofitel, Holiday Inn, and others offer suites and extended-stay apartments in most major cities.


Yemen is 474, 580 sq. km-approximately the same size as France. The country has 2,009 km of coastline along the Arabian and Red Seas. The country is bordered by Saude Arabia to the north and Oman to the East. Additionally, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti are only a short distance across the Red Sea.


Arabic is the official language spoken in Yemen, with numerous local dialects. English is the second largest language spoken among the educated in limited but increasing numbers. Socotran and Mahri languages are also spoken in their respective regions.

Medical Facilities

There are government and private hospitals located in major cities throughout the country. Likewise, many towns and large villages have medical clinics.


Yemen boasts a wide variety of newspapers and magazines. Al-Thawra (published in Sana’a), Al-Jumhuriya (published in Taiz) and 14th of October (published in Aden) are the official government papers and are the most commonly read, although there is significant readership of opposition party newspapers. There are two English language newspapers published in Yemen, the Yemen Observer and the Times.


The last official recording of Yemens population was in 1994 at 18 million. The country is currently undertaking a census this year, with unofficial estimates as high as 23 million.


Photographs should not be taken of military of strategic buildings. Before photographing any person, especially women is is advised to ask permission. Film is available in most areas, and developing centers abound within cities.


Islam is the official religion of Yemen. Additionally there is a very small Jewish minority in the northern parts of the country.


Postal centers are located in all major cities. Additionally, internet cafes and calling centers abound throughout the country.

Table Etiquette

Traditional Yemeni food is served without utensils or plates (in the most traditional of restaurants without tables or chairs either!). Yemenis eat from common serving dishes on top of a flat basket called a “sufrah”. To eat in tru Yemeni fashion, just dig in. Be sure to use your right hand. For those more timid or novice eaters, using a piece of bread to scoop with may be better to your liking. If, however, you can not leave your western table manners behind you, in most places, a spoon and fork can be provided. As a general rule, don’t be bashful, food in Yemen is not a meal, it’s an experience!.


The Yemeni time zone is +3 GMT.

Traditional Courtesies

While Yemenis have a conservative society, they are well aware of the other societies of the world. One should maintain a healthy respect for the native culture, but not feel confined by it. A handshake greeting is normal among men and foreign woven. In general men should avoid contact with Yemeni women. The hospitality of Yemenis is legendary, and one will often be often be offered to share in a meal or a bag of qat.

Travel Permission

Thanks to the tremendous efforts by the government and people of Yemen, it is safe to travel to virtually all areas of the country without governmental permission. Currently there are some restrictions on travel to the northern parts of the country without permission or escort. Because much of this area is covered with vast and remote desert, it would not be prudent to travel this region alone on the chance of an emergency. Secondly, because Yemen shares a long, porous border with Saudi Arabia, the country cannot always guarantee the hospitality of some of the northern nomadic peoples, and an escort is advisable.

What to Wear

Yemen is a geographically divers country with a variety of climates, and your clothin should accommodate this. Because Sana’a lies at 7,000 ft., a sweater or jacket will be useful een during the summer seasons. A good rain coat or poncho is for the rainy seasons (March-April, August-September) as the afternoon showers, though brief, can be surprisingly heavy. Long sleeve shirts are effective as protection against the sun. Shorts are very inappropriate as street wear for both men and women as Yemeni is socially conservative country.

Women: If you bring pants, be sure to bring a top that falls to you mid thighs. Leggings are a good idea for beneath dresses or skirts, and traditional pants for Yemeni women of exceptional quality may be purchased from the U.N. Women’s Handicraft Center. Tank dresses worn with tee-shirts underneath are fine everyday wear. If you like to wear jewelry, feel free to bring it to Yemen, as Yemeni women wear lots of jewelry and it can often be an “ice-breaker” in conversations with local women. In general, you should keep with loose-fitting clothing that is not transparent.

Men: as a general rule, men should avoid tank tops and shorts. You will find you are more easily accepted be the men of Yemen if you don’t wear jewelry, earrings and necklaces.

When To Go

The mountain regions with their mild climate are pleasant year round. The southern coastal regions become very hot and humid in the summer months, but the rest of the year are much more hospitable. The deserts, although hot during the summer months, are bearable for short durations, and in the winter are relatively comfortable.

Yemen’s Embassies around the World

|Algeria |Cuba – Havana |Hungary-Budapest |

|St. 10 Mohammed Droyinee |Colle 16 # 503, E/5 TA 7MA |Hungary 1025 Budopest |

|Haydarah |Miramar, Playa Cuba |Jozesefhegyi |

|Algiers, Algeria |Tel: 2043222/1509/1506 |UT 28-30 D/6 |

|Tel: 548950/548599 |Fax:2041131 |Tel: 2123991 |

|Fax:548700 |Email: Ghamdan-hav@enet.cu |Fax: 2123883 |

| | |Email: al_jemenal_said@axalero.hu |

|Austia-Vienna |Czech Republic - Prague |India-New Delhi |

|Karolinengasse 5/7, 1040 |Za Hanspaulkou 2 |J-16—Houz Khas Sri |

|Wien, Austria |Proague 6. 162 00 |Aurobindo Marg |

|Tel:5032931-5032930 |Tel:33331598/33331568 |New Delhi, India – 110016 |

|Fax:5053159 |Fas: 33332204 |Tel: 26602481 |

|Email: yemenembassy.vienno@aon.at |Email: |Fax:26602483 |

| |safarahprogue@ | |

|Bahrain-Mananm |Djibouti- Djibouti |Indonesia-Jakarta |

|Villo 80, Road 7802 |Al-Jazirah/Aden St./Alexander St. |IL: Yusuf Adiwinata 29 |

|Kuwait St. |PO Box 194 |Menteng Jakata Pusat |

|PO Box 26193 |Djibouti, Djibouti |Indonesia |

|Tel:277072/277702 |Tel:35972/352834/352975 |Tel: 3904074/3108029/3108035 |

|Fax:262358 |Fax:356680 |Fax: 3904946 |

| | |Email:yemenemb@.id |

|Belgium-Brussels |Egypt-Cairo |Iran-Tehran |

|Ave F. Roosevelt, 114 |Amin Al-Rofiee 28 St. |Khayban Wali A Shahid Ejazi |

|1050 Bruxelles, Belgium. |Al-Masahah Square |PO Box 87 |

|Tel:6465290 |Cairo, Egypt |Tehran, Iran |

|Fax:6469056-646911 |Tel:7604806/7614224/5/6 |Tel:2416682/2414446 |

| |Faz: 7604815 |Fax:2409534/2421022 |

| |Email: |Email: yem.emb.i@ |

| |yemenemb@ | |

|Bulgaria-Sofia |Eritrea-Asmara |Iraq-Baghdad |

|Blvd. Andrei Saharov, Res,3 |Arzo St, building 27 |Mansour, Prinesses St 55/58/601 |

|Mladost-1. |Tel:184892/181399 |Baghdad, Iraq. |

|1784 SOFIA-BULGARIA |Fax:181183 |Tel:5413514/5435146 |

|Tel:9745639/9745546 | |Fax:5414275 |

|Fax:9745628/9743463 | | |

|Canada-Ottawa |France-Paris |Italy-Rome |

|788 Island Park Dr. |25 Rue Georges Bizet, 75016 |Via Bosio Antonio, No 10 |

|Ottawa, Ontario KIY OC2 |Paris, France |Rome, Italy |

|Tel:7296627 |Tel:53238787/53 237786 |Tel:44231679/44233695 |

|Fax:7298915 |Fax:47236941 |Fax:44234763 |

|E-mail: |Email: | |

|Info@yemenembassy.ca |ambyemenparis@easynet.fr | |

|China - Beijing |Germany-Berlin |Japan-Tokyo |

|No 5, Dong San Jei San |Rheinbobenallee 18 |4-12-24 Nishi Azobu, Minato-KU 38 |

|PO Box 10600 |14199 berlin |Kowo Bld, 8 th FI # 807 |

|Beijing, China |Tel: 89730519/23/8973050 |Tel:34997152-34997151 |

|Tel:65321558/65323346 |Fax: 83225903/89730562 |Fax:34997837 |

|Fax:65324305 | | |

|Jordan-Amman |Kuwait-Kuwait City |Kenya-Nairobi |

|Emir Hashem Bin Al-Ussein St. |Al-Jabirya St. 101 |Ngong Road |

|PO Box 3085 |Opposite to Salah Al-Deen School |Off Cabernet Rd |

|Amman, Jordan 11181 |Po Box 7182 |Nairobi, Kenya |

|Tel:5923772/5923771 |Kuwait City, Kuwait |Tel:574646/656/650 |

|Fax:5923773 |Tel:5349417/5349416 |Fax:574680 |

| |Fax:5349415 | |

| |Email: ghamdan@ | |

|Lebanon-Beirut |Liby-Tripoli |Malaysia-kuala Lumpur |

|Bi’ar Hasan |Gardens City |Jalan Kedondong, |

|Opposite Golf Club |Abi Kaab St. |Off Jalan Ampan Hilir, |

|PO Box 114/5007 |PO Box 4839 |55000 |

|Beirut, Lebanon |Tripoli, libye |Kuola Lumpur, Malaysia |

|Tel:852688/852692/852691 |Tel:3615998/5997/5996 |Tel:42511793/42522481 |

|Fax:821610 |Fax:3165991 |Fax:42511794 |

|Mauritania-Nouakchott |Morocco – Rabat |The Netherlands – The Hague |

|FAFGH ZEINH (ZRB) 441 |Abu-Haneefah, Akdal |Surinamesstraat 92585 G. G. Den Haag |

|Po Box 4689 |District |Tel:3653936/7 |

|Nouakchott, Mauritania |PO Box 6290 |Fax:3563312 |

|Tel:5255592/5255591 |Rabat, Morocco |Email:yemenembassy@ |

|Fax:5291734 |Tel:37674363/37674306 | |

| |Fax:37674769 | |

| |Email:yemen@menara.ma | |

|Oman-Muscat |Pakistan – Islamabad |Poland-Warsaw |

|Al-Qarm Share, Read 18840 |H. No: 220 St. 21.E/7 |Zwciezcow 18 |

|PO Box 105 |PO Box 1573 |03-941 Warsaw, Poland |

|PO Box 115 |Islamabad, Pakistan |Tel:6176026/6176025 |

|Sultan Qabbos City, Oman |Tel:2821146/2821147 |Fax:6176022 |

|Tel:604172/600815 |Fax:2795677 | |

|Fax:605008 |E-mail: yemen22@ pk. | |

|Qatar – Doha |Romania- Bucharest |Russia - Moscow |

|Al-Jazeerah St, No 24 |Bd. Aviatorilor No 50 |St. Avterwini Abolimoveski Preulik |

|Opposite Shirab Sales Complex |Bucharest, Romania |Bld No 6 |

|PO Box 3318 |Tel:2300746/2313272 |Tel:24644427/2462799 |

|Doha, Qatar |Fax:2307679 |Fax:2302305 |

|Tel:4325567/4432720 | | |

|Fax:4429400 | | |

|E-mail:ghmdan@ | | |

|Saudi Arabia – Riydah |South Africa – Pretoria |Spain-Madrid |

|Embassies Quarter |1063 Pretorius, St. |P. De La Castellana, 114 |

|Omar Bin Umayah Rd |Hatfled, Pretoria 0083 |Piso 3-p-1/e-1 |

|PO Box 94356 |PO Box 13343 |28046 Madrid, Spain |

|Riyadh, KSA |Tel:4309101/4309044 |Tel:914119950/1/2 |

|Email: mofa-yemen@mail..ye |Fax:4309100 |Fax:915623865 |

|Tel:4881731/4881769 | | |

|Fax:4881562 | | |

|The Sudan – Khartoum |Syria – Damascus |Tanzania- Dar es Salaam |

|Al-Emarat St. 11 |Mazah, Eastern Billas, Bld 176 |Plot No 353 United Nation Rd. |

|Square 11, Bld 1 |PO Box 4956 |UPANGA-DSM |

|PO Box 1010 |Damascus, Syria |Dar es Salaam, Tanzania |

|Khartoum, Sudan |Tel:6119886/6133894/6133891 |PO Box 349 |

|Tel:471625/471624 |Fax:6133893 |Tel:2110615/2117650 |

|Fax:471020 | |Fax:2115924 |

|Email: ymn.embsy@sudanmail.ne | |Email: yemenemembassy@ |

|Tunisia – Tunis |Turkey – Ankara |United Kingdom-London |

|9 Al Bin Abi Taleb Road |Fethiye Sok, Yemen |57 Cromwell Rd, |

|PO Box 1004-47 |Buyukeeligi NO 2 GOP/Ankara |London WS7 2ED |

|Tunis, Tunisia |Tel:4462637/4463178 |Tel:5846608/5846607 |

|Tel:717677604/71234562 |Fax:4461778 |Fax:0044207 |

|Fax:71767144 | | |

|Email:ghamdan@planet.tn | | |

|United State – Washington D.C. | | |

|Suit 705 | | |

|2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W | | |

|Sashington D.C 20037 | | |

|Tel:9654761/9654760 | | |

|Fax:(202)337217 | | |


|Germany-Frankfurt |India-Mumbai |

|Oeder Weg11 |102-A Maker Towers |

|60318 Fronkfurt-Main – Bird |F10 Floor-Cuffe Parade |

|Tel:9592480 |Mubbai 400 05 |

|Fax:95924820 |Tel:22184683/3956/7570 |

| |Fax:22187661 |

| |Email: Yemen20@ |

|Saudi Arabia-Jeddah |UAE-Dubai |

|Al-Nazlah Al-Sharqiyah, Mecca road |Khaled Bin Al-Walid St. |

|Neor Al-Mansour mosque |Complex of Consulates |

|PO box 2793 |PO Box 19Tel:3970213/3970131 |

|Tel:6874291/3494/7977 |Fax:3972901 |

|Fax:6894567 | |

|Y.C@.sa | |


|Australia – Sydney |Belgium-Vlanderz |Comoros-Morone |

|2b, 11 West Street, North Sydney |Pr. J. Plateaustraat, 499000 Gent Belgium |Po Box 29 |

|2060 Sydney, Australia |Tel:09-2250174 |Tel:732376 |

|Tel;61-2-99823752 |Fax:09-2256414 |Fax:731405 |

|Fax:61-2-99821053 | | |

|Croatia –Zagreb |Cyprus – Liimassol |Greece – Athens |

|Biankinijev A6 |PO Box 124 |9-Patission St. |

|Zagreb, Croatia |Liimassol, Cyprus |PO Box 10431 |

|Tel:4553114 |Tel:05-326844 |Tel:5220622/5220621 |

|Fax:4553144 |Fax:05-369275 |Fax:8239101 |

|Italy – Florence |Kazakhstan – Almaty |Singapore – Singapore |

|Via Maffia, 10 |38 Dostyk Ave |36 Purvis St. |

|50125 Florence |Suit 709 A |02-07 Talib Centre |

|Tel:219588/2398747 |Almaty, Kazakhstan |Singapore 188613 |

|Fax:2398153 |Tel:919823 |Tel:3392776 |

| |Fax:919823 |Fax:3392666 |

|Sri Lanka – Colombo |Sweden – Stockholm |Thailand – Bangkok |

|Thorestan Street |Utrikbsdepatementet |45/4 Sukhumvit |

|PO Box 269 |103 39 Stockholm, Sweden |SO13 Bankok Wattana |

|22/2 Colombo |Tel:46-8-143715 |10116, Thailand |

|Tel:576959 |Fax:46-8-202248 |Tel:6503301/4 |

|Fax:576959 | |Fax:6503305 |

|Turkey – Istanbul |United States – Detroit |United States – San Francisco |

|Haiaskargzicad No 107 |SOI – 10415 Dixon St. |1255 Post St |

|1 KAT.: 3 P.K 80230 |Dearborn, Ml 41812 USA |San Francisco, CA 94109 USA |

|Tel:2482046/2312705/2333117 |Tel:8427032 |Tel:5673036 |

|Fax:2406808 |Fax:8427020 |Fax:5673371 |


|Bulgaria |01 208469 |

|Algeria |01 219689 |

|China |01 275337 |

|Cuba |01446557 |

|Czech Republic |01440798 |

|Djibouti |01445264 |

|Egypt |01275949 |

|Eritrea |01209422 |

|Ethiopia |01208833 |

|France |01268882 |

|Germany |01413174 |

|Indonesia |01418003 |

|Iraq |01440182 |

|Iran |01269165 |

|India |01441251 |

|Italy |01413552 |

|Japan |01423700 |

|Jordan |01413279 |

|Kuwait |01268879 |

|Lebanon |01203959 |

|Libya |01508157 |

|Mauriania |01414735 |

|Malaysia |01415605 |

|Morocco |01426628 |

|Netherlands |01421800 |

|Oman |01208874 |

|Pakistan |01248814 |

|Palestine |01264236 |

|Poland |01412243 |

|Qatar |01304640 |

|Russian Federation |01278719 |

|Saudi Arabia |01240429 |

|Syria |01414891 |

|Sudan |01413813 |

|Tanzania |01240458 |

|Turkey |01440531 |

|United Kingdom |01500192 |

|U A E |01248780 |

|U S A |01303160 |

|Somalia |01426091 |


|UNP |01448605 |

|UNICEF |01470573 |

|FAO |01207331 |

|World Bank |01413805 |

|EU |01440883 |

|NDI |01445533 |

|GTZ Germany |01426907 |

|Red Cross |01467873 |

|DFID |01246944 |

|CARE Int’l |01243379 |

|GTZ Germany |01414110 |

|Friedrich Ebert |01291232 |


|Sheraton Hotel sana’a |01237500 |

|Faj Sheba Hotel |01272372 |

|Mercure-Acco Hotel |01212544 |

|Shahran Hotel |01248724 |

|Sam City Hotel |01270752 |

|Jaj Talha Hotel |01287130 |

|Panorama Hotel |01218971 |

|Shammar Suits |01418545 |

|Hilltown Hotel |01278426 |

|Sheraton Gold Mohur |02204010 |

|Aden Hotel |02232911 |

|Drescent Hotel |02203471 |

|Sofitel-Accor Hotel |04200311 |

|Asia Hotel |04254453 |

|Yemen Tourism Hotel |04253221 |

|Holiday Inn Mukalla |05306160 |

|Al-Hawata Palace |05425010 |

|Hadhramout Hotel |05302060 |

|Samah Sayun Hotel |05403623 |

|Bilquis Marib Hotel |06302372 |

|Al-Fakhama Hotel |03213009 |

|Jaj Awsan |03235270 |

|Royal Plaza Hotel |04411422 |

Sofitel Taiz Hotel-Accor Hotels, Yemen

The Sofitel Taiz Hotel is uniquely situated overlooking the pricturesque dity of Taiz, ideally located for business & leisure travelers. For relaxation and refreshment, spend some time by our outdoor swimming gool and enjoy the breathtaking view of Saber Mountain. The hotel’s fine reputation is experienced in its banquet services, and Queen Sabaa Banquet hall can accommodate up to 400 guests. Your highest expenctations of tradition, comfort and style are pleasantly met with our 135 rooms, induding 9 junior suits and 1 Presidential Suite.

Mercure Sana’a Hotel-Accor Hotels, Yemen

The Meccures Sana’a is conveniently located in the heart of the capital city. Only 30 km from Sana’a International Airport, the hotel is adjacent to Al-Saeed commercial center, with easy access to the business district and nearby the famous *Bab Al-Yemen*.

Whether for business or leisure, the Mercure Sana’s Hotel awaits to make your stay pleasant and friendly with courteous staff, making if the ideal location for your stay in Sana’a. The hotel is cozy and modern, with 70 spacious rooms including 35 well-designed suites, central air-conditioning, direct dial telephones, satellite TV, coffee shop, business center with meeting room, and banquet hall and restaurant.

Aden Hotel, Yemen

Aden Hotel is on international five-star hotel, surrounded by a beautiful garden, and ideally situated in the residential area of Khormaksar-just 5 minutes from the Aden International Airport, the new port (container Transit Terminal) and free zone, as well as the city center,. The hotel feature comfortable rooms with good facilities, a restaurant which serves a wide choice of Oriental, Continental & International dishes, as well as a large open swimming pool.

Al-Hawta Palace Hotel, Yemen

The only first-class hotel in the world built entirely of mud and clay, the original structure dotes back 150 years and is characteristic of the architecture of the Wadi Hadramout. The hotel is located in a palm oasis covering 50 sq. km, enhanced with trees representing the local flora. The compound contains four buildings, each finished and decorated in one of the local regional styles. The swimming pool area is developed and decorated in one of the local regional styles. The swimming pool area is developed and decorated like a traditional old villa of Tarim. The architecture, decorations and famishing are authentic, rendering the hotel a virtual live-in museum. The hotel has 55 guest rooms, 3 suites, swimming pool, a restaurant and boutique-handicraft shop. The hotel is situated 5 km from Shibam and 5 km from Soyun, in the countryside village of Al-Hawta along the main road between Mukalla-Sayun.

Bilquis Hotel, Yemen

The Bilquis is a first-class 4-star hotel built just outside the city of Marib, a few minites drive from main archaeological sites like the Moon Temple, Bilquis temple and the old Marib Dam. Built in 1985 up to international standards, the hotel consist of 4 suites, 74 rooms and a restaurant. The rooms encircle a large courtyard and swimming pool area, which will refresh you from the mid-day heat of the desert. The hotel is the best place to stay and organize yourself to begin an expedition into Wadi Hadhramout, the Ramlat Al-Sabatain desert, or the Al-Jawf region. From the hotel, it is just two hours drive to reach the old Shabwa ruins, (1000 BC), just 45 minutes to Surwah ruins (1000 BC), and only one hour to the famous Barragish (800 BC).


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