A1 Journal article (refereed), original research

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020


Prof. N. Asokan October 2020

A Peer-reviewed scientific articles

A1 Journal article (refereed), original research

1. Tommi Gr?ndahl, N. Asokan: Effective writing style transfer via combinatorial paraphrasing. Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol. 2020(4): 175-195 (2020)

2. Tommi Gr?ndahl, N. Asokan: Text Analysis in Adversarial Settings: Does Deception Leave a Stylistic Trace?, ACM Computing Surveys (2019).

3. Lachlan Gunn, Ricardo Vieitez Parra, N. Asokan: Circumventing Cryptographic Deniability with Remote Attestation, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2019(3):350-369,

4. Samuel Marchal, Markus Miettinen , Thien Duc Nguyen, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: AUDI: Toward Autonomous IoT Device-Type Identification Using Periodic Communication. IEEE JSAC 37(6):1402-1412 (2019),

5. Jian Liu, Wenting Li, Ghassan O. Karame, N. Asokan: Scalable Byzantine Consensus via Hardware-Assisted Secret Sharing. IEEE Trans. Computers 68(1): 139-151 (2019),

6. Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, Hien Thi Thu Truong, N. Asokan: Sensor-based Proximity Detection in the Face of Active Adversaries, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 18(2): 444-457 (2019),

7. ?gnes Kiss, Masoud Naderpour, Jian Liu, N. Asokan, Thomas Schneider: SoK: Modular and Efficient Private Decision Tree Evaluation, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2019(2):187-208,

8. Markus Miettinen, N. Asokan: Ad-hoc key agreement: A brief history and the challenges ahead, Computer Communications, 131:32-34, 2018.

9. Elena Reshetova, Hans Liljestrand, Andrew Paverd, N. Asokan: Towards Linux Kernel Memory Safety, Software Practice and Experience, 48(12):2237-2256, 2018.

10. N. Asokan, Thomas Nyman, Norrathep Rattanavipanon, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Gene Tsudik: ASSURED: Architecture for Secure Software Update of Realistic Embedded Devices, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 37(11): 2290-2300 (2018).

11. Jian Liu, Wenting Li, Ghassan Karame, N. Asokan: Toward fairness of cryptocurrency payments, IEEE Security & Privacy, May/June (2018), 16(3): 81-89 (2018)

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

12. Andrew Paverd, Sandeep Tamrakar, Hoang Long Nguyen, Praveen Pendyala, Thien Duc Nguyen,

Elizabeth Stobert, Tommi Gr?ndahl, N. Asokan, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi: OmniShare: Encrypted

Cloud Storage for the Multi-Device Era, IEEE Internet Computing 22(4): 27-36 (2018).

13. ?gnes Kiss, Jian Liu, Thomas Schneider, N. Asokan, Benny Pinkas: Private Set Intersection for

Unequal Set Sizes with Mobile Applications, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies

(PoPETs), 2017(4):97-117,

14. Samuel Marchal, Giovanni Armano, Tommi Gr?ndahl, Kalle Saari, Nidhi Singh, N. Asokan: Offthe-Hook: An Efficient and Usable Client-Side Phishing Prevention Application. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66(10):1717-1733, (2017)

15. Tooska Dargahi, Moreno Ambrosin, Mauro Conti, N. Asokan: ABAKA: A novel attribute-based kanonymous collaborative solution for LBSs. Computer Communications 85: 1-13 (2016).

16. Hien Thi Thu Truong, Xiang Gao, Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, N. Asokan, Petteri Nurmi: Using contextual co-presence to strengthen Zero-Interaction Authentication: Design, integration and usability. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 16, Part B, January 2015, Pages 187? 204.

17. N Asokan, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Kari Kostiainen, Anand Rajan, Carlos V. Rozas, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Steffen Schulz, Christian Wachsmann: Mobile Trusted Computing. Proceedings of the IEEE 102(8): 1189-1206 (2014).

18. Jan-Erik Ekberg, Kari Kostiainen, N. Asokan: The Untapped Potential of Trusted Execution Environments on Mobile Devices, IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 12(4): 29-37 (2014).

19. Nitesh Saxena, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Kari Kostiainen, N. Asokan: Secure Device Pairing based on a Visual Channel, IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security 6(1):28-38. 2011.

20. John Solis, N. Asokan, Kari Kostiainen, Philip Ginzboorg, J?rg Ott: Controlling Resource Hogs in Delay-Tolerant Networks, Computer Communications, 33:1, 2-10, 2010.

21. Jani Suomalainen, Jukka Valkonen, N. Asokan: Standards for Security Associations in Personal Networks: A Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN), special issue on Secure Spontaneous Interaction, 2009.

22. Philip Ginzboorg, N. Asokan: Key Agreement in Ad-hoc Networks, Computer Communications, Special issue on security, 23 (2000):1627-1637, 2000. (00)00249-8

23. N. Asokan, Herv? Debar, Michael Steiner, Michael Waidner: Authenticating Public Terminals, Computer Networks, 31(8):861-870, May 1999. (98)00020-6

24. G?nter Karjoth, N. Asokan, Ceki G?lc?: Protecting the Computation Results of Free-roaming Agents, Personal Ubiquitous Computing, 2(2):92-99, December 1998.

25. N. Asokan, Victor Shoup, Michael Waidner: Optimistic Fair Exchange of Digital Signatures, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18(4):593-610, April 2000.

26. J. L. Abad-Peiro, N. Asokan, , Michael Steiner, Michael Waidner: Designing a Generic Payment Service, IBM Systems Journal, 37(1):72-88, January 1998.

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

27. N. Asokan, Gene Tsudik, Michael Waidner: Server-supported Signatures. Journal of Computer Security, 5(1):91-108, 1997.

A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review

28. N. Asokan, Phil Janson, Michael Steiner, Michael Waidner: State of the Art in Electronic Payment Systems, IEEE Computer, 30(9):28-35, September 1997. : Translation: (in Japanese) Nikkei Computer, pages 195-201, issue of March 30, 1998.

A3 Book section, chapters in research books

29. N. Asokan, Kaisa Nyberg: Security Associations for Personal Devices, (Invited book chapter) in S. Gritzalis et al. (Editors), "Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networking", (preprint at ), Troubador Publishing, 2008, ISBN 978-1905886-906,

30. N. Asokan, Matthias Schunter: Optimistic Fair Exchange (Invited book chapter) in H. Raghav Rao and Shambhu Upadhyay (editors), Information Assurance, Security and Privacy Services, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., May 2009, pages 365-390.

31. N. Asokan, Jan-Erik Ekberg: Mobile Digital Rights Management (book chapter) in Professional MITA ? Visions and Implementations, edited by Nokia, IT Press, 2002.

32. N. Asokan, Phil Janson, Michael Steiner, Michael Waidner: State of the Art in Electronic Payment Systems, (Invited book chapter) in Advances in Computers, Vol. 53, pages 425-449, Edited by Marvin. V. Zelkowitz, Academic Press, March 2000. (00)80009-1

A4 Conference proceedings

33. Hans Liljestrand, Thomas Nyman, Lachlan J. Gunn, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: PACStack: an Authenticated Call Stack. (to appear) in Usenix Security Conference, 2021.

34. Mika Juuti, Tommi Gr?ndahl, Adrian Flanagan, N. Asokan: A little goes a long way: Improving toxic language classification despite data scarcity. (to appear) in Findings of ACL: EMNLP 2020

35. Hans Liljestrand, Zaheer Gauhar, Thomas Nyman, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: Protecting the stack with PACed canaries, In SysTEX 2019.

36. Hien Thi Thu Truong, Juhani Toivonen, Thien Duc Nguyen, Claudio Soriente, Sasu Tarkoma, N. Asokan: DoubleEcho: Mitigating Context-Manipulation Attacks in Copresence Verification. PerCom 2019: 1-9,

37. Andrew Paverd, Marcus V?lp, Ferdinand Brasser, Matthias Schunter, N. Asokan, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Paulo Jorge Esteves Ver?ssimo, Andreas Steininger, Thorsten Holz: Sustainable Security & Safety: Challenges and Opportunities. CERTS 2019: 4:1-4:13

38. Fritz Alder, N. Asokan, Arseny Kurnikov, Andrew Paverd, Michael Steiner: S-FaaS: Trustworthy and Accountable Function-as-a-Service using Intel SGX, ACM CCSW 2019.

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

39. Lachlan J. Gunn, Jian Liu, Bruno Vavala, N. Asokan: Making Speculative BFT Resilient with Trusted Monotonic Counters, (to appear in) SRDS 2019.

40. Long Cheng, Hans Liljestrand, Md Salman Ahmed, Thomas Nyman, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao, Trent Jaeger, N. Asokan: Exploitation Techniques and Defenses for Data-Oriented Attacks, In IEEE SecDev 2019.

41. Hans Liljestrand, Thomas Nyman, Kui Wang, Carlos Chinea Perez, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: PAC it up: Towards Pointer Integrity using ARM Pointer Authentication, Usenix Security Conference, 2019.

42. Thien Duc Nguyen, Samuel Marchal, Markus Miettinen, Hossein Fereidooni, N. Asokan, AhmadReza Sadeghi: D?OT: A Federated Self-learning Anomaly Detection System for IoT, IEEE ICDCS 2019,

43. Hans Liljestrand, Thomas Nyman, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: Authenticated Call Stack, DAC 2019 (poster),

44. Thomas Nyman, Ghada Dessouky, Shaza Zeitouni, Aaro Lehikoinen, Andrew Paverd, AhmadReza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: HardScope: Hardening Embedded Systems Against Data-Oriented Attacks, DAC 2019.

45. Mika Juuti, Sebastian Szyller, Samuel Marchal, N. Asokan: PRADA: Protecting Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks, IEEE Euro S&P, 2019.

46. Tommi Gr?ndahl, Luca Pajola, Mika Juuti, Mauro Conti, N. Asokan: All you need is "love": Evading hate speech detection, AISec, 2018.

47. Mika Juuti, Bo Sun, Tatsuya Mori and N. Asokan: Stay On-Topic: Generating Context-specific Fake Restaurant Reviews, European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 2018.

48. Samuel Marchal, N. Asokan: On Designing and Evaluating Phishing Webpage Detection Techniques for the Real World. CSET @ USENIX Security Symposium 2018,

49. A Kurnikov, A Paverd, M Mannan, N Asokan: Keys in the Clouds: Auditable Multi-device Access to Cryptographic Credentials, Workshop on Security, Privacy, Identity Management in the Cloud (SECPID). 2018.

50. Fritz Alder, Arseny Kurnikov, Andrew Paverd, N. Asokan: Migrating SGX Enclaves with Persistent State. Distributed Systems and Networks (DSN) 2018.

51. Markus Miettinen, Thien Duc Nguyen, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: Revisiting contextbased authentication in IoT. DAC 2018: 32:1-32:6

52. Chris Vaas, Mika Juuti, N. Asokan, Ivan Martinovic: Get in Line: Ongoing Co-Presence Verification of a Vehicle Formation Based on Driving Trajectories, IEEE Euro S&P, 2018.

53. Jian Liu, Duan Li, Yong Li, N. Asokan: Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data: Refined Model and New Constructions, CT-RSA 2018:374-393.

54. Arseny Kurnikov, Klaudia Krawiecka, Andrew Paverd, Mohammad Mannan, N. Asokan: Using SafeKeeper to Protect Web Passwords. WWW (Companion Volume) 2018: 159-162,

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

55. Klaudia Krawiecka, Arseny Kurnikov, Andrew Paverd, Mohammad Mannan, N. Asokan:

SafeKeeper: Protecting Web Passwords using Trusted Execution Environments. World Wide

Web conference 2018.

56. Jian Liu, Mika Juuti, Yao Lu, N. Asokan: Oblivious Neural Network Predictions via MiniONN

Transformations. CCS 2017: 619-631,

57. Elena Reshetova, Filippo Bonazzi, N. Asokan: Randomization Can't Stop BPF JIT Spray. NSS 2017:


58. Thomas Nyman, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Lucas Davi, N. Asokan: CFI CaRE: Hardware-supported Call and Return Enforcement for Commercial Microcontrollers, in RAID 2017: 259-2847.

59. Ghada Dessouky, Shaza Zeitouni, Thomas Nyman, Andrew Paverd, Lucas Davi, Patrick Koeberl, N. Asokan, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi: LO-FAT: Low-Overhead Control Flow ATtestation in Hardware. DAC 2017: 24:1-24:6,

60. Radek Tomsu, Samuel Marchal, N. Asokan: Profiling Users by Modeling Web Transactions. IEEE ICDCS 2017: 2399-2404, Atlanta, GA, June 2017,

61. Markus Miettinen, Samuel Marchal, Ibbad Hafeez, Tommaso Frassetto, N. Asokan, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Sasu Tarkoma: IoT Sentinel Demo: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT. IEEE ICDCS 2017: 2511-2514, Atlanta, GA, June 2017, (Best demo/poster)

62. Markus Miettinen, Samuel Marchal, Ibbad Hafeez, N. Asokan, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Sasu Tarkoma: IoT SENTINEL: Automated Device-Type Identification for Security Enforcement in IoT. IEEE ICDCS 2017: 2177-2184, Atlanta, GA, June 2017,

63. Mika Juuti, Christian Vaas, Ivo Sluganovic, Hans Liljestrand, N. Asokan, Ivan Martinovic: STASH: Securing transparent authentication schemes using prover-side proximity verification. IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), San Diego, CA, June 2017,

64. Sandeep Tamrakar, Jian Liu, Andrew Paverd, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Benny Pinkas, N. Asokan: The Circle Game: Scalable Private Membership Test Using Trusted Hardware. ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2017 (Honorable Mention),

65. Elena Reshetova, Filippo Bonazzi, N. Asokan: SELint: an SEAndroid policy analysis tool. ICISSP 2017: 47-58,

66. Klaudia Krawiecka, Andrew Paverd, N. Asokan: Protecting Password Databases using Trusted Hardware. SysTEX@Middleware 2016: 9:1-9:6,

67. Kubilay Ahmet K???k, Andrew Paverd, Andrew C. Martin, N. Asokan, Andrew Simpson, Robin Ankele: Exploring the use of Intel SGX for Secure Many-Party Applications. SysTEX@Middleware 2016: 5:1-5:6,

68. Tigist Abera, N. Asokan, Lucas Davi, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Thomas Nyman, Andrew Paverd, AhmadReza Sadeghi, Gene Tsudik: C-FLAT: Control-FLow ATtestation for Embedded Systems Software. ACM Conference on Computer and Communicatiosn Security (ACM CCS), Vienna, Austria, 2016,

69. Tigist Abera, N. Asokan, Lucas Davi, Farinaz Koushanfar, Andrew Paverd, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Gene Tsudik: Invited - Things, trouble, trust: on building trust in IoT systems. DAC 2016: 121:1121:6,

70. Elena Reshetova, Filippo Bonazzi, Thomas Nyman, Ravishankar Borgaonkar, N. Asokan: Characterizing SEAndroid Policies in the Wild. ICISSP 2016: 482-489,

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

71. Narges Yousefnezhad, Marcin Nagy, N. Asokan: On Improving Tie Strength Estimates by Aggregating Multiple Communication Channels. IFIP Networking 2016: 530-535,

72. Samuel Marchal, Kalle Saari, Nidhi Gupta, N. Asokan: Know Your Phish: Novel Techniques for Detecting Phishing Sites and their Targets, 36th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June 2016,

73. Otto Huhta, Prakash Shrestha, Swapnil Udar, Mika Juuti, Nitesh Saxena, N. Asokan: Pitfalls in Designing Zero-Effort Deauthentication: Opportunistic Human Observation Attacks, Networks and Distributed Systems Conference (NDSS), February 2016,

74. Altaf Shaik, Ravishankar Borgaonkar, N. Asokan, Valtteri Niemi, Jean-Pierre Seifert: Practical attacks against privacy and availability in 4G/LTE mobile communication systems, Networks and Distributed Systems Conference (NDSS), February 2016.

75. Jian Liu, N. Asokan, Benny Pinkas: Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data without Additional Independent Servers. 2015 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Denver, Colorado, October 2015.

76. Jian Liu, N. Asokan, Benny Pinkas: Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data without Additional Independent Servers. 2015 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Denver, Colorado, October 2015.

77. N. Asokan, Ferdinand Brasser, Ahmad Ibrahim, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Matthias Schunter, Gene Tsudik, Christian Wachsmann, SEDA: Scalable Embedded Device Attestation. 2015 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Denver, Colorado, October 2015.

78. Imtiaj Ahmad, Yina Ye, Sourav Bhattacharya, N. Asokan, Giulio Jacucci, Petteri Nurmi, Sasu Tarkoma: Checksum Gestures: Continuous Gestures as an Out-of-Band Channel for Secure Pairing. 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM UbiComp 2015), Osaka, Japan, September 2015.

79. Thomas Nyman, Brian McGillion, N. Asokan: On Making Emerging Trusted Execution Environments Accessible to Developers, 8th International Conference of Trust & Trustworthy

Computing (TRUST 2015), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, August 24-26, 2015,

80. Brian McGillion, Tanel Dettenborn, Thomas Nyman, N. Asokan: Open-TEE - An Open Virtual Trusted Execution Environment, 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy

in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2015), Helsinki, Finland, August 20-22, 2015,

81. Marcin Nagy, Thanh Bui, Emiliano De Cristofaro, N. Asokan, Joerg Ott, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi: How Far Removed Are You? Scalable Privacy-Preserving Estimation of Social Path Length with Social PaL. 8th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec), New York, June 2015.

82. Markus Miettinen, N. Asokan, Farinaz Koushanfar, Thien Duc Nguyen, Jon Rios, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Majid Sobhani, Sudha Yellapantula: I Know Where You are: Proofs of Presence Resilient to Malicious Provers. 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), Singapore, April 2015.

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

83. Christoph Busold, Stephan Heuser, Jon Rios, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: Smart and Secure Cross-Device Apps for the Internet of Advanced Things. Financial Cryptography 2015: 272-290,

84. Thomas Nyman, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: Citizen Electronic Identities using TPM 2.0. ACM TrustED@CCS 2014: 37-48

85. Markus Miettinen, N. Asokan, Thien Duc Nguyen, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Majid Sobhani: Context-Based Zero-Interaction Pairing and Key Evolution for Advanced Personal Device, 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Scottsdale, Arizona, November 2014.

86. Markus Miettinen, Stephan Heuser, Wiebke Kronz, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: ConXsense ? Context Profiling and Classification for Context-Aware Access Control, 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), Kyoto, Japan, June 2014 (Best paper award).

87. Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, Hien Thi Thu Truong, N. Asokan: Drone to the Rescue: RelayResilient Authentication using Ambient Multi-sensing. Financial Cryptography 2014: 349-364.

88. Eemil Lagerspetz, Hien Thi Thu Truong, Sasu Tarkoma, N. Asokan: MDoctor: A Mobile Malware Prognosis Application. ICDCS Workshops 2014: 201-206.

89. Jian Liu, Sini Ruohomaa, Kumaripaba Athukorala, Giulio Jacucci, N. Asokan, Janne Lindqvist: Groupsourcing: nudging users away from unsafe content. NordiCHI 2014: 883-886.

90. Elena Reshetova, Janne Karhunen, Thomas Nyman, N. Asokan: Security of OS-Level Virtualization Technologies. NordSec 2014: 77-93.

91. Hien Thi Thu Truong, Eemil Lagerspetz, Petteri Nurmi, Adam J. Oliner, Sasu Tarkoma, N. Asokan, Sourav Bhattacharya: The Company You Keep: Mobile Malware Infection Rates and Inexpensive Risk Indicators, Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2014), Seoul, Korea, April 2014.

92. Hien Truong, Xiang Gao, Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, N. Asokan, Petteri Nurmi: Comparing and Fusing Different Sensor Modalities for Relay Attack Resistance in Zero-Interaction Authentication, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (IEEE PerCom), Budapest, Hungary, March 2014.

93. Babins Shrestha, Nitesh Saxena, Hien Truong, N. Asokan: Drone to the Rescue: Relay-Resilient Authentication using Ambient Multi-Sensing, Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC 2014), Barbados, March 2014.

94. Marcin Nagy, Alexandra Dimitrienki, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, N. Asokan: Do I know you?: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Common Friend-Finder Protocols and Applications, Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), New Orleans, December 2013.

95. Marcin Nagy, N. Asokan, J?rg Ott: PeerShare: A System Secure Distribution of Sensitive Data Among Social Contacts, Proceedings of Nordsec 2013, Ilulissat, Greenland, October 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8208, pp 154-165.

96. N. Asokan, Alexandra Dmitrienko, Marcin Nagy, Elena Reshetova, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, Stanislaus Stelle: CrowdShare: Secure Mobile Resource Sharing , Proceedings of ACNS

Publications of Prof. N. Asokan

October 2020

2013, Banff, AB, Canada, June 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7954, pp 432-440.

97. Aditi Gupta, Markus Miettinen, Marcin Nagy, N. Asokan: Intuitive security policy configuration in

mobile devices using context profiling, Proceedings of the SocialCom 2012 Conference,

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2012.


98. Jan-Erik Ekberg, Alexandra Afanasyeva , N. Asokan: Authenticated encryption primitives for size-

constrained trusted computing, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Trust and

Trustworthy Computing (TRUST), Vienna, Austria, June 2012.


99. Pern Hui Chia, Yusuke Yamamoto, N. Asokan: Is this app safe?: a large scale study on application

permissions and risk, Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web

(WWW 2012), Lyon, France, April 2012.


Aditi Gupta, Markus Miettinen, Marcin Nagy, N. Asokan, Alexandre Wetzel: PeerSense:

who is near you? IEEE PerCom Workshops 2012: 516-518.


Aditi Gupta, Markus Miettinen, N. Asokan: Using context-profiling to aid access control

decisions in mobile devices. IEEE PerCom Workshops 2011: 310-312 (Best demo award),


John Solis, Philip Ginzboorg, N. Asokan, J?rg Ott: Best effort authentication for

opportunistic networks, HotWisec 2011, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Performance

Computing and Communications Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 2011.


Sandeep Tamrakar, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: Identity verification schemes for public

transport ticketing with NFC phones, Proceedings of the sixth ACM workshop on Scalable

trusted computing (STC 2011), Chicago, October 2011.


Kari Kostiainen, N. Asokan: Credential life cycle management in open credential

platforms, Proceedings of the sixth ACM workshop on Scalable trusted computing (STC 2011),

Chicago, October 2011.


Kari Kostiainen, Jan-Erik Ekberg, N. Asokan: Practical Property-Based Attestation on

Mobile Devices, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy

Computing (TRUST 2011), Pittsburgh, June 2011.



Kari Kostiainen, Alexandra Afanasyeva, N. Asokan: Towards User-Friendly Credential

Transfer on Open Credential, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applied

Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '11), Malaga, June 2011.


Nitesh Saxena, Md. Borhan Uddin, Jonathan Voris, N. Asokan: Vibrate-to-unlock: Mobile

phone assisted user authentication to multiple personal RFID tags, IEEE International

Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) 2011, Seattle, March 2011.


Sandeep Tamrakar, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Pekka Laitinen, N. Asokan, Tuomas Aura: Can Hand-

held Computers Still be Better Smart Cards? (with Sandeep Tamrakar et al), Proceedings of the

Second International Conference on Trusted Systems (INTRUST), Beijing, December 2010.


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