New Employee Course - Level 1

New Employee Course - Level 1Created on 4/28/2015 8:49:00 AMTable of Contents TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \t New Employee Course - Level 1 PAGEREF _Toc417974317 \h 1Introduction To The Payroll Financial Center PAGEREF _Toc417974318 \h 1Navigating Payroll & Financial Center PAGEREF _Toc417974319 \h 1Navigating Payroll & Financial Center Overview PAGEREF _Toc417974320 \h 1Navigating Payroll & Financial Center Lesson PAGEREF _Toc417974321 \h 1New Employee Course - Level 1Introduction To The Payroll Financial CenterNavigating Payroll & Financial CenterNavigating Payroll & Financial Center OverviewThe Payroll & Financial Center menu hierarchy is an easy-to-use navigation tool that displays menus that show you where you are in the system.? ?Choice of application suites can differ between departments or user groups within an enterprise.? The Payroll & Financial Center suites include elements to support:? ??Address Book?????????????????? ??Budget Office?????????????????? ??Accounting – State Accounting?????????????????? ??Accounting – Agencies?????????????????? ??Grants and Projects?????????????????? ??Inter-agency Billing?????????????????? ??Payables?????????????????? ??Receivables?????????????????? ??Purchasing?????????????????? ?? ????????? ?? ??Payroll??Navigating Payroll & Financial Center LessonThe Payroll & Financial Center menu hierarchy is an easy-to-use navigation tool that displays menus that show you where you are in the system.? ?Choice of application suites can differ between departments or user groups within an enterprise.? The Payroll & Financial Center suites include elements to support:? ??Address Book?????????????????? ??Budget Office?????????????????? ??Accounting – State Accounting?????????????????? ??Accounting – Agencies?????????????????? ??Grants and Projects?????????????????? ??Inter-agency Billing?????????????????? ??Payables?????????????????? ??Receivables?????????????????? ??Purchasing?????????????????? ?? ????????? ?? ??Payroll??ProcedureIn this lesson you will learn some basics about navigating through the Payroll & Financial Center.StepActionAs you navigate through the Payroll & Financial Center do not use your forward or back buttons on your browser.? Always use the buttons within the Payroll & Financial Center to navigate.In addition, when signing out be sure to use the Sign Out button in the upper right hand corner.? Do Not use the X in the upper right hand corner of your browser.StepActionClick the Navigator menu.Click the State of Nebraska link.This will display everything you have access to.? Please be aware that your actual menu may differ from this example or from what your co-workers have.? It all depends on your level of access.To collapse? your menu back down click the?Outside of the Search Menu's?link.You have Roles assigned to your profile which determine what you have access to.? Though you do not have to select a specific Role, by doing so you can narrow down what you see in your menu.Click the Roles link.Click the All My Roles list.Click the Accounting #30.Click the?Double Arrow?button.? This loads your Role.StepActionClick the Navigator menu.StepActionClick the State of Nebraska link.Notice how you now only see Accounting - on your menu where before you saw everything you have access to.? This is because you selected the Accounting #30 Role.? Click the Accounting link.Click the Manage Journal Entry link.Click the Enter Manual Journal Entries link.Reports can be identified in the menu with a blue dot.All other applications are identified in the menu with a blue square.Click the Journal Entries with Debit/Credit Format link.The application window opens and the application also is listed under the Open Applications.This is the Breadcrumbs area.? Breadcrumbs allow the user to keep track of the menus they have used to navigate to their current location.? By selecting an area within the Breadcrumbs, the user has the ability to go back to prior menus or establish a new menu path.StepActionClick the Enter Manual Journal Entries link.StepActionClick the Enter Recurring Journal Entries link.The second application window opens and is also listed under the Open Applications.You can go back and forth from open applications by selecting them from the Open Applications area.StepActionClick the Close button.StepActionClick the Close button.You are not back at the Main Menu.? You can reload all of your Roles so your menu will display everything you have access to. StepActionClick the Roles link.StepActionClick the Roles list.Click All My Roles.Click the?Double Arrows ?button.You have successfully completed some of the navigation basics of the Payroll & Financial Center.? For additional information Please view the Navigation System Basics Lessons.End of Procedure. ................

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